MTL - Ten God Emperor-Chapter 280 Virtual reality

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The cloud-slung body flicked toward the back, and the ray of light on the forehead appeared, and a piece of hard ice wall appeared constantly, blocking the savage ghost blood to the hard life.

The tiny ice crystals floated from his forehead and ears. The cloud rested calmly and watched the blazing bats flying in the air. The sleeves were gently waved, and the broken ice around them suddenly collapsed and wrapped into a huge snowball. .

"The kid is quite good. In just five years, the cold can be applied to this level. There should not be many people in the world to have this ability."

The voice of Xu Fu’s admiration just fell, and Yun’s break suddenly felt a little strange. He turned to look at Ouyang Huaizhu and Mei Shenxiang, not far away, and looked up at the sky. Something incredulously said: “If it’s been five years, they It shouldn't be in the abyss of the moon, but now the sky is still not bright. Did I spend so long time in the Dongfu space, how long has it been for the outside world?"

Without waiting for him to think about this problem, the snowball in front of him suddenly burst open, and a blood-red shadow wrapped in a dark red spirit, stabbing his chest at an incredible speed.

"Ice River Mantra!"

The cloud rests slightly backwards, and the fingertips slammed toward the air point in front. When the thin fingers of the white cockroaches are about to touch the razor blade, the cockroaches turn into a frosty white color.


The frosty white energy is continuously sprayed to the blade, and it freezes into ice crystals. However, in the face of the terrible gas, the ice crystals are only wrapped for a short moment, and they are twisted.

"Blood bats are broken!"

The **** phlegm in the hands of the blazing bats instantly turns into a shadow of the sky, and when the blade passes through the air, there is a slap in the shadow of the bat, a dazzling gunshot spur, and let the cloud break for a while. Unavoidable, the current hand raised his hand and flexed a finger, the energy ball entangled in the ice and fire slammed through the air, hitting the blade at the center of the gunshot, the air trembled slightly, and the energy ball burst into bursts. The shadows of the sky are shattered into invisible.

Feeling the raging fire, the blazing bat slammed back and swept away, raising his hand and looking at the palm that had just been burned by the energy. It was **** and fuzzy, and it was hot and painful. Sentimental on the heart, could not help but grin, secretly said: "The **** guy is a weird spirit, the frontal opponent is really not his opponent!"

This is the first time that Yun Xing has become a yin and yang revolving. After the first time, the energy of the ice spirit is really extraordinary. The unrequited blow can defeat the monster of the level. The ability to get the last few parts of the yin and yang runners, or to increase the level of the glaciers and the sacral sinus flow, the power may be comparable to the level and the heavenly elements.

"The front is not an opponent, it can only be attacked."

The flaming blood bat bite his teeth, his body trembled and turned into a blood shadow, but this time, he did not choose to be a hard-headed person with Yunqi, but he constantly smashed out with his own speed advantage. Shadow, turned into blood light.

Even though the opponent's speed is extremely fast, but the spirit of the cloud is also extraordinary, as long as the demon power fluctuates close to his body, it will immediately eject an energy ball and bombard it into nothingness.

Under the attack of the two men, the energy of the body of Yun Xing is like a blossoming fireworks bursting out.

"The kid, the human spirit is far less than the monster. If you consume it like this, you will be dragged to death. If you want to completely defeat him, you must find the flaw."

Yun Xi listened to Xu Fu’s words and frowned. “It’s not easy to resolve these offensives. How can I find any flaws?”

"Remember, the bat monsters can't see any objects, but rely on extremely sharp perception to find the enemy. This flaming bat has reached the level of the generals, but it is not fully open. Philip, the sight in front of you is nothing but an illusory light and shadow. If you can destroy his perceptual power, then the opponent becomes a blind man. When you want to beat her, it will be easy."

"Destructive perception."

Xu Fu’s remarks gave Yun’s revelation a lot. After several bursts of blood, he jumped and jumped to a big tree, quickly urging the spirit of the spirit. The spiritual pattern on the forehead is also turned into a silvery white, shimmering light.

"Why, are you afraid? It’s just a human being at the level of a big martial artist. How much energy can be consumed in the body, as long as it takes another ten minutes to see what else you can bear!"

The flaming blood bat's foot slammed on the ground, and the body flew up. The ghost blood smashed toward the giant tree at the foot of the cloud, and a blood shadow slammed down. The broken tree was as smooth as a mirror. Then crashed to the ground and slammed on the ground.

Yun Xie's body flashed lightly, avoiding several **** knives, and then turning back, his fingertips constantly positioned above the air, seemingly sketching something.

In the night sky, the faint spiritual line emerges, and it is hidden in the night. The cloud break is like a leisurely pace. The fingertips are constantly drawn in the night, and the lines of hidden lines are constantly connected. If you are a mentally motivated person, I am afraid that these unusual spiritual ripples have already been detected. However, the violent blood bats are extremely weak, but they are not aware of the abnormal flow of mental energy around them. I can't beat myself, fleeing around.

"What is your spirit under the cloth?"

Xu Fu saw the strange figure of Yun Xie and the curve of the fingertips of the light-grained light path. He saw his careful thought at a glance, but he did not know what it was.

"I can't see it, I want to let me apprehend?"

Yun Xia smiled, pretending to be mysterious and authentic: "It is not a high-level spirit array, but it is just a whimsy of my own, a homemade three-piece small spirit array."

"Create your own spirit..."

Xu Fuwen’s words are a bit dry, and he is usually able to create his own spirits. Even if the level of the spirits is lower, at least he must reach the realm of the spirit king, but the cloud breaks but the first Jinling master can make a homemade three products. The Spiritual Array shows the horror of its talent.

The speed of the cloud is getting faster and faster, and he can only capture his vague afterimage in the air. At this time, the blazing bat also feels a strange atmosphere, he does not think cloud At this moment, I still escaped from the wolf, and immediately gave up the chase, touched the ice stone in the sleeve, and began to withdraw.


A hearty laughter rang, the cloud rested on the body, the sleeves slammed, the palms hit the empty air, and a gust of wind slammed into the air. In the air, a white light suddenly leaped. The blazing bat, which is in the center, will be shrouded.