MTL - Survive in the Wilderness! The Actor King Sits in My Arms and Weeps-Chapter 5 Good, another day of dislocated jaw

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The audience was silent, just waiting for Bo Sirin to answer whether to eat or not.

Bo Silin narrowed his long and narrow eyes, the amber pupils were filled with laziness and coldness, and the corners of his lips had a somewhat habitual smile, but he did not answer Su Yangyang's question.

He remembered the plot in the book.

Here, Su Yangyang seems to be handing water to Bo Silin, but in reality, what he gave contains potent medicine, and after drinking it, he directly staged a live **** palace with Su Yangyang.

Now it seems that the only thing given has changed from water to rabbit legs.

Sure enough, it was just an accident just now, and now the plot begins.

Bo Silin's thin lips parted lightly: "No, I'm not interested in rabbit legs."

Su Yangyang felt inexplicable.

She never treats her subordinates badly. Since this person is in the same group as her, she is her subordinate. This is a long-standing habit.

"Don't eat if you don't eat, just be hungry." Su Yangyang said directly.

Let him get used to it.

At that time, there will be no shortage of work and hunting. Let’s see how he can bear this crooked appearance!

Everyone almost dropped their chins and fell to the ground - this woman, isn't her brain normal! ! How could she speak to Emperor Bo Yingdi!

Here, Su Yangyang is as steady as an old dog, and has already started to eat the second rabbit.

He took a mouthful and tore a mouthful. His eyes narrowed because of the comfort, and his mouth was full of oil.

Bo Silin: "..."

[My grass? 】

【This woman is a little bit dragged】

[Haha, catching a rabbit gave her a bad tolerance]

[Speaking like this to Rin Shen is simply too much! 】


Bo Silin quickly returned to her senses, her eyes fixed on her face.

There is no medicine in the rabbit's leg... it must be in other places.

He turned straight, walked out of the crowd, and returned to the resting point.

Shen Ruoqing stood at the front, and the bread and grilled fish in her hands suddenly turned bad.

She threw the grilled fish in her hand to Ren Bo in a sullen voice, and her voice was a bit yin and yang: "Yangyang, where did the rabbit come from? Didn't he pick it up?"

Su Yangyang ignored it.

Shen Ruoqing didn't get angry, she forced a little smile: "Director Liu, does the show team have a special preference for Yangyang? Do you only vote for her?"

Director Liu frowned and replied, "Please note, guests, that there is no cheating in this show."

"Really?" Shen Ruoqing said softly with bright eyes, "I thought it was impossible for Yangyang to hunt rabbits by herself. It seems that I underestimated her."

[Yes, how could Su Yangyang get the rabbit? Shady! 】

[There must be a script! 】

[Just relying on this straw bag, hunting rabbits? Don't be a rabbit hunting her! 】

[One thing to say, Shen Ruoqing's expression is a bit scary...]

[Could there be Emperor Su terrifying? You put a lot of money behind your back for the show crew, right? 】

The barrage of scolding became a film, and the parents flew together.

Su Yangyang devoured half of the rabbits and warmed the other half on the fire.

She looked sideways, "Who said I came from hunting?"

"Isn't it hunting?" Someone said sharply, "Don't tell us that the rabbit hit you and killed you, right?"

Su Yangyang turned around the rabbit's legs. He glanced to his side.

The photographer caught her eyes and walked forward with the camera very wisely.

"Trap." Su Yangyang was succinct, and was too lazy to say more.

The camera approaches.

Sure enough, there was a trap full of spikes on the screen. It was neat and tidy, and at a glance, it was obvious that the technique was skillful.

[I rely on? Is there a trap? What did Su Yangyang do? 】

[The program team is so awesome, so complete in acting? Su Yangyang Renminbi player real hammer? 】

[There is blood and skin next to the trap of Juejuezi...]

[This woman is so scary! 】

[No, you really believe it? There is no need to donate your brain here.]

[To be honest, you should also eat Emperor Bo Ying. 】

[Maybe it was for Brother Rin, but was this woman the first to get there? 】

[Indeed, I think there is a possibility. Go upstairs and suggest to read the black material of Su Yangyang entertainment circle repeatedly]


Director Liu wanted to cry but had no tears.

The assistant director team told him that this Su Yangyang was really hunting by himself, but there was a script and feeding, but they were all arranged for Bo Sirin, not Su Yangyang.

It's so hard to die. Director Liu didn't pay much attention to this 36th-tier star before, so he didn't arrange for a special photographer to follow her. Now, he really jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it out.

There was a barrage of scolding, and everyone in the public relations team complained, but no one believed it.

Bo Silin's fans took the lead and rushed directly to the official Weibo of the show group and there was a lot of scolding below.

The live broadcast room is not much better, the barrage of [Requesting fair treatment, speaking for other guests] swipes the screen.

No one cares about the truth. They just feel that it looks like this.

The show's hot search is the first again, this time Director Liu doesn't want it at all.

I can only resist the pot.

When it was dark, the program team issued a tent.

Su Yangyang kept some fire and set up a bonfire near the rest point. Since they were in a group, Bo Silin and Su Yangyang were put together. Bo Silin was there, and of course the assistant was there.

When the three of them met, Bo Silin exchanged the last points for hand sanitizer, and was carefully wiping the pair of white jade-like slender knuckles.

Su Yangyang passed by, "tsk".

The man stopped, and his black eyes turned around.

I saw Su Yangyang directly pulling the tent package and tugging at Bo Silin!

The whole tent went down.

With a bang, he directly covered Bo Silin's whole body inside.

"Do your own life!"

Xiao He's mouth opened directly into an "O" shape.

Auntie! Can you stop the draft! !

【? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

【I? ? ? ? ? 】

[Very good, another day with a dislocated jaw]

"This, this..." He quickly stepped forward and pulled down the tent hanging from Bo Silin's head, "I'll come, I'll just come!"

"Whoever's things will come. My team is not used to this problem." Su Yangyang's eyes were like knives.

When Xiao He turned his head, she was gouged out by her, he didn't dare to move for a while, he could only look at Bo Silin tremblingly.