MTL - The Alternate World Is Too Dangerous: I Hide In Reality And Rule!-Chapter 265 tiger curse

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  Chapter 265 Tiger Devouring Curse

   the next day.


  Wei Xingmin's car drove into the manor early in the morning, and Wei Xingmin was also waiting in the lobby, waiting for Lin Ye to finish his breakfast before welcoming him over.

   "Mr. Lin, did you sleep comfortably last night?"

   "These millions of mattresses and quilts, if you still can't sleep comfortably, Mr. Wei's money is not wasted."

  Lin Ye smiled. Every item in this manor exudes low-key luxury. Although he doesn't know any brands, he can feel it from the quality.

   "It is my honor to let Mr. Lin sleep well."

Wei Xingmin's posture was very low. After guessing that the person who wanted Tian Huangshi might be the consultant Lin, he immediately ordered a brand new mattress and quilt cover. Normally, it would take him several days to place an order, but Wei Xingmin directly I used my relationship and rented a plane to send it over.

  Of course, he would not tell Mr. Lin about these things. If he said it bluntly, it would be a bit deliberate to ask for credit.

   "President Wei doesn't need to be so polite. The so-called taking people's money to eliminate disasters, since I have accepted your Tian Huangshi, I will naturally do what I promised you."

   "Wei will always be like this. You haven't reached a deal between you yet, so you will ask for a lot of money."

   "Thank you Wei Changqing, thank you Gu Guimei." Listening to the tiger's answer, Mr. Lin kept expressing his gratitude, and at the same time said to his son: "Changqing, thank you Wei Changqing."

   "Consultant Lin, we meet again!"

   "Mr. Wei, you have no doubts."

   "It is difficult."

When the tiger asked, Wei Xingmin's eyes darkened, Gu Guimei shook his head, and said helplessly, "Wei Changqing, I told you that I didn't know that my son was poisoned, so you ended the investigation as soon as possible, please Elder Wei helped, hired private detectives, and even asked people from the appraisal office to intervene, but unfortunately they were able to find out all of them."

When the tiger practiced with the old Taoist in another world, he specifically asked about the curses. As a modern person, the least suspenseful rumors are not the so-called zombies and Miaojiang poisonous Gu, and the old Taoist threw it to me. A Compendium of Poison Gu Techniques.

  It is certain that the Tiger Demon Tiger can be found in the modern world, but if there is no such thing in the other world, Gu Guixin is like Ming Jing, the big tiger outside his home is more ineffective than the blood of any Tiger Demon.

To use the Tiger Devouring Curse, you must first refine the poisonous Gu. The person casting the curse must select hundreds of geckos and let them fight with my poison. Then take its tail and grind it into powder, and let the cursed person swallow it into the throat.

Gu Gui didn't quite understand why Mr. Lin and Mr. Wei went to Hushan, because the worst way to undo the curse was not to borrow Lin Ye's power. Presumably, Mr. Lin and Mr. Wei found out that there was no Lin Ye in Hushan. rumor.


   "Yes, yes, yes, Wei Changqing really has sharp eyes!"

Mr. Lin became even more excited. At the beginning, I asked Mr. Wei to find ten strangers to watch, but none of them could see what was going on with his son, and the other eight could see that his son was under a curse. , but he knew what the curse was. At first, Mr. Wei found out that his son had been hit by the tiger-eating curse before he searched a lot of information.

   "Can you see his legs?"

   "What is there, something that can be seen at a glance."

  Poison Gu curses are extremely vicious, and it is difficult to dissolve in the real world, but it is difficult in another world.

   I really let myself feel so embarrassed.

Qingfeng Temple is to cultivate poisonous Gu, but Qingfeng Temple is one of the four small Taoist temples. The disciples of the past dynasties have killed many Gu masters who used poisonous Gu to harm people. In Qingfengguan Collection.

There are not many ways to break the Tiger Devouring Curse. In the most places, you must find a tiger that has become a spirit. The Tiger Devouring Curse is named after a tiger, but it is actually a gecko. For the Tiger Clan It is an offense, so as long as a tiger that has not cultivated to become a master can get some blood from under the tiger and drink it, the Tiger Devouring Curse can be resolved.

  Lin Ye is a tiger demon, but all tiger demons belong to Gu Gui.

  That kind of ulceration is associated with the bones. The ending is not divided by the waist. The upper and lower parts of the body are broken. The cursed person suffers from the pain of ulceration but is difficult to die.

   "Yes, Wei Changqing really has seen people. Changqing was indeed cursed by someone."

  Tiger looked at Wei Xingmin, and from Wei Xingmin's expression, I could see the joy of being too infrequent, as if I cared too much about whether the curse under me could be undone.

   "It's difficult to investigate. If you want to use the Tiger Devouring Curse, you must let your son enter your throat, and there should be only a few suspects."

There will be no curse marks on the legs of the person who is cursed. For example, the white lines are particularly criss-crossed, first on the legs, and then quickly to the waist. The parts of the body where the white lines spread will become stalls. Sometimes, the entire waist will be completely festered.

  Tiger's wonderful answer made Mr. Delin's excited body shake, and he immediately said excitedly: "Wei Changqing, as long as you can solve the poisonous curse under Changqing, you can't mention it without any conditions."

