MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 334 command of the sea

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  Chapter 334 Control of the sea

  A second-tier army per capita can be regarded as a veteran who has experienced many battles. As long as the difference between the two leaders is too large, fighting a first-tier army per capita is like a father beating a son, and the latter has almost no room to resist!

   From the war between Shenli and Fusang this time, it can be seen that the battle damage ratio of the double-anti is generally maintained at more than 1:5.

   To kill a Fusang soldier, at least 5 Shen Li soldiers would have to pay the price. Not to mention that Shen Li couldn’t afford it, Da Min would be paralyzed when he came.

   Judging from the exchanges and observations with Ma Xinbo and others in the past few days, the Xuanjia Army may be a little stronger than Shen Liguo's army, but I am afraid that its strength is limited, and it is estimated that it will suffer a big loss in a frontal battle...

  Thinking of this, Zhao Yinshun couldn't help pinching his eyebrows in pain.

  How did one of the four great armies of the Central Empire get mixed up like this?

   It’s fine to equip broken copper and iron, but these two days are like reincarnations of starving ghosts, eating up the supplies on several ships they are on!

  According to what they said, they have never eaten such a sumptuous meal, and now they can fight blood for a while!

   Ask carefully again, good guy, what did these people eat before?

   Bran, Bran, Potato…

   With these things as the staple food, it would be a ghost to be able to develop a strong physique!

   Not to mention the huge consumption of blood evil energy in the different world, even ordinary people who worked out in previous lives knew to eat more meat, egg and milk!

   Not having enough "nutrition" and being capable, that's not penance, that's slow suicide!

   This is why all the soldiers of the Xuanjia Army look skinny, while their own soldiers are all strong men with big arms and round waists.

  If you compare the military strength of the Beiming Pillar Kingdom, then the other three Pillar Kingdoms are probably not much better...

  Strange... [Emperor] allocates a lot of military expenditures to the Four Pillars every year, not to mention the big fish and meat, but it will definitely not eat worse than pigs like now, right?

  Looking at the little fragrant pig who was humming and having fun at his feet, Zhao Yinshun frowned in confusion.

  But after thinking about it again, he faintly realized again.

  Military expenditures are not allocated directly to the Four Pillars, but are distributed through the supervision of the Ministry of War. Military power and financial power are independent, and civil servants and military generals check and balance each other...

   This is not a bad thing in itself, it can effectively prevent the separatism of the feudal town.

   But the bad thing is that the court hall is now full of swarms of insects, such a large amount of fat passes through the hands, each layer takes a bite, and finally falls to the ground, probably not one in ten!

   No wonder the equipment is poor, the energy level is stretched, and eating bran and swallowing vegetables every day, no matter how strong the military soul is, it can't train elites!

  Hmm...Frontline soldiers eat bran and swallow vegetables, while the rear is craving extravagance, wine ponds and meat forests...

  The front is tight, the rear is tight, what a picture of subjugation...

  Laughed at his speculation, Zhao Yinshun shook his head, and put the gloom in his chest behind him.

  The Xuanjia Army probably can't be counted on. As long as the Beimingzhu Kingdom can resist the Fusang army on the main battlefield on the northern front, it will be considered a victory.

  Go to the back and poke their chrysanthemums!

   Spreading out the map, Zhao Yinshun raised a sinister smile, and slid his fingers horizontally from the location of Longtou Port to the east.

   Extending straight from Longtou Port at the easternmost end of Weishan County, it is almost exactly the confrontation line between the two armies.

   To the north, you can support the Xuanjia Army, and to the south, you can stab the Fusang chrysanthemum!

  With Beimingzhu Kingdom putting pressure on the front, there must be emptiness behind them. The only problem now is... Fusang Kingdom's navy...

   Fingers turn from east to south, sliding all the way to the strait between Fusang and Shenli.

  According to limited information, the Royal Fleet of the Fusang Kingdom blocked the entire strait, and countless ships shuttled back and forth between the two sides of the strait every day to deliver a steady stream of supplies to the front line.

  If we can cut off the strait...

  The bold idea in his heart disappeared in a flash, but Zhao Yinshun quickly suppressed the impulse and let out a long sigh of relief.

  It is unrealistic to completely cut it off. Before the war, Fusang had at least four holy battleships. I heard that all of them were upgraded and remodeled according to Western standards.

  But immediately, the boy in white's eyes moved, and his eyes involuntarily moved to Fusang.

  How can poking a chrysanthemum be as refreshing as poking a heart?

  Bombard Kyoto?

   With a heartbeat, Zhao Yinshun began to ponder the feasibility, and after a long time he shook his head regretfully.

  [King Fusang] was promoted to [Emperor], and even if he stretched his hips, it would be the ninth rank. The coastline stretches for dozens of miles and is his domain, which has exceeded the longest range of naval guns.

   It is too risky to step into the field. I managed to accumulate such a fleet, and I hope to use them as seeds to split into an invincible fleet of ten times and a hundred times. What if I am dumped...

  Recalling that the fleets of the Thai and Western countries dare not approach the coast of Damin for fear of being involved in the barrier of Shenzhou, Zhao Yinshun couldn't help sighing.

  This is the deterrent power of the ninth-level emperor...

   Realizing that now is not the best time to expand the battlefield to Fusang, Zhao Yinshun shook his head and turned his gaze back to Shen Li.

   If you want to poke chrysanthemums, you must first solve the threat of the main fleet of Fusang Kingdom!

   Not to mention annihilating them all, at least control the sea!

   Tapping the map, Zhao Yinshun seems to have realized something, but there is always a trace of haze in his heart.

   Still the same question, where did Fusang get the national strength to organize such a strong navy and army?

  People can take drugs to overdraft, can the country also take drugs? seems to be okay? !

   With a frown, Zhao Yinshun narrowed his eyes solemnly.



  The low-pitched siren resounded all over the field, and the dense forest-like Juling sail slowly beat, pushing the hill-like battleships away from the port.

  After a brief repair, the Liuyin Fleet has been revived with full blood, and has made minor adjustments based on previous actual combat tests, and the overall combat effectiveness has been slightly improved.

  Several transport ships were dispatched to send Ma Xinbo and other officers and men of the Xuanjia Army back to Liaozhou. Zhao Yinshun led the main fleet and set off all the way to the southeast, sweeping all the enemy ships along the way.

  A few days later, the fleet arrived at the southernmost point of Shen Liguo, and after turning this corner, they could face Fusang mainland across the sea.

  The closer to this area, the more and more warships of Fusang Kingdom patrolled. When they saw Zhao Yinshun's fleet from a distance, they ran away without giving them a chance to enter the battle range.

   "Cen Xing, can you catch up with them?"

   "Yes, but it will take more than an hour, and they are running separately, we can't divide our troops to chase them?"

  Wearing a neat navy uniform, Cen Xing stood beside Zhao Yinshun and asked cautiously.

   "It is very difficult for the navy to ambush, unless it is covered by an island, or is proficient in the [difficult to know like Yin] military path, covering the entire fleet with extraordinary power..."

   Seemingly seeing the reluctance of the emperor, Cen Xing explained cautiously.

   "That's fine... play with them first."

  Pouting his mouth, Zhao Yinshun led the fleet and galloped all the way. There were always ships cruising and observing along the way. A few days later, he arrived at the center line of the strait.

  The Fusang Navy, which has already received the news, is ready to fight. More than 600 main warships are all concentrated here. From a distance, the magnificent **** sea almost turns the sky red.

   It was just a face-to-face meeting, and Zhao Yinshun's heart relaxed slightly.

  Because the vast majority of ships on the opposite side are still wooden hulls, the real threat is dozens of the latest modified warships.

  But it is said to be the latest model, but it is actually compared to the Eastern countries. It is simply incomparable with the cutting-edge warships of our own design concept that is ahead of the West.

   And tens of kilometers away, seeing the elegant and cruel beautiful war machine of [Liuyin Fengguo], the ship spirits of Fusang Kingdom felt inexplicably uneasy.

   "What a strange battleship layout..."

   "But it's pretty."

   "Look at his flagship, it's completely bigger than our flagship!"

   "But we have four Tier 7 battleships, 4 vs 1, the advantage is mine!"

   "Are these the guys who hunted and killed our transport ship on the west coast during this time?"

   "It's as fast as the wind... No wonder it can't run away..."

   Soon, someone from below sent up the statistics of the enemy's warships. After seeing the data, many ship spirits could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

  1 holy battleship, 16 Tier VI heavy cruisers, 47 Tier V light cruisers, and 89 Tier IV destroyers.

   Less than a quarter of the overall strength of the own fleet!

   "Gentlemen, let these stupid Damin people see the majesty of my Fusang man!"

   With a low growl, the huge blood power gathered and condensed, turning into a rising sun phantom emitting infinite divine light, releasing a domineering light and pressing towards the enemy.

  The terrifying power of the gods was like a tsunami impact, and the **** sea that enveloped the fleet in the distance rolled over for a while. The huge fleet was like a frightened rabbit, changing its formation with flexibility that did not conform to the laws of physics, and fled frantically towards the distance.


  Looking blankly at this scene, Yamamoto Yasuo was stunned for a second before he could react.

  The enemy ran away?

   "General, the enemy is afraid of our army's mighty power and flees in a hurry! Do you want to pursue it!?"

  The excited low roar of his subordinates called Yamamoto Yasuo's attention back. He frowned solemnly, and countless conspiracies flashed through his mind.

