MTL - Tech House System-Chapter 43 meet acquaintances again

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Fortunately, Wei Shuxun arrived in time, and everyone seemed to have just started fighting. Wu Feng and Kong Ping were tall and strong, and they held a table together to protect the classmates in the corner. The other hand was holding the stool and waving it, so that the group of gangsters couldn't get close.

Wei Shuxun rushed up without saying a word, grabbing the collar of the outermost **** was an over-the-shoulder fall. Although he brought a bat, Wei Shuxun didn't use it rashly. In case one is bad and maims someone, he will have to work hard. He now cherishes his college life very much.

However, it is enough to catch these gangsters who can only wield poles. Occasionally use a bat to block the poles they swung, and then grabbing, military fists take turns, and then shine on the abdomens of the gangsters , hands and feet and other places that are not too serious, make them temporarily useless for action.

"Shu Xun!" Wu Feng and Kong Ping put down the table in surprise when they saw Wei Shuxun, and wanted to rush over to help. The other students were also eager to move.

"Don't move!" Wei Shuxun hurriedly stopped them. He was used to fighting and knew how important he was to attack, but this group of classmates didn't understand.

There were only a dozen or so gangsters, Wei Shuxun took a few steel sticks, but he finally knocked down most of them, and the rest of the gangsters got out of the way. Wei Shuxun ran to Wu Feng, looked around, and found that they were all his classmates. He couldn't help but wonder, "What's the matter with you?"

"Wei Shuxun?!" An unexpected voice came from behind.

Wei Shuxun turned his head and saw a black and thin man of twenty-four or five years old, also full of surprise: "Are you ribs?"

Pork ribs is a nickname, because he is short and thin, he is ridiculed by friends like a piece of ribs, and people like to eat sweet and sour ribs the most, so he directly took this nickname. Their gang's job is to gather in the streets to set up gambling establishments to make money. Last time Wei Shuxun was chased by Brother Cheng's people, it was their people who helped beat the group to death. Of course, Wei Shuxun also paid.

Wei Shuxun went to school in city a, but he didn't expect to meet them here, and Wei Shuxun beat them up. You must know that Wei Shuxun's gambling skills are taught by them, and everyone is considered a friend. But now is not the time to reminisce, Wei Shuxun pointed to the classmates behind him and asked, "What's the matter with you, why did you fight with my classmates?"

"I just wanted to ask what's going on." Ribs was upset: "Your classmates suddenly ran over to make trouble, of course we have to teach them a lesson."

Wei Shuxun looked at Wu Feng: "Wu Feng, what's going on?"

"Shu Xun, how do you know them?" Wu Feng asked suspiciously.

"They are from my hometown, don't worry about it, what's the matter?"

"They extorted two thousand yuan from Zhongyou." Kong Ping said, "We just want to come back."

"Extortion, are you sure?" Wei Shuxun raised his eyebrows. He had known each other for many years with the people like Pork Ribs. Although these people were not good people, they called themselves "stealers and thieves". Gambling is gambling, and they would never steal. At least in the years when Wei Shuxun knew them, they had been focusing on the gambling business, and had never been involved in a robbery.

"You Zhong said it himself, and it can be fake." Kong Ping stared at the ribs: "Just return the money, or we will call the police."

"What extortion." Ribs sneered, looking at someone hiding behind the crowd: "We took that kid two thousand dollars, but he lost the bet to us, we didn't blackmail him."

Wei Shuxun looked at Zhong You who was hiding behind everyone: "Zhong You, make it clear."

"It's really extortion, he... He said I hurt him, asked me for medical expenses, and robbed me of my money." Zhong You said tremblingly.

Wei Shuxun looked at the ribs with a sneer. And their leader, Brother Zhang, hasn't come yet. Brother Zhang has another group of people under his command. Wei Shuxun doesn't dare to let his classmates have bad relations with this group of bad gangs.

Grabbed Zhong You by the collar and pulled him out. When Zhong You looked up and saw the gangsters who were wrapping up, he was so frightened that he wanted to hide back. Wei Shuxun grabbed him and said, "Don't be afraid, you are here to make things clear to your face. You are really being extorted. All these people have to lie down for me today, and I will do my best to bear it for you, but if you dare to cheat I..." Wei Shuxun waved the bat in his hand and smashed the foot of the table with a heavy blow, making You Zhong pale.

Wei Shuxun patted him on the back: "Don't be afraid, to be honest, you have to give an explanation to the classmates who are taking risks for you."

Trembling, he timidly told the truth.

As the ribs said, he was wandering around in the morning. When he passed by here, he saw someone opening a game of cards beside the road. When he was curious, he took a look and found that one of them had won a lot. Money, the other three are not very good. He felt that his poker skills were good, and he usually won some money at home, but it was only a few dozen bucks for his friends to play with. It was like the poker game here, where he won tens of thousands in a few games.

At this time, the winner of the money left with satisfaction, Zhong You grabbed his seat, and there were a few passersby beside him who envied him and told him to finish the fight quickly, so that they could take his seat. The poker game went very smoothly, winning a few hands in a row at the beginning, then there were wins and losses, and then it kept losing. The more Zhong You wanted to make a comeback, the faster he lost. He didn't have much money, so he quickly lost the two thousand yuan he just took.

Yes, they used their words to make him think it was easy to win, and to lure him into being deceived. But it was too late to wake up at this time. Zhong You wanted to get the money back, but was beaten a few times by this group of people and drove him away.

He returned to the dormitory in despair. Kong Ping saw that his appearance was wrong, and asked a few questions with concern. Zhongyou said that he ran into a gangster on the way and was extorted by the other party for "medical expenses". The little gangster and four or five companions stole two thousand yuan from him.

