MTL - Superstar Aspirations-Chapter 120

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Starting from 6 pm, media reporters and film critics, under the leadership of the staff, have successively entered the S City Grand Theatre. Fortunately, the audience entered the stadium from 7:00, and at 8:00, the crew of the "Silent" crew arrived at the scene to meet the audience.

"Silent" officially started in May, but now, only half a year has passed.

This movie is a small-cost youth love movie. There are no action movies, and there are not many special effects shots. Most of the money is used for the processing of the picture.

At the beginning of the premiere ceremony, several of the main creatives of "Silent" sat on the stage and chatted with everyone. Since the female No. 2 Liu Huizhen is still in a lawsuit with Lu Xiangbo, this time she did not come to the scene of the premiere ceremony.

Before tonight, Rong Hao never thought about it. Xu Dao was actually a person who didn't talk very well. When the host throws the topic to Xu, the old man will simply answer and rarely continue to expand the topic.

In fact, many people in the circle know the character of Xu Gui, slowly, the host will lead the topic to Rong Yi, Xiao Zikai and Lin Biao. This move made the atmosphere of the audience quickly rise. The three stars stared at each other and made a lot of jokes, which caused the audience to laugh.

After an hour, the chat phase ended, followed by the reporters' questions.

Under the bright and bright lights, Rong Rong slightly stunned the scorpion and smiled and looked down the stage. His gaze flashed through the cameras of the front reporters and eventually fell on the audience in the back row.

I saw a lot of fan fans holding a small light card in the back seat of the dimly lit theater, looking at the stage seriously.

The city's Grand Theatre has a lot of space. The stage is at least 30 meters away from the last row and can accommodate hundreds of spectators. Sitting in the back row of this theater, in fact, many people can't see the faces of the actors on the stage, only to see a vague general, but they still hold the little light cards, with the host's The rhythm, cheers and applauds.

Among these lights, the most word is "capacity".

They are too far away, and they can't see their looks, but they can see the light characters one after another. For a long time, he raised his lips and waved his hand to the fans in the distance. Suddenly, a cheer was heard.

The crew invited media reporters to the scene and naturally greeted them. At the beginning of the questioning session, all journalists were asking questions about the film. A reporter asked Xu Xuan why he decided to shoot such a youth movie. Some reporters asked Xu to specifically select it for screening on November 30. Is there any special reason?

Wen Yan, Xu Dao smiled and said without hesitation: "Of course there are reasons. Jin Feng Award, Jin Ling Award, the deadline for the release of several awards is at the end of November. You said, why should I choose this? Time release?"

The reporters quickly recorded the answer from Xu, which is a piece of news.

After asking a question about the film, finally, the reporters set their sights on the actor star.

Probably because of yesterday's concert, many reporters kept asking questions to Rong Wei and Lin Biao, asking them about the concert yesterday, and asked Rong Rong: "Do you want to enter the music scene?"

For this problem, Junxiu's beautiful teenager just smiled slightly, as he said at the concert last night. He said calmly: "I don't plan to enter the music field for the time being. Even if I really want to cross the border, I can't completely become Singer. I benefited a lot from yesterday's concert. Lin Biao made me see a world of singers, which made me feel shocked."

The answer of Wanjinyou made the reporters have nothing to do, but soon, some reporters began to ask the actors' emotional problems.

As long as it is a star, you must be asked these questions. Whether it is Rong Rong or Xiao Zikai, even Lin Biao, who has had an anecdote every month, was asked by reporters.

After questioning the emotional problems of the stars, the reporters finally showed their sharp eyes and directed the microphone to Xudao. They asked aloud: "Lu Xiangbo and Liu Huizhen are still in the lawsuit recently. The current result is Lu Xiang. Bo lost the case. May I ask Xu, what happened to the "Silent" crew, can you tell us in detail? Also, when will the crew appeal to Lu Xiangbo like Liu Huizhen?"

The atmosphere on the scene was a bit stiff, and the audience was very angry that these reporters knew how to ask these lace news, which made it difficult for others, but at the same time their gossip heart began to move.

Yes, the news of Liu Huizhen and Lu Xiangbo can often be seen in recent months, but the "Silent" crew once said that they must also use legal means and Lu Xiangbo to resolve the incident. How come there is no movement now?

