MTL - Tech House System-Chapter 99 engineering mechanics

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Wei Shuxun thinks it is very simple, follow the learning machine to come to the core technology of the empty city, and then spend a few years to study and understand it slowly, and later get a doctoral status, apply for several funding projects, give It is made, and then promoted to the outside world. When the end of the world comes, all major cities in the country and even the world can become empty cities. If there are more empty cities, there will be no more abandonment of human beings, and there will be no more wars.

What an easy way to do it!

But the learning machine told him: "The technical information of the empty city belongs to the highest core secret, and it has not been loaded in the IX learning machine."

Think about it too. For modern people, a learning machine with high technology content will only be an ordinary learning machine in the future. How can the core data be handed over to it, and the technical data it has is only relatively high compared to the present. In the future era, it is probably common knowledge, and it is still a failed product to be destroyed.

"Then, what information can you provide me about the future empty city?" Wei Shuxun asked: "As much as possible, give me the highest authority information you can provide! This is me request!"

Perhaps the word "request" moved the learning machine. It is rare that the learning machine did not mention any task redemption. After a run, there was not much information flashing on the screen.

Empty City was originally formed in the CA laboratory of the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, University A, and the person in charge is Professor Guan Cheng. The reason why there is his information is because the confidentiality level of the laboratory at this time is not high. It was originally just an auxiliary laboratory for a spacecraft, and it was passed on to Professor Guan's students before it was carried forward. It was passed on from student to student, and before the end of the world, the core technology of the empty city was developed.

The technology was originally prepared for the spaceship. After the end of the day, it was urgently transferred to the city, and a ghost city was formed.

Of course, because these are the core secrets of the empty city, the information of the person in charge of the CA laboratory after Professor Guan Cheng is all encrypted by the authority. The learning machine also doesn't know who they are.

"Professor Guan Cheng from University A?" Wei Shuxun was stunned: "Is it from our school? Where is he now?"

"According to the information, he is still a professor at University A, teaching a Ph.D. in engineering mechanics."

"Engineering Mechanics..." Wei Shuxun scratched his head, he heard this major for the first time: "What major is that?"

Only general information can be obtained from the learning machine. The core technology of Kongcheng comes from the students of Professor Guan Cheng, but the learning machine does not know which student it is. In other words, even if you want to hug your thighs, you can't find an object!

Back to school the next day, Wei Shuxun was a little embarrassed, and he had not recovered from the blow of Wei Cheng's death. Taking advantage of the break in class, he texted Ye Chengtian and got no reply. Wei Shuxun instead sent a text message to ask Han An, "Do you know where Ye Chengtian is?"

He now simply uses Han An as a campus Baidu, and bodyguards are not needed in the school.

After a while, Han An replied: "In the laboratory building No. 1."

After the morning class, Wei Shuxun went to No. 1 laboratory building to find Ye Chengtian. Because he can't enter the No. 1 laboratory building now, he can only send a text message and wait at the door.

At noon, the graduate students also came out one after another, Wei Shuxun suddenly heard someone call him: "Wei Shuxun?"

Turn around and see Wu Hongjie.

Wu Hongjie walked over with a wicked smile on his face, and deliberately asked: "Why are you standing at the door, why don't you go in? Oh, I forgot, you can't go in. You Who are you looking for, do you want me to call you for help?"

Wei Shuxun forgot Wu Hongjie, but how could Wu Hongjie forget Wei Shuxun. When he was kidnapped together, he was beaten by Wei Shuxun, and because of his comparison, Professor Zhao still dislikes him, but Wei Shuxun took this opportunity to be accepted as a student by Professor Zhao.

Seeing that this kid can no longer enter the laboratory, and can only stand stupidly outside, Wu Hongjie feels that he finally has a bad breath.

Wei Shuxun raised his eyebrows: "Wu Hongjie, have you finished paying for the instrument?"

"What, what?"

Wei Shuxun approached him: "Provoke me again, do you believe that I can destroy every experiment you do?" What revenge!

"You..." Wu Hongjie gritted his teeth: "You did it?"

"That's right." Wei Shuxun tilted his head to look at Wu Hongjie, who had blue veins: "What is your next experiment? Determination of spectral refractive index? Believe it or not, I can let someone replace you curved reflector?"

The curved reflector can accurately illuminate the refractive index of light, but the precision is very high, and the whole experiment fails. Wu Hongjie can't afford to gamble, he just wants to quickly finish his graduation thesis, get his degree certificate from Professor Zhao and leave.

"...I know, I won't trouble you again." Wu Hongjie took a deep breath: "Don't go too far, there is something behind me."

After saying some stern words, Wu Hongjie left immediately, not wanting to stay with Wei Shuxun for a second. Ordinary sophomores' sabotage is just a fight, isn't it? This kid actually knows to start from the laboratory, his entry point is too high-end!

Ye Chengtian walked out of the experimental building, saw Wu Hongjie hurriedly leaving, and trot forward worriedly: "Shu Xun, Wu Hongjie is asking you for trouble again?"

"No." Wei Shuxun smiled, sat down with Ye Chengtian in a quiet classroom, and asked him if he knew the information about Professor Guan Cheng.

"Professor Guan Cheng?" Ye Chengtian opened his laptop and began to inquire: "There is his information on the school website."

Wei Shuxun suddenly said: "Yes, I forgot."

On the campus homepage, there are official information introductions of major professors, such as teaching qualifications, what research they are engaged in, what awards they have won, and what their professional research direction is. It's very simple, you can't see anything at all.

Ye Chengtian turned the computer to Wei Shuxun and asked suspiciously, "Why are you checking Professor Guan Cheng?"

"Something..." Wei Shuxun's pupils narrowed, ignoring professor qualifications and awards. In the last paragraph, he saw Professor Guan Cheng's professional research direction: multi-body dynamics, unsteady aerodynamics Science, spacecraft attitude dynamics and motion biomechanics.

Although I do not understand any of these professional terms, as the name implies, the core technology of the future empty city should be produced through these professional researches.

What should I do next?

There is no way for the time being, the end of the world will be decades later, but if he doesn't study English hard now, his end will be earlier. So I resumed my daily life, went to class as usual every day, and taught English at night to try to pass CET 4 at one time.

Although he is busy preparing for CET 4, it does not mean that he immediately forgets his vow to change the future. Under the circumstance that the learning machine could not provide the core technology, Wei Shuxun even considered the most clumsy method, which is to enter Professor Guan's laboratory and assist the CA laboratory to complete the core technology of the empty city in advance through the advanced information of the learning machine. Even if it is only ten years in advance, it is enough to build a few empty cities.

But this means that he may be buried in the laboratory for the rest of his life, Wei Shuxun doesn't really want to do that. Maybe some people like this kind of life, but Wei Shuxun still tends to be hedonistic in his life planning. At least the career of a scientist is too far away for him.

The date of the CET-4 test arrived in a blink of an eye. Wei Shuxun checked the pen and paper and walked to the test room with his roommates. While holding the book, Wu Feng and Wang Anqing recited their remarks, and from time to time they took out an A4 grade to look at. Of course, this A4 piece of paper is not cheating content, but the level-4 exam experience and techniques posted by seniors on the school forum. Detailed tips for reviewing each exam.

For example, if you can't understand the listening, you can choose to start hearing the opposite of the sentence, and it will be the correct answer if you pass it. There is also reading comprehension, how to find keywords from the title first, and then find the correct answer through the short sentences of the keywords, etc. Because it was said to be very useful, Wu Feng and Wang Anqing directly typed it out and carried it with them, worrying that they would be nervous and forget about it.

Although Wei Shuxun thinks it might be more useful to memorize a few words.

