MTL - Tech House System-Chapter 7 task progress

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The exam questions for the third year of high school are mostly the sum of the basics of the first and second year of high school. If Wei Shuxun wants to write it, he has to go back and pick up the textbooks of the first and second high school.

After scratching his head and dizzy at the math question for half an hour, Wei Shuxun simply solved it randomly. Anyway, just fill out all the questions, regardless of whether it is correct or not.

Fill out a few practice questions randomly, and then look at the progress of the task, it has risen to 3%, Wei Shuxun's spirit is shocked, no matter what parabolic solution, the value range of the real number M, just give it a solution Just come up with a number.

, and wrote more than seventy pages of exercises. And the progress of the task has also risen to 24%.

"Shu Xun, do you want an apple?"

Mother Wei came in with a plate of sliced ​​apples and squinted her eyes when she saw Wei Shuxun who was writing.

"Come on, eat some apples, are you thirsty, do you want a cola? I'll pour it for you." Putting the tray on the desk, Ma Wei glanced at the half-written workbook , and left happily without waiting for Wei Shuxun to answer.


"En." Wei Shuxun nodded sullenly, biting the cap hard.

Although she wanted to make her parents happy, Wei Shuxun still felt very uncomfortable when her parents regarded him as "the son finally learned it". He really doesn't think there is anything wrong with him usually, isn't he just not fond of reading? What are the benefits of reading a good book? What his parents and teachers told him was that only by reading a good book can he find a good job and get ahead in the society.

But he felt that with his own mind, he could get along well without reading. Just play a few games in the billiard room, and your income is no worse than that of a small white-collar worker, and you are free from being controlled by others. Or find a reliable boss in the future, like Brother Li, the head of the billiard room in Dongyuan. It is said that he dropped out of junior high school because he joined Brother Cheng very early, and when Brother Cheng made a fortune, he was given the position of head of the billiard room. Some fresh graduates came to the billiard room to apply for jobs, but Brother Li didn't look down on them.

Wei Shuxun felt that with his intelligence and popularity, and finding a reliable boss, he should not be too bad in the future.

If it wasn't for the fact that his parents had made him finish high school at least, Wei Shuxun would have been mixed up in society long ago. Look at those good students who are forced to do some tricks by the continuous examinations and homework. He is more than once thankful for his wise decision not to go to college. When everyone else is working hard to do homework, he can eat, drink and play easily, what a refreshing life!

Even if he is ignored by the teacher and treated as a punk by his classmates, he doesn't care. I didn't intend to become a great person, it's better to be able to hang around easily.

It's hard for my parents to stop worrying about his studies. I hope he doesn't have any hope because of his winter vacation homework. To their group, a good student is a nerd, a four-eyed frog, and he doesn't want to be a good student no matter what.

Wei Shuxun didn't last long. When the task progress reached 37%, he went back to bed because he was sleepy and missed dinner time. No one taught him this time. When Wei Shuxun got up at nine o'clock, the food was still hot. According to Wei's mother, Wei's father fried the dinner.

Wei Shuxun was feeling the pressure as he ate the side dishes cooked by his father.

Waking up the next day, Wei Shuxun called out the learning machine to check the progress of the task, which still remained at 37%. The mathematics that I am good at is almost finished, and the rest of the Chinese, English, physics, chemistry, Wei Shuxun really doesn't understand at all, and I feel irritable when I think of writing these things.

Forget it, I won't write today.

Get up from the bed, turn on the computer and play games. Halfway through the game, Yan Dongnan called and yelled again, "Wei Shuxun, what are you doing? What happened the night before yesterday, you ran away after a good time?"

Wei Shuxun was too lazy to explain, and said insincerely: "Sorry, there is an urgent matter at home."

Yan Dongnan didn't really want to settle accounts with him, but asked him: "We are now in the Chengyuan Hotel next to Dongyuan, Yan Fan and the others are officially working today, and they want to invite us to drink and celebrate, you Will you come?"

Wei Shuxun's eyes lit up: "Wait for me, come right away."

Chengyuan Hotel is not far from Dongyuan Billiard Hall. one of the places.

When we got there, everyone had a drink. As usual, one pot of dry pot offal and three dozen beers. When they saw Wei Shuxun, everyone immediately booed: "You are late, you will be fined three cups, and you will be fined three cups!"

Wei Shuxun shook his head, drank three cups in one breath, and just sat down, Yan Dongnan called again: "You ran away midway last night, and you will be fined three more cups, do you think? "

"Yes, three more fines!" The crowd began to boo again.

"Enough, you guys, do you want to get me drunk?" Wei Shuxun took a mouthful of beef offal and raised his glass: "Zhang Chenshuang, Yan Fan, Liu Yimi, Li Cheng, congratulations to you all Get a job!"

