MTL - Strange Life of a Cat-Chapter 312 Exposed

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Fang Mengmeng and Chu Laiya followed Hou Junyi and ran over there. Rice followed Fang Mengmeng, and the son Xiao walked behind, while Zheng Tan was at the end.

Zheng Tan was shocked by a bad feeling just now because of the conversation between his son Xiao and Fang Mengmeng. When he turned around, he didn't notice. He touched the crystal cup to the ground. To cope, the edama started calling.

In order to better observe Gongzi Xiao and prevent this person from suddenly making any threatening things, Zheng Tan walked to the end and kept staring at Gongxiao Xiao. When Gongzi Xiao said just now, there was only one in the room, so, The most threatening person should be Gongzi Xiao, no doubt, what Zheng Tan has to do now is to stare at this person.

Fortunately, Xiao Xiao didn't seem to put Zheng Tan in his eyes, but just paid attention to the three children running in front.

When Zheng Tan passed, he saw edamame on the first floor of the aisle. At the end of the aisle, there was a closed door. The door there probably led to the workshop. Next to that door was a metal shelf for things, placed next to the corner. At this moment, edamas were roaring in front of the shelf, as if something was hidden under the shelf, and they also used their claws to plan twice.

Zheng Tan has been paying attention to the look of Xiao Xiao. After seeing the situation on the edama side, the Xiao Xiao blinked, his right thumb and forefinger rubbing, and then dart into the jacket of the sports jacket.

Seeing this, Zheng Tan felt a stun in his heart. He was afraid of any offensive knife or something in his pocket.


Hou Junyi ran over and wanted to pick up the edamame, which was very attached to the underside of the shelf. When Hou Junyi came over and hugged, he struck a few times and knocked the shelf loudly.

"Oh! Mouse!" Chu Laiya screamed.

A mouse, about ten centimeters in length, came out from under the shelf, hurriedly passed by her feet when Chu Laiya was screaming, and then disappeared in the living room where they were sitting, apparently finding a place to hide again.

"Dogs and mice are nosy!" Chu Laiya patted her small breast. The mouse ran past her feet just now, but she was frightened.

As for the edamame, they all know that the edamame of Hou Junyi's family likes to catch mice, and has caught three mice in one year. Therefore, Hou Junyi once said that his family's edamame would be a few cats. but. On the second day Hou Junyi showed up, rice caught five big rats and hung them at the door of Hou Junyi's house, shocking Hou Junyi's mother.

"It turned out to be a mouse." Fang Mengmeng reassured and said sorry to his son Xiao. I also said that we should watch our pets carefully to prevent them from messing up. As a result, such troublesome things happened one after another.

"It doesn't matter." Gongzi said with a smile. His right hand, which he carried into his pocket, did not come out.

"Hello. Monkey, what are you standing there for ?!" Fang Mengmeng urged.

Hou Junyi held the edamame standing beside the shelf, as if stupid. After hearing Fang Mengmeng's words. Hou Junyi trembled before turning slowly. Strangely, when Hou Junyi held the edama and turned, he looked pale, as if scared.

"What's wrong with you? Don't be afraid. Although the edamames are very troublesome, the young man Xiao will not blame you. You didn't say that the charcoal broke something." Chu Laiya comforted.

Hou Junyi quickly looked at Xiao Xiao with a smile on his face, opened his mouth to explain something, closed it again, tangled, and then said, "I want to go home!"

Chu Laiya looked at the watch on her wrist. In fact, it was okay. Before nine o'clock, they usually discussed the model before returning at nine thirty. She also wanted to stay here with the idol for a long time.

Gongxiao smiled. When he was chatting with the two girls just now, he knew the time of the three children, and they didn't tell the family when they came over.

"Now it's ten minutes before nine o'clock, so, it's rare that you come over and I'll send you a signed DVD." Xiaozi said.

Chu Laiya and Fang Mengmeng eyes brightened, "Is this the one that won this year? High definition?"

"Is there any movie dvd that I have previously performed? We can buy it! I have money on me." Fang Mengmeng said, "Is it possible to use a credit card if there is not enough money?"

"No, it's my gift from you. Oh, those are all upstairs. I'll take you up to see which one you take." Xiaozi said.

"Okay ~"

Watching Fang Mengmeng and Chu Laiya eagerly followed his son Xiao upstairs with anticipation, Hou Junyi tangled a bit, and dropped the soybeans and quickly followed him. He was not assured that the two companions, while going upstairs, Hou Junyi was in his pocket I took out my mobile phone and planned to make a call with my family. However, I found out that there was no signal at all on the panel of the mobile phone.

Zheng Tan followed his son Xiao Xiao upstairs, and was waiting for Hou Junyi at the same time, so when Fang Mengmeng walked into the room where DVD and posters were collected by Xiao Zi Xiao, Zheng Tan did not go in, just on the second floor in front of the room door Waiting for Hou Junyi in the aisle.

When Hou Junyi called Fang Mengmeng and Chu Laiya's names and ran up the second floor in a panic, Zheng Tan heard a bang and turned to look at it. It was found that the door of the room where Fang Mengmeng had just entered was closed, Gongzi Xiao stood at the door, watching Hou Junyi running upstairs.

"You ... what do you want to do?" Hou Junyi looked at the closed door and said.

Gongzi Xiao stood there with a faint expression on his face, looking at Hou Junyi and said, "Can you tell me what you just found, smart little classmate?"

"You let us go home! If we can't go home at 9:30, you will be in trouble!" Hou Junyi said.

This is the truth. Generally, if three children have not returned home after 9:30, the parents of the three will call each other to ask.

Gongzi chilled out on his face: "So, my little friend, you better be obedient!"

The son Xiao walked towards Hou Junyi. He didn't expect these three children to come over today, and he kept ringing the doorbell. Before opening the door, he also saw the three people outside the door through the camera and anti-theft eyes. As for the three pets, it may be due to the angle, and he didn't notice it. He always felt that the child was so confused, as long as the dog was prevented from discovering anything, but he did not expect that the boy named Hou actually knew so much. It seemed that the boy had found something.

So sometimes, the more you know, the more dangerous you are.

Watching the son Xiao approaching to himself, Hou Junyi threw the phone in his hand vigorously towards the other party, and did not see if he had hit it. He turned and ran downstairs. I don't know what happened, and Hou Junyi ran down.

Gongzi Xiao also chased after avoiding the mobile phone thrown over.

Zheng Tan put his ears on the door of the room and listened carefully to the movement of the two Fang Mengmeng who were locked in the room. They seemed quite energetic. For the time being, there should be no security issues, so they ran downstairs without knowing. What exactly Hou Junyi's boy found, let the son Xiao Xiao directly exposed.

When he just entered the door, he was hesitant about Xiaoxiao, frowning in an embarrassing manner. It is estimated that it was shown to three children, in order to let them take the initiative to ensure that the three pets came in.

Why doesn't this person want to see dogs and cats? Is it afraid that something out of sight will be found by pets with sensitive noses?

Fang Mengmeng, who was locked in the room, also realized that something was wrong, and the door could not be opened. The only small window that was closed was tight, and the glass was too hard to break, and I didn't know what material to use. The originally transparent windows became like a thick layer of dense fog. This is the dimming glass Hou Junyi said, which can be transparent and can also cut off the line of sight.

What made them crazy was that all the lights in the room were turned off. Fang Mengmeng also wanted to try the method of using the light switch taught by her dad to call for help. Now it seems that it is no longer necessary. .

Their bags are still in the living room on the first floor. They do n’t have any mobile phones. What they can use is the keychain of Fang Mengmeng, who has a mini flashlight the size of a pen cap. Use this to signