MTL - Super God Gene-Chapter 3454 Overdraft

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"The Emperor does not believe that you can really imitate the power of the universe." The Emperor does not believe that Boa can really imitate him, directly killing the past, to try to see if Boa can imitate a few points.

The power of both people does not seem to be strong, it seems to be limited to their body, and the purple color is not so conspicuous.

But when they are hurt by their strength, they will cause irreparable scars. The purple cracks in the stars are permanent. Even if the universe is self-repairing, it is impossible to make those cracks disappear.

Moreover, the general strong can't see their movements at all. I saw two purple shadows colliding in the universe. Only a few people can see the form of the battle.

"Linger, how is his little flower?" Wang Yuhang and others came to the front of the small flowers, but saw the small flowers dying, and had passed out, the blood hole in the chest kept bleeding.

Everyone quickly used all kinds of power and wanted to help the small flowers, but their power fell on the small flower wounds, and they were suddenly bounced off by a force. Not only did they not make the flowers better, but the painful flowers frowned in the coma.

"Damn, where did the Miki guy go, he will not come back, his son will be killed." Tang Zhenliu cried.

He is not blaming Hansen, but a kind of catharsis for his inability to do anything.

"Everyone goes, don't know what to do, don't give me the flowers." Han Yuqi walked over and pushed everyone away and began to check the damage of the small flowers.

Within the Temple of Genes, Ziwei and a group of gods are watching the battle between Boa and the Emperor.

"The master of the temple, Boa has not been promoted to the cosmic level, she can actually simulate the power of the universe, what is going on in the end? Is it really the power of the sunglasses?" The goddess of light asked with some surprise.

Ziwei looked strangely: "If I didn't read it wrong, it should be the sunglasses worn by the old master's life, but I don't even know that the sunglasses have such ability."

"Is there such a thing?" The goddess of light and the gods looked at it carefully. As they looked more and more like the sunglasses that the old Daddy had worn before, they were just like Ziwei. No one knows that this sunglasses would still be like this. Ability.

"Is the same body and strength, should Baoer have the opportunity to defeat the Emperor?" The goddess couldn't see the situation of the battle and could only ask Ziwei.

"In theory, everyone has the possibility of victory, the same body and strength, the owner who is more familiar with this body should be more dominant, but the body of the Emperor merges with the body and soul of Qin Xiu, and has just been promoted to the cosmic level, he Also in the same familiarity, who wins and who is really hard to say."

Having said that, Ziwei took another look at the scarred starry sky where the two men fought, and could not help but smile: "No matter who wins or loses this battle, the trauma of the big universe can not be repaired. In the future, this big universe, I am afraid that there will be more and more vulnerabilities."

The chaos is also a look of eccentric look at the battle, she also knows that the sunglasses are the old master, the former owner of the old house often wears, but suddenly he did not see him wearing.

A pair of glasses only, she did not pay attention at that time, only to find out today that the sunglasses are actually on Boa, and the sunglasses have such a terrible ability, even the cosmic power can be simulated, it is somewhat out of chaos.

Chaos and Ziwei naturally can see the difference between Boer and the Emperor. Seeing that Boer gradually gained the upper hand, he could not help but be happy.

Luna is also watching this battle, but her ability, or can not see the situation of the battle, can only ask one side of the Taiyi: "What is the situation now?"

"Boa has the upper hand." Taiyi said.

"It seems that the old daughter of the old master and the president of the chaos will be stronger. After all, it is congenitally inherited, and it is better than the emperor's acquired product. Unfortunately, the emperor is so calculated." Luna said.

Who knows Taiyi has said another sentence: "But Boa will lose."

"Why?" asked the moon **** and looked at him.

"Because she is not really a cosmic level after all, using that pair of glasses to simulate the emperor, the consumption is too great, she can't hold on for too long." Taiyi said.

"What should I do? How does the Gene Temple have no movement at all? The Ziwei guy does not help Boa to defeat the Emperor. His genetic temple is also difficult to preserve. He won't even understand this." Lunao frowned. .

"He knows better than anyone else, but he knows better than anyone else. It doesn't matter who is shooting now. Even if he and I exist, it is still half a step and can't step out. After all, it can't be with the real universe. Levels are counterbalanced, and it’s just a matter of sending more than one life.” Taiyi said.

"Then he looked like this, do nothing?" Luna is very unhappy.

"He certainly has to do it, but what he has to do is not to fight the emperor, but to prepare to restart the big universe." Too much.

"Restart the big universe?" Luna was shocked.

"Yes, restart the big universe. If Boa is defeated, then he only has this trick to stop the Emperor. But it is hard to say whether this trick has any effect. After all, the Emperor’s body also has a restart. The resurrection of the big universe may not be useful to him," said Taiyi.

Luna is silent, since it’s too much to say that he and Ziwei’s shots are useless, it’s definitely useless, and now they can only pray that Boa should not be defeated.

The Emperor could hardly believe that he had been suppressed by Boa. It was obvious that Boa simulated his body and strength, but under the battle, he was not an opponent of Boa.

Boa’s use of this power is even more proficient than him, as if he were born by nature.


The body of the Emperor's body was torn apart, and Boa's palm was like a knife over his chest, leaving a long scar on his chest.

"Win!" A slap in the heart, but the next second, but suddenly fell into the bottomless abyss.

After this embarrassment, Boa should have been able to pursue it, completely suppress the Emperor and directly kill him.

But who knows that at this time, Boa’s body has changed from the state of the emperor, and he has recovered the child’s body, wearing sunglasses on his face, but the sunglasses are no longer shiny, and her body is more like just from The water is fished out, the face is pale and scary, and the body seems to fall down at any time.

It can be seen from her weak state, her body is overdrafted.

The Emperor was overjoyed and did not hesitate, condensed the strength of the whole body, and slammed the past with the weak Boa. The power of purple with the light of destruction that destroyed everything, and immediately came to Boa.

And because of her body overdraft, Boa has been unable to escape this punch.

"Don't!" Han Linger and the chaos almost screamed at the same time, but they were unable to save. The battlefields of Boa and Emperor had already left all the stars in the Hanging Garden.