   Lure the enemy to go deep?

   Tune the tiger away from the mountain?

   Could it be that [Qinglongjing]'s Damin Royal Fleet is ambushing behind? !

  Impossible, the Taixi people have blocked the route of [Qinglongjing], and the impenetrable spy network is in charge of the overall situation, even if a sampan goes into the sea, they will know it!

  Now the only thing that can threaten him in the entire North Sea is the [Liuyin Fengguo] fleet.

  Thinking of this, Yasuo Yamamoto couldn't help feeling jealous.

  In just a few years, the mere three counties of Luzhou managed to gather a quarter of the strength of the Fusang Navy. How rich must they be? ? !

   How rich must the entire Luzhou be? !

  How terrifying is the whole Da Min?

   Just thinking about it for a while, Yasuo Yamamoto was terrified.

   Waited for thousands of years to get such an opportunity. This terrifying empire must not be allowed to return to its peak, otherwise Fusang will only be able to live under his shadow forever!

  Thinking of the frightening power of the Central Empire at its peak, all the known countries could not defeat one of the four pillar countries. The suffocating sense of oppression can be felt from the history books. The pain and despair of the predecessors.

   "Attack the whole army and annihilate them!"

   Gritting his teeth, Yamamoto Yasuo pondered over and over in his mind, confirmed that the enemy in front of him was the opponent's full strength, and decisively ordered the pursuit.


  The mysterious secret art of war unfolded quietly, dividing the huge fleet into four different parts, and quickly killing the enemy.

   While tens of kilometers away, looking at the murderous pursuers, Zhao Yinshun raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

   "Take the bait."

  Beside him, Cen Xing squinted his eyes, carefully feeling the conflict and friction between the two armies of blood fiends, and faintly discerned the route of the commander of each small fleet.

  "It is as swift as the wind, aggressive as fire, immovable as a mountain, and another one seems to be as slow as a forest."

   "If there is an eighth-rank admiral to unify their paths, then this fleet will be very scary, but there is no eighth-rank admiral in Fusang, so they are just a mess."

  Hearing this, Zhao Yinshun's smile became brighter.

"The six paths of the military path correspond to the six heavenly gates of Shenmen, swift as the wind is [mind], aggression like fire is [force], immovable as a mountain is [body], and Xu Rulin is [fine]...very good! Which one should I choose? What about a metamorphosis?!"

   Rubbing his chin, looking at the fleet billowing in black smoke in the distance, Zhao Yinshun's expression seemed to be watching a group of crazy takeaways.

  Licking his lips, the boy in white suppressed his anticipation and changed the topic.

   "By the way, Fusang doesn't have an eighth rank admiral, does Damin have one?"


   "Eastern Royal Pillar Kingdom?"


  Receiving a reasonable and unexpected answer, Zhao Yinshun nodded thoughtfully, his eyes slightly out of focus.

  The navy is more professional than the army, and if the technology does not improve, it will be eliminated!

  How much strength is left in [Dong Yuzhu Kingdom], which has been banned from the sea for a hundred years, I am afraid that there will be a big question mark.

  Recalling the gap in strength between Damin Armada and Taixi in two hundred years, Zhao Yinshun felt inexplicably sad when he looked at the current comparison.

  The country is closed to the outside world, and no sails can go into the sea. The small pond of [Qinglongjing] really trapped a dragon to death!

   With a long sigh, Zhao Yinshun came back to his senses, staring quietly at the chasing soldiers who were gradually getting out of touch.

   "How long is it expected to contact the enemy?"

   "According to the current speed, it is estimated that the enemy's first echelon will be able to catch up with us at noon tomorrow."

   "What time window do we have?"

  Looking at the enemies behind who were gradually being stretched out, Cen Xing pondered his calculations and answered cautiously: "About an hour or so."

   "An hour? Enough!"

  The first one to catch up must be the enemy who opened the [Min Guan]. Zhao Yinshun is not afraid of confrontation, but he is afraid that the opponent will jump around like a fly.

  Fortunately, Cen Xing also opened [Min Guan], as long as he blocked it for a while, he would have an explosive output by himself!

   Raising a sinister smile, Zhao Yinshun slowly clenched his fists, and the substantive gilt mist compressed a little bit between his fingers, making a sound of metal twisting and rubbing.

   "When the time comes, you block him and leave the rest to me."

  Feeling the mighty power roaring in the boy's body that made him tremble and fear, Cen Xing lowered his head in awe.

   "Follow the order."

  What is that domineering power like the sun? !

   Feeling the terrifying radiation rushing towards his face, Cen Xing was inexplicably depressed.

  Why do I feel that the gap between me and Your Majesty has widened when I was promoted to Shinhwa? !

  (end of this chapter)