MTL - Strange Life of a Cat-Chapter 8 Be obedient when you are alone

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Because of the stranger's affairs, A Huang and the sheriff have settled in the house for a few days. Fatty is still the original style of behavior that does not come out without it. As for Zheng Tan, Xiao Guo was promised to take a photo of the cat food, and was taken by the father Jiao Jiao to the "Ming Ming" pet center for two days to take pictures.

The first advertisement was not a video advertisement that Zheng Tan imagined, but a picture story form.

Zheng Tan has always overlooked one thing. At this time, the development of online video is not as hot as ten years later, and even many people are not optimistic about the development of online video. It is speculated that the prospect is not optimistic, and some people even commented that Hopeless.

However, Xiao Guo didn't think so. When discussing the contract with Jiao Dad, he said that "the charm of the Internet is that it can turn decay into a magical reversal due to technological updates." This sentence made Zheng Tan look at him again. As a person, Zheng Tan knew better than others what the Internet would look like in ten years' time.

Compared to the single advertising map of other businesses, Xiao Guo's self-advertising into a picture story form will be more attractive. Even people without pets in the home will like to watch it, at least to improve the brand's visibility.

There is Zheng Tan here. It doesn't take much effort to take pictures of such stories, and even cat food is useless, which makes Xiao Guo very happy. It's difficult for cats to make ideal expressions, and the limitations of the era have made it difficult for businesses to spend too much effort to rectify this form of advertising.

Xiao Guo, an image story ad, will be posted in a pet forum on the Internet, and at the same time, it will be published in a paper magazine. Another reason Xiao Guo was so anxious to get Zheng Tan to shoot advertisements in the past was this. Some time ago, a friend of Xiao Guo created a new pet magazine, which was published once a month. Xiao Guo was also happy to ride this ride.

In fact, before Zheng Tan came to the pet center, Xiao Guo tried other cats. A few of them were still precious cats, but the shooting process and effects were really ... irritating to his stomach.

However, after Zheng Tan came over, the shooting was smooth. Every action and every look didn't need to talk a lot, so Comrade Xiao Guo didn't have a stomachache, and the cat food was saved. contract.

Because "Pamper" magazine is a monthly magazine, Zheng Tan only needs to take pictures once a month. It's nothing for Zheng Tan. In addition to making small ads, Zheng Tan also has a playful attitude. . The most funny thing is that at the end of the storyline, the small line also wrote "Actor: blackC".

Mark the pet ’s name, this is Xiao Guo ’s habit, and this “blackC” is the idea of ​​Jiao ’s father, without directly reporting Zheng Tan ’s real cat name, it is also a protection for Zheng Tan.

As for this "blackC", Xiao Guo also asked the reason, Dao Jiao's explanation was: black is black, and "C" represents "carbon" in the periodic table of the elements, so ...

The first time I took a photo of cat food, Xiao Guo put a thousand dollars on the card. Jiao Ma said that it was much more than expected. A thousand dollars is really nothing to Zheng Zheng once, but now it is a rare big reward.

Dao Jiao gave Zheng Tan another bank card, which was used to save advertising fees for Zheng Tan. Actually, it ’s not just Zheng Tan, Jiao Yuan and Gu Youzi both have their own bank cards. The new year's money is stored in it, the exam rewards are stored in it, and pocket money is deducted from it, but now the cards are in the hands of Dao Jiao. Just in case they are abused. This is Dao Jiao's unique way of education.

However, what Zheng Tan has always puzzled is why Dao Jiao uses this method with a cat.

Sometimes Zheng Tan doesn't understand what Associate Professor Jiao thinks, but no matter what, after getting together for more than three months, Zheng Tan also has a certain understanding of Dad, at least it can be sure that Dad Jiao will not be against him. Those who do not know whether it is scientific research are particularly easy to accept some extraordinary events.

If someone outside knows how Associate Professor Jiao gets along with his cat, I don't know how many eyes will be frightened. People, including Jiao Mom, Jiao Yuan, and Gu Youzi, didn't even know that Zheng Tan and Dao Jiao got along like this.

After filming the advertisement, Zheng Tan was fine. After spending two days in the house, he still couldn't stop running and took a lap. This time, no suspicious characters were found. He went to the large lawn to observe it once. Until the last time, but saw the guinea pig, a little girl who was not much bigger than Gu Youzi watched with her mother the fur-like guinea pig walking on the grass. Zheng Tan plans to stay away from the mother and daughter in the future, so as not to mess with that person again.

On this day, Zheng Tan turned back outside and noticed the strangeness before entering the door.

have a guest?

The atmosphere in the living room is not very good. It is too silent. Jiao Mom is cooking in the kitchen, but she is also absent-minded. Dao Jiao and the man were smoking on the sofa, but did not speak.

The guests are about the same age as Dao Jiao, and they don't seem to be in a good mental state. They have a sense of decadence. They have red blood in their eyes, like people who have been cooking for many nights. Dao Jiao called that person "Mariko", obviously the relationship is still good. But why both of them are extremely silent now, even with a little heavy, Zheng Tan doesn't quite understand.

A small table was placed in Jiao Yuan's room. When there were guests who were not convenient for the two children, Jiao Ma would move the small wooden table with a Chinese chess pattern to let Jiao Yuan and Gu Youzi eat in the small room. . Some of the topics for adults are not suitable for children.

So seeing this, Zheng Tan is even more curious. What topic is not suitable for the two children?

叹 Zheng Tan jumped into his special chair, rested on his stomach, and learned about the situation by the way.

For Zheng Tan's move, Dao Jiao just looked up and said nothing, it was considered acquiescence.

