MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 15 Graveyard

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Chapter 015

"Signal transmission is successful, supporting a column of incense from the robbery thief's third child!"

The system prompts to make you happy and happy.

Seeing that the three immigrants and immigrants walked away from the two, leaving only the third person to chase himself, and he was born with a strong sense of excitement that the mountains and rivers are full of doubts and nowhere to be seen.

Although the third child's hidden weapon technique is good, the light work is also an excellent one among the three, but happy is not the ordinary rookie in the eyes of three tomb thieves...

Despite his low internal strength and unarmedness, but the one-on-one single escape from the third child, he believes that he is somewhat sure.


The sound of breaking the air rushed quickly, and listened to the wind and discerned the position. Regardless of the image, the front turned over and shunned a willow-flying knife with a close-knit geese.

"Hey!" The hidden weapon smashed a spark from the giant sword mountain behind him. He fell to the ground with joy and steadily, and did not dare to stagnate, muddy and slippery into the towering sword.

The first time, the third child did not care.

The swordsmanship is complex and easy to hide, and since this boy is a child of Murong House, some of them are repaired. Of course, unlike the panicked villagers, it is normal to know how to dodge!


A few consecutive lancets fell through, and the third child realized that the other party was not simple. He screamed with a scream. "Out of this cemetery, see where you are hiding!" There is no more shot at the moment, just chasing after Behind.

Happy running in front of me, then laughed:

"I want to go out? I can't go out."

Turning in the direction, folding into the martyrdom of the sword, and going back to the east side of the sword.

Now that the situation has changed, if three tomb thieves are here, happy will naturally leave the sword at the fastest speed, because once it is surrounded, there is a dead end; but now it is different, after leaving the sword, there is no interference from the terrain. On the contrary, the youngest willows will play the full power. Even if the happy skills are agile, it is impossible to avoid the continuous flying knife attack.

and so……

At this time, it is wise to run back to the sword and the third to kill time.

"Bad boy!"

Seeing the thoughts of the Murong family, the oldest anger screamed, the foot squatted, leaped high, and condescending, and the happy line was suddenly revealed, and the willow knife fell off.

However, it was the moment when the other party got up and laughed happily:

"I want to shoot me? Tangmen is almost the same."

The shallow hidden weapon technique, to deal with those villagers who have no experience, may be able to make every effort to deal with the joy of combat experience, obviously not qualified.


The clothes are squeaking, and the happy one is just a '蟒龙翻身', the body miraculously flips, stagnate, avoiding the willow knife, while waiting for the other hand's second-hand flying knife to shoot, the foot quickly connects, a stroke meteor catches the moon, fast plunder Into the three graves on the left, did not enter the dark.

"Where to run!"

The third child is not only gnashing his teeth, but also pursuing the past.

The other party is a Murong family, and they see their faces. If they can't kill, the consequences are very serious, so in any case, they must be killed in a short time.

As soon as the gaze sank, a faint white air flow emerged from the third place of Dantian, and quickly circulated throughout the body. The distance that the latter plucked suddenly increased a lot, and in a flash, it found a happy trace.


Feeling the strong wind and oppression behind it, happy brows.

This robber has actually started the inner realm. This is a bit bad, the other party has to do its best...

Take it! Take it!

Two pieces of willow flying knives, the skin is cool, the clothes are cut into two mouths, deeply plunged into the roadside tomb of happy dodge, happy suddenly shocked a cold sweat, the other side, regardless of strength or speed, have obvious improvement .


In the future, I was able to respond. The robbers and youngsters rose up and down in the graves and stopped in front of them.

"Kid... this is where you run!"


The scene that surprised the robbers of the third generation appeared.

Strong enemy interception, happy not only did not change direction, the momentum is not reduced, the violent inertia, hands clasped together, unrelentingly rushed to the front of the third, a pair of persevering, decisive eyes revealing amazing warfare!

Since you can’t run, then...


I have no heart, I am happy to have seized the opportunity, and my palms are wrong. I have reached the ninth realm of Shaolin Changquan, and unreservedly hit the arm of the youngest rush.


Huge impulse, even the martial arts people entering and leaving the country, also felt the strength and essence of Shaolin Changquan until the sudden and fierce, the whole body was shocked, and the body could not help but retreat two steps.

"Come back!"

In the face of a strong enemy, I know that if I relax a little, I will be judged by life and death. My eyes will sink and I will change my fists into claws. One hand will hold the right arm of the other side and air transport Dantian...

Jinlong explores the claws!

Pulling the robbers, the whole person borrowed strength, a kind of 'winged birds fly', 'big' like the words from the other side of the head, fell to the back of the other side, short, broom legs abnormally smooth from the rear will be the third Down, pick up 'reversal of Qiankun', and then martial arts, and give the old three even a few palms, did not wait for the other party to react, this is a birdie quickly ran away.

At the critical juncture, the continuous display of Shaolin's long-fighting routines has made this boxing method a little further, but happy, there is no mood to look after these.

Although the opportunity to practice a set for the third, but the other muscles are extremely strong, and the attack is not to give up protecting the deadly part, the attack did not cause much damage to the other side, continue to entanglement is not only useless, and it is easy to trap yourself Go in.

When I hit it, I ran, relieved my own crisis, and delayed the waiting for the Murong family to support the army.

Happy is not overwhelmed by the temporary upper hand.


The oldest one, 'Squid hits pretty', regains stability. I don’t know where to withdraw a cold knife. Under the moonlight, the blushing neck is sweeping the king and gnashing his teeth. Obviously, he is not protected by a Murong family. Unscrupulous ordinary disciples play with abnormal anger and shame.

"Give me the ability to hide and hide, this is the style of your Murong family?!"

"Hey, you steal the tomb thief, don't you like this tone?"

The happy counterattack sounded from a distance, with a bit of pride and ridicule.

The third child is not angry and rejoicing, and he does not say anything. At the foot of his feet, he stepped on several graves in a row, chasing the direction of the voice.


I am glad to think that the third child has lost his specific position, and deliberately use the method to seduce his own exposure, and he can't help but secretly.

However, the third child changed the weapon, but it made some surprises.

When the third child slammed in an unusually high-profile manner, a black shadow was mixed with the concealed earthy smell, and the scorpion covered his face and sprinkled it on the other side still in the air...

The old three was shocked, and the reflective cross knife was in front of him.

The wind is coming!

A fierce slamming force hit the youngest belly, the latter screamed and the shells were flying out...


What I didn’t expect from my happiness was that the third child was directly slammed into the cemetery by a prominent sword.

what! !

The third child issued a scream of screaming and screaming, and the man was pierced on the hilt of the giant sword, and the weapon ‘哐铛’ in his hand fell to the ground.

After I fell down, I looked up and saw the scene in front of me. I couldn’t help but be stunned.



And it is a tomb thief who has reached entry and exit.


The contract is over...

Finally A sign!


Looks like the type of contract is wrong, the unlucky little black has to run again, get a supplementary agreement, dozens of hairs fly again.


Why do you upload it on April Fool's Day?


Thanks to the suggestions of several friends in the book review area.

Little black will pay attention.

The reborn novel has seen a lot, and the golden finger will not be very powerful.

Well, ask for a ticket, collect.