MTL - Study Days at Hogwarts-Chapter 1268 clue

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  Chapter 1268 Clue

   "Mom keeps trying to stop us."

  Looking at the closed door, Ron said in a low voice, "Everyone has been trying to figure out what we're doing."

   "But Dumbledore is not..."

  As soon as Hermione spoke, she was interrupted by Harry.

"It's not surprising at all. Curiosity has always been human nature, not to mention that Dumbledore is no longer around. It's normal for them not to trust me. After all, I'm not Albert, and I don't have Albert's strength. would be stupid enough to pin all hope on me."

  Harry could see better than anyone else.

  He took out the notebook from his pocket, tore off a few pages of notes used to record them, picked up his wand, set those pages on fire, and watched them burn to ashes in the flames.

   "Don't say that about Harry, everyone wants to believe you." Hermione looked a little disturbed, "And, I think Mrs. Weasley did that out of good intentions."

"Of course I know that Mrs. Weasley is just too worried about everyone's safety." Harry sighed softly, and said rather helplessly, "But she doesn't know that sometimes unintentional kindness may cause extremely serious consequences." Terrible injury."

  The room suddenly fell silent.

  They are all aware of the importance of strictly keeping the Horcrux secret.

   God knows what terrible things will happen once Voldemort learns that his greatest secret has been revealed.

   "I think you all know how stupid they are to do that. That guy will kill everyone who knows the secret, unless the secret can't be hidden."

  Harry knew Voldemort's behavior too well. That guy would never allow anyone to know the secret of the Horcrux.

   "So, that secret must not be leaked no matter what, not only to destroy him, but also for the safety of other people's lives."

   This sentence is actually reminding Ron, and also reminding the person outside the room who eavesdropped on their conversation.

  Harry knew he had to give them some hints before someone messed things up.

   "You're right Harry."

  Ron looked at the closed door and didn't refute, because it was the truth.

  After the tragedy of Professor Bubaji, everyone realized that they should listen to the advice of others, especially the advice of Albert.

  If Professor Bubaji was willing to listen to Albert's suggestion and leave the UK, maybe she would not have ended up like this now.

   Professor Bubbaji died, just yesterday.

  Not long after she was sent to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries by the Ministry of Magic, she was directly killed by Death Eaters. The Dark Mark appeared in the sky over St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries, which shocked the melon-eating crowd in the British magic world.

   Everyone knows that this is the revenge of the Death Eaters, and it is also a provocation against the Ministry of Magic.

  The Death Eaters directly used this method to tell wizards in the British magical world that the Ministry of Magic was too weak to be vulnerable.

   "Mrs. Weasley is gone." Hermione suddenly turned to look at Harry, "Do you think this is really useful?"

"I don't know." Harry shook his head and said, "But I hope it will be useful. I will take the time to chat with Sirius and let them know the seriousness of the problem. I have been keeping it from them so that problems will happen sooner or later. At that time, I will use This convinces them."

   Saying this, Harry glanced at the few golden pills left in the eye drops bottle.

   "Felix Elixir is almost used up." Ron stared at the golden potion in the medicine bottle, licked his lips and said, "If I can get some more, the next operation will definitely be smoother."

   "Fred said Albert didn't have much left anywhere." Harry actually wanted to get some more, but it was a pity that the brewing of Felicia was too complicated.

   "Don't forget the side effects of Felicia." Hermione reminded.

   "This is the funniest joke I've heard in the last year." Ron said dryly, "You want to drink to have side effects."

   "I think you are focusing on the wrong point." Harry put the Felicia Felicia back into the shapeshifting lizard skin pouch.

   "Don't worry about Harry, just tell everyone clearly." Hermione comforted.

   "If this matter cannot be resolved smoothly, I am afraid that the next days will not be very easy."

  This is also the reason why Harry intends to reveal some news to Sirius.

   "Actually, Harry...I still think we should use this as a stronghold."

Ron noticed the gazes from his two companions, and suggested bravely: "I mean, we can't stay outside all the time to collect information, we always need a place to relax, and there is nowhere better than the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix." It's safe."