Although I don't like English, Wei Shuxun has a good memory, plus the tutoring during this time, I didn't feel any obstacles in the test, and it was very easy to pass the test. The hard part was that they had to comfort Wu Feng and Wang Anqing after the exam. They seemed to have failed the exam. They looked sad when they left the exam room. Wei Shuxun and Yu Xin had to pool money to invite them to a barbecue outside the school. The shop rubbed for a while, and finally made them happy.

After the fourth level exam, the final exam will follow. I used to watch the Internet and TV, and I felt that the only life in college was to fall in love. in the exam.

In addition to one English level 4 and one computing level 2, Wei Shuxun has not planned to take other qualifications, so he is already too busy, and can't imagine people who have to take other qualifications , where is the time to waste on emotional drama. Taking pictures of the real college life, it's clear that you are going around in circles on different qualification certificates!

Professional course exams are mostly practice-based, such as computer application and circuit CAD, which are all practical operations, which is a piece of cake for Wei Shuxun. His headache was still Marxism-Leninism, and Mao had a few courses. It's not that his memory can't be memorized, but that it will be very painful to memorize, as if stuffing nasty things into his head, so he usually remembers and forgets quickly.

While I was reviewing this day, I suddenly received a call from Sun Yi and asked to come to his laboratory for an interview. Wei Shuxun has been very busy this semester, and has not been to the laboratory for a long time. Sun Yi, Liu Yongdong, and Feng Wei are all seniors. Now they are busy with their graduation thesis and have no time to go. The four have not seen each other for a long time.

Arrived as scheduled, Wei Shuxun just entered the door, Sun Yi, Liu Yongdong, Feng Wei opened the door and walked in one after another. As soon as he came in, Liu Yongdong waved his hand exaggeratedly: "Wow, how long has it been since this place was cleaned? I ran into a spider web!"

"I haven't been here for a long time." Wei Shuxun shrugged and said with a smile, "Did we clean the room together at our long-lost party?"

Feng Wei smiled: "I don't have time, I haven't finished my graduation thesis yet!"

"Okay, so what's the matter with me?"

Sun Yi walked into the back room, took out a document and asked Wei Shuxun: "Shuxun, we are about to graduate, do you want this laboratory? Just go through the formalities."

This laboratory was originally a school utility room, and Sun Yi rented it and converted it into a laboratory through his father who was a professor at University A. Now the three of them are preparing to graduate, so they directly transferred the laboratory to Wei Shuxun. Wei Shuxun is of course willing to rent it, because it is rented to students, and the rent is very cheap, only one thousand a month. Wei Shuxun has some savings, which he can barely afford, but it seems that he will need to find a way to make extra money in the future.

After completing the formalities, the four long-lost friends went to the restaurant by the lake for dinner. Wei Shuxun was a little sad to learn that Sun Yi and Liu Yongdong were going to take the IELTS test. If the two of them go abroad, I'm afraid they won't see each other in a few years. Fortunately, Feng Wei still stayed in City A, and the two were able to communicate frequently.

Listening to Sun Yi and Liu Yongdong's plans for the future, Wei Shuxun thought of his plans and couldn't help asking: "Sun Yi, what do you think of engineering mechanics?"

Sun Yi pushes her glasses: "Engineering mechanics? It's a major in the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, what?"

"If I want to take a double degree, how about studying engineering mechanics?" Wei Shuxun ruffled his hair, this is really a clumsy and time-consuming plan, if only the learning machine was more useful .

Sun Yi and Liu Yongdong looked at each other, Liu Yongdong shook his head: "If you have enough time, taking a double degree is a good idea. But we don't approve of you taking engineering mechanics, it's not a good major."

The author has something to say: answer some questions.

First, the end of the world happened after Wei Shuxun died, and meteorites covered the world, so Wei Shuxun could not prevent the end of the world from happening.

And this article is not a biochemical research route.

Third, the protagonist's name is Wei Shuxun, not an almighty god, so he may not be able to save the world.

Fourth, the life path of the protagonist is the path from gangsters to scientists, and all other routes are Giveupall.