MTL - The Age of Giant Ships and Cannons-Chapter 362 Promoted to Higher Civilization——Human Star Clan

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  Chapter 362 Promotion to Higher Civilization—Human Star Clan

   When the Central Army Fleet officially jumped over, the battle in the galaxy was over.

   Without the suppression of the high-dimensional fortress, the remnants of the six-nation coalition gathered around less than ten battle stars, and forcibly jumped away.

   But the problem is not big, Li Qing didn't even have the idea of ​​chasing after, but started to assemble the fleet after the real body arrived.

  Anyway, their main force has been destroyed in this wave, and the six civilizations are absolutely shattered, especially the three small fifth-level civilizations in the Aisar star field suffered heavy losses, and their next strategic advantage has become their own.

   Slowly hit and slow down, all the way to the past.

  However, before the reorganization of the fleet was completed, the empire received surrender envoys from the three small civilizations.

   It doesn’t mean to surrender directly, but to secretly serve the United Empire of Mankind, and to surrender immediately when the imperial army arrives.

Obviously, seeing the Allied forces of the six nations being defeated on the spot, the three civilizations located in the Alsar star field were afraid, but they were also afraid that they would be liquidated by other civilizations on the spot if they surrendered immediately, so they wanted to pledge their allegiance secretly, and waited for humans to attack and destroy the three civilizations. Powerful civilizations surrender only after they are defeated.

   It can only be said that the abacus was well calculated.

   But it’s just a good game.

  Li Qing did not receive them at all, and directly expelled the mission.

   Unifying the Perseus spiral arm is the main strategy of civilization. This unification is complete domination, not a vassal situation.

  If you surrender before the war begins, then that’s fine. If you surrender now that you are about to lose, isn’t that a dream?


  Li Qing's strategic plan was not carried out as expected, because on the fourth day after his arrival, he suddenly sensed something raised his head, and then a transparent light curtain that only he could see unfolded in front of him, and an option appeared on it.

   "The United Empire of Mankind has met all the conditions for promotion to a higher civilization. Please choose a civilization's ideological trend, political system, and national policy within one month. If the timeout expires, the existing ideological trend and political system will be defaulted."

   That is to say, after one month, human civilization must be promoted to a higher civilization.

   "Well, hold off on the offensive!"

  But I didn't transfer the fleet back, I just waited for a while, and I can continue to fight after being promoted to a higher civilization.

The ideological trend of civilization refers to the most important ideological trend of all individuals in the entire civilization, such as equality, peace, materialism, idealism, xenophobia, militarism, etc. For example, the ideological trend of Feonuo's revival of the empire is extremely xenophobic, and the ideological trend of Ada's instructor is Extremely materialistic.

  Equality and authority are opposites.

  Peace and militarism are opposites.

   Idealism and materialism are also opposites.

  Pro-xenophobia and xenophobia are even more opposites.

  Generally speaking, a civilization can have many kinds of thinking, but there will be no opposing trends of thought.

  For example, the subject of civilization is extremely xenophobic. He can also be militaristic, idealistic or materialistic, or equal, or even peaceful thoughts, but it is impossible to have pro-foreign thoughts.

  Xenophobia does not conflict with peace. This kind of civilization is very xenophobic, but it has no interest in foreign aggression and expansion, so it wants to stay at home and farm.

   Regarding the choice of ideological trend after the promotion of the United Empire of Mankind, Li Qing did not change it after a little consideration. Instead, he continued to use the main ideological trend of the United Empire of Humanity - the main force of the extreme militarism.

   Originally, it was also the main force of xenophobia, but after being promoted to a higher civilization, the ideological trend needs to be absolutely unified. You can only choose one extreme ideological trend, and you cannot combine other ideological trends.

  In fact, xenophobia is similar to a military country. The main reason is that there is already an extremely xenophobic advanced civilization in the Milky Way. If human beings choose extreme xenophobia to promote, it will easily arouse the hostility of Feonuo's revived empire.

  In addition, extreme xenophobia will not be trusted by conventional civilization when you need to find younger brothers as cannon fodder in the future.

  Just like the current Heavenly battle between Feonoo's revival empire and Ada's guide, if Feonoo's revival empire is an extremely pro-foreign advanced civilization, I believe that nine out of ten civilizations will choose to join the pro-foreigners.

   As for the political system, it is also a good choice. Li Qing chose the autocratic head of state system.

   This is a variant of the monarchy, where the head of state serves for life.

  The next head of state is either elected by the forces within the civilization, or appointed by the previous head of state.

  The former is fairly democratic, while the latter is not much different from an imperial system.

   Which one to choose depends mainly on the strength and authority of the former head of state.

