MTL - Superstars of Tomorrow-Chapter 440 Value rises again

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The party is very embarrassing.

After learning to cry with the thorns, the curls learned to sprinkle with the outstanding graduates of Huangyi. This kind of drama is really impossible to stop, and now even learned from other outstanding graduates.

After calling back from the Flamingo's All-Star Game, Fang Zhao first apologized to the relevant personnel of Huangyi. After all, the curls did affect the work of teachers and students.

After that, Fang Zhao took the curls and trained them.

Curls must defend themselves: "I am not acting!"

Fang Zhao: "I heard that you are playing with the outstanding graduates of the Emperor's family?"

Curl: "I have no tricks!"

The curls were indeed infected by the performances of the emperor graduates at the time. By the way, they learned a cry, the emotions were in place, the skills were in place, and the above calls were not at home, no one was in charge, and it broke out.

When I think of my "59" test papers, and the strong disappointment that I can't graduate from high school, I am saddened by the sorrow, and the two dog eyes began to cry again.

Fang Zhao brows tightly.

This habit of crying when you are not moving is not good, bad habits have to come over!

"Cry and go to the shepherd to release the sheep." Fang Zhaodao.

The curls immediately pulled back the tears.

Let it go, it won’t go! It also has to work hard to win your own game helmet! In the future, there will be a terminal with free internet access!

Fang Zhao trained the dog at home, but the news outside did not stop.

The news that Fang Zhao’s participation in the All-Star Game has not cooled down, and the "acting skills to burst the dog" incident triggered a series of discussions. Those actors who did not perform well in acting were not attacked this time.

The evaluation of "acting is not as good as a dog" is not abusive, but a statement of facts. Whoever opposes will curl up and scream at the other person's face.

Huang Yi has no guilty conscience. First, their graduates are hard enough. Second, they are in the graduation season. They are also recruiting new time. When the schools are busy propaganda and madly robbing talents, this incident has given Huang Yi an assist. Look! After our martial arts training, even the dog's acting skills burst!

Regardless of the relevant institutions and students, some businessmen have begun to make up their minds and want to find curls to act.

When the former curl was known to everyone in the name of "Golden Race Dog", it was also invited to play the show, but it was only a small fight, but this time it was known globally. After all, there is a party behind this dog. It is more valuable.

When the curls won the name of the golden dog in the pasture, the company won the fifth place in the global pet price list with a value of 2.1 billion. Now, the expert group of the world's authoritative pet magazine "pet" once again gives new Valuation.

The new issue of "pet" e-magazine came out, the value of curls rose another 50 million, and ranked the top three with a price of 2.6 billion!

The real version of the stray dog's counterattack!

The black street that was called to the curls was once again mentioned and became a red spot.

What, that black street has nothing to look at? Still dirty?

Regardless of! As long as there is a party called half... No, as long as one tenth of luck, walking in that street for a hundred times is willing! !

Some netizens started to dream: "If I have one, I will be fine."

"Don't think about it. Since the call to the black street in this year, you can't see the dog in Black Street. Don't say the black street in Qi'an, the black street in Quanyanzhou is estimated to have a rare dog. Now Get famous again, don't even think about it! It's hard to see the dog hair!"

"But there are indeed a lot of people who have raised it and then secretly throw it away, and then they are quickly picked up."

In this regard, the shepherd who loves the dog’s life has something to say: “People who have raised and abandoned are not equipped with dogs!”

The shepherd is proud of it: look at our pastoral, never see a stray dog, and then look at other continents. Before the dog called in front of it is not seen, I can hear all kinds of stray dogs bitten almost every week. The news of the injury.

However, every time the poodle involved in the call, the husbands’ feelings are extraordinarily complicated.

Love and hate!

Even many people have poked out when they can buy the dog back, and enter the country, so the curl is the animal husband!

Originally, as time passed, the golden dog of the year was gradually left behind, and there were fewer people willing to bid. After all, the dog’s life expectancy is limited and will depreciate. Who can expect that the price of this poodle has not only fallen, but also rose!

Some people are starting to think.

