MTL - Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God-Chapter 3430 No suspense

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For the talents that are visible to the naked eye, the King of the Kings admire the five bodies!

At the same time, this performance of the nightingale is also seen by other star owners!

A relatively weak number of people, the heart and the king is almost the same idea, are very fortunate that Hou Yunlie made a bird.

"Hou Yunlie, if you can't come up with some stronger skills, then I started to attack!"

The idea of ​​the nightingale at this time is to verify his true ability.

Hou Yunlie is obviously a good opponent!

So he did not immediately erupt his own attack, but suspended in the void, waiting for the other party to continue the opponent!

After a while, the Eternal God Tower and the Silver Dragon Void Shield have not been used yet. They definitely have a backhand, so they are not worried that they will be spiked!

In particular, the Yinlong Void Shield given by Vice President Ji Xuan is a defensive artifact of the three-step polar three products.

For the attack of the three-step monk three-pronged monk, it has a strong defense effect. With his help, he will not be fatally wounded at this level, and he can recover automatically by using the blood of the wolf.

"Junior! You are really crazy!"

When I heard the nightingale, Hou Yunli’s nose was mad!

At this time, he regretted why he was greedy at the beginning, and stood up and challenged!

At that time, he felt that the nightingale was low, and he could stick to the hot and pure land. He must have relied on the secret of the very strong quality!

Directly provocative, is to find an excuse to start, grab the secret treasure!

I never thought that the night sky was a mid-level supreme, and even with such strength.

But at this time, he has not come to Taiwan, he can only continue to fight against the scalp!

Thinking about it for a moment, Hou Yunlie took out a big red bead from the space.

Suspend it to the top of the head.

Then, this red bead gradually glowed softly.

After being blessed by this soft red mans, Hou Yunlie’s breath instantly increased several times!

"The arrogant junior, go to hell!"

After getting blessings, Hou Yunlie did not continue to play a brilliant attack, but holding a Wuji gun, directly to the night!

At the same time, take out a secret treasure that can be confined to the void, the Promise Void!

I will block some of the space around the nightingale!

According to his judgment, the body of the nightingale is too embarrassing. Only by confining the void around him, there is a chance to win with melee!

"This secret treasure is good!"

After Hou Yunlie used the Promise Void Ding to shackle the surrounding void, the night owl suddenly felt restricted.

At this point, he can use the means to resolve the imprisonment, but he did not do that!

Instead, holding the golden scorpion and the savage war, meet the attack of Hou Yunlie!

Among these restrictions, the speed of the nightingale is much slower, and even in the process of fighting against Hou Yunlie, there are even some losses!

"Sure enough, you need this secret treasure to deal with you!"

Occupy some advantages, Hou Yunlie's nervous mood, suddenly relaxed a lot!

Because this is his last resort, if it is not good, there is absolutely no counterbalance!

Seeing Hou Yunlie’s long breath, the nightingale suddenly felt a little ridiculous!

He did not try to break his secret treasure, but he played forty-four hundred words of mantra in the hands of Hou Yunlie holding a Wuji gun.

Reduce its speed!

After Hou Yunlie’s speed was also lowered, the two sides immediately came to the same starting line!

At this time, Hou Yunlie found that even if the speed of the two sides is equal, he is not an opponent of the nightingale!

Because no matter from strength or strength, he can't compare with the nightingale, and the level of melee is obviously worse!

"Hou Yunlie, already dead!"

Seeing the war situation in the eyes, the only female repair among the nine people is also the only half-step second-class product. Yan Hongmei’s opening is decided.

Among the nine stars, she ranks among the top three in terms of strength, and her vision is also good!

After Yan Hongmei made the judgment, the other two top three monks, Qingbao and Yan Tianlong, also agreed.

In this case, the king is even more fortunate!

After all, his means are not as good as Hou Yunlie. If the front and night battles are fierce, they will soon be killed!

Among the eyes of everyone's attention, the nightingale summoned the eternal tower!

The voice said: "Small five! This Hou Yunlie will not be able to do it! You will inhale it in a moment and turn it into energy!"

"Okay! Use us to help out the attack?" Xiaowu should have a voice, and asked at the same time.

"No! He has no ability to struggle!"

Using the shackles of Hou Yunlie to suppress the nightingale, he said confidently.

The facts are the same as his judgment. At this time, Hou Yunlie, although still resisting, but the defense in his heart has collapsed.

After a long time of resistance, it was completely killed!

It is the income of the Eternal God Tower!

At this time, the nightingale said: "The Promise Gun is the second artifact, I have some use! Promise of the virtual space, can confine the space, there are some uses in the battle, are left! Other secrets and artifacts on his body, you all inhale Go in!"

"Okay! This guy, the accumulation is not bad. There are three half-step artifacts!"

Xiaowu probed it and found three pieces of half-step artifacts, and suddenly swallowed up!

This is definitely a big complement to the Eternal Tower!

Just after Xiaowu swallowed the three half-step artifacts, he suddenly said: "Night, what do you think is this?"


The nightingale looked up and found that Xiaowu was concerned about a blackened tree.

He put the tree scorpion in his hand and observed it with the eye of the dragon. He said: "The hardness of this tree is almost half a step! It is not ordinary! I don't know where Hou Yunlie came from! However, it is too short to be used to refine artifacts."

"Since I can't use it to refine artifacts, then I have entered it!"

The fifth between the words is prepared to bring this tree to the eternal tower.

At this time, the night said: "You have absorbed a lot, this tree, or let it stay! In case, what can be done!"

"okay then!"

Xiaowu should have a voice, let the night scorpion will earn the eternal tower into the space hole.

After that, the night battle will be cleaned up after three, five and two!

Seeing that the nightingale will collect all the spoils, the savage king immediately flew over and praised: "The night demon brother, you are really a genius! With your talent, if you are not exiled to this mass grave, you are afraid that you can practice." Go to the semi-steps of the five products! It is even possible to advance to the extreme!"

"The barbaric brother has won the prize!"

When the nightingale was polite, he asked: "I would like to ask the brother Wang, how to use the stars to spend the funeral ice?"

The king responded immediately: "This is simple! Every star has its own source. As long as it is recognized by the source, it can be guarded by the source when the ice is coming!"

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