   "Gu Guimei, please tell me?"

  The Tiger Devouring Curse is a poisonous Gu curse.

   Half a sound ago, the tiger opened his mouth, and Mr. Lin beside him showed a happy expression: "Changqing, show Wei Changqing some time."

  Wei Xingmin greeted the tiger with a smile, but the tiger didn't respond to Wei Xingmin's smile. Instead, he walked up to Wei Xingmin and looked down at Gu Guimei.

   "Wei Changqing, what can you do?"

   "Thank you, Wei Changqing, for being willing to help your disabled person."

  When a young boy from above and below came over, he squatted down and stroked Wei Xingmin's trousers down to his knees.

   "Bad, Wei Changqing please!"

  The most difficult part of the Tiger Devouring Curse is casting the curse, but the poisonous Gu.

   "Did you find out who cast the Tiger-Eating Curse, Your Young Master?"

  Seeing that one, the woman named Ouyang Mingri sitting under a wheelchair in the step-by-step martial arts drama "Snow Flower Male Dragon" that I saw when I was a child suddenly appeared in Tiger's mind.

  Wei Xingmin also knew from Mr. Wei that Wei Changqing was invited by his father to treat him. He was as inferior as Mr. Wei, and his strength was weaker than Mr. Wei.

   It is because the person who took that name is also to add glory to his face. The so-called tiger bite curse is not a tiger, but a gecko.

   "Wei Changqing is bad."

The car is an exclusive low-rise elevator parked on the ground floor, all the way to the top floor, and when you walk out of the elevator door, the modern and technological sense of the whole small building is the same, but the decoration on the top floor is antique, giving people a time-space replacement illusion.

   It’s true that that person is really not qualified to say that. He only has strength on the side, and even his eyesight on the other side. It is indeed obvious at a glance.

  But who would have thought that seven years later, Changqing would be conspired against and cursed, causing his legs to be paralyzed. That blow to me made me happier than bankruptcy.

  To be honest, Lin Ye felt a little helpless for Wei Xingmin's low profile. If he hadn't opened the golden finger, he might never see a big man like Wei Xingmin in his lifetime.

   "Mr. Wei, let's go."

  As for the fact that Wei Xingmin approached him for help, Mr. Lin also informed me last night.

As soon as the tiger said that, the corner of Wei Lao's mouth twitched. It took me a few years to find out what kind of Gu Zhang Qing was, but that guy was so bad, he could tell at a glance of.

  As the trousers were pulled up, criss-cross white lines appeared under Wei Xingmin's calves. When Wei Xingmin's legs were lifted slightly, the white lines were like wriggling white nematodes, which made people feel horrified.

  Tiger doesn’t know that my words will hurt Wei Dongping. In my opinion, that is indeed a very complicated matter.

   "Please Wei Changqing."

   This big tiger was Lin Ye before, without Gu Gui's blood.

  Even if Wei Changqing wants all my property, I am willing.

  Mr. Lin introduced my son to Gu Gui, that is my youngest son, and also the son I love the most.

Listening to the tiger's answer, Mr. Lin showed joy on his face. It took Mr. Wei a lot of time to confirm his son's situation at the beginning, but Wei Changqing told his son's situation at a glance, which made me feel sad. Hope sprang up outside.

  Gu Gui glanced at it, then looked away, and repeated a sentence.

"Wei Changqing, before you were poisoned by the poison curse, you told your father what you ate recently, but before the investigation, is it possible that these chefs are all possible, and the most unlikely thing is not that you bought a bottle of water in the store today. No one delays poisoning outside the water, because this store is where you often go outside, and if the poisoner has no intention of planning, if he does, he will leave clues for himself."

  Gu Guimei led the tiger out of the car and sat in the front row, while I sat in the co-pilot myself. The driver started the car and drove out of the manor, and stopped at the first floor of the first lowest building in Shanghai.

Mr. Lin knew that he didn’t trust Wei Changqing when he asked that question, but I was too excited to hold back. Changqing is my best son. He has been excellent in both learning and dealing with people since he was sensible. What he was most proud of in that life was having such a small family property, but not having such an excellent son as Changqing.

  The tiger waved his hand, a tiger-eating curse is indeed difficult for me.

After the tiger and Mr. Lin got out of the elevator and stepped through the entrance, Wei Dongping just pushed the wheelchair over. Under the wheelchair sat a young woman in her 80s, with a fair complexion and rimmed glasses. Her whole body was as gentle as jade. , elegant temperament.

  Wei Xingmin first answered Gu Gui's question. Gu Gui nodded to express his understanding, but then suddenly said: "I know you can see his left foot? You mean the sole of the foot"

"Wei Changqing, Mr. Wei, you should know him by now. Let me introduce you. He is the dog Wei Xingmin."

  I am just a lucky one, and a businessman like Wei Xingmin who has worked hard for most of his life from scratch, he still maintains a certain degree of respect.

   Wei Xingmin raised his head and looked at the tiger, with a smile still on his face, and that smile was very indifferent.

   "Tiger bite curse?"

  Sitting in a wheelchair in a luxurious gold dress, he is as quiet as a virgin, and the slightest bit of shock is like a gentleman.

  (end of this chapter)