After listening to this reporter's words, the smile on Xu's face did not weaken. The famous Chinese director looked at the reporter calmly. After a while, he smiled slyly: "The original thing, we have already made it clear in the announcement. As for the appeal, I am jealous of this matter. Assurance, it won’t end there.” The voice made a sound, and Xu Gui looked at the reporter and asked calmly: “Excuse me, what else do you want to ask? About the movie.”

Being directly obsessed by such a prominent director, the reporter’s forehead gradually became covered with a thin sweat.

Next, no reporters went to ask Lu Xiangbo's question, and the atmosphere slowly eased. In fact, before the launch of the premiere ceremony, Xu Dao once said to Rong Wei that although he also hoped that the film would be exposed, he did not want to pass Lu Xiangbo, a shameless villain.

"Silent" doesn't want to be related to that kind of person. I think at this point, Yuan Ke should resonate with me."

Yuan Dao pays attention to commercial profits, but does not want to be confused with the anecdote of Ren Shuzhen. Xu Xuan hopes that the film will be more exposed, but he does not want to have any contact with Lu Xiangbo.

This is the persistence of the two directors and their true attitude towards their work.

After this incident, the premiere will continue. When the last reporter asked Xu, how much the box office of "Silent" was expected, the premiere of the show tonight was completely over.

Faced with this problem, Xu Dao confidently erected three fingers and calmly said: "This number."

The reporter slammed: "Three hundred million?"

Xu guide Lang laughed: "Three billion!"

The audience was in awe, but the crew no longer gave them the opportunity to ask questions.

Close to zero, the site staff can take a break, followed by the premiere of the movie.

Taking advantage of this gap time, the crew members all returned to the background. The makeup artist gave Xiao Ziyu a make-up, and Xu and the producer talked about the issue of the movie screening. Lin Biao was wrapped around Rong Rong and asked him with a smile: "Yong Rong, have you really had a first love? That is a What kind of girl, tell me, I am curious."

When the reporter asked Rong Rong, he once asked him if he had a first love. Rong Rong answered the question calmly and said that he had a first love, but when the reporter asked again, he smiled and asked: "I remember, our movie is called "silent", not called "first love." ", especially not called... "Yong's first love"?"


At that time, Rong Yi easily blocked the reporter's words, did not reveal his first love, and did not say anything about feelings. But now, Lin Biao is still pestering him and asking.

Seeing this little king is still endless, the young boy smiled and calmed: "I want to say yes, but you have to tell me, what is your first love? You said, finished...... let me consider it."

Lin Biao: "..."

After a while, he turned and left: "Tolerance and bully!"

Let's blink innocently.

If you say yours first, then he will consider whether or not to say that this is not an equivalent exchange? Where are bullies?

Half an hour later, the hour hand quietly pointed to zero, and the premiere of "Silent" officially began.

Sitting in the middle of the first row of the audience is the representative of the investor. Rong Rong and Xiao Zikai are sitting on the left side of the seat. Xu Dao and Lin Biao are sitting on the right side of the seat. There are four investments in between. Business and producer.

After Rong Rong sat down, Yu Guangli also saw Lin Biao give himself a gesture of "you bully people". He shrugged and smiled, and ignored the little king who was not adjusted. Before the movie began, he bowed his head and sent a text message to a man.

[容栩: Are you still there? 】

It didn't take long for the other party to reply.

[Qin Cheng: Well, about 70% of the people in the cinema, the attendance rate is not bad. 】

Rong Rong smiled helplessly: [I mean, you have not been discovered? 】

The next moment, Rong Rong looked at the text on the phone screen and couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

[Qin Cheng: I will be discovered? 】

This kind of smugness can be felt through the screen...

The smile on the lips of the teenager is even more brilliant. Through these six words, Rong Rong seems to have seen a man wearing a mask and sunglasses in a dark and quiet movie theater, sneaking in the last row of the seat, waiting for the scene of the movie.

Obviously, I can see it again in a few days. It is obviously less likely to be recognized at the time, but this man is going to choose the premiere. He also chooses a small movie not far from the S City Theatre... I don’t know. What did he think?

