MTL - Tech House System-Chapter 107 Four-eyed frog

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Wei Shuxun and Han Zhixin were students in the same school in junior high school, but Wei Shuxun was in the worst eighth class and Han Zhixin was in the best one. The two classes were lined up on the playground with a distance of 6 classes, and in the school rankings, Han Zhixin was in the top ten, and Wei Shuxun's name was not on the list.

There is no chance for two people like this to meet at all. Unfortunately, Wei Shuxun was the monitor of the eighth class at that time, and Han Zhixin was the monitor of the first class.

Wei Shuxun is not a good student, but after being elected as the monitor by his classmates, he will be responsible for what he should do to the end, so he often contacts Han Zhixin at some school meetings and activities.

Wei Shuxun had no intention of bullying the top students, but the two sides were at odds with each other, and he didn't even bother to remember each other's names.

So when there is something to ask Han Zhixin, Wei Shuxun is: "Hey, that four-eyed frog..."

Among the 8 class leaders in the first year of the first year, only Han Zhixin wore glasses, Wei Shuxun was called the four-eyed frog, and everyone looked at him. It's okay to call a four-eyed frog, the problem is that the female monitor of the second class at that time accidentally laughed, and unfortunately, she is Han Zhixin's first love and secret love.

The harm this incident brought to Han Zhixin was that he found out that the object of his crush, liked and deliberately please Wei Shuxun!

"That's the girl with long hair and a high ponytail tied with a blue floral belt." Han Zhixin has a deep memory of his first love.

"Oh!" Wei Shuxun suddenly said: "That horse's tail!"


Is it still human to call a girl who likes you!

As an honest and good student, Han Zhixin's revenge for "injuring" Wei Shuxun is to wait. One day, he must return the nickname of "Four-eyed Frog" to Wei Shu Xun.

But wait, wait, he just can't wait. Eighty percent of the class is wearing glasses, and Wei Shuxun, who plays games every day, has good eyesight.

Han Zhixin gave up a long time ago, God is pitiful, he unexpectedly waited until this day!

"..." The nickname of the four-eyed frog has no lethal power to Wei Shuxun.

It was really naive at that time, proudly giving nicknames to classmates, laughing at those who wear glasses are nerds with four-eyed frogs or something... Now let's slap in the face!

Of course, Han Zhixin, who has waited for so many years to laugh at others with a "four-eyed frog", is also very naive, but this may be the only bad thing in a nerd's life...

Thinking of his upright and stubborn friend, Wei Shuxun put down his hand, adjusted his glasses, and asked Han Zhixin: "I'm pretending to be hit now, will you feel more fulfilled?"

"" Han Zhixin glared at Wei Shuxun like a fried chicken, and lowered his shoulders after a while: "Forget it, I won't be childish with you, in short, you will be yourself You will realize the various inconveniences of eating, bathing and running, and I am very satisfied to see that you have also become the nerd four-eyed frog in my own mouth, hum!"

Han Zhixin raised his chin and left, Wei Shuxun turned to Zhou Quan, pushed on his glasses, and asked him, "Hey, I'm wearing glasses, don't forget your promise."

Zhou Quan looked at Wei Shuxun quietly, the black square glasses not only did not affect his appearance, but added a sense of abstinence, which made people want to move.

Wei Shuxun kicked him impatiently: "Hey!"

Zhou Quan returned to his senses and nodded: "No problem, I will arrange it."

"That..." Wei Shuxun hesitated for a while, then said embarrassedly: "If it's not troublesome, can Han Zhixin add it... Of course, it's not convenient."

He also finally remembered that he had lost Han Zhixin's first love.

Zhou Quan nodded: "Just add a name, no problem."

Have dinner with Zhou Quan and chat about their current situation. Because Zhou Quan's mission is kept secret, Wei Shuxun is complaining. The teachers of engineering mechanics really scared him. There is a plug-in of learning machine, and I dare not say how much success I can achieve in the future. There is still the possibility of participating in rocket manufacturing. After all, with tens of thousands of staff, he can at least go in and become a small technician!

