MTL - Strange Worlds: The Sequence-Chapter 16 chase the murderer

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  Chapter 16 Chasing the murderer

   "Brother Zhou, I will leave this matter to you."

  Yang Wufeng looked sad, and cupped his hands towards the young man in black in front of him.

  Zhou Jie replied:

   "Take people's money and eliminate disasters with people."

   "Brother Yang, you are welcome."

  This person is a disciple of the Wudao Hall of the Moon Worship Sect.

   "Night Chasing the Wind" Zhou Jie.

   Moon Worship Sect has six halls and twenty-four ghost halls, of which Wudao Hall is one of the twenty-four ghost halls.

   There are not many people in Wudaotang, but everyone has excellent tracking methods.

  Zhou Jie is the only disciple who has been able to worship in Wudao Hall in the past few years.

  And Zhou Jie is different from other old antiques in Wudaotang, he likes to run around, as long as he gives money, he can help you with things.

   It’s just that others use money to kill people, but he uses money to find someone.

  In the burial palace, Yang Wufeng and Zhou Jie stood side by side.

  Behind them stood many disciples of the Diancang Sect, as well as those martial artists who were in the underground palace with Chen Yuyan and the others before,

  Dozens of people, most of them were gathered by Yang Wufeng.

  Facing the power of the Diancang faction, coupled with Yang Wufeng's coercion and temptation, most people can only obey obediently.

   As for the rest, the Dimensang Sect couldn't find them.

  No way, although the Diancang faction is strong, the number is not so large as to be exaggerated.

   More than half will be divided to block the entrance of the tomb to prevent thieves from rushing out.

   What's more, the area of ​​the tomb is so large, even if the Diancang Sect had four or five times more people, they couldn't search it all.

   And there is another possibility, that is, the murderer who killed Yang Shuimo has escaped from the tomb, and this situation is very likely.

   After all, when Yang Wufeng learned that his sister died, it was already two or three days later.

  Who would be stupid enough to kill someone and stay nearby for two or three days?

  If the murderer has already escaped, it would be very difficult for Yang Wufeng to catch the murderer even if he has great abilities.

  Yang Wufeng can only hope that the murderer will be greedy and covet the treasures in this tomb, and he will not leave at this time.

  Although the possibility is slim, Yang Wufeng is still unwilling to give up.

   This is the only thing he can do.

  Beside Zhou Jie took out the wooden box from his arms, stained it with some yellow powder, and smeared it on the lips of the corpses of the Diancang Sect placed in front of him.

  Yang Wufeng looked at the body of his sister in the center, his complexion turned from white to blue, the veins on his temples were bulging, and there was nowhere to spurt out his anger, even his cheeks were trembling slightly.

  The strong desire for revenge penetrated into every inch of his flesh and every drop of blood.

  After applying the yellow powder, Zhou Jie put away the wooden box and took a step back.

   Immediately afterwards, a strange and frightening scene appeared in front of everyone.

   Zhou Jie opened his mouth, and a fist-sized black ant slowly crawled out of his throat.

  The black ant's slender limbs rested on the mouth of the teeth, and poked its head out to look around.

  Seeing this, Zhou Jie put his hands in front of his mouth, and the black ant crawled from his mouth to his palm.

   This is Zhou Jie's Gu mother "Queen Scented Ant", which can accurately track things within a range of thousands of miles.

  But this kind of Gu worm is too delicate, and it has to swallow blood royal jelly, which is as expensive as gold, every day. If it is not fed, it will be weak in one day, weak in two days, and dead in three days.

  Ordinary [Gu Sequence] warriors simply cannot afford to raise the Queen of Scented Ants. Even Zhou Jie, who has joined the Moon Worship Sect, often has to go out to do things for others to bear the high cost of feeding.

  The fragrant ant queen slowly climbed onto Yang Shuimo's corpse, devoured the yellow powder covering her lips, then bulged her stomach, squatted on the ground, and began to lay eggs.

  Jade-white eggs were discharged from the huge abdomen of the queen ant, dozens of them were discharged in a row, and the eggs were piled up into a hill before stopping.

  Then Zhou Jie stretched out his hand to pick up the smelling queen ant, and the queen returned the same way, and slowly crawled in from her throat again.

   This scene made Yang Wufeng shudder, but he could only bite the bullet and watch it.

   Not long after, those eggs hatched quickly, and slender scent-smelling ants crawled out, fluttered their wings, and flew out buzzing.

   Zhou Jie's method of finding the murderer was very simple. He asked Wenxiang Ant to find out who had been in contact with these disciples these days, and Yang Wufeng left the rest to solve by himself.

  He is only responsible for finding people.

  Dozens of scent-smelling ants scattered, and twenty or thirty of them flew to the Jianghu warriors next to the disciples of the Diancang School, which meant that they had all had contact with Yang Shuimo and the others.

  The remaining scent-smelling ants continued to fly deep into the tomb.

  Yang Wufeng and the disciples of the Diancang School hurriedly followed. As for the warriors in the underground palace, after confirming that they had nothing to do with Yang Shuimo's death, they could only let them go.