Qin Cheng’s thoughts, Rong Rong, can’t be guessed now. Of course, he did not know that the small cinema in Qin Chengkou was just a screening hall with more than 200 seats. As for the so-called 70% attendance rate, it is a casual glimpse, directly guess!

In this Lumiere cinema, there are no more than one hundred and eighty spectators.

Many fans chose this movie theater to watch "Silent", which is naturally closer to the Grand Theatre of the city. Among these audiences, there are fans of the guide, fans of Xiao Zikai, fans of Lin Biao, and more fans of Rong Biao.

At this moment, sitting on both sides of Qin is the two groups of powders that they don't know each other.

On the left are three girls, who seem to be classmates in the same dormitory. On the right, there are two office workers, and they have to go to work the next day. These two people actually come out to see the premiere in the middle of the night. It is not crazy.

The film has not yet begun, and the two teams have chatted on both sides of Qin Cheng. After chatting for a while, they looked at each other in surprise, suddenly...

"But begging for a sleep?!"

"This life has no regrets and tolerance!"



"I finally found the organization. You are also looking at the new film of Rong Rong? The premiere of this movie theater is really difficult to grab. I have been robbing for a long time before I grabbed such a position."

"Yeah, everyone wants to be closer and closer. Right, you are also the powder of the city? I added the s powder group, are you inside? Which one are you?"

"I am here, my name is..."

The man surrounded by the middle raised his right hand silently and blocked his face: "..."

The powder was excited to communicate until the movie opened, and they immediately turned their heads and stared at the movie screen. With the soothing and melodious music, the film slowly begins, like every little fresh love movie, the beginning of this movie is full of youthful atmosphere.

The youthful and beautiful campus, the sweaty playground, the director treated the picture into a clear and bright tone, which looks very comfortable.

When Rong Rong’s name appeared on the cast, the five powders on both sides shouted, and then quickly covered his mouth. The college student sitting on the left side of Qin was immediately turned his head and said to him gently: "Sorry, I just couldn't hold back." Then the college student was ready to look up.

Qin Cheng, who immediately raised his hand to block his face: "...well, nothing."

The college student looked at the audience beside him and turned around. He whispered and said to his companion: "This person next to me is so strange. He watches movies and wears a mask."

The companion laughed: "This is okay, people may be sick. Fortunately, he did not wear sunglasses, or else I thought he is a star. Haha."

After listening to this, the female college student subconsciously turned to look at the male audience on the right, but she had not had time to see the other person's face, and suddenly her hand was caught by her companion: "Tolerance!"

Look at the big screen again, and it doesn't matter! It is tolerance! ! !

Who is still in the mood to pay attention to the weird people in the cinema, everyone carefully watch the movie.

The beginning of "Silent" is not much different from ordinary youth movies. Most of this type of film captures the most vivid memories of the audience. No matter how much wind and rain, no matter how strong and mature, everyone remembers their student life, they will feel involuntarily, the days at that time are really very beautiful.

The director grasps the psychology of the audience and paints a picture of a pure and innocent campus.

Since it is called "national first love", Xiao Zikai's face and temperament naturally stand the test. Regardless of acting, she is a stop there, a white girl in the fantasy of many men. On the other hand, the natural attraction of female audiences is two male actors: Rong Rong and Lin Biao.

Because of the deletion of the drama, Lin Biao played very little in the movie, and most of the audience saw it.

They saw Rong Rong pulling Xiao Zi's hand and running on the playground in the middle of no night; they saw Rong Rong and Xiao Ziyu sitting on the roof of the teaching building, looking up at the stars together, and listening to Xiao Zikai's life in the school.

Soon the audience found that Rong Rong did not say a word from beginning to end. He just smiled and looked at the wayward girl, with a slight brow. When Xiao Zikai turned back, she found out every time that Rong Rong stood behind her and looked at her quietly.

For Zhao Leling, this strange boy is always there. He can't talk, he doesn't express his feelings, but when she needs to vent, he will run with herself; when she needs to cry, he will give himself a shoulder.

She was bullied, and he stood up and took her away.

This is probably love.

On the movie screen, the teenager's skin was pale to almost transparent, looking very cool, but his smile was too warm.

