MTL - Strange Life of a Cat-Chapter 369 1 foot

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When Zheng Tan went back, he was still wondering what was going on.


Zheng Tan has never seen such a hypnosis. However, with so many people at that time, why was that "Yu Brother" wrong?

From beginning to end, Mr. Huang just took out a cigarette and spoke a few words.

Zheng Tan also wondered if there was a problem with the smoke, the puzzling medicine or the like, but the smoke was no different from what Huang Boss smoked during the afternoon meal.

When thinking about it, Zheng Tan heard the next Er Mao saying, "Black coal, do you know why that guy's nickname is Weasel?"

They entered the school from the side entrance of the campus, and it took another ten minutes to walk from the side entrance to the eastern courtyard. At this time, there were no people on the sidewalk, and Er Mao said that nobody heard it.

Zheng Tan glanced at Er Mao, listening to the following with his ears.

"His name is Huang Shu. In folklore, the weasel has the ability to deceive people. Of course, that guy may not be as evil as those folk stories, but it will only be a little trick uploaded by some ancestors, because many people flicker In addition, the name sounds similar to 'weasel', so everyone calls him a weasel. Many people know who the nickname is weasel, but they don't know his real name. The nickname is more famous than the name. "

Little trick?

Zheng Tan was interested in that little trick.

"It can be regarded as a special kind of hypnosis. It may also involve some spiritual things. It is a kind of extension trick that once prevailed in the era of theocracy. Using your cat father's scientific explanation, it should belong to neuroscience. Category. Of course, with today's science and technology, some things are difficult to explain.

Some people once called these tactics sidewalks or even demons, but we call them-folk art. Every skill that has been passed down for hundreds or thousands of years always has its reason and value. But do n’t be afraid. Generally he does n’t use that kind of trick, especially for people. He rarely used it when he was doing business. Of course, except for situations that may endanger personal safety tonight, and I also talked to him. I told him to stop you from doing that kind of trick. "

While Er Mao was talking about Boss Huang, Zheng Tan was thinking. Even a hypnotist. Even if human beings, can even cats, dogs and even mice be hypnotized? To what extent is a small grocery store still doing?

However, Zheng Tan has seen a lot of people with strange tempers, just as Ermao could not live in a high-end elevator room or buy a villa, but rented a house in the eastern courtyard in a small area of ​​70 square meters. . Everyone has their own ideas. Zheng Tan couldn't use his own way of thinking to figure out the minds of those freaks.

You can see a special aspect of Mr. Huang. Zheng Tan also made a good trip in the afternoon.

The next day, Zheng Tan ran to the grocery store again.

Originally, Zheng Tan thought about observing the "little trick" of the boss Huang, and what Er Mao said was similar to the "hypnotic" trick. Zheng Tan is more curious than fear.

Seeing Zheng Tan again, the clerk greeted with a smile.

What happened last night made the clerk still a little dazed. I do n’t know why those people came here. After two words with the boss, he left. He asked the boss, and the boss only answered “probably they Too boring "perfunctory.

The clerk thought that he hadn't slept in the middle of the night and kept thinking about the events at that time, and suddenly found out that the man named Er Mao had expected such a situation long ago, so he calmly went out to watch?

It seems his boss still has a lot of secrets.

Young people always have unlimited curiosity, but unfortunately Boss Huang has no meaning what he wants to say.

When Zheng Tan came over, there was no one in the store. The clerk was idle and bored to find the boss Huang playing poker. The simplest one is to see who draws a lot of points. Clean the shop that day.

Zheng Tan jumped up and looked at it, and found that the clerk lost from beginning to end on the paper with the results next to it.

Each time it was a three-win system of five innings, and the clerk could not win even two innings.

Zheng Tan thinks this simpler than the size should look at the chance, right? However, this clerk did not win once. The label changed from "Shelf 1" to "6" in the back, which means that today the clerk is responsible for the hygiene of Shelf 1 to Shelf 6 alone, and the game is still continuing. However, the bad luck of the clerk has not improved.

"No, no, boss, you shuffle your cards," said the clerk. It was his shuffled card just now. I didn't expect to lose from the beginning to the end. This time he changed the boss to shuffle. He has seen the boss shuffle. The shuffle technique is called a scum. After the boss's dregs shuffle, his luck should be better?

Boss Huang doesn't matter, he picks up the cards and starts to shuffle.

Zheng Tan has seen Ermao playing poker. At that time, Ermao had played fancy playing cards on the street and flickered the female student. This person knew Ermao and was considered a good person. Looking at his record just now, Zheng Tan felt that this person should be a kind of person with Er Mao.

"Okay." Boss Huang didn't care. He took the cards and started to shuffle.

Shuffle technology ... it's really a scum, like a kindergarten kid, and Zheng Tan obviously saw a **** k at the bottom when shuffling.

Zheng Tan can see it, so can the clerk.

So, after boss Huang shuffled his cards in this naive way, the clerk said he would choose first.

"Okay." Boss Huang still didn't care.

Sure enough, the clerk took the bottom card, turned over with a grin, and then the smile was frozen.

Originally thought it was a **** k, but found it was a red **** 3.

Boss Huang took a random one from the middle, spades k.

