MTL - Sword of Daybreaker-Chapter 1584 morning light

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Cecil's 5th year, on the 15th of the fire month, the short spring has left, and summer has come to this land.

In a special conference room under the Magic Energy Technology Department, Gawain, Rebecca, Jenny, and several experts and scholars who play an important role in the fields of runes and mathematics are gathering together.

The huge room was brightly lit, and the low humming sound of the magic net terminal and the computing center connector was running from time to time. There were only less than ten people sitting around the wide conference round table, which made the whole conference room seem a little deserted, but more than From this slightly deserted atmosphere, the depression of the atmosphere at the moment is even more breathless.

Gao Wen's face was sinking like water, and Rebecca, who was standing not far to his left, was clutching a document at the moment, reporting the most unoptimistic situation: "...To sum up, the two sent by the Noy people last month The scheme has basically been deemed unfeasible.

"Since the entire planet of Loren is in the interference environment, there is no way to exclude the erroneous data generated by the interference from the final parameters, and if we want to mathematically calculate and reverse the correct parameters, we must get a source from Interfering with 'pure data' outside the system is a dead end that cannot be skipped by any trickery.

"In addition, the second plan envisaged 'adding a set of reverse correction mechanisms to the magic tide observation device to offset the interference' could not be realized considering the scale of the sun's interference on the Loren planet, and the operation of the magic tide observation device itself. The huge energy impact of the reverse correction mechanism itself is astronomical in size and required energy. At present, the energy structure of the magic tide observation device has been fixed. As the basis of the entire system, it is difficult for us to do it in a limited time. change ... so the reverse correction mechanism is also not feasible."

Speaking of this, Rebecca slowly put down the document in her hand, and sighed softly: "And even if the reverse correction mechanism can be built, the success rate of this scheme is very slim, it is just a simple and crude 'sun filter' ', by calculating the magic power of solar radiation on the earth and generating reverse-cancelling oscillations to correct the disturbance of the observation device, but this large-scale energy operation itself may also affect the accuracy of the observation device, maybe in the exclusion of the sun After the interference, the reverse correction mechanism itself became the source of interference..."

Rebecca's voice fell, and Jenny, who was not far away, added: "And it is difficult for us to accurately calculate the magic power of solar radiation on the earth. We must consider that the planet itself also has a magic power cycle, and the magic power released by 'O' It could also be intermingled in starlight, and our current detection technology is likely to fall short of the precision required by the corrective device."

The conference room fell silent for a while, Gawain's eyes slowly swept across every face around the conference table, and after pondering for a long time, he broke the silence: "So this is our conclusion at this stage, and there is more to be added. Is it?"

"No," Jenny shook her head, "Now let's see how Noy responds to this."

Gawain nodded lightly, and then set his eyes on the desktop in front of him. A magic net terminal and a printing device connected to the magic net terminal were placed in front of him. Like the device in his study, these The thing is also connected to the super-light communication system that spans two planets, and at this moment, the Noi people who are four light-years away are waiting for the signal from Loren.

Gao Wen took a breath, calmed down, pressed his hand on the send button of the communication device, and said in a low voice, "Start calling Noi and send greetings."

The magic net terminal was buzzing, and the greeting from the planet Loren crossed the distance of four light-years and reached the depths of the stars in an instant. Then the eyes around the round table stared at the communication system in front of Gawain. They waited. The Noi people's response seemed to contradict the arrival of this response, but in any case, the Noi people's reply soon arrived at the printing device and began to spit out the paper tape recording the communication content, and the text on the tape was also At the same time, the holographic projection was displayed on the empty conference table: "Noy received it. Greetings to you. How is the situation?"

Gawain was silent for two seconds before speaking in a deep voice: "Unfortunately, after the bad news has been demonstrated in combination with the actual situation, we found that neither plan is feasible."

He sent the content of Rebecca's report just now to the opposite side of Xinghai without reservation. At the moment when the countdown is approaching the end, all euphemisms and detours are meaningless. responsible attitude.