Kong Ping is a person with a strong sense of justice. Hearing it, he is okay. He called the people in the dormitory and a few friends who had a good time. He originally called Wei Shuxun, who had a great fight. , Unfortunately, Wei Shuxun shut down and couldn't find anyone. But they called nine people in total, and they felt that there was no problem, so they asked Zhong You to bring them to the gangster.

In fact, everyone thinks that the gangsters must have run away when they got the money. They just come to find clues, and then consider whether to call the police if they see someone. If the other party is willing to repay the money, there is no need to trouble, and the school will not be disturbed.

With this idea in mind, I didn't think too much. Everyone walked into the street unprepared and saw four or five gambling on the side of the road. Zhong You pointed out that these were the people who extorted them. .

There is no need to talk about it next, Kong Pingren meant to have a good talk and just ask for the money back. But who of the gangsters had the patience to talk and talk, when the platoon saw that they were not good people, they immediately called for help, so everyone was surrounded by a dozen people with steel pipes in their hands. If Wei Shuxun hadn't arrived in time, it might have turned into a bad incident of gathering and fighting.

Although it didn't make a big fuss, if the school knew about this incident, it would be a demerit in light of it, and in serious cases, it might drop out of school. When Zhong You told the truth, he immediately made everyone angry.

Zhong You's words were just like Wei Shuxun's inference, but he asked again seriously: "What you said just now is true? Are you sure?"

"En." Zhong You didn't dare to look up, and the eyes of the classmates behind him were like real knives.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, let's forget about it." Wei Shuxun looked at the ribs, looked around at the others, and said, "As for everyone's injuries, I'll take care of it another day, and give it to me. Apologize everyone!"

Pork ribs looked at the brothers and nodded: "For the sake of Shuxun's face, this matter is over." Fortunately, Wei Shuxun's actions were measured, and everyone was not seriously injured. Even if some people are dissatisfied, they dare not show it because they are afraid of Wei Shuxun. The strength was there, and the ribs didn't want to have a grudge with Wei Shuxun for the two thousand yuan, so he took out the money from his pocket and handed it to Wei Shuxun: "Take the two thousand yuan back, you must have known that he is your friend, so much money I'm still too lazy to earn."

Zhong You's eyes lit up, he stretched out his hand and wanted to take it: "Thank you then."

Pork ribs retracted his hand and sneered at Zhong You, who stretched out his hand and froze. Wei Shuxun glanced at him, took the money, thought about it, took out five hundred and handed it back.

"These five hundred are the money for Zhongyou to invite everyone to drink. Please don't worry about today's affairs."

I originally wanted to give 1000, but according to Zhongyou's character, it is reluctant to give up, five hundred is not enough to give each person dozens of points. If there are still people who are dissatisfied with Zhongyou, Wei Shuxun will also Too lazy to care, Zhong You was anxious when he saw that he had drawn five hundred. Wei Shuxun handed him the money, and he immediately counted it in person and put it in his pocket.

Watching the ribs and the others leave, Wei Shuxun turned to Zhongyou: "Don't be in a hurry, everyone will help you get the money back, should you invite everyone to a meal?"

As for inviting the classmates to dinner, he dared not refuse even though the flesh was painful. He offended the classmates badly, but he couldn't say anything to apologize, so he could only say to the classmates with a warm attitude: "Tonight, everyone will come to the Weijuxuan at the school gate for dinner, I will treat you, thank you all for today. help me."

Everyone nodded indifferently, they didn't care about the meal, but they needed an apology. Since Zhongyou is stingy and sorry, they don't mind making it back from other places, but that's all, they don't dare to make this friend again in the future.

"It's none of your business!" Wu Feng is a straight person, he doesn't like Zhong You, and he doesn't like to do superficial tricks. With his arm, he knocks Zhong You away from Wei Shuxun. Wu Feng grabbed Wei Shuxun's shoulder and said, "Thank you Shuxun, thank you for being here. Actually, I was worried that calling you alone wouldn't help, but I really don't know who to turn to for help, and I don't dare to call the police. , for fear of being expelled from the school."

"Well, it's too risky." Wei Shuxun nodded: "If you don't happen to know them, I'm afraid it's a crowd fight, you should be careful next time."

"Who would have thought." Kong Ping snorted coldly and said to Wei Shuxun seriously, "Thank you Shuxun."

Other students also expressed their gratitude to Wei Shuxun, everyone ignored Zhong You, and Zhong You's face paled.

Leaving this suspected red light district street, everyone stopped when they reached the intersection. There was a person standing at the intersection, just one person, but his aura was more terrifying than the dozen or so gangsters mixed up just now. He didn't have the feeling of targeting anyone, he was just dressed in black, standing tall and straight, and standing there with no expression on his face, everyone unconsciously timid and didn't dare to approach him.

At this time, the man raised his head, his handsome face was expressionless, his dark pupils swept over them coldly, and looked at Wei Shuxun: "Shuxun."

"Zhou Quan." Wei Shuxun ran forward and asked with a smile, "Have you finished your business? Why are you here?"

Zhou Quan bowed his head, Wei Shuxun's sincere smile reflected in his eyes, he looked like an ordinary and simple student. But this student is completely different from the good boy he imagined.

After returning to school and handing over the task, I wanted to pick up Wei Shuxun for dinner, but I happened to see him running into this street. Zhou Quan was worried that he was in danger, so he followed him, so he saw and He was impressed by Wei Shuxun who was completely two extremes. But Shu Xun, who works hard to protect his friends, is still cute.

"What's wrong?" Wei Shuxun wondered.

Zhou Quan patted his head: "Come to my house tonight."