   The authority is sufficient, and the next head of state will be appointed.

   Insufficient authority, let everyone choose the next head of state.

  The final national policy is a national policy unique to two advanced civilizations. One is a general national policy that all advanced civilizations have, and the name is Higher Civilization.

  National Policy: Advanced Civilization.

  Effect: All civilization output +50%, civilization construction speed +100%.

  The other is an ideological trend that can only be chosen by advanced civilizations who are the main force of the extreme militaristic trend, called Super Navy.

  National Policy: Super Navy.

  Effect: Civilization ship construction speed +200%, ship basic attributes +20%, ship speed +20%, range +20%, transition range +200%, transition penetration strength +2.

   In addition, there are two additional national policy slots for promotion to a higher civilization, and two new national policies can be re-selected.

   Worthy of the year, the available focuses will be chosen from the original UEM focuses, as well as all the Star Sea Lords ever had.

  Li Qing didn't think too much about this, and directly followed the original two national policies, Descendants of Light and Seeds of Life.

   This need not be considered, strictly speaking, these two national policies are stronger than the two exclusive national policies for higher civilizations.

  The descendants of light are related to the future of mankind.

  The seeds of life are related to the growth of human civilization.

  If any civilization wants to grow, it needs more living planets to accommodate more populations. The seeds of life can transform transformed planets into livable planets. This national policy will become more powerful in the later stages.

   Making a choice, Li Qing ordered the fleet to prepare according to the original war plan, and returned to the capital of the United Human Empire by himself.

  The next step is to improve civilization immediately, and he has to go back to the capital to sit in charge.

  Through the power of the universe in the palm of your hand, it will appear directly in the capital of mankind located in the star field of Emperor Seat across tens of thousands of light years, and then call all members of the United Human Empire to hold a meeting of elders.

   "Ideology: Extreme Militarism!"

   "Regime: Dictatorship!"

   "National Policy: Advanced Civilization"

   Many congressmen were stunned when they saw this scene, and then they were shocked and puzzled.

  Minister of National Defense Xiao Bieli looked up at Li Qing, the leader, and asked with a puzzled look:

   "Your Excellency, can we advance to a higher civilization now?"

  Li Qing nodded:

   "Yes, just wait for us to announce!"

  ? ? ? ? ?

  Almost everyone was dumbfounded and at a loss.

  But there are also quite a few faces showing sudden expressions.

   Don't blame them, because the news was indeed sudden.

  The genetic ascension of the whole people is a necessary procedure to advance to a higher civilization. They all know this, but they also know that to advance to a higher civilization, another must be to fully master the sixth level of dark matter technology.

   Li Qing mastered the complete sixth-level dark matter technology, only Liao Liao knew about it. He never told others that neither the lords of Xinghai nor the military masters knew about it.

   He forcibly unified the United Empire of Mankind by relying on his powerful strength, not dark matter technology. What outsiders know is that he has obtained a mother chip of a dark matter dreadnought ship.

  At this time Xiao Bieli stood up, with a hint of surprise on his face, and a hint of surprise, and asked:

   "Your Excellency Li Qing, you mean that you have mastered the complete dark matter technology?"

"It's us!"

  Li Qing nodded with a smile and said:

"I have mastered the complete dark matter technology a long time ago, and I am only short of promotion to a higher civilization. Now I have completed the unification of human civilization and the genetic ascension of the whole people. A few days ago, I have determined the trend of thought of human civilization. The political system and national policy now only need to be announced to the entire galaxy."

  Xiao Bieli swallowed, the shock and surprise on his face were even greater.

  Mankind's advancement to a higher civilization is something he can only imagine in his dreams. He thought it would take tens of thousands of years to realize it, but he didn't expect it to be realized so soon.

   At this moment, a thousand words.

  I have a lot to say, but I don't know what to say at the moment.

  Silent for a while, Xiao Bieli stood up straight, folded his arms and bent down to bow down to Li Qing earnestly. It lasted several seconds before getting up, and said solemnly:

   "On behalf of all members of human civilization, on behalf of the ancestors who died for the existence of human civilization, I would like to express my gratitude to you and acknowledge that you will be the undisputed supreme head of human civilization."

  After he finished speaking, all the veterans in the venue had already reacted, and bowed down to salute him:

   "On behalf of all members of human civilization, on behalf of the ancestors who died for the existence of human civilization, I would like to express my gratitude to you and acknowledge that His Excellency Li Qing will be the undisputed supreme head of human civilization."

  Li Yongcheng also clasped his fists and saluted Li Qing solemnly.

  At this moment, he is not worshiping his grandchildren, but expressing his gratitude to him on behalf of the civilized ancestors, which has nothing to do with his status.