  Harry glanced at Hermione, saw that the other party did not speak, and he himself did not refute, but remained silent for the time being.

   "We really need a place to rest." Harry was silent for a long time before speaking.

  Ron and Hermione breathed a sigh of relief.

  They didn't have much experience in living in the wild. Just like Ron said, they needed a stronghold, a safe place to stay, and the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix was the most suitable.

  Speaking of which, I have to thank Albert. If Albert hadn't seen through the problems of the Order of the Phoenix at a glance and reminded them to solve the problems in time, I am afraid that Harry's placement during adulthood would have serious problems.

   "Our biggest problem now is that we still don't have any ideas about Horcruxes." Harry couldn't help laughing at himself, "Sometimes I want to give the title of savior to Albert, but unfortunately that guy doesn't want it."

   The best way to rack his brains was to ask Albert for help, which made Harry feel helpless.

   "Don't talk about Harry like that, you've done a good job." Ron comforted.

   "Harry, don't we already have an obvious idea?" Hermione reminded with a frown.

  The three of them have discussed for so long, it is obvious that they will not get nothing.

  However, even though they have some ideas, they may not be useful, because even Dumbledore has not found the remaining Horcruxes.

  So, they can only try their luck next.

  After discussion among the three, they unanimously decided to go to the place where Tom Riddle once lived and worked to search for information and try his luck:

  Diagon Alley, Hogwarts, Riddle's House (crossed out), Bokin Burke Store and Albania, etc.

  If they are lucky enough, they might be able to find the Horcruxes. After all, they have the Blessed Elixir. Although that thing cannot bring real luck, if they act according to the guidance of the Blessed Elixir, they may really get unexpected gains.

   But they still need to take some risks. Once they act too high-profile, they are easy to be targeted by Death Eaters, which will bring unpredictable troubles.

  Actually, Harry has a better solution, which is to ask Albert to predict the whereabouts of the Horcrux.

  But Hermione believes that divination is not a panacea. The reason is that if the Horcrux can be found, Dumbledore must have asked Albert to help find the whereabouts of the Horcrux.

  Although Hermione made a lot of sense, Harry still felt that Albert could definitely help. That guy had always left Harry with a reliable impression of knowing everything.

  Sometimes Harry even wondered, if even Albert couldn't find the remaining two Horcruxes, why would he be able to find them?

   Reason told Harry that the most correct way is for the two sides to exchange information and find the whereabouts of the Horcrux together.

  Harry told the two of his personal views, and it happened that Bill's wedding was an opportunity to get in touch with each other.

   "Will Anderson agree?" Ron doubted.

   "Yes." Hermione said firmly.

   "It would be great if he could really predict where the last two Horcruxes are hidden."

  Harry has no clue now, but he hopes that Albert will succeed in divination, but the probability should not be high.

  If Albert could really predict the whereabouts of the Horcrux, he probably would have found it long ago and destroyed the Horcrux.

   "What if Anderson can't help us?" Ron asked suddenly, "Are we going to Hogwarts to investigate the whereabouts of Ravenclaw's crown as planned?"

   According to their analysis, the last Horcrux is likely to be a relic left by Gryffindor or Ravenclaw.

   And so far, the other relics of the Big Four that Harry knows are Ravenclaw's crown and Gryffindor sword.

   The Gryffindor sword is still in a glass case in the Hogwarts office, but the Ravenclaw diadem has been missing for hundreds of years.

  However, if Voldemort could find Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets, why couldn't he find Ravenclaw's diadem?

  Maybe Ravenclaw's diadem is hidden in the Chamber of Secrets.

"If there is no better clue, I do plan to take Felicia and go to Hogwarts to try my luck." Harry really has this intention, "I will try to start with the ghost of Ravenclaw at that time, if we If you are lucky enough, there may be unexpected clues."

  Harry was really suspecting that the last Horcrux was Ravenclaw's diadem, but it didn't matter if it wasn't, they couldn't find any better clues anyway.

  (end of this chapter)