MTL - Super Craftsman-Chapter 991 Trap (Part 2)

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Fortunately, the opponent had only five mortars, and the rate of fire was not fast, not well-trained, so that there was enough opportunity for the soldiers to leave the area.

Those who performed tasks with Zhao Yanyan were all experienced fighters. When they heard the warnings and orders, they immediately knew what to do. It is correct to disperse quickly. You can't stay where you are and be beaten. Although the mortar is not powerful, it is also a terrible thing to cover the shooting.

Zhao Yanyan didn't forget to stare at the direction in which the shells were flying when they dispersed. There is a time difference of three and a half hours between Afghanistan and China. It is now dark. There is nothing to be seen there, even the firelight emitted from the muzzle. I only saw two flashes behind a mountain not far away. Needless to say, the mortar is not in sight at all, but behind the mountain.

The blast, the successive explosions, was another round of bombardment. At the same time, the bombardment exploded, it seemed to detonate the explosive that was hidden in advance in a certain place, bringing a more violent explosion. The joint area was just exploded. Shrouded.

A mortar shell exploded at a distance of seven or eight meters from Zhao Yanyan. Zhao Yanyan, who was leaving in a low posture, only felt a shock at the shoulder and ribs, and his back seemed to be pushed by something. He rolled over and continued to maintain a low posture and agility. Fleeing towards a rock 15 meters away.

Quickly away from the joint area, hiding behind the mountain stone, Zhao Yanyan decisively set up a sniper rifle and looked at the mountain over there. Even if the mortar position is not in view, there must always be an observer or the like. Sure enough, under the infrared sight, Zhao Yanyan clearly saw the half-pulled figure that showed white. It seems to be making a gesture of looking here with a night vision telescope.

Without saying anything, Zhao Yanyan pulled the trigger. At the next moment, a white liquid splashed out in the sight, which was the performance of the sprayed blood under night vision.

so close! This is definitely a flaw in the previous arrangement of the other party, otherwise the explosion should have occurred with the undercover self-detonation. At that time, there were at least ten of the twelve people who would have left the explosion. I don't know if the remote control device didn't work or other reasons. Anyway, it just didn't explode. It just left everyone else.

"Report the casualties!" Zhao Yanyan commanded in the headset, shot again, and shot a guy who had just raised his head from the mountain.

"Blue wolf is injured and can act!"

"The gray wolf is injured in the shoulder and arm and can act!"


It wasn't until this time that Zhao Yanyan knew from his body's reaction that he was injured. Both the shoulder and the ribs were hit by explosive fragments, and the back was also there, but was blocked by the bulletproof vest. However, I was just too nervous and didn't feel the pain. Now, the nanorobot has started to work, and it can stop the pain and stop the bleeding in an instant. It does not hinder the action at all. At the same time, Guo Tailai also sent an alarm signal.

Four soldiers were killed on the spot, and the subsequent three rounds of mortar coverage took away the life of a soldier with a leg injury and impaired mobility. Among the seven survivors, six were injured, including Zhao Yanyan, and only one soldier was intact. The Osprey helicopter that sent them was shot down, and the status of the three crew members was unknown, with a high probability of death. The situation is not optimistic.

Da Da Da Da! A series of ak gunshots sounded fiercely from several directions, and concentrated towards the location where Zhao Yanyan had just shot. However, Zhao Yanyan has left the position just now, and after shooting a gangster, he moved again.

"Eagle's Nest, this is a trap! We were suddenly attacked, the undercover was forced to explode, and the helicopter was shot down!" The position was changed again and the comrades met to alternately cover and evacuate the area. While evacuating Zhao Yanyan, he contacted the domestic headquarters through a communicator. : "At present we have only seven people left, six people are injured, the initial number of enemies... more than one hundred people."

The undercover has been coerced, and the information returned is simply wrong. Originally thought that there were only more than twenty enemies, now they have besieged Zhao Yanyan more than a hundred people.

The call records and explosion sounds from the communicator have just made the command staff busy for a while. They don't even know what happened on the front line, but they have already known from the pilot's communication that the helicopter was shot down in advance. Now I know the situation of direct casualties from Captain Zhao Yanyan's side. For a moment, General Liu's mind was blank in the headquarters.

"Blackbird, immediately decide the direction of evacuation!" As the on-site commander, General Liu made the decision instantly. This is a trap against China. No matter which unit attacks the training camp, it will definitely have a similar result. The other party wants to launch a domestic and foreign vicious terrorist incident. If foreign countries can wipe out a special force, then It will cause greater international public opinion and must not let them succeed!

"Report to the superior, immediately coordinate the Afghan side, and send our fighters in!" An order was given to the front, and General Liu immediately turned to command some members of the command.

In fact, before the helicopter crossed the border, the country greeted the senior leaders of Afghanistan, only one of them. More than a dozen fighters on a plane carry out cross-border missions, and they are still aimed at the Taliban training camp. This is easier to coordinate, but if the fighters enter, it is not a trivial matter. But now I can't care about that much. Even if I send a fighter, I have to rescue the soldiers.

How is the problem with the undercover? This is a matter to be investigated later. Now the top priority is the safety of the soldiers ahead.

"The fighter is ready to take off, and the tanker is standing by near the border!" A series of orders were issued, and the command side also mobilized all resources to prepare to support the front.

At the same time, the situation on the front is getting worse.

Although Zhao Yanyan had shot down an artillery observer, the mortar shells could still clearly follow their whereabouts and fly over. This made them must be in constant campaign battles, and it was clear that another observation post was guiding the artillery attack. In such a moment, when a member of the team evacuated with his leg wounded, a mortar shell exploded within a distance of less than two meters, and he was flew on the spot.

"Go!" The comrades with leg injuries were getting more and more serious, and they directly found a grenade in their arms, struggling with the comrades who had just supported him but now had no breath. The comrades who came to take him away shook their heads, and the gun in his hand was also placed in his chest, ready to attack. He can no longer act, and can no longer drag down his comrades.

Even worse news came, the more ambushing gangsters, although during this evacuation time, the soldiers have counterattacked and killed more than 20 close guys, but the gangsters are not only small, Instead, there are more and more, and the total is almost approaching two hundred.

"Eagle Nest, Eagle Strike 01 applied for take-off!" Among the base airport, a J-10 had already slipped onto the runway, and the pilot began to apply for take-off.

"What?" At this critical moment, General Liu of the headquarters suddenly received a bad news: "The Afghan side prohibits my fighter plane from entering the airspace? Only helicopters are allowed after Tianming? What does this mean?"

"Eagle Nest, Eagle Strike 01 applied for take-off!" There was silence in the communication channel, and only the pilot of J-10 applied for take-off again.

All the staff of the headquarters focused on General Liu. General Liu pinched the communicator's caller, swallowed hard, and finally gritted his teeth, ready to give the order: "Eagle strike 01, prepare..."

Having just said these words, before waiting for General Liu to give the final order, an officer next to him suddenly reported loudly: "Director, there is something new!"

"What's new?" General Liu asked, anxiously, turning his head.

The officer quickly broadcast a communication call that was being monitored, and a familiar voice rang at the headquarters.

"Tower, Blackbird 01 applied to take off!"