MTL - Tech House System-Chapter 64 secret duel

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It was a dull dinner. It stands to reason that there is no reason why two handsome guys and five young and beautiful girls are not together. But the longer it goes, the colder it gets.

Zhou Quan was cold from start to finish. He didn't speak when the girls were laughing with Wei Shuxun. Just one glance, another glance. Then the girls' words, less and less, less and less.

Wei Shuxun was very used to Zhou Quan's coldness, and didn't feel anything wrong at all, but he was very puzzled why the girls suddenly bowed their heads and didn't speak. "What's the matter, aren't these delicious?" He asked thoughtfully, "Or do you want some snacks? I heard that the apple milkshakes in this store are good."

The air seemed to be a little colder again, and the girls shook their heads: "No, that's fine."

Wei Shuxun turned to Zhou Quan: "Zhou Quan, is there anything you want to eat?"

Zhou Quan's eyes were slightly warm: "Just an apple milkshake."

The apple milkshake was served soon, Zhou Quan took a sip under Wei Shuxun's expectant gaze, and his face changed slightly. Wei Shuxun asked, "How is it? Is it sweet? Is it delicious?"

Zhou Quan froze, slowly, slowly, nodded.

"Hey, are you serious?" Wei Shuxun was surprised: "I heard Yu Xin say that the apple milkshake in this store is too sweet, he can't stand it, but girls like it. No Thinking of Zhou Quan, you also like this flavor?"

Zhou Quan: “…”

Because the girls were reluctant to speak, Wei Shuxun was afraid that they would be restrained, so he wanted to make fun of them. But the more he teased, the paler the girls became. Wei Shuxun didn't know why, so he could only think that his joke was boring, or that the restaurant's food was not suitable for girls. At the end of the meal, the girls were sent back to the dormitory. Wei Shuxun said apologetically, "I didn't know you didn't like Cantonese food. I'll invite you next time."

Wei Shuxun sat in the passenger seat, leaning over the window and talking. Bypassing his smiling face, the girls met the cold eyes behind him and were startled: "No, no need, just a little help, go first!"

Seeing the girls rushing into the dormitory building, Wei Shuxun scratched his head: "I really don't understand what girls think, it's weird." To put it straight, they are all classmates, so there is nothing to worry about. The sudden indifference like this, without saying why, only made Wei Shuxun, who has a straightforward personality, feel uncomfortable.

Aside from thinking about it, Wei Shuxun turned to Zhou Quan: "I'm sorry, I have troubled you today. Next time, I'll invite you to drink alone and thank you."



"Just today, I have a task in a few days." Zhou Quan started the car and drove straight out of the school: "Drink at my house tonight."

In places like bars, Zhou Quan didn't want Wei Shuxun to go, so he took him home directly. Zhou Quan himself doesn't like drinking very much, but he often receives some famous wines as gifts at home, so he also made a small bar to place the wine, just for decoration.

Wei Shuxun is not interested in these famous wines either. As a student from an ordinary background, his hobby is still beer, and an occasional Erguotou for liquor is enough.

Zhou Quan accommodated Wei Shuxun, ordered two pieces of beer, and at Wei Shuxun's request, he ordered barbecue that he never liked, and the two drank kebabs together. Wei Shuxun thought he was good at drinking, but he couldn't drink Zhou Quan. When he was a guest at someone else's house, he didn't intend to drink too much, but Zhou Quan kept pouring it on him and asked, "Are you so unwilling to accompany me?" What else could Wei Shuxun say.

Looking at Wei Shuxun, whose face was flushed and slumped on the sofa, Zhou Quan approached him and called out twice, seeing Wei Shuxun's unconscious humming in response, The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, his fingers caressed his cheeks, and landed on his red lips.

I couldn't help but leaned over and kissed gently, the soft touch made him unable to stop. He stretched out his tongue and licked it, and was slapped away by the drunk Wei Shuxun. He waved his hand unconsciously, but couldn't find where the itch was just now. After humming a few times, he buried his head on the sofa and fell asleep.

Looking at Wei Shuxun who was unconscious, Zhou Quan hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Shu Xun, Shu Xun?"

"" Wei Shuxun opened his eyes and closed them again.

"Tell me what was protecting me when I was shot that day?"

"Huh...?" Wei Shuxun's head was already a mess, and he couldn't remember such a complicated thing.

Zhou Quan had to ask another way: "What's special about you?"


"Something different from others? Transparent, can protect you?"

This is a good answer, Wei Shuxun didn't even think about it: "Learning machine..."