  After all, the Diancang Sect is the most righteous sect in the southern Xinjiang martial arts, and they still have to be reasonable in doing things.

   There are also many spectators in the tomb, such as Wei Meng of the Songyuan Sword Sect, and the disciples of the sect following him.

   With the help of Smell Scent Ant, the remaining fighters who were in the underground palace that day were quickly picked out one by one.

  Yang Wufeng kept a cold face, and asked the disciples behind him to control them all, and then took out half of Yang Shuimo's life cards from his arms, and took photos one by one.

  Most of the life cards in Jianghu come from Tianji Pavilion. They use the characteristic "cause and effect" in the [Hexagram Sequence] to create a life card that can know life and death thousands of miles away.

The fate card can not only be used to distinguish the life and death of the owner of the card, but also the characteristic "cause and effect" of the [Gua Sequence] contained in it can also reflect the person who has the cause and effect of life and death with the deceased. The big sects generally rely on the life card to find out who killed the dead. The murderer of his disciples.

  It's a pity that no one can light up the life cards after the life cards are photographed one by one.

  Yang Wufeng looked disappointed, and called his disciples to take them there for questioning.

  At this time, there were only a dozen scent-smelling ants left in the air, and seven or eight of them were spinning around in place, lingering.

   "Brother Zhou, what's the reason?"

  Yang Wufeng asked Nahan.

  Zhou Jie didn't speak, just took out a white jade porcelain bottle, opened it and released a few wisps of strange fragrance.

  The smelling ants staggered as if they were drunk after smelling the strange fragrance, but they all flew in the same direction together.

   Everyone hurriedly looked in that direction, only to see those scent-smelling ants flying to the corner of the crowd, floating in front of a dozen warriors.

   It was the young patriarch Mulan Yuan and his party sent by the Scorpion tribe to bury them.

   Mulan Yuan frowned, looking at the Gu worms in front of him.

   "The remaining Jianghu warriors who disappeared in the underground palace should all be killed by these few."

  Zhou Jie looked at the barbarian clothes Mulan Yuan and his party were wearing, showing displeasure.

  As soon as these words came out, the eyes of those present who looked like Mulan Yuan began to become unfriendly.

  The barbarians dare to attack the Han people?

  Although everyone in the Scorpion Tribe looked a bit ugly, they were not in a panic.

   What they killed was not the disciples of the great sect. As for the remaining Jianghu warriors, Mulan Yuan and others really didn't pay attention to them.

  Yang Wufeng was disappointed when he saw this.

  He thought he could find the murderer this time.

  Damn it!

   Who the hell!

  Don't let me find you, or I, Yang Wufeng, will make sure that you cannot survive or die!

  At this moment, Wei Meng, the senior brother of the Songyuan Sword Sect, walked to Zhou Jie, and said in front of the Xie Tribe and others:

   "Brother Zhou, several disciples of our Songyuan Sword Sect who went out to practice alone have disappeared these days. I wonder if you can help my Songyuan Sword Sect with this. Thank you very much afterwards!"

  As soon as Wei Meng said this, Mulan Yuan's face froze, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

  In the past few days, they have only picked out single Han warriors, and they already have sixty or seventy ghosts in their hands.

  In Mulan Yuan's opinion, most members of the great sect would not go out alone.

  I only pick single targets to attack, which is not only safe but also less prone to mistakes.

   But how did he know that those disciples of the Songyuan Sword Sect were Anzi sent by Wei Meng to monitor the Diancang Sect, so they didn't wear the clothes of the Songyuan Sword Sect.

   As a result, none came back.

  Zhou Jie nodded and said: "No problem, Brother Wei just hand over their personal belongings to me."

  Wei Meng turned around and called the doorman to take the personal belongings of the missing disciple.

Indecisiveness leads to disaster.

   Before Zhou Jie could take any action, Mulan Yuan shouted in barbaric language:

   "Escape separately, let's all escape back to the tribe first!"

   Before the words fell, Mulantu was the first to escape, followed by the barbarians of the Scorpion tribe, and after running for a certain distance, they dispersed.

  Before he left, he threw a handful of Gu worms into the crowd, then laughed sinisterly, took out the fire folder, opened it, threw it on the ground, and then ran away without looking back.

  The Gu worm was round and shaped like a moth, but with a huge abdomen. It flapped its wings twice in mid-air and then exploded with a bang.

  White powder suddenly spread all over the entire sealed tomb, shining like snow.

  Most people’s first reaction is that it is poisonous, and they hurriedly covered their mouths and noses and squatted down to avoid the slowly falling powder, and then retreated.

   Only Zhou Jie seemed to have thought of something, his face changed drastically, and he said sharply, "It's the white phosphorous moth!"

   Then he retreated a dozen steps, even if the white powder was stained on his body, he didn't care.

  Although the powder sprayed out by the white phosphorous moth fell very slowly, it spread around very quickly, filling the entire tomb in an instant.