And after he sent all these messages, the Noi people's silence lasted for a full ten minutes.

This long silence was like a silent drum beat, making everyone's heart feel like it was gradually clenched, but when the silence finally ended, with a slight clicking sound, Gawain saw the printer in front of him. The device started working:

"This is Noi, we have received the information from Loren just now, we have certain expectations for such a result...

"The scale of the disturbance from the 'sun' is staggering, and over the past period of time, we have also organized a team of experts to analyze the unique environment of Loren, and for the first time we have recognized a gas giant orbiting the" What kind of special satellites' have, although I don't want to admit it, but the fact is... With our current technical level, it is impossible to solve this interference factor.

"Based on this, Noy will make one last suggestion. This is the only way we can think of, and perhaps the only hope for one of our two civilizations to have a chance to continue."

All eyes in the conference room were staring at the words that came from four light years away. Gao Wen seemed to have expected something in his heart. An indescribable emotion was gradually emerging, and after a moment of silence, the voice from Noy A large piece of information about the planet is presented in front of everyone

"According to our wise man's analysis, although the magic tide parameters scanned by Loren are disturbed by the 'sun', this does not mean that both parameters are wrong. In theory, the magic tide observation device is in the 'double lens' The magic wave fluctuations read under the influence of ' is actually the superposition result of a real fluctuation and a distorted fluctuation. Therefore, one of the two data you scanned is actually correct, and this correct data should point to you. The star called 'O' in the mouth.

"The problem we encountered was that we couldn't find the 'correct' one from these two fluctuation parameters. This was due to the lack of a 'pure reference value' outside the system, and both parameters showed the characteristics of the magic tide. state, so that we cannot determine which set of data comes from the projection of 'O' and which set of data comes from the interference of 'sun'.

"Since this problem cannot be solved with the current level of technology, then we have only one choice left... Noy ​​and Loren will perform the last synchronous observation. After obtaining the two sets of data, we each choose one of the sets of data as this data. The planet's 'barrier key', so that no matter which set of data is correct, we can survive at least one.

"The Noi society has already prepared for this, and as an earlier party to the magic tide, we will also try our best to send the real-time status of the planet after the magic tide arrives, although theoretically the time between the two planets will be sent. Superluminal communication will be cut off, but we will still do our best to send out signals, so that if we choose the correct 'key', Loren will still have a chance to know the result, and will not make it in half a year. Wrong choice.

"If you don't receive this signal, then choose another set of data directly. Please take this as our last gift to our friends, and take care of Noi's successor according to the previous agreement."

The clicking sound from the printing device finally stopped, and the buzzing magic web terminal also turned to the standby screen. The meeting room fell into an abnormally suppressed silence for a while, but until the signal from Noy ended, Gawain's His eyes still stayed on the paper tape that had stopped spitting out for a long time, and after staring at it for a long time, he let out a sigh in his heart.

This was the result that he had vaguely guessed before, but he didn't expect that the Noi people would really do this.

A sense of powerlessness, and a malicious anger that was still unable to shake fate after exhausting everything gradually came to his heart, but in this scorching anger, Gawain was unusually calm, and his reason was higher than his anger and told him, This is actually the best result. It is the reward that the two civilizations have received after working together for such a long time. Even under such deep malice in this world, the two planets still have the certainty that at least one of them will survive. Compared with The result of the annihilation of civilizations in the past countless seasons is already a miracle under the stars.

But the emotional part told Gawain that he didn't like the result.

It's not just that he doesn't like the result.

The sound of the seats colliding suddenly came from beside the round table. In the depressing atmosphere where several experts frowned and remained silent, a figure with long gray-white hair and a slightly thin body suddenly stood up. Jenny, Jenny, who always seemed extraordinarily silent in the usual meetings, this rune master from the capital, who was from a poor family, rested on the table with both hands, her knuckles turned white due to the force, she seemed to be suppressing something, and her voice was a little too loud. Trembling: "Have we really come to a time when we have to choose this option? After so much effort and going so far forward, are we still forced to gamble with fate in the end?"