Any viewer can't resist the girl's heart. The film "Silent" is mainly for female audiences, followed by male audiences. Of course, Xu also did not give up the male market.

When the movie opened for an hour, there were countless dreamy pictures. Xu Dao's excellent post-processing technology presents an incomparably beautiful scene to the audience.

If the story development of "Silent" attracts many female fans, the film's effect will attract many male fans.

Perhaps it was because I watched too many movies and played too many plays. When the entire cinema was gradually immersed in the first love atmosphere created by this movie, a man sitting in the last row always calmly hangs his throat. Look at the film carefully.

In terms of the plot, Xu Wei handled it very smoothly. Every five minutes, he buried a key plot, so that the whole movie would not appear too literary and boring, and the audience would be bored. In terms of performance, the film is excellent. It’s absolutely amazing to make such a result in just three months.

And the actors...

"The moon is bright today."

The young innocent girl sat on the edge of the playground and lowered her head slightly, saying this sentence gently.

Qin Cheng’s thoughts suddenly stopped, and he frowned and looked at the movie. Then the next second, his eyes wide open, his lips slightly open, and he looked at the movie screen. Slowly, he hooked his lips.

I saw a quiet, soft moonlight, a white-haired young boy with a squint of his lips and a gentle look at everyone outside the camera. His eyes seemed to accommodate a whole starry sky, and the sinuous star river settled in his shackles. With the slightly raised lips, there was a soft spring breeze passing by.

What a cold person, how irritating the heart, when you see this quiet boy, is turned into a silent silence.

You are reluctant to make any excessive demands on such a teenager, and you are reluctant to blame him, because when he smiles and looks at you, together with the skylight filled with the sky, he hits your heart.

For "Silent", Qin has no place to look at.

In this movie, his teenager condensed the bright light, without the compelling fierceness, becoming the most clarified water.

The tolerance in this movie is not a happy, not Huo Xi, not Ling Xiao, not Xue Jiazhe.

He is just Du Ran.

Each character is completely different, and each character is extremely full. This kind of acting makes Qin's curvature of the lips more up. As the film progressed in the second half, he began to fully integrate into the atmosphere of the film, and no longer deliberately regarded himself as an outsider.

In any of the works, the most taboo is to look at the audience as a fool.

According to the IQ of normal people, Duran will definitely find ghosts.

Therefore, in the movie, Zhao Leling found out that this strange boy is not a student of the school, and she gradually felt that this person may be a ghost. When Zhao Leling accidentally discovered that the wound on Duran's arm disappeared in one day, she clenched her lips silently and did not speak.

In the last half hour of the movie, it was placed after the heroine grew up.

The heroine is sure to grow up. She graduated from high school, went to college, and finally returned to this small city. On the day she graduated from high school, she came to school and said goodbye to this strange boy. Standing in front of the rusty iron gate of the school, she licked her lips, held back her tears, and finally asked the sentence: "Are you... a ghost?"

Shortly after the two met, Zhao Leling asked this sentence to get a warm embrace of the teenager.

Du Ran denied this statement at the time, but Zhao Leling now asked this question. This time, Du Ran did not give her a hug, just standing on the inside of the door and looking at the girl outside the door. After a long time, he nodded gently, his face still a gentle smile.

Zhao Leling kept shaking his head: "I don't care if you are a ghost, you and me go." She said, she wanted to pull the other side, but she was avoided by Duran.

Zhao Leling looked at the boy in the door with disbelief. The final result was that the rusty iron gate was shut down. A person stands outside the door and stands alone in the door. When Zhao Leling cried, he turned away and left, but when she turned back, the man stood behind the door and smiled at her.

After going to college, Zhao Leling returned to his hometown and saw Du Ran again in the school. She often comes to see this ghost. She doesn't know the name of the other person. There is no record in the school that any student has died in school.

But as the years went by, when Zhao Leling returned home from the metropolis, she wore sharp high-heeled shoes, with a delicate makeup, and the original innocence in her eyes, already showing exhaustion.

But when she returned to school, she saw that the white boy was still standing at the school gate waiting for her, still young.

like a child.

Yes, for her, the boy at the moment is already a child. I used to like to see each other now, but I can’t be strong, but the memory still tells her that she likes this person very much, but time has washed away everything.

