MTL - Taking Part in a Survival Game with My Brother-Chapter 172 Soldiers come to block, water comes to overturn the boat

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  Chapter 172 Soldiers come to block, water comes to turn the boat

   "Yangyang, do you know?" Lu Mingyu asked.

  Lu Yang followed his words: "Know what?"

   "Someone wants to take the sheep by the hand!" Lu Mingyu couldn't believe it, "Let the Yangyang by the hand!"

  Lu Yang: "?"

What does    have to do with her?

  Lu Mingyu was filled with righteous indignation: "Smooth, how could it be so smooth!?"

   "If I know someone who doesn't know what to do, I'll beat him up hard!"

  Lu Yang was in a fog.

   "Brother, hurry up and rest, if you don't rest, you will really become ugly."

   One word hit Lu Mingyu's deathbed, and he immediately said goodbye: "Okay! Good night, Yangyang!"

   "Hmm...good morning."

  Lu Yang's early morning, Lu Mingyu's late night.

  Finally, she ended the call on the assumption that she was going to have breakfast and he was going to sleep.

  Lu Yang lowered his head and concentrated on eating porridge, took a glass of milk, raised his eyelashes, looked at Jiang Yanzhou, and asked, "Did you arrange my brother's training camp?"

  Jiang Yanzhou nodded: "Yes."

  Lu Yang bent his eyebrows and smiled happily, "Thank you."

   "I don't want to thank you." He still said the same sentence.

  Lu Yang blinked, his dark eyes seemed to be adorned with starlight, and his tone was relaxed: "I want what I have, don't pick it, I won't even thank you for picking it."

  Soldiers come to block, water comes to turn the boat.

  Jiang Yanzhou curled his fingers, touched her nose lightly, and said with a smile, "That's not what you said last night."

   "Last night?" Lu Yang searched in his mind to no avail, "What did you say?"

   "You said, you want me..." Jiang Yanzhou dragged his tone, which made people imagine.

  Lu Yang answered quickly: "I want you to restrain yourself."

  Jiang Yanzhou: "..."

  Lu Yang doesn't argue or quarrel, she just doesn't care about it, if she really wants to argue, no one can win her.

  The tone is kind, speaking in a soft and slow voice that makes people unable to continue.

  In the morning, Lu Yang temporarily received an urgent notice asking her to go back to school.

  He Huaijing is a tenured professor of the school, a key cadre, and the leader of the Hundred Talents Program.

   When Gu Liye came out of the operating room, the first thing he did was to call Lu Yang.

   "Junior Sister, what's the matter?"

  Lu Yang looked at the staff in suits and leather shoes not far away, "Nothing, the people above came to inspect the situation, it's a common thing."

   Gu Liye said: "That's not what I asked."

  Lu Yang: "?"

   "Although Jinghua Hospital is one of the best hospitals in the country, it is also a key development hospital." Gu Liye frowned, "But it is not so important."

   "So, what I want to ask is..." Gu Liye put down his hands, raised his eyes, and said with concentration: "Why did you choose Jiang Yanzhou instead of He Kongqing and Jin Yao?"

  Lu Yang: "..."

  The prelude is completely useless, the focus is on the gossip behind.

   "Is it the brother who wants to know, or the sister-in-law?"

   "It's the same, our husband and wife have a common destiny, I think it's what she thinks, and what she thinks is what I think."

  Lu Yang recalled that when he first met Gu Liye, he had an air of arrogance all over his body, and his strength made him defiant.

  Now, it is surprising.

   "Brother, when you stole the household registration certificate, did you think that you would be discovered one day?" Lu Yang said quietly, "The Pei family is going to lock up your wife. If you don't go to the hero to save the beauty at this time, when will you wait?"

  Gu Liye: "...Junior Sister, whoever can take advantage of you must tell Senior Brother, and Senior Brother will worship him as a teacher!"

   "Brother, let's worship God first, I wish you good luck, I hope I can see the complete you in the hospital tomorrow."


  If you don’t want to be hurt, if you want to be hurt, stick a knife in your heart.

   It can be soft and moderate, but also angular.

  He Kongqing communicated with the person in front of him in fluent French. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the figure under the plane tree. He bowed, said a word, and walked towards her.

   "Lu Yang."

  Lu Yang put away his phone, looked at him, then looked away, then turned his gaze back: "Are you done talking?"

  He Kongqing: "Yes."

  He asked again: "How about Fei Zhen's matter?"

   "It's almost done. Porcelain Star will open up the foreign pharmaceutical market, and Mrs. Ye will be in charge."

  He Kongqing nodded, thinking of something, he suddenly smiled, "I heard that the leaders of Huaicheng will come to Yuncheng after the next year."