Learning machine? Zhou Quan frowned: "What is that? How did I find you... Forget it, I'll talk about it later." The doubts were deeper, but after thinking about it, let's ask when Shu Xun is sober and truly trusts him. Asking now may alienate Shu Xun because of his vigilance, which would not be worth the loss.

"Tell me, are learning opportunities hurting you?" Although he doesn't know what the so-called "learning machine" is, he just needs to know this.

Did learning opportunities hurt him? When Wei Shuxun heard this sentence in a daze, he remembered the incident when he was forced to save people. The bones of the hand are all broken, how painful it was at that time! The emotions of being drunk will amplify, and Wei Shuxun's voice choked with grievance: "It will... it hurts to death... bastard...!"

Zhou Quan's face darkened slightly and his lips were tightly pursed. He doesn't care what that "learning machine" is, whether it be an alien civilization or a special function, it doesn't matter as long as it doesn't hurt Shuxun. He even thought that the learning machine was protecting Shuxun! Thinking that the learning machine might be controlling Shuxun and hurting Shuxun, Zhou Quan clenched his fists.

Perhaps that learning machine is monitoring and controlling Shu Xun, so he cannot be vigilant. Zhou Quan looked relaxed, and kissed Wei Shuxun pitifully: "Sleep, I'm here, don't be afraid."

No matter what that "learning machine" is, he must destroy it and save Shuxun.

Where Zhou Quan didn't know, the learning machine also stared at him coldly. Except for Wei Shuxun, he didn't trust any human being, and he didn't want others to know of his existence. In his historical data, there are too many incidents of human beings derailing each other. He didn't want Wei Shuxun to be arrested for an autopsy because of the wrong person.

Although as an intelligent learning machine that transcends time and space, he has the possibility of surviving. But Wei Shuxun didn't destroy him at first, and regarded him as a friend, and he thought he should reciprocate.

If Zhou Quan really took advantage of Wei Shuxun's drunkenness to ask what he should not ask, for the sake of prevention, the learning machine will definitely find a way to kill him quietly. The nano-biological robot he carries is not only for saving people.

Fortunately, Zhou Quan stopped asking, and the learning machine stopped the nano-biological robot from approaching Zhou Quan, otherwise Zhou Quan might die suddenly one day.

When Wei Shuxun woke up the next day, he found that he had fallen asleep in Zhou Quan's arms again, and he immediately jumped up in embarrassment. Of course, there are no emotions like shyness at all, he just can't stand the smell of alcohol all over his body, and he sleeps so close to others, it's really hard for Zhou Quan to endure him all night.

Rush to the bathroom to take a shower, obviously locked the door, but Zhou Quan pushed the door in without hindrance.

"I have to go back to school and wash together." Zhou Quan said, Wei Shuxun certainly did not doubt that it is normal for a military school to be tight.

Wei Shuxun couldn't help but glanced at Zhou Quan's body with envy and jealousy. He just took a shower and saw that he had eight-pack abs, and the same thing below. They were all men so bad that it was hard for him not to be jealous. Even if he fights every day, he can only have no lower abdomen.

I wanted to go back to school by myself, but Zhou Quan was forced to get into the car and send it back. Wei Shuxun scratched his head embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, you are so busy to keep bothering you, or I will invite you to drink next time..." It seems that drinking is also a waste of Zhou Quan's time, Wei Shuxun lowered his shoulders in frustration: "Otherwise you Whenever you are free, you can come to me with anything, anytime."

Zhou Quan couldn't help rubbing his hair: "Well, I will find you...don't be afraid."

The last sentence made Wei Shuxun puzzled, and he touched the messed up hair: "What am I afraid of?"

Life returns to the normal track, Wei Shuxun will tutor with one or two girls in the self-study room every night, and when the tutoring returns to the dormitory, he will take half an hour to read Professor Zhao's materials-this pair of Relax for him. But no matter it is the dormitory or the classmates in the class, when they see him, they will only feel that they are diligent in study and admire him greatly. At the same time of admiration, the name of a nerd once again fell on him without exception. In addition to being misunderstood as a nerd at the beginning of the semester last semester, Wei Shuxun became a master of the game, fought again, and also crammed with them at the end of the semester. No one thinks he's a nerd anymore.

But now I'm completely convinced - a cheerful personality is also a nerd, a nerd who can fight is a nerd, and a game master is also a nerd - he was so diligent at the beginning of the school, other than a nerd, what else could he be called?

Wei Shuxun didn't know anything about this. I'm tired, I'm still struggling with physics, algebra, and English. Although the girls are very gentle, the words and functions are not gentle, and they cannot be recited at all. At this time, a few seniors just came to Wei Shuxun and asked him to help, Wei Shuxun agreed quickly without thinking.