  After paying his respects, he got up and looked at Li Qing who was standing at the top to accept everyone's thanks. He was full of pride.

   "This is my unicorn from the Qinghe Li family, and also the son of destiny of human civilization!"

  Yu Tiangang, who was like an old farmer, was now flushed and excited.

  Although Li Qing was not born in the Yu family, his two main wives are descendants of the Yu family. This is not much different from being born in the Yu family, and they are all honors.

  At the meeting of elders, Li Qing accepted everyone's bow with a smile on his face. After the bow was over, he clasped his fists and returned the bow.

  An hour later, a piece of news that shocked everyone in the United Human Empire spread quickly, and quickly spread throughout the entire civilization like a stormy sea.

   "Headed by the supreme head of the United Empire of Mankind, we will announce to all the races in the galaxy that from now on, the United Empire of Mankind has completed the necessary preparations and has been officially promoted to a higher civilization and renamed the Star Clan of Humanity with the approval of the will of the universe!"

   When the news came, the whole country was shocked.

  The series of system prompts that followed also shocked many people who had just woken up from the great changes in the genetic ascension of the whole people.

  In less than a month, the entire United Empire of Mankind has undergone earth-shaking changes.

  First, the genes of the whole people are soaring, and all individuals of the entire race have completed evolution, possessing physical fitness and potential far beyond the past.

   Then the main force of the empire went north to defeat the Allied Forces of the Six Nations.

  Then the Supreme Head of State announced that human civilization had completed its fateful ascension and was promoted to a higher civilization.

   All this is like a dream.

   After seeing this national declaration, many players who knew Li Qing were shocked but silent.

   Nothing to say!

  From a concubine of an unknown family, to being a member of the Human Senate, to being promoted to a military lord, and then miraculously promoted to the Star Sea Lord.

  The latter is the first feat of human beings in the history of thousands of years, and the alliance of Bruvan, the old enemy of thousands of years, has been destroyed.

  After completing the unification of the United Empire of mankind, leading the genetic ascension of the whole people with one's own power, and now completing all the pre-preparations for promotion to a higher civilization without making a sound, it can be said that the destiny of human civilization is soaring with one's own power.

   Such a feat has never been seen before.

  At this moment, the entire human civilization has nothing to say whether they know it or not.

  Nobody can say a bad word.

  No one dared to say a bad word.

   So far, the entire civilization has completely returned to its heart.

  The entire galaxy fell into a brief silence as human civilization announced its promotion to a higher civilization and changed its name to the Human Star Clan.

  Most of the civilizations are confused, wondering whether human beings are crazy and dare to claim to be promoted to a higher civilization at will. Even the supreme emperor of the suzerain country Feonuo sent envoys to inquire.

   But Li Qing didn't respond or explain, just waited quietly.

  As he completed his declaration, he sensed something was brewing in the dark.

  As time went by, the United Empire of Mankind did not respond for a long time, and all civilizations were amused by his announcement, only as his whimsical and crazy behavior.


   A month later, Li Qing, who had been sitting still for a month, suddenly raised his head.

  At the same time, in the Milky Way, all the existences above the Star Sea Lords, regardless of ordinary civilization or advanced civilization, raised their heads in unison, with horror on their faces.


   "It turned out to be true?"

  With the approval of the will of the universe, the destiny of the human star race has been condensed.

  From now on, human civilization has been changed to Human Star Race, officially promoted to one of the ranks of higher civilizations.

  This mutation directly affected the battle that had been going on for several years, and the temporary truce between Feonuo's revival of the empire and Ada's mentor coincided with each other.

  However, it is not the two advanced civilizations that are most affected, but the many player civilizations in the galaxy, and they are the most affected.

  If it is said that other civilizations can still submit to be younger brothers, the player civilization will only end in complete extinction.

   It turns out that everyone's strength is strong or weak, but they are all conventional civilizations, and there is a possibility of confrontation.

  Now that human civilization is suddenly promoted from a triple jump from a conventional civilization to an advanced civilization, the gap is instantly widened, which makes them not afraid.

   Almost instantly, the leaders of most of the player civilizations thought of uniting together, and nippled it in the bud before the human star clan had just been promoted.

  They also acted in the same way. Almost on the same day, several player civilizations began to contact secretly.

   It didn’t take long to be silent. The first to send a formal diplomatic mission to humans was Feonuo’s Rejuvenation Empire, and the Supreme Emperor sent a formal diplomatic mission to the human star race.

   Li Qing let out a long breath when he received the diplomatic note.

   Being able to send a diplomatic mission is a good sign, indicating that Feonuo has something to discuss about reviving the empire, and the possibility of a military encounter is relatively low.

  (end of this chapter)