So Wei Shuxun is not stupid, he just takes his future work very seriously.

Zhou Quan listened attentively to Wei Shuxun's complaints, pondered for a while, and asked, "Shu Xun, do you really like aerospace so much? Can't you change your direction?"

If it is other research, even in the military industry, Zhou Quan has the ability to support Wei Shuxun. But in terms of aerospace, no dignitary dares to intervene in this research, because it is indeed something that will become a national sinner if you are not careful.

Wei Shuxun was silent for a while, put down his chopsticks, and looked directly at Zhou Quan: "Aerospace, I have only seen pictures of rockets taking off, and I have only just begun to come into contact with engineering mechanics. If I like it, I don’t have it at all, I just don’t hate it. I prefer to study optical imaging with Professor Zhao. But…”

Wei Shuxun lowered his head, thinking of the dead Wei Cheng. Although Wei Cheng spoke disgustingly to him, he never said anything bad to Zhou Quan, so Zhou Quan only knew that Wei Cheng was his future descendant. what.

"I just want to give it a try, I'm not sure if I can really study aerospace, the rocket project may not be accessible for a lifetime, but I want to at least try to see it, and stick to it where..."

Although there is a meaning of reconciliation in his words, Wei Shuxun does not know that when he smiles and speaks, his expression is stable and firm, his eyes are shining, and under the background of the lights, Zhou Quan is dazzling Unable to look away.

I originally had a lot of things to talk about with Zhou Quan. I don’t know why, Zhou Quan’s eyes suddenly changed, and the burning eyes made Wei Shuxun feel like he was about to catch fire, so he hurriedly ended dinner and returned dormitory.

Wei Shuxun's myopia is not serious, so he didn't wear glasses for a long time, but when Wu Feng saw the glasses case on the computer table, Wu Feng immediately shouted strangely: "Hey, Shuxun, are you myopic?"

"Yeah." Wei Shuxun just nodded, Yu Xin and Wang Anqing both came over and said, "Put it on, put it on, and show us."

Like watching monkeys get dressed.

Wei Shuxun put on his glasses, imitated the action in the animation, pushed the frame with his middle finger, and asked, "How is it?"

"Go!" Wu Feng turned around: "It's too much, what does it mean to be more handsome with glasses!"

Yu Xin and Wang Anqing also turned around disappointed.

Wei Shuxun is satisfied.

In fact, he can use nano-biological robots to repair his eyes, but it is only mild myopia. It is too wasteful to use nano-biological robots.

Wei Shuxun doesn't want to wear glasses, he only wears them when he is far away in class. I don't know why, when the group of classmates, male or female, saw Wei Shuxun's glasses, they were all surprised: "Shixun, do you also wear glasses? Hurry up and show me how handsome you are!"

It's as rare as watching monkeys wear clothes.

Wei Shuxun finds it annoying, so he just wears his glasses all the time, and plans to wait until these guys have seen enough before taking them off, so as not to be yelled at every day.

Zhou Quan came to Wei Shuxun, first because he missed him, and second because he was visiting the space flight control center.

The Aerospace Flight Control Center selects outstanding college students from all over the country to visit the Aerospace City every year. The number is usually about 150-200. Most of them are aerospace majors. Other majors can also apply. limit.

For Zhou Quan, it was really just a matter of filling in the names of two people.

More than ten days later, the list of students who were allowed to visit the space flight control center was sent to the corresponding school, and both Wei Shuxun and Han Zhixin received notification letters.

Because it was not sure before, Wei Shuxun didn't tell Han Zhixin, and only called him to tell him the whole story after receiving the notification letter this time.

"I said, I'm a French major, how could I receive a notice to visit the space flight control center." Han Zhixin understood: "Is it Zhou Quan's favor? Thank him for helping me another day."

"Thank you, are you going?"

"Go, you'd be an idiot if you don't go!" Han Zhixin nodded without hesitation.