Looking at the news on the Internet, the South Wind is more careful, to see who is like a dog.

The pets on the list, which are not waiting for the family to serve as ancestors, have a team to follow, but only curling, just like the ordinary dog, wandering around the campus every day, this shabby configuration, poor what!

"Boss, do we want to do something? Recently, we can always see suspicious people wandering around the dormitory of the students. The campus of Huangyi has been particularly impetuous recently." South Wind Road.

“The graduation season is quite lively.”

However, Fang Zhao also knows that he has recently been superimposed with the news of the curls, which has caused a lot of entertainment to be kept.

"It is true that you have to avoid it."

It was just that the party called the phone on the other side of the space port. After explaining the situation with Mo Zhen, he ran to the airport and took part in a private job for a week. When things cooled down, they came back.

Of course, during this period, Fang Zhao did not let go of the closing concert, and Mo Yan stared at it.

At the crucial moment of the year of study, the father always keeps an eye on it. Mo Zhen used to think that Fang Zhao was very troublesome. I didn’t expect even the dogs that were raised to do so!

The entertainment of Huangzhou is a headache. There are a lot of people calling the news from the buyer. Whether you are staring at the party or staring at his dog, you must know the direction of the party. However, the party is too safe to hide!

So many people stare, suddenly disappeared!

I can't find anyone to find out about the entertainment records inside and outside the Huangyi campus.

However, there are so many news in the entertainment circle every day, and many people want to grab attention. Every day, they can't dig up the news of Fang Zhao, and everyone will naturally shift their goals.

One week after the space port part-time job, when the party recalled to the school, Huangzhou Airport did not want to let people go... No, people can leave at any time, the dogs are unwilling to let go!

As for what is the global pet price list, it is enough to look at the jokes.

Is this a pet?

waste! ! !

Fang Zhao still went back with the dog. The airport worked part-time for a week, and the curls were more secure. It was not so emotional, but the brushwork was more fierce. Fortunately, the language test papers are not all reading analysis questions, those who memorize hard are the points for the curls, otherwise, the percentage test papers, curls 0 points may not be able to get.

As time went by, the time for the closing concert of Fang Zhao was getting closer and closer.

Because Fang Zhao belongs to the strength of traffic, there are a lot of people interested in him. The venue for the concert is limited. Huang Yi, like the past, has invited several people to invite, and it is one thing for the other party to come. Anyway, anyway. They have sent invitations here, and outsiders have said that they are not wrong.

Fang Zhao also got some quotas. He sent two invitations to the old lady and the old lady. This is what the old lady said long ago. Fang Zhao also asked the old man whether he needed to send a few copies to other relatives who were closer to the party, and was blocked by the old master.

"Don't waste, they don't understand!"

The old man thinks this way: the number of places is limited, and it is enough for the family to have him. The rest of them are left to the party to earn human feelings.

In order to complete the concert, Fang Laoye began to prepare early, did not let Fang Zhao send people to pick up, hizizi booked a ticket to Huangzhou, turned around and found that the old lady is trying new clothes.

The old lady recently made a new hairstyle and bought new clothes and hats.

Looking at the old lady trying to get a new dress, Fang Laoye had a face, "A young man is a demon!"

Going back to the room, the old man opened the closet and took out two new literary shirts that he had bought. After replacing them, they opened another cabinet. There were five canes placed neatly in the room. Some of them were bought with the people in the compound. I was fooled by the advertisement to buy it.

Fang Laoye picked up a new generation of multi-functional net red cane, smashed it in his hand, and vigorously waved it twice, throwing it back into the cupboard.

Pick up another one and pose in front of the mirror.


The second cane was also thrown back into the cupboard, and the old lady disliked the color too, which did not meet the literary temperament of her own show.

These newly bought canes in the cupboard, this color is too arrogant, and that is not arrogant.

"Net red products really can't!"

Pick and choose, compare and compare, the last one is quite reluctant to pick one.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Fang Laoye was finally satisfied, revealing a smile that had been practiced for a long time.

"The spirit is embarrassing, calm and calm, although it is full of white hair, the style is still not reduced!"