MTL - Survive in the Wilderness! The Actor King Sits in My Arms and Weeps-Chapter 445 I'd rather believe he's dead than not love him

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The entire monitoring room behind him was full of people.

They wore sunglasses on their faces, and their faces and heights were almost identical, no different from before.

"When... when did you come?" Z glanced at the closed door and was stunned.

The leader said: "Take us there. There are still people outside."

Z put the phone down and moved out step by step.

When he opened the door, he finally had an answer to his doubts just now - at the door, a person appeared out of thin air in front of him.

And his equipment is still changing!

Originally, there was nothing in front of his chest, but he saw that this person had an extra goggles!

In shock, Z shook his head and made up his mind.

No matter what the situation is, as long as it can help him, that's fine!

the other side.

Ten seconds left.

Sweat dripped from Director Liu's face.

"Liu An, you are more anxious than the organizer." Bo Xi said with a smile, "I don't know that the land where you are born and raised is another piece of land."

Liu An immediately stared, "Don't talk nonsense! I'm just talking about the matter! Can't the director be in a hurry when the guests are not present? There's no reason for this, right?"

"Is that so..."

Bo Xi hooked his red lips, "Don't worry, I just want to remind you, don't be too soft on the kneecap. After kneeling for so long, let's think about how to stand."


"Come on!" the staff shouted.

Everyone turned around immediately.

At a glance, I saw the crowd coming here.

Su Yangyang glanced over, squinted, and saw the familiar face mask, but she was determined.

If the person behind this time doesn't take action, she has to analyze why.

It seemed that the other party was really anxious, so anxious that she had been guessed by her, so she still had to make a move.

Director Liu glared at Bo Xi secretly, but did not dare to refute too much, he could only turn around and say, "Start the game!"

The countdown starts again.

"Come on!" Qiao Hefeng stuck his head out from the team, "If you lose this time, you will lose!"

"Take a hundred hearts!" Lin Yi shouted in the team, "With your lineup, can we lose?"

As she spoke, she glanced at Bo Silin.

Bo Silin didn't notice anyone talking at all, and stared at himself the whole time.

Lin Yi frowned.

[Brother Lin is in a bad state today]

[Did you watch the interview a few days ago? Sister Yang domineeringly announces the wedding date! But that day, Brother Rin's reaction was very wrong! 】

【Trust Brother Rin! I would rather believe that he is dead than that he is not in love! 】

"Qi Yang!" Qi Cheng suddenly raised his voice behind him.

Bo Xi looked at it for the first time.

I saw Qi Yang rolled his eyes and walked out, "Don't stop me! I want to participate!"

"Your health is not good, the high reaction is serious, go back quickly..."

Qi Yang covered his nosebleed.

"No! I'm going!"

[My God, this is the spirit of China! 】

【I really admire this time! It turns out that they are not joking about the vast land and abundant resources and the national spirit! 】

【Really touching! What is this warrior called? I don't care what's in the stall! It's okay to be injured! 】

Qi Yang shivered and stepped forward, already exhausted.

Su Yangyang glanced at it and took out his pocket.

Then throw him a medicine.


Qi Yang's eyes suddenly lit up!

At the same time, Bo Silin opened his eyes wide.

As soon as Su Yangyang turned his head, he saw Bo Silin staring at her with an unbelievable expression, shaky.

Su Yangyang said: "He will drag his feet. If the team members have to rescue him later, how many dog ​​lives will he be worth?"

Bo Silin suddenly lit up eight teeth and turned to look at Qi Yang.

Qi Yang was shaky.

But after drinking the medicine given by Su Yangyang, my head no longer hurts, and my body is no longer weak! I want to pretend to be sick, but I don't have the acting skills, so I can only endure it.

Game start.

Su Yangyang turned around and made a few gestures to everyone during the countdown.

Qiao Hefeng was a little surprised, but everyone was ready to go, like an army, nodded and started running in an instant!

"They ran away?!" The staff were also eating melons.

I thought that Su Yangyang would directly counterattack like the last time.

But it didn't!

[What does her gesture mean? 】

[Am I the only one who can't understand it? ? ? Why do they all understand? 】

[Desert Island Sky Group! Do it! come on! 】

[I don't know why, when I saw these people, I seemed to see two big characters—lie win]

"Sister Yang, why are you running!" Qiao Hefeng asked.

"This group of people is very powerful!" Su Yangyang said coldly, "Concentrate on everything for a while. I already told you when I was at home! Remember?"

"Remember! Don't act alone! Hold the front line firmly! Be consistent with the formation on the battlefield at that time!" Xiao He was the first to say.

Su Yangyang nodded.

They have been with themselves for so long, and the team battle is 1=1 greater than 2.

What's more, there are so many people.

The opposite is equivalent to a bunch of killing machines.

Fortunately, the program settings are relatively low-level.

For some intelligent methods, they naturally present obstacles.


"it is good!"

The countdown is over!

The masked man rushed to the top of the mountain in an instant!

Su Yangyang told the system to use the signal to open and close to cause the screen to be interrupted.

The pictures that spread out are also from time to time.

Across a mountain, the program team can't even see the situation here!

Z yelled in the monitoring room: "What's the situation! Didn't you confirm the signal tower in advance?!"

"It's confirmed! But I don't know why, the signal is intermittent!"

Behind the mountain, the fierce battle is in an instant.

When Shen Ruoqing didn't pay attention and was wiped by the tip of the knife on her cheek, everyone was shocked!

Shen Ruoqing was stunned and turned her head.

She reached out and touched her face.

"As long as it's not fatal, I can cure it." Su Yangyang's voice came.

Qiao Hefeng also looked worried, "Qingqing, don't panic! If Sister Yang says it can be cured, it will definitely be cured! There will be no scars!"

Unexpectedly, Shen Ruoqing raised her head and said, "It doesn't matter! This dead turtle grandson! Dare to touch my face and see if I don't work hard with you!"

After she finished speaking, she rushed forward.

Crowd: ?

Think too much.

The rest quickly formed a team!

Shen Ruoqing also slashed the opposite face with one knife!

However, the tip of the knife had already lifted his mask, and before Shen Ruoqing could see clearly, the mask appeared on his face again!

Shen Ruoqing: ? ? ?

How did this mask appear? !

After shaking his head for a moment, the masked man moved directly at a strange speed!

It was too late for Shen Ruoqing to step back, and the tip of the knife was aimed directly at her heart!

Her pupils shrank, and she watched the tip of the knife come over.

The next second, a knife was suddenly inserted into the man's chest!


"Ah!" Shen Ruoqing screamed in shock.

However, there was no blood on the man in front of him.

Instead, it slowly turned into powder and dissipated in front of her.

Shen Ruoqing was stunned.

Behind the powder, Su Yangyang's cold face appeared, and she withdrew the knife.

(End of this chapter)