MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 8 Internal power

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Chapter 008

"Seven Star Swords" practice conditions:

Arm strength 37, root bone 41, savvy 60, body method 47, the realm needed for internal power ‘Xuan Wonderland’!

Player: Happy.

Arm force 24, root bone 18, perception 25, body method 20.


Arm strength, representing strength, qi and blood, can be gradually improved with the progress of work and martial arts over time;

Body, representing speed, agility, can also be improved over time, as well as the realm of light work;

However, the root bones are different, representing the defense and the underlying. Usually, only the internal exercises can be cultivated to the intensive realm, or the cultivation of the external training can be improved. This also indicates the path from the lower martial arts to the superior martial arts. difficult;

As for understanding!

It is to see the individual's understanding of martial arts.

The higher the realm, the better the savvy will be when the barrier is broken...

Whether it is the introduction of martial arts such as 'Shaolin Changquan', or the way of mind, light work, hidden weapon, as long as it reaches a high level, the ninth layer, the savvy will increase slightly, but the martial arts is more advanced, the relative increase will be compared many.

In other words.

From the subordinate martial arts to the superior, each player needs to practice at least a few more skills, and must have the skills to achieve the goal of improving savvy, and promote to a true master.

of course……

There are also shortcuts to understanding.

Going to the private school to listen to the lectures and buying books, you can also open your mind and improve your understanding. Only private fees are very expensive. So far, it is not easy for newcomers in the rivers and lakes to make money. There should not be many people who can spend a lot of money in private schools.

And the light is the four basic attributes, happy there are dozens of gaps, so although the superior martial arts in the hands of the countless players are hot, but the feeling of holding it in the hands is not very good, only temporary Deposited in the custody of the bank, continue to practice Shaolin Changquan.

The journey of the Seven Stars is very far away...

The top martial arts ‘fighting to the stars’ is even more long, and it’s not a ‘thinking world’ that can be solved.

Speaking of internal power, this must be mentioned in all martial arts novels, but "Jianghu" has produced a more detailed and clear system.

Internal power!

From the most basic birth to death ‘entry and exit’, officially have the right to enter and exit the rivers and lakes;

To sneak a peek at the threshold of the "realization of the realm" - the creation of the day after tomorrow, the achievement of martial arts master;

Then it is the ‘玄妙境’ that has entered the room, and the internal strength has reached the mysterious, and it has the foundation of practicing martial arts;

Then, formally enter the 'life and death' of 'the life and death' before the fight, this level of the rivers and lakes are already the first-class masters with a variety of superior martial arts;

After life and death, life and death!


It is said that there are no fewer than ten internal realms behind ‘departure.’


Internal strength, daily heartbeat runs to the late stage, the entry effect is very small!

Only when each martial arts reaches a very high level can it be upgraded a little – entering the ‘deriving into the world’, or getting a chance, there will be a sudden increase.

However, each time the internal power is refined, the strength of the military is leaps and bounds, and the change is great!

Before crossing, I am happy to remember that the "Jianghu" that has been running for three years, the strongest person in the inner realm is the "Happy Houh" among the 'seven Hours'!

It is rumored that Hou Yaohou passed the ‘Happy Yao’’ to the martial arts “Northern Gods”! The inner realm can break through the ‘live and death’ on the fourth floor to the ‘deviation’ on the fifth floor, and defeat the ‘one emperor’ in the world’s first high hand.

The internal needs of "Turning to the Stars" is the 'life and death' of the fourth level. Because of the particularity of the exercises, it is necessary to be familiar with the martial essence of many sects in order to truly achieve the ultimate goal of "by the other side." Aoyi, it is inevitable that there are harsh demands on internal strength!

Happy is to see through this point, the decision to stay in the Murong family, and to repair hundreds of martial arts...


It is not that simple to cultivate hundreds of martial arts.

Murong family will not arbitrarily put a set of martial arts into your arms for you to practice.

Every martial arts must rely on the hard work of the disciples under the door to win!

"The Whole Heart Law" is because I am happy to feed my pets, and I have a good impression on Ms. Murong before making a private decision. As for Shaolin Changquan, it is because of the mission of Zizhulin;

The acquisition of "Seven Stars Swords" and "You Long Bu" is quite unexpected. The superior martial arts that should not appear in the ranks of low-level mission rewards can appear. This is probably related to the unexpected completion of the task, which has inspired a higher level. Reward.

Although some are unbelievable, this is the true meaning of the rivers and lakes!

"The miracle can happen at any time, and it may come at any time."

Unfortunately, the sword can't be cultivated...

It is like getting a night pearl of a priceless city, but there is no way to make it clear about its origins, and it is not good enough to use it.

So in the final analysis, every martial arts acquisition needs to rely on the players themselves to strive for it. Now, Happy has been officially accepted as a child of the Murong family by Miss Murong. He knows that from this moment, he finally enters the track of the division's mission system! You can directly find the housekeeper, or Miss Murong to seek the teacher's door task, and obtain more cheats in the Murong family martial arts library by completing different tasks.


Instead of accepting the task immediately, he used the forty-two silvers that were sold from the wolf skin, and bought eight copies of the healing medicine to restore his life's ‘golden drug,’ and went back to the western suburbs.

Out of the city, the outside of the city is already dark.

At the foot of the Hanshan Temple, it is more mysterious under the illumination of the moonlight. There are no traces of humanity on the official road. The sounds of the woods are so far away, and the sinister and scary people are making the field more infiltrating!

At this time, very few people know.

As soon as the wild wolf arrives at night, all aspects of his ability have improved slightly, and his real name has become 'a ferocious wolf'! Even if it is an entry and exit player, under such a moonlight, in the woods, because of the blurred vision and senses, there is no sure to win, and the rivers and lakes start only a little more than a month, reaching the entry and exit of the players, Outside the Hanshan Temple, one can not see a few players at night.

Fortunately, the duration of the night is not long. In this two-to-one virtual rivers and lakes world, the night is maintained for four hours at most. Most players choose to meditate at night to practice their minds, or find a corner to learn from each other and wait for the dawn. .

this method……

After a month, he was criticized by countless masters.

at night.

In fact, it is a better opportunity for cultivation.

In the evening, there are more ghosts and snakes, and the opportunities are actually more. Just like wild wolves, after becoming a ferocious wolf, the strength is improved, the value of fur and meat is also improved, and even groups appear. Fortunately, you can find wolves and Wolf King.