She can't be with a ghost, he will never grow up, but she will grow old.

The school is almost abolished and is currently being demolished. There are no other students in the deserted playground. The beautiful and mature female white-collar worker sits on the edge of the flag-raising platform and smiles and talks to the white-haired boy next to him. She said that she encountered something when she went to work, and sometimes said that the school grass was married last year, and it was actually a school flower.

At the end of the day, her voice began to whimper. She didn't know what to say. When she looked up, she saw the gentle smile of the boy, which, like ten years ago, never changed.

At that moment, the grievances and angers of more than a decade broke out. She stood up and glared at the dumb boy. She said one word at a time: "What can I do? What do you say I can do? Why did you find it? I, who are you looking for, why are you?"

The smile on the lips of the boy was a little bit stuck, but he still looked at Zhao Leling seriously.

"Why do you want me to like you when I don't understand anything? What is it now? I like a ghost. I like a ghost who seems to be only middle school students? I am already thirty years old, I am three. Ten years old! This ghost never talks to me, never tells him what he is calling, even I don’t even know if he likes it or not!"

The gorgeous color of the sky fills the entire sky, such as thick ink, beautiful and beautiful.

Under the sky, a young and beautiful woman is crying and roaring, and her makeup is turned away by tears, which is no longer so beautiful. In front of her, sitting in a handsome young and handsome boy, he looked up and looked at the crying woman, looking at it, as if to see the arrogant girl many years ago.

For a long time, he seemed to sigh, and he stood up, stretched out his arms, and hugged the woman who was crying without image.

For a moment, Zhao Leling’s body froze.

A gentle words followed the gentle spring breeze and fell into her ears, letting her tremble with her pupils and squinting at the teenager in front of her eyes.

He says--

"Ling Ling, I like you. 』

After the post-processing, the sound was so weak that it was inaudible, and it was introduced into the ears of each audience with the sound of the music that suddenly sounded. Many viewers seemed to realize what was going to happen. They stared at the big screen and whispered in the auditorium.

I saw it in the soft and faint sunset, the young man raised his mouth and revealed a clean and peaceful smile. He looked at the woman who looked horrified softly, raised her finger and stroked the tears on her face.

Then in Wan Xiaguang, he repeated the four words again, and suddenly his body was scattered into thousands of stars.

Zhao Leling has wide eyes and wants to pull his hand. He also reached out, but this time, Zhao Leling could not touch the entity. Her eyes were wide and her eyes were wide open, and she looked at the boy in front of her eyes, watching him smile gently, watching him disappear with the glow of the sky.

"Do not!!!"

She suddenly collapsed and yelled wildly.

At this time, in the cinema, there was finally a burst of sobs. Many emotional female fans have long been unable to control the cry, and some male fans have touched their sour eyes and held back tears.

At this time, the music arrived at the high tide stage. There was only accompaniment and no singing. But this pure music was even more tearful. Zhao Leling, who was sitting on the playground with the collapse of the scene, inspired the deepest sorrow of the audience.

But the movie is not over yet.

Four words appear on the big screen -

A month later.

The audience relaxed their emotions while watching the next content.

In the screen, Zhao Leling is packing things up. At home, she just took a rest day and helped clean up. A woman who was crying a month ago didn't seem to be her. She had a smile on her face and seemed to have forgotten the boy who had been with her for more than a decade.

However, just as her mother asked her to go out and dump the garbage, she saw a couple and their children as soon as she opened the door. Looking at the strange couple, Zhao Leling slightly stunned and asked subconsciously: "Excuse me, are you?"

The feminine woman smiled and said: "I am the mother of Duran."

Next, Zhao Leling watched his mother skillfully shout out the names of the couple and enthusiastically let them enter the house. All this made Zhao Leling very unfamiliar, completely ignorant of what happened, and her mother thought for a moment, sighed: "Forget it, how long it has been, telling you nothing."

Then, Zhao Leling heard a story, a story she never remembered.

Sixteen years ago, she liked a boy named Du Ran. On the second day of her graduation, she ran to the school gate early in the morning and didn't know what to do, but she waited until late at night and waited until zero, and did not wait for the person she wanted to wait.