"No, boss, how could this happen? I just saw that the bottom one should be a **** k, how could it become a heart 3?" The clerk wondered.

Mr. Huang hehe smiled and wrote "Shelf 7" in the next notebook, and then said, "Eyes can be deceiving."

"You are a thousand!" The clerk complained.

"On the contrary, talk about the evidence. Don't talk nonsense without evidence. This is called losing." Boss Huang pointed out as if he were a person.

"Don't play! It's too bullying!" The clerk closed the card and planned to buy a box lunch. Go on like this. He will be exhausted. Although the store is not large, it is also a tiring job to clean so many shelves by one person. Now it is summer, and every sweat moves.

It's almost time, Zheng Tan went to Feng Baijin's side to eat rice.

After Zheng Tan walked away, boss Huang flipped through the account this morning and saw the white cat jumping on the counter again, boss Huang stared at the greasy spot on the white cat's body, paused, and took out a dollar coin.

The White Cat thought that Boss Huang was going to play with it, and came over.

Boss Huang put a dollar coin on the counter. Moved to the white cat. Then put the coin upright, and flicked the edge of the coin with your fingers, and the coin turned.

The white cat looked down at the spinning coin, and the tip of the tail, which was still shaking, slowly stopped moving.

Boss Huang took out a square scarf. Wet with water. Then wiped the oil stains on the white cat's head. This should have been accidentally picked up during breakfast in the morning. The white hair is like this, and a little stain is very conspicuous.

In addition to rubbing that greasy spot. Mr. Huang also gently wiped the white cat's ears. White cats are usually squatting on the shelves, and the shelves are usually cleaned and wiped once a week or several weeks. The grocery store on the side of the road is like this. There is a lot of dust outside, and the air flowing from the vehicle flows, so that a layer of ash will fall on the shelves without rubbing for a day. Give him a bath and wipe it every few days.

However, the white cat didn't cooperate, rubbing its ears and ears as if it was threatened by life. Therefore, boss Huang often adopted some other methods, such as the situation now.

After rubbing the cat's ears, Boss Huang turned the white cat's hair at will. Today, I saw it scratched a fat rat, and I don't know if it has fleas.

Cats need to touch their hair, and when they turn their hair, they will feel uncomfortable. Many cats will resist it, as do white cats, but now they are letting Huang boss toss.

No flea was found after turning it over. Boss Huang was relieved for the time being and did not plan to bathe the cat or buy flea medicine.

Putting down the towel, Boss Huang raised his finger and bounced the white cat's nose.

The white cat trembled, as if hitting a spirit, then looked at Boss Huang, and then looked at the coin next to the paw, raised and dialed the coin, and it seemed that he had no idea what had just happened.

Watching the white cat casually flipping coins to play, Boss Huang thought of the black cat who came over in the morning.

Is the black cat male or female?

Er Mao didn't seem to say that, did he?

Boss Huang pondered that the white cat in his store was a female cat, and the black cat always came here. If it was a male cat, could it be the white cat in his store?

Not sure. The black cat had a slanting tail when walking, and it was not known whether it was a male or a female.

Boss Huang thought, if he sees the black cat later, see if he is male or female. Although Er Mao said not to play tricks on this cat, but ... just look at it is the male and female head office, and it will not cause cat body injuries.

Pick up the coin that was almost pulled out of the cabinet by the white cat. Boss Huang took it in his hand and didn't read the newspaper. After lunch, he paid attention to the outside of the shop to see if the black cat would come again. .

Zheng Tan had lunch at Feng Baijin's side and watched Feng Baijin play a new game. Then he jumped into a willow tree by the lake and fell asleep before going back.

Originally Zheng Tan didn't plan to enter the grocery store, but just passing by. I didn't expect that Boss Huang, who had been watching outside the store, stopped Zheng Tan.

"Coal! Coal, come here!" Boss Huang beckoned there.

Zheng Tan: "..." Did this guy learn from Er Mao? But even worse than Er Mao, even a "black" character was omitted.

I don't know what the boss Huang is going to do, Zheng Tan still passed by.

Boss Huang ordered the counter. "Come, coal, let's play a game."

Boss Huang also drew a hemp rope near the counter and moved it with his hands. Generally, he used this to amuse the cat.

Zheng Tan gave him a silly look ~ ~ without touching the hemp rope, jumped directly to the counter to see what the boss Huang wanted to do.

When Zheng Tan jumped up, Mr. Huang didn't care why Zheng Tan didn't play the twine and took out the coin just now, just like he did with the white cat before, bouncing the coin.

Seeing that the black cat in front of him looked at the coins motionless and his tail did not move, Huang felt that he was almost there, and he planned to hold Zheng Tan's tail and lift it up to see if he was male or female.

As a result, as soon as his hand touched his tail, Boss Huang's eyelids jumped and suddenly felt something wrong. The black figure flashed in front of his eyes, and he had no time to raise his hand, but still did not stop Zheng Tan's kick.

Boss Huang, who had a foot on his face, almost fell directly from the chair, could not care about the pain in his face, he was shocked.

invalid? !!

How could this cat be unaffected? !! !! (To be continued ...)

PS: I came back from my hometown, and try to advance the update time in the future.