No matter how silent you were before, three glasses of wine came down, and the closed mouth opened.

In a conversation between two big men with a snot and a tear, Zheng Tan knew about it.

Professor Jiao Yuan, the master tutor of Papa Jiao's postgraduate, is also the father of this "Yunzi". He is in the fourth stage of lung cancer, and his current physical condition is also very bad. It is estimated that there are two months left.

When Father Jiao graduated from Nanhua University, Professor Yuan went abroad. Since Yuan was absent, Dao Jiao did not stay at Nanhua University, but returned to his hometown Jinghan Province to come to Chuhua to teach.

Nanhua University is the leader of the universities along the southern coast of China. It has the same status as Chuhua University in central China.

Jiao Mom, Dad Jiao and this "Mariko" had a good relationship when they were in Nanhua. Naturally, they also had a good relationship with Professor Yuan. Today, they were sad when they heard the news from Yuan Lao.

"Yuanzi" did not inherit his father's mantle. He had no intention to study, or in other words, he had always lost his heart when he was in school. Like Zheng Tan, he was a prodigal son.

叹 Zheng Tan didn't know what happened to this "Mariko" after graduation, and because her father's condition was hit hard. According to the conversation between the two, this Mariko has changed a lot. As Dad Jiao said just now, "The prodigal son turns his head."

He said that the prodigal son would not change his money, but many times, the prodigal would rather be the prodigal, because the cost of the prodigal son's return is huge, he would rather use his own never to return to those "costs."

"So, if it's not for Fei Hang to tell me that you came to Chuhua City, are you going to carry it alone? Are you going to hide it from everyone for a lifetime ?!" Dad Jiao stared, his voice was not high, but there was some trembling, apparently already Can't control his emotions.

Luo Jiao mother never spoke, sitting alone and wiping her tears.

"Old man ... he doesn't want too many people to know, and now he doesn't continue to receive various treatments, he wants to close his eyes quietly in his hometown." Mariko sucked his nose and said.

爸 Father Jiao was the ace of Master Yuan. Who at the time did not envy Professor Yuan at the School of Life Sciences of Nanhua University? Coupled with his son's inaction, Professor Yuan Yuan focused on his dad as if he was his own son. Dad Jiao had what he has achieved today. However, since Yuan Lao went abroad, the two parties have only communicated occasionally through chat software or email. It is not frequent, and there always seems to be various things on Lao Yuan's side. Last week, Father Jiao received an e-mail from his father saying that he would not contact the computer for a long time. Now it seems that the old man is really prepared not to tell others.

I was silent for a while, and Dao Jiao calmed his emotions and asked, "Why are you here in Chuhua City this time? Fei Hang said that you came to investigate. What to investigate? If you need help, just speak up."

Wu Yuanzi rubbed his face with the palm of his hand and said, "I'm going to run a biological company. It's not a small mess."

Dao Jiao nodded. "Chuhua is really good here. There are too many new companies on the southern coast. Companies established by domestic and foreign parties have risen one after another. The Pearl City in East China has the Southern Gene Coup, the Beijing City has the Huada Gene. Alas, interest groups have gradually formed. It is not impossible to get in, but it will be very laborious. In contrast, Central China's competitiveness is much smaller and the development progress is fast. I can help here.

What Zheng Jiao and Mariko discussed about Zheng Tan didn't quite understand what they were going to do in the company they were discussing, so he listened for a while and went to Jiao Yuan's room.

A few days later, Zheng Tan was called into the room by Dao Jiao, and was told that the four of the Jiao family were going to the northeast.

Professor Yuan Yuan's hometown is in the Northeast. That kind of thing happened. Dao Jiao made this decision and Zheng Tan understood it, but ... then, was he alone at home? !!

Dao Jiao asked Zheng Tan's opinion. If Zheng Tan wanted to follow along, Dao Jiao would borrow a car and drive to the northeast. It would be more convenient to bring Zheng Tan with him.

Zheng Tan thought for a while and shook his head. If he is going to the south, he will definitely follow him. He would like to know if another one is still there ~ ~ But this time to the north, let's forget it.

Zheng Tan didn't want to be sent to the pet center to take care of him, and didn't want to go to other people's homes, so Dao Jiao left Zheng Tan a key.

Before the family left and told Zheng Tan to take turns, the conclusion was: "When you are at home, be good and don't open the door to strangers."

Zheng Zheng sighed: "..." Is it true that I am a child?

Jiao Yuan and Gu Youzi left in three steps. They took out their snacks and piled them on the sofa, fearing that their cats would starve.

After the four of Jiao's family left, Zheng Tan looked at the empty house and suddenly felt that the old house had grown a lot.

He is so boring ~

叹 Zheng Tan rolled from one end to the other on the sofa in the living room, rolled back, and hung upside down on the edge of the sofa to see the upside-down vision.

Finally, Zheng Tan's gaze was on the calendar in the living room. Dao Jiao said they would leave for a week, today is Wednesday, and wait until next Wednesday ...

on Wednesday? !!

Zheng Zheng stumped up.

Wednesday is the day when new goods are on the Dongyuan Supermarket. Delivery cars will arrive at 4-5pm and leave at 6-7pm.

It's 4:30 in the afternoon.

Zheng Zheng slaps the key sleeve left by Jiao Dad around his neck and goes out.

So, less than three hours after being told to "be obedient at home", Zheng Tan decided to go out too.


Thanks 谶 墨 〓van, a touch of blue moonlight, lazyorange for the reward! Thank you for looking forward to the evaluation vote! Thank you for your support

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