MTL - Sword of Daybreaker-Chapter 1535 "Method"

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The first thousand five hundred and thirty-five chapters of the text of the Sword of Dawn, "This is Amber, my escort."

Gawain's calm voice sounded, which also made Amber, who was counseling behind, muster up a little courage. She raised her head and glanced at the three half-human, half-deer female gods in front of her, with a smile that was uglier than crying. , raised his hand to say hello: "How are you..."

The earth goddess Gaia's mouth trembled visibly with the naked eye, and the smile squeezed out of her face was even more like a cry than Amber, and also greeted: "Hello..."

As soon as Amber heard the word "you" from the other party, he immediately stopped cowardly, and his whole person seemed to be floating, and even his eyebrows flew up. Gawain saw the instant change of expression of this guy at a glance, and immediately touched it calmly. Her shoulder: "What the hell, it's obviously a slip of the tongue and the one who called you 'behind'."

After Gawain finished speaking, he turned his attention to the goddess of the earth in front of him. He coughed twice to attract the other party's attention, and then his eyes fell on the other party's face involuntarily. After a moment of hesitation, he finally couldn't help but say: "Yes Why don't you guys wipe the blood on your face first? Deal with the injury on your head or something..."

From the moment we met just now, he noticed the blood flowing down the faces of the three goddesses, and instantly made up countless things in his brain, and it seemed that these three ran over with blood on their heads and half their faces. Looking for someone, to be honest, this scene is so weird and weird. Gawain claims to be well-informed in this life, but I have never seen such a fresh and refined scene a few times, so I have to think about it. It seems that the strangeness of the dragon **** becoming a tea egg essence can be compared with it, but Ms. Egg is a gradual process, and it is not as exciting as the three goddesses who run to the door directly with a second-level disability. …

What Gawain didn't know was that a similar conversation had only happened not long ago. After Amoen heard this, he raised his eyebrows subconsciously, while Gaia was obviously in a good temper, and she still maintained that gentle and easy smile: " This wound is the result of the penetration of shadow power, and it can only wait for the passage of time to heal slowly, but please rest assured, although it looks a little serious, it is only a skin injury, so don’t worry about it.”

Gawain wanted to say on the spot that the few of you didn't care, but the people watching next to him couldn't care less, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say it, because he always felt that if this topic was to continue, it must only be It became more and more strange, and at the same time, the answer of the goddess of the earth also completely confirmed the clues he had acquired recently, which allowed him to force his attention to the business: " have already seen Ms. Ye, Your wounds are also left because of this?"

The three goddesses looked at each other, and the goddess of harvest nodded lightly: "You really know a lot, Lord Amoen said that you may be the most wise and brave mortal in the world, and you are also the most knowledgeable about gods. The person who has the palm of your hand, it seems that it is right."

"I may know more than you think," Gawain said with a smile on his face, while trying to ignore the strange picture of the three beautiful ladies bleeding from their heads, "For example, I also know that at this moment there is a It shouldn't be the complete 'Three Gods of Plenty' here. You are the human half of the three gods of abundance, right? Madam Ye has unbound your humanity in some way, and your divinity should still be fixed in the **** position. , responding to earthly connections in the form of answering machines."

Eve finally showed a somewhat surprised expression. After a moment of indifference, she nodded: "Indeed. We didn't expect you to know this, so it seems that we can save a lot of explanation and get to the point."

"Let's get straight to the point, why are you here?" Gawain looked at the three ladies seriously, "If our guess is correct, you should have been trying to get in touch with the world before this. Those 'phantom plants' on the edge of the courtyard should be left by you, right? Among the gods in the world, you seem to be the first three to take action."

"That is indeed what we left behind," Flora, the goddess of spring, nodded, "We have just mentioned this matter to Lord Amoun just now, and it is because of the active actions of mortals on earth that the gods have suffered The shackles of God have loosened a little, and our sisters made a bold attempt as soon as they realized this loosening. But at that time, this 'loosening' was still very slight, and all we could do was in the kingdom of God. There are only a few 'traces' left, and because the Shadow Realm is a buffer zone between the world and the kingdom of God, and the power of Lord Amoen has a certain connection with us, we chose this place.

