MTL - The Anarchic Consort-Chapter 15 Waste genius

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The luxury of the carriage, the transparent white, the vagueness of the big flash of gold, the uniqueness of the whole body.

"Hey? I won't be blinded? A waste also comes out to buy a high hat?" He Lianmei, who was bitten by a bee, just came down from the carriage and rounded his eyes. The mouth taunted: "Father, you are fast. Look, the big sister also wants to enter Taibai College, I don't know if it will be driven out!"

Helian Guangyao also walked out of the carriage. After seeing Helian Weiwei, he wrinkled his thick eyebrows. It seemed that even when she saw her, she felt sick: "I still stand here and do not lose face. go back!"

"Father, you are suffocating." He Lianjiao lifted his eyes and tears: "Big sister, how come you will come here? Is it because the son is with us?"

Standing on the side of the Murong Chang Fengpao sleeves hunting, graceful, he turned over the dark-skinned woman, slowly raised his eyebrows, can not cover the disgust: "This world also wants to know, how is this back thing."

"As I see it, the older sister is following the world, and it is not a ghost! I don't want to think about the things she has done. Which man will look at her? Unless it is blind!" He Lianmei sneered with his voice. Almost everyone on the street looked over here.

Hearing the last sentence, the shadow in the distance coughed up heavily, and the cold sweat shook his head and glanced at the side face of his master.

The man slowly turned the black jade finger on his finger, and the deep hail could not see a little bit of anger.

Buddha bless, His Highness, he did not hear that sentence, he must have heard... fart!

The woman shouted "eyes" and shouted so loudly that he heard it, how could the master not hear it!

"I said, big sister, shouldn't you still die for the world?" He Lianmei glanced at her: "Are you awake, the world is like the second sister, the second sister is where you are." You haven’t bought anything for so long, it’s not enough money? Oh, look at the mirror and look at your poor and sour, don’t always think about flying to the top and changing the phoenix all day long. !"

He Liweiwei both hands around her chest, she did not open her mouth from beginning to end, until He Lianmei closed her mouth, she slowly raised her mouth: "Are you finished?"

The most incomprehensible thing about He Lianmei is that she has a light and bleak look on everything, and a heavy cold cry!

"Since you have finished, it will be for me." Helen Weiwei took a step forward, with a smile on his lips. Then she suddenly bent down and reached out to pinch Herren. Mei's chin: "Who told you, I am following you? The sister is just going to the streets to buy something. You also want to see yourself too heavy. As for Murong Changfeng, you will take it quickly... one only The **** man who has not had a long brain in his lower body, the sister looked disgusting."

"You, you, how dare you say this to the world!" He Lianmei shivered and angered at Helen Weiwei.

Murong Changfeng is even more angry. The whole face is distorted. What does this **** woman say about herself? A scum male who only grows in the lower body without a long brain?

I don't know who is running behind my **** all day. Is it a way to attract him now?

If that's the case, then he really wants to congratulate this idiot waste, she did it!

Now Murong Changfeng can't wait to understand Helen Weiwei with a sword. He has never been like this, so he hates a person!

"Shizi..." Helianjiao discovered that since the appearance of the monk, all the attention of Murong Changfeng has been attracted, how can this be!

She reached out and grabbed the sleeves of Murong Changfeng, biting her thin lips gently. I saw the red eyes of the pity: "I don't want to compare with the big sister. She just can't bear the world, I want to let the world change her mind." ......"

"This life will not be a waste of shamelessness in this life!" Murong Changfeng disdainfully sneered, his face as an ice sculpture in the Taibai Mountain, stinking and hard!

Helen Weiwei did not care what he was reacting, throwing strawberries in his left hand, letting him sneer behind him.

In the distance, the man's black and white shackles lifted up and reflected a small face that did not matter.

That face, calm, calm, poor and previously incompetent has a world of difference.

Under the man's silver face, the delicate thin lips have a smug smile, and Helen Weiwei, you are really interesting...

Seeing that you are so interesting, the temple will stay for a few more days.

Such a fun prey, playing too early, is boring...

"His Royal Highness?" The shadows shook the goose bumps on my body. My mother, can you not laugh again? Where are you not happy, you say it directly!

"Go." The man faintly dropped a word, the long sleeves floated, and the back was loose.

A glimpse of the shadow, go?

Say good to kill that "red dragonfly" today?

Is it your own mind to change your mind?

According to the habits of the former master, the later the person is cleaned up, the person's end will usually be worse.

Looking back at the shadow, he glanced at Helen Weiwei in Long Street, silently mourning for the other party...

On the other hand, Murong Changfeng’s angry and unrelenting Helianjiao children entered the inn. The reason why they will travel together this day is that Murong Changfeng wants to explain He Lianjiao to his master, Master Tutian. .

Tutian sees his own apprentice's angry face pushing in and frowning: "Chang Feng, how many times he said to the teacher, to become a successful martial art, practice is very important, and the state of mind is also very important. ”

"Yes!" Murong Chang Feng smashed his hand, although some were not convinced, but it was obedient.

Tu Tian will not see it, but he has not broken it. He is a good apprentice. He is a bit arrogant and can't listen to other people's teachings. Maybe it's because he is born too well, hehe! It’s not like yesterday’s gimmick, it’s indifferent, it’s not humble, it’s a bit of love!

Thinking of this, Tutian has some regrets: "Well, don't say this, I let you find someone for the teacher, have you found it?"

Murong Changfeng shook his head and said: "The child turned over the entire capital, and did not find the girl said in the mouth of the master. Master, who is this person, is it worth your attention?"

"A peerless genius!" Tutian said the hoe, can not help but excited: "You do not know how high her martial arts talent, even the Supreme Master wants to accept her as a disciple, personally teach! ”


Murong Changfeng looked up and there was a hint of surprise in the light!

He used to want to worship the old man as a teacher, but whether he came to visit himself or his father, Murong, sent a car to ask, the temperament, the old man with eyes above the top, never even saw them!

It’s just that the old man is actually going to take the apprentice. He is very curious about who entered his eyes?