The next day, she ran angrily to the other's home. Before she even had time to blame, she found that the person she was waiting for didn't want to see her, but she would never see her.

At the funeral of Duran, Zhao Leling also went up to offer a flower.

But how long, she was seriously ill, and when she woke up, she did not remember Du Ran.

The mother blamed: "How old you were at that time, you will know about early love." Zhao Leling stared at his mother, only to see his mother turned around and asked Duran's parents: "There have been no contact in these years. I don't know if you are here today, what is it?"

Du Mu took out a piece of yellowed letter from the bag and handed it to Zhao Leling.

"In recent days, we feel like something is different. Probably... you can leave the city. Xiaoran is going early, we can’t bear to live in the city. We are going to move in two days. Together with Xiaoran’s younger brother, I will find a new city to live and start again. I used to want to give these letters to you, but you forgot about it at the time, so we discussed it and didn’t give it to you. Now we are leaving. The love letter that I once wanted to write to you should be handed over to you."

Zhao Leling opened the yellowed letter paper with his fingers trembled. Each piece of paper was only half written, so he didn't write it down again.

The writing on the paper is always clear and clear, and when I write "I like you", it is particularly awkward.

Du Mu said with a smile: "These love letters have been stuffed in the drawer and not finished. I think, when he wants to meet you, he will say it to you personally, I like you?"

A drop of tears fell on his knees and lingered on the yellowed letter, squatting on the phrase "I like you."

With the smudges of tears, these four words slowly opened up, as if they were a person's obsession. When he finished this sentence, he had no desire, and he could leave safely.

The sound of calm and gentle music sounded at this time, and the film was fixed on the words "I like you" which was blooming.

There was a cry in the movie theater, and subtitles were still playing on the screen, but no one got up and left.

Suddenly a hand appeared in front of Qin Cheng’s eyes. He subconsciously put on his hat and covered his eyes. But he heard the little girl next to him sobbing and said: "You... do you want paper?" I have extra money here."

After a moment of silence, Qin Cheng took the paper and thanked him.

While many viewers were still sitting in their heads waiting for the eggs, he had got up and left, the first to leave the cinema.

He can't watch the movie's egg, because he wants to miss the peak season and leave early so that he won't be hit by others.

Qin Cheng did not cry, but his eyes were a little moist.

Xu Wei has buried three teardrops in this movie. The first one is the growth of Xiao Zikai's grown up and Rong Rong. This contrast is too realistic, making people feel a silent bleak and can detect this. There are absolutely no good results for two people.

The second one is what Rong Rong said, I like you, and disappeared afterwards.

There is not much room for this tearful point to be pursued. It is simply to use tears to tears.

The third tear point is to finally uncover the truth, let Zhao Leling know that the teenager she did not even know the name is a person who once made her like to take the initiative to forget. That person can't leave the campus, and can't talk to her because he just wants to say "I like you" to her, and then there is no obsession.

The three bombings of the three squads have caused so many scenes that the shadows are not clear. But for Qin Cheng, what he really moved is not the final truth, but the smile of tolerance and tolerance when Rong Rong disappeared.

His parents already have new children and they can start a new life.

For Du Ran, he only has Zhao Leling, but his Zhao Leling has no longer wanted him.

So he said nothing about it, I liked you, and then really invested in a new life.

After walking out of the cinema, Qin Cheng put his hands in his coat pocket and walked to the Grand Theatre. Gradually, his footsteps are getting faster and faster, getting faster and faster, and eventually disappearing into the rich night.

At this moment, the national premiere of "Silent" is simultaneously over. For the first time, the film was presented to the world, in front of dozens of film critics and thousands of ordinary fans.

The national premiere box office, twenty-six million!

Sitting in the cinema, many viewers looked at the funny egg and couldn’t smile at all. They kept rubbing their eyes and blowing their noses.

When they walked out of the theater, some of the audiences who were very disgusted with the literary film directly scored a star and two stars on the film review network. At the same time, they evaluated: "Too art, and I fell asleep after seeing it. Of course, the value and the picture are still Not bad. 】

However, more viewers have given the film a five-star score, and commented on the message: [I like not only Du Ran, but also the purest love. 】