"Our idea at the time was very simple. We just wanted to send a little signal to the world to let you know that your efforts have had a certain effect, and the appearance of Lady Ye... is also very sudden for us."

Having said that, Flora couldn't help but glance at Amber again, then quickly looked away, and looked at Gawain seriously: "According to Ms. Ye, it is because of the 'Theocracy Council' Correct 'operation' has led to a breakable gap in the chains on the gods, so that He can find an opportunity to intervene in this matter. He amplifies the 'result' of the impact of the mortals on the chains of theocracy, and cuts off our divinity. The connection with the human side."

"How on earth did he do this?" Gawain asked a question that he had never understood. He was now 100% sure that the solution to the problem by Madam Ye was really a simple and rude "hand up and down", however, How could such a simple and rude method that is almost comical successfully cut off the divinity and humanity of the gods? Considering the long-term impact of all this, he had to find out about it now, "Could it be that He really... I speak more straight, did He really beat you all?"

This time, Gaia, the most calm and calm of the three sisters, couldn't help but have a strange look on her face, the corner of her mouth trembled slightly, trying to maintain her expression: "From the's almost like this, but He explained to us. There is a very convincing principle that he is using a navigator device called an 'anchor generator' to 'cut' us. According to Ms. Night's description, the anchor generator can impact the projection of thoughts, Divinity and humanity will show completely different reactions when faced with this kind of shock.

"Divinity will operate more in accordance with reason and rules. He will first try to maintain the existence of the priesthood. Therefore, 'protecting the firm connection between itself and the divine position' is the priority response of divinity, while human nature has richer emotions. There are also more complex and drastic changes when there is a threat, so 'avoiding danger and reducing damage' is the priority response of human nature. Under normal circumstances, divinity and human nature are bound together, and the latter cannot oppose the former, but now theocracy The Council has carved a fissure in this chain, so the impact of the anchor generator will be powerful enough to tear the gods apart..."

Gawain was stunned listening next to him. He was stunned that he could do this. For a while, he didn't know whether to sigh the navigator or the night lady. After thinking about it, he could only say that both of them were awesome, but he was shocked. In addition, he couldn't help but mutter: "Does he all believe you when he explains it like this?"

The Goddess of Earth did not speak for a while, but the Goddess of Spring was a little blunt: "We can't do anything about it. He explained it after the fight, and it's all fought..."

"Flora, don't say that," Gaia immediately turned her head to remind her sister, "Ms. Night's method has really worked, no matter what the process is, there is no doubt that He will help us."

Immediately afterwards, she turned her head and looked at Gawain: "In addition, according to what Ms. Ye said, he was very sure of this method from the very beginning. Many years ago, the sailor used a similar method to force him from a semi-crazy state. The 'pull' came back, but the sailor's technology is more sophisticated and more efficient, and he is a little bit of borrowing from this method."

Gao Wen couldn't help rubbing his forehead. He now has a little more understanding of the ancient secrets of the Navigator era, and also knows more about the truth about the process of the lady being transformed by the Navigator into a "star map keeper" that night, but For some reason, he felt that he might as well not know these things, at least he could keep a fantastic, magnificent and epic world in his heart, but now, Lady Ye smashed these impressions to shreds with a stick. He still has to continue to discuss business affairs with the three gods of abundance under the impact of this fragmented worldview, oh, sister Gaia is still wearing blood in the process...

"Anyway, from the results, Ms. Ye succeeded," Gawain finally adjusted his mind, "So what does he want to do next? Or, what does he want you to do? What do we need to do?"

The three Gaia sisters were silent for a moment in unison, and then the youngest Flora broke the silence: "He made us... prepare for suicide."

This answer made Gawain's eyes widen in an instant, and even Amber, who had never said a word, couldn't help exclaiming: "Huh? What did you just say? Are you ready to commit suicide?!"