  The Huodezi thrown by Mulan Yuan on the ground ignited sparks and came into contact with the white phosphorus in the air.


  I saw the flames soaring into the sky, and suddenly a fiery wave gushed out, accompanied by earth-shattering loud noises, billowing thick smoke rose into the sky like an overwhelming sandstorm.

  In the darkness, accompanied by scarlet flames blooming coquettishly, like enchanting and gorgeous flowers of the other side, competing for splendor.

  The sound of violent explosions was endless, and pieces of the ground collapsed one after another. The shattered stones above the head fell like a meteor shower, and mercilessly smashed into the fleeing crowd.

   "Damn it!"

  Yang Wufeng was hit by a falling boulder, so he could only cover his right arm to avoid the falling stones from the scorpion.

   Wei Meng's complexion turned black. He didn't expect to find trouble, but he was put on by the barbarians.

  He snorted coldly, rushed out of the explosion range, and chased after Mulan Yuan alone!

  After that, the smoke and dust dissipated.

  At this time, most of the people who were still standing at the scene were ashamed, some screamed with burns all over their bodies, and some wailed in pain with bruises all over their bodies.

  More people were buried under the rubble, dying.

   And where the explosion happened, a deep pit appeared at this time, and it was so dark that the bottom could not be seen.

  Zhou Jie stood on the edge of the pit, looking at the exposed coffin in the stone chamber below, with a strange light in his eyes.

  He quietly released a mosquito-like Gu, and quickly flew out of the tomb.

   "Brother Yang, there is another layer of tombs underneath."

  Yang Wufeng tidied up the people of the Diancang faction, and asked the remaining disciples to move the wounded out for treatment with a dark face. Then he turned around when he heard Zhou Jie's words.

   "The targets marked by the last few scent-smelling ants are all under this tomb."

  Yang Wufeng heard the words and said with a cold face:

   "Brother Zhou, let's go down and have a look together."

  As for the rest of the Jianghu warriors, Yang Wufeng didn't bother to take care of them. They were completely messed up by those barbarians.

   Their Diancang faction is now dying and injured, and it is unrealistic to want to seal the exit again.

  He can only hope that the murderer of Yang Shuimo will be found among the few remaining people.

   Then the two jumped down the deep pit together and disappeared into the darkness.


   "Is this the last stone chamber?"

  Chen Yuyan and the others stood in the center of the stone gate. This is the largest stone chamber in the second-story tomb.

  The rest of the stone chambers were searched over and over, and everything they could take was taken, and the rest had no choice but to stay where they were.

  Slowly pushed open the stone door, blowing away the fallen dust, what came into view was not the mahogany coffin similar to the one in the previous stone room.

   But a futon.

   There is also a small mirror on the futon.

  Chen Yuyan knew that the futon was the secret medicine [Watching the Moon], and it also contained the brand of martial arts of the "Moon King", a general of the South Vietnam Dynasty long ago.

  No one knows the real name of Moon King, and people today only remember his first name.

  At that time, the Moon King in the Nanyue Dynasty was not just as simple as his achievements.

  Whether it is the people of Liming in the Nanyue Dynasty or the rulers of other dynasties, they only know the Moon King, but not South Vietnam.

  The Moon King is already the actual ruler of the Nanyue Dynasty, and even if he wants to, he can change the name of the Nanyue Dynasty to the Moon Dynasty the next day.

   It was just that the Moon King disappeared inexplicably at the end, and the Nanyue Emperor, who had been suppressed for a long time, was unwilling to be a puppet emperor. He wanted to regain control of the country, and finally caused civil strife, and the Nanyue Dynasty was also destroyed.

   This futon is not an inheritance left by the Moon King, but it was looted by the Nanyue Emperor from his home and placed in his tomb, which means that after his death, the Moon King will also guard the door for him.

  Anyway, Chen Yuyan only felt that the last emperor of South Vietnam had great ambitions and talents, and in the end he didn't accomplish anything and even ruined his country.

  Before he died, he had to lay out a futon to fantasize that he had defeated the Moon King, and only his mouth was hard.

  In the plot, Fang Ziming got this futon and soared into the sky from then on.

   But Chen Yuyan is not interested in this futon. It is no problem to practice martial arts from scratch, but if it is a brand of martial arts.

  Family, this is not a good thing to say.

  When one's own sequence reaches a certain level, one can leave one's own brand of martial arts, the brand of martial arts will not be destroyed, and one's own spirit will not die.

  Chen Yuyan is afraid that he has accepted the inheritance of the brand of martial arts. After practicing this martial arts, he will no longer be himself.

  As for Fang Ziming, Chen Yuyan could only remind him after going out, which was the best of humanity.

   As for whether the Northern Spear King will be Fang Ziming or Moon King in the future, it doesn't matter to Chen Yuyan.

  Chen Yuyan just can't figure it out now.

  Where is the remaining Nuosheng mask?

   I am editing the text these two days, the update is only 4000, and it will be restored to 6000+ tomorrow

   Seek to read, to read, to read



  (end of this chapter)