A few more toasts, Wei Shuxun continued to ask: "Is the place where you work in the billiard room or?"

"In the Brilliant Bar." Zhang Chenshuang replied: "As a security guard, every night from 6:00 pm to 3:00 pm, it is very easy to go to work."

Wei Shuxun nodded, for their group of people who turned upside down day and night, this working time couldn't be better.

"I tell you, Shuxun, there are 3,000 yuan per month." Yan Fan said cheerfully: "Brother Cheng said that if there is trouble, if you handle it well, there will be another bonus. ."

In this second-tier city in the south, the average salary of more than 2,000 is not bad, and 3,000 is very high for their group of students. Wei Shuxun also felt that the salary was very good, and asked doubtfully: "Why do you want to work in a bar? I think the billiard room is better." The main reason is that the billiard room is more familiar.

"Brother Cheng said that there is no shortage of staff in the billiard room, and you can get tips at the bar." Yan Dongnan answered and filled Wei Shuxun with wine: "I also really want to go, add a tip If it's more than three thousand a month, it should be able to stop my mother's nagging. I don't want to go home and be always read by her, which will be annoying! "

Wei Shuxun thought gloomily about the learning machine and winter vacation homework in his head. His parents stopped reading, but he was forced to do homework by a machine.

"Anyway, I'll be free in half a semester, at least finish it. Otherwise, your mother will come to my house again, saying that I have spoiled you."

"You're okay, I'll let you free at home after high school. I can't, my mother must make me go to university." Yan Dongnan drank wine and continued to complain: "As soon as I get home, she gives I read it, so annoying that my ears are getting calluses, and if I have money to work in the future, I will move out immediately."

"Yes, my mother is too, read it to me every day, you have to study hard, and you will have a good job in the future." The friends on the side also came together: "If you don't study, we won't find it. Work, why go to school to waste time."

"Yes, yes, what's the use of four years of college? Isn't it often news that college students can't find jobs?"

"Hahaha, maybe we will be our own bosses in four years, and those students who have just graduated will come to work for us..."

Wei Shuxun looked at his watch, it was almost work time for Zhang Chenshuang and the others, and interrupted Yan Dongnan's continued wine order: "Okay, it's almost work time, everyone should leave. Zhang Chenshuang, Yan Fan, Liu Yi Mi, Li Cheng, on your first day at work, don't get too drunk, so as not to give people a bad impression."

"Relax Shuxun, we are different from the security guards who guard the gate." Several people waved their hands and stood up: "I'll tell you when I'm free, we'll go first."

It's still early, send the four away, Wei Shuxun and others go to the pool room to play again. At 6:30, my mother called and heard that Wei Shuxun had eaten out, and hung up the phone silently. Wei Shuxun didn't care either and continued to play. It was almost nine o'clock in the evening, and the voice of the learning machine suddenly came from my mind: "On January 28, the task has no progress, and the 60-minute countdown begins."


This thing actually has a progress requirement? I thought I had done a little to deal with the rest and I could slowly mix it up!

But now is not the time to jump, Wei Shuxun doesn't want his body to be controlled again: "I remember that there is still an urgent matter, go first, you guys play slowly."

"What's the matter, Shuxun...?"

Throwing down the club and putting on his jacket, Wei Shuxun hurried out the door, ignoring the questions of his friends behind him. When I got home, more than 30 minutes had passed. My parents were sitting in the living room watching TV. When Wei Shuxun came back full of alcohol, Dad Wei immediately snorted: "Where did you go to play again?"

Ma Wei shook her head at Wei Shuxun, her face hard to hide disappointment.

Wei Shuxun replied: "I'll come back to do my homework."

Mom and Dad's face immediately turned cloudy and clear, and they signaled Wei Shuxun with burning eyes: Come and write!

Wei Shuxun reluctantly went back to his room, opened the workbook, and looked at the remaining subjects. After thinking about it, it was too troublesome to solve math problems. As usual, I filled in randomly, I didn’t know how to write the composition, I skipped everything, and I quickly filled out a test paper. Looking at the task progress, it has increased by 2%.

"Hey, how many tasks do I have to complete every day to be free?" Wei Shuxun asked the learning machine.

“According to the difficulty of the task, the winter vacation homework belongs to the lowest G level. Please complete it within 5 days from the task release date.”

The author has something to say:

I know a neighbor aunt whose son who was in junior high school disappeared after truancy one day.

The whole family searched for many days, and finally contacted the son through a classmate's phone. The teenager said on the phone that he was now working in a friend's repair shop and had "hundreds" a month, so he stopped going back to school.

Families are also warned not to come to him, and if they come to sabotage his work, he will never return home.

—Sometimes I just don't understand what's going on in these kids' heads.