MTL - Sweetest Top Actress in My Home-Chapter 735 I'll stare at you for my brother-in-law

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Biquge, the fastest update of the super sweetest chapter of my movie!

There is also the most important issue now, which is to deal with the baby that Li Yun wants in the belly first.

Looking for Xu Liangzhou, it should be able to help, but it cannot attract the attention of Li's family.

However, it is not too difficult to do, just look for excuses to shoot promotional magazines or advertising materials, take the opportunity to get rid of the shell, so that you do not need to alarm the family.

In the afternoon, Jiang Yuning met Li Yun again and thought, she looked more embarrassed than yesterday.

She didn't say that she had a sallow complexion, and her eyes were dull, so she appeared in light and shadow today, wearing a mask, and she took it off until she saw Jiang Yuning.

"Last night, did something happen?" Jiang Yuning guessed.

"It's not a big deal, Li Bao is afraid that I secretly go out and take off the child, and I have already begun to restrict my freedom. Today, if A Tao came to pick me up and go out to work, Li Bao didn't want to let people go." During this incident, she behaved very calmly, but Jiang Yuning could see that she was ashamed.

"I looked at your schedule, and there will be an ad shoot tomorrow. Tomorrow morning, I will let your agent come to pick you up. After entering the studio, I will find someone to replace you, and then take you to the hospital for examination You can rest assured that the hospital is yours and you don't have to worry about exposure. "Jiang Yuning told Li Yun of the planned plan," Since you want to do cutting, then make a decision. "

"Can I get rid of that man?" The mood Li Yun thought had changed from the anger and fear at the beginning to the negative and despair now.

"Just think you have a disease, the virus is very evil, it will cause a lot of pain from your body and blood, but, believe me, you can recover." Jiang Yuning looked straight at Li Yun and thought, giving her confidence "It's not your fault to pay for feelings wrong. You did nothing wrong."

Li Yun wanted to flush his eyes, and finally nodded his teeth. "I can trust no more people now."

"You have no one other than me, and you have no other way to go!"

Li Yun wanted to take a deep breath and calmed down his emotions: "I can't stay here too long. If Li Bao knew that I had found you, I would not be able to come out tomorrow."

"Restricting the personal freedom of others is against the law, so if you have the conditions, you should try to obtain evidence, and we plan for the worst." Jiang Yuning reminded.

Li Yun wanted to listen to Jiang Yuning's words.

Therefore, after Jiang Yuning's office left, Li Yun wanted to tell his agent: "A Tao, I know that I have a camera in my house, which is equipped with a leopard. Can I get evidence through his mobile phone?"

"Don't take risks." The agent looked at her anxiously. "Li Bao's temper, you know very well, irritable and arrogant, when I'm afraid you will be hurt."

"I have a child in my stomach, and he doesn't dare to take me for a while. Jiang Yuning is right. I can't be controlled by him. It is not my fault to encounter scum. I must remove this tumor for myself." With a wry smile, he said, "I never calculated him. I never thought about coveting the power of their family. I thought I could really move his parents with my sincerity, but what happened?"

"I made the wrong choice, and I bear the price, but I don't want to be dragged up and down by the Li family. And now I have a good opportunity. Director Jiang is very smart and well connected. She knows how to use my schedule to I cover, so I must trust her. "


In fact, Jiang Yuning did not expect that Li Bao was so desperate that he would interfere with Li Yun's personal freedom. If she is just an ordinary person, she can report to the police, she can travel far away, she can run away, she can resist, but she is an artist, an actor, and an influential public figure.

If she did something wrong, then she was exposed, her image plummeted, and she suffered by herself, but now Li Yun thinks she did nothing wrong and is the victim.

So Jiang Yuning must try to protect her privacy.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuning called Xu Liangzhou again and confirmed that Li Yun would like to see a doctor for an examination tomorrow.

"Little sister, please feel free to bring people here. I have already said hello, and I will cover you all the way without any problems."

"It's up to you."

"Sister-in-law, I'm out. I have surgery here. This is done beforehand."

"Okay, don't delay you."

Only when Xu Liangzhou was serious, did Jiang Yuning dare to believe that he was a real surgeon, and that he was very successful.

In the evening, the dog who had been traveling outside for a day returned with the updated information. When Jiang Yuning didn't move the food container, he couldn't help asking: "Sister Yuning, do you want to be repaired by your brother-in-law again?"

"I'm a bit tired today, I really can't eat it, but I have soup." Jiang Yuning motioned him to look at the empty bowl.

"Let's go." The dog let her go and put the information in front of her. "This is the situation of Li Bao's ex-wife. He has a civil aviation business at home. He has a background. He and Li Bao are married. Not good, so they got divorced within less than a year. "

"The reason for the remarriage is said to be the reconciliation of the parents of the two parties, because the interests of the two are tied together. To put it bluntly, it is to get what they need."

"I also heard a little bit of news." Gouzi said lying close to Jiang Yuning, "Someone is checking Li's home, so Li's panic, looking for a backer."

"Li Bao's ex-wife knows that Li Yun wants to exist?"

"I don't know." The dog shook his head. "How else is Li Bao's ex-wife willing? It is said that this ex-wife only knew that Li Bao and the woman outside were ambiguous, but asked Li Bao and the other person to break, he felt Li Bao and the outside Woman, just play. "

After listening, Jiang Yuning felt that things were not as difficult to solve as she imagined. First, Li Yun thought was very firm, and second, Li Bao had a lot of handles.

"That being the case, I have something in mind. First of all, get things done tomorrow, and no matter if Li Yun wants this child or not, let her check her body first."

"You have to check it too! You can see what your face looks like!" The dog knocked at the table excitedly.

Jiang Yuning glanced at him helplessly: "I think you are the undercover sent by your brother-in-law?"

"I'm staring at your brother-in-law, you know?" Gouzi exaggeratedly made a glance.

"Okay, you're tired all day, too. Get off work early today."

"Let's go, I'll take you home first."

Jiang Yuning couldn't refuse, because she felt dizzy and wanted to drive herself, maybe an accident would happen.

After returning home, Jiang Yuning entered the living room top-heavy. At this time, Liang Liang had not finished work.

Seeing her unstable walking, Sister Liang was shocked: "Mrs., what's wrong?"

"Dizziness." Jiang Yuning quickly grabbed Sister Liang's hand and answered.

"Sit down, I'll take your temperature."