Several scholars closest to Jenny looked at this great rune master who always treated others with a gentle and humble attitude. They had never seen each other like this, but Gawain knew why, he just watched calmly. Looking at Jenny's eyes, he waited for the other party's voice to fall before breaking the silence with a calm voice: "Jenny, I know you have a harder time accepting this result than anyone else. In fact, I don't like this result very much, but what we need at this moment is It's a plan, an executable plan, do you have any ideas?"

"I..." Jenny opened her mouth, her face was very bad, the exhaustion and mental pressure of the day's work piled up on her shoulders, which made her body sway slightly, but the next second, she was still She stabilized her body with her arms supporting the table, and under Gawain's calm but powerful gaze, her emotions calmed down a little, and her voice calmed down again, "I don't have a clear plan, but I have ideas, I will. Thinking that it is not yet time to give up completely, we still have a chance to find the correct result from the current two parameters through mathematical methods..."

Then she waved her hand, as if she was about to wave something away, and as if to increase her power to speak, and then said: "The biggest problem for us now is that all the ways to obtain data are within the 'interference range', and what we get All parameters are polluted, but as long as we can get a 'pure parameter' that comes from the vicinity of Loren and is outside the interfering system, or one of the sets of data suddenly shows a distinguishable 'signature', we can There is an opportunity to isolate that correct result from the two sets of data..."

"We know this very well," Gawain nodded, "but how do we get the pure parameters outside this system?"

"Listen to me, Your Majesty, whether it is 'sun' or 'Ao', their movements are not always constant. The magic field of the sun fluctuates, and the same is true for Ao. If our observation accuracy can be improved, Perhaps it is possible to accurately find the corresponding set of magic tide readings from this magic fluctuation. All the problems that are bothering us now stem from our not knowing which of these two sets of data points to the sun and which points to 'O', That's all it takes to solve this problem!"

Gawain stared into Jenny's eyes, and after a while he said softly, "Then with the current technical level, can we improve the observation accuracy to the standard you require within a month?"

Jenny bit her lip, unable to answer any further.

She is also very clear in her heart that this is a direction, a direction that exists in theory, but like all those unfeasible solutions, this direction is difficult to go.

The conference room fell into an unspeakable silence again, and this time the silence was even more oppressive than before. Even Rebecca, who was always optimistic in the past, kept her mouth tightly closed, revealing an ugly face.

Gawain let out a light breath, and looked at the communication terminal beside him. After a few seconds of silence, he stretched out his hand to the terminal.

But the next second, a voice that suddenly sounded in his mind interrupted his movement: "Detected external communication intervention, unauthorized signal, identified as the original code of I-V-16."

Gawain was stunned for a moment, and only after a while did he realize that the sound came from his former "ontology", and that the ancient observation satellite was the sound of the Navigator System!

Voyager satellite received a communication signal? And still recognizable raw code?

The huge surprise made him a little stunned, but he quickly calmed down, then waved his hand to signal others to be quiet for a while, and at the same time authorized to accept this communication request in his heart.

In the next second, he felt that a new data stream was connected to the data stream between him and the Navigator system. After a short period of noise and garbled characters, a man who could not distinguish between men and women seemed to be completely synthesized by machinery. A voice resounded in his mind:

"Hello, Gawain, friend."

Gawain felt that this voice was a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he heard it. After a few seconds of silence, he finally asked calmly, "Who are you?"

"It's normal that you can't recognize my voice, and after rebuilding the system carrier, I fine-tuned many of my representational parameters as a symbol of starting a new life."

The voice spoke calmly in Gawain's mind. Although it didn't sound emotional, it seemed to contain a smile. Then, the voice suddenly changed its pitch slightly.

"Do you hear it now? I'm Omega."