  Lu Yang was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head, with surprise in his eyes: "Jiang Xi?"

   "Yes." He Kongqing said, "Jiang Yanzhou's father."

   "Fei Zhen will probably meet Jiang Xi, Lu Yang, what chance do you think he has of winning the favor of a big shot?"

  Hearing this, Lu Yang curled his lips and smiled silently, "I think it's useless, and I can't change the facts."

  She didn't refuse to answer directly, so he didn't ask.

   "I'm leaving first, you have a good discussion with those people, don't let down the teacher's good intentions."

  Lu Yang waved his hand and said goodbye.

  He Kongqing looked at her leaving back, the admiration in her eyes was clearly revealed, and for a moment, a helpless and sour smile slowly leaked from the corners of her lips.

   Not only women are muqiang, men are also muqiang.

  The halo of the strong is gorgeous and dazzling. There is a kind of person who is even more impressive than the condescending powerhouse—the behind-the-scenes player.

   Unique color.

   Unique tenderness.

   Unique control.

  He has always wanted to study exactly what kind of person Lu Yang is, but after several years of research, he still found nothing.

   This feeling of frustration became more apparent after coming back to see her.

  The teacher told him that you can never understand a person 100%, if you think you know him 100%, it is just an illusion in your subconscious, it is your judgment of him, blocking the rest of the information.

  Lu Yang is a living example.

   To love specific people, but the specific is never the person, but the emotion.

  Specifically, no matter what aspect of life you look at, you love her.

  The water flows long, and it hides countless passions.

  He Kongqing made a phone call, his eyes still stopped at the place where Lu Yang left, and his eyes dimmed: "She knows."


  Inspecting schools is very common. He Huaijing is very reassuring of Lu Yang in terms of his conduct and professionalism. Whenever there are such important events, he likes to entrust her with the responsibility.

  Now that there is He Kongqing, Lu Yang is free, so he left after saying a word.

   "Military division, are you too soft-hearted?"

   "The 57th time." Lu Yang pursed his lips and smiled, "Miss, you worshiped and burned incense for me today, did the Buddha ignore you?"

   "I'd be damned if the Buddha talked to me." Ye Cixing said, "I still think you are too gentle with Pei Yiwu and Lin Xinmeng."

   "They didn't mess with me, so there's no need to kill them all."

   "Lin Xinmeng made up your rumors, and you are still going around! Pei Yiwu, I suspect that she is using your brother. She approached you with bad intentions in the first place!"

  The temperature has been very low recently, Lu Yang was wearing a bluetooth headset, put his hands in his pockets, and stopped a car at the school gate.

   "Pei Yiwu likes my brother, she has no ill intentions towards my brother." Lu Yang saw this early on, "I will not interfere with my brother's normal interpersonal relationship."

  Ye Cixing was speechless.

  How did the two brothers and sisters have a strong desire to control, but can give each other freedom.

   "He Kongqing told me today that Jiang Xi is going to Yuncheng." Lu Yang asked, "Do you know about this?"

   "Got it, any questions?"

   "He Kongqing didn't come back to inherit his father's business. I haven't figured out what to do specifically. Isn't Shengyu familiar with him? Did you find anything?"

   "I didn't notice the difference between Sheng Yu and He Kongqing." Ye Cixing frowned, "However, I found the difference in you."

   Lu Yang looked at the speeding scenery outside the window, and said with a smile, "What can I do?"

   "You've been sleeping early lately!"

   "Can't you? Retirement life."

   "Are you and Jiang Yanzhou developing very rapidly?"

   "How to say it?"

   "One parent, two pushes, three up."

  The corners of Lu Yang's mouth curled up, "Miss, you will be reunited all of a sudden, and you will kiss me once and push me twice, next time you want to tell me that your son is married?"

   "Not really." Ye Cixing swallowed, "The main reason is that you look delicious, and few people can bear it."

  Lu Yang: "?"

  Ye Cixing yawned and lay down on the pillow, "Stop talking, military advisor, I need to catch up on sleep, so I'll talk to you another day."

   "Okay, pay attention to rest."

  Lu Yang finished his school work early, and with a few hours to spare, the sky began to snow again.

The driver of the taxi was a female driver. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Lu Yang open the window, snow drifted in and landed on her palm, and she said familiarly: "Little girl, be careful of catching a cold. It just jumped from summer to winter."

   "Thank you for your concern." Lu Yang smiled kindly.

  She has always been in good physical condition. It seems that she may be prone to illness, but she seldom gets sick.

   It is a physique that, if you don't get sick, you can die if you get sick.

   "This year's snow came later than in previous years." The driver tilted his head slightly and smiled, "But it will come later."

  (end of this chapter)