MTL - Ten God Emperor-Chapter 287 Master Li Qing

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Due to its unique geographical location, Fuguang Town has a large number of exotic treasures flowing into the market every day. In addition, there is no power to intervene in the taxation of the town. Therefore, the transaction is extremely hot. There is the second largest auction in the whole of Hexi Yunzhou. Field, Fuguang auction site.

The Fuguang auction site is controlled by the largest chamber of commerce in Xihe, Yunzhou Chamber of Commerce. According to rumors, the Yuxi Chamber of Commerce does not belong to any of the forces in Xihe Yunzhou, but belongs to the Yuzhou Hanzhou, one of the four major western states. The history of Yushu Hanzhou has been For tens of thousands of years, it is much longer than that of Xihe Yunzhou, and the foundation is deeper. The Chamber of Commerce they invested in, even the Helan royal family, will give a few thin faces, so it is very stable in the seemingly mixed place in Fuguang Town. Operational development.

The Fuguang auction hall of the Yuxi Chamber of Commerce is located on the Fuguang Building. It covers an area of ​​several thousand square meters. Although it is a lively market town on both sides, the auction items are too expensive, such as various high-level meta-techniques, panacea, Powerful spirits, etc., money has been difficult to measure the value of these goods, and sometimes even traded in the way of barter, Fuguang auction site in order to ensure the normal order of the auction, in the center of the auction site sent a number of masters Guards, which even have no shortage of military commanders.

When Yunchao walked down to Fuguang downstairs, he found that the sects of the sects who were dressed in luxury, and their plain white clothes, seemed to be a bit shabby.

Two or three meters in front of him, the entrance of the Fuguang Building, standing with two big belly stools, shaking the golden folding fan of the son of the brother, is pulling gossip.

"I heard that there are two rare things at the auction today."

"What do you want?"

"I heard that it is a quasi-upper spirit, and there is a flying meta-technology."

"I can remember that the last time a Chinese spirited instrument sold for a few million high prices, this quasi-upper spirit is estimated to be impossible to buy money."

"Yeah, it is estimated that the owner wants to see if he can exchange some baby that he can use. We don't have to think about this stuff. It is good to go in and have a good meal."

When the two brothers talked and walked into the door, Yunchao listened at the back, and suddenly he remembered the character beauty Yu Xueji on Qingling Mountain. The snow in the cloud in her hand is also a good spirit. Not bad.

However, even the snow in the clouds is a lot worse than the Xinghe sword he had before. The cloud and rain dreams of Jianling’s night are still unforgettable, but where the Xinghe sword is now, no longer he can ask. After all, with his current strength, he wants to control a high-grade spirit, and the risks are too big.

"I still think about how to use the magic core to change some of the windings."

Yun Xing touched the jade ring on the finger, and was about to step into the gate. Two big burly men appeared at the gate. They stretched out their arms and stopped him. They looked at him with vigilance. A glance, then cold and authentic.

"Sorry, please present your invitation to participate in this auction."

"Invitation card?"

Yun Xi heard the words suddenly screamed, and when he first came, what kind of invitation letter, the moment had to tell the truth: "Two brothers, I am the first time to come to the auction, I want to use a demon in my hand to magic There is no invitation to change the toll."

The two burly big men listened and looked at each other. They all looked suspicious. The people who entered the Fuguang auction were all rich and expensive. They were the first to hear about the auction of the magic core to change the fare, and it was the demon. The level of the magic core, which makes them can not help but some doubt whether this person is not messy, and now there are some unsatisfactory: "That troubles guests first show the auction items, after the identification of our master Li Qing master, can participate in the auction. ”

"okay then."

For the rules of the auction house, Yunchao didn't know much about it. Now when he touched the jade ring, the **** red magic suddenly turned into a stream of light, and he held it on the palm of his hand. He put the magic core in the tray on the side. Said: "Lightweight."

A big man looked at the bright and **** magic core of the Yingying Ying, and his eyes were also amazed. Although he worked at the auction site for many years, the monster-level monster of the military commander is extremely rare, and its rareness is not In the light of some meta-techniques, I didn’t dare to neglect. I immediately turned and walked to a corner behind me, and opened the curtain and went inside.

The clouds rested idle, and they looked around for a while, and the spiritual power was quietly filled.

He released his mental power and probed into the hidden rooms around him. He found that there was a very weak atmosphere in the room where the burly man entered. He could feel it in the faint, and his breath was in the five-star big martial arts. float.

"There is a high-handed man with a five-star big martial artist in the lobby. It seems that this Fuguang auction site is not simple."

The mind was turning in the righteous thoughts, and the closed curtain suddenly opened. From the inside, a middle-aged man in a green robe walked out, screaming with a shocked expression, looking around the lobby, and then his eyes fell on the door. On the cloud break, he rushed forward with excitement and took his hands and said: "This little brother, the magic core of the blazing bat is yours."

Looking at the enthusiasm of the eyes, Yunchao nodded a little late and said: "Yes."

Looking at the cloud, his face looked stunned, and the burly man behind him quickly introduced: "Guest, this is Li Qing master of our auction, a teacher."

When it comes to the two words of the teacher, the tone of the big man is obviously aggravated a lot, which is enough to highlight the honor of the spiritual profession. If this person knows that the cloud break is a priest, and has reached the realm of the psychic, I don’t know. Will it be scared to faint on the spot.

Fortunately, Yunxi did not want to expose his own strength here. He nodded and said: "It turned out that Master Li Qing was polite."

Li Qing smiled and closed his mouth, grabbed his hand and grasped the grip: "Sure enough, the hero is a teenager. This morning, I heard that the blazing bat was killed by a human powerhouse in the abyss of the moon. No. When I think of this, I will see the magic nucleus of the blazing bat, and it is still a flaming blood bat that has just entered the realm of the demon. The younger brother is young, and I did not expect to have the strength of the slaying demon to level the monster. It really makes us These old guys are ashamed."

"Is he killing the blazing bat?"

The two burly big men were all amazed and stunned. I didn’t expect the man who was in front of him to be ugly, but it was the hero who killed the flaming bat in the town.

At the moment, "people are getting and getting", Yun Qi has no way to deny it, but he nodded and nodded: "Yes, it is down."

As soon as this statement came out, Li Qing immediately patted the thigh and yelled at the scorpion and said: "Come, ah, wait!"