At this time, thoughts were already spinning in Gawain's mind, and a large amount of clues and information suddenly gathered in his heart. This information used to be vast and trivial, and only vaguely outlined the logic behind a certain event, but it was never revealed in front of him. The whole picture, but at this moment Flora's answer seemed like a bright line, instantly connecting everything together, he realized in shock and realized what Lady Ye wanted to do.

"Did He let you all take action on your own divine half-body when the divine disaster broke out and then die together?" He suddenly looked at Gaia, the eldest sister of the three goddesses, "He let your human part be let Can you kill yourself this way!?"

The three goddesses did not speak for a while, but Amoen, who was lying not far away and always listening quietly, let out a slight sigh. This sigh made Gawain react instantly, and he turned his head to look at the former **** of nature. : "You already know?"

"I guessed it, a vague guess," Amoen raised his head and said in a low voice, "I have experienced all the 'life courses' of a god, from birth to prosperity, from freedom to bondage, from 'falling' 'At the time of rebirth, I know better than you what the characteristics and power of the chains that bind the gods, what the gods can do and what they can't do... Self-destruction, this is already in such a time-critical situation and the situation is so critical The Lady of Next Night can give the gods the greatest freedom."

He lowered his eyes and stared at Gawain with crystal-like eyes: "Furthermore, this is also the only safe way to resist the tide of magic. At the critical moment of resisting the tide of magic, when all the world's trump cards are used, industrial production capacity and social functions are squeezed to the limit. In the case of supporting the parent star barrier, the extra pressure from the divine disaster, even a little bit of pressure, will be extremely deadly. I know you have some alternatives, Gawain, you will always have an 'extra' Zhang card', this card may increase the survival rate of civilization this season, but the price is probably so great that even you are unwilling to bear it?

"And even if this price is paid, how much can the survival probability of civilization increase? Even if it survives, how far can the last survivors rebuild the world? The few survivors can really live in Can you survive on a piece of scorched earth after the divine disaster? A magical tide can last for half a year, and the divine disaster will start at the moment when the magical tide arrives, and turn the whole world into scorched earth in a short period of time. In the scorched earth state for half a year, can the parent star barrier really operate stably as you planned?

"So, when the three sisters of abundance appeared in front of me and told me that they had achieved the separation of humanity and divinity, I guessed what Lady Ye wanted to do."

Gawain took a light breath, but at this moment he suddenly thought of a few words he casually mentioned when he was chatting with Amber. At that time, he and Amber discussed whether there was a way to prevent the final disobedience triggered by the magic tide. At that time, mortals could solve the divine disaster crisis at the least cost, or complete the rite of passage in the shortest time. At that time, they seriously discussed all possible solutions, but in the end there was only a joke-like conclusion.

Looking forward to such a good thing, it is better to expect the gods to commit suicide collectively.

Now, the gods have decided to commit suicide en masse.

This conclusion is no joke.

"Ms. Ye said that the coming-of-age ceremony must be spent by the civilized mortals of this season. He does not belong to this era, and the connection with the world is too weak. It is already her loophole in the rules to be able to separate our divinity and humanity. The biggest breakthrough," Eve said calmly, "God's self-annihilation is a 'clean and no residue' disposal method, which will not leave any pollution leakage or reverberation of thoughts caused by external participation, nor It will have too much impact on the world, and if we move faster, it won't even have a big impact on the mortal believers. It will only take a moment, and they will not hear our voice."

"Wait, it's not..." Amber finally couldn't help but speak again, she stared at her, her expression was unacceptable, "You just accept it? He said that letting you commit suicide will solve the problem of final disobedience, you just..."

"One after another of divine disasters, wasteland wars, sentinels, against the tide... These years, the mortal kingdoms have hardly had a chance to breathe," Gaia shook his head gently, his voice softly interrupting Amber, "This is not acceptable or unacceptable. The problem, this is a choice that has to be made. Although we are trapped in the position of God, we can see the changes in the world through the eyes of believers, and we actually know the situation better than you.

"I don't know the situation of other gods, but our sisters have discussed it carefully. Now all the nations of the world need to go all out to survive this adult crisis, and mortals have no spare energy to deal with the pressure brought by the divine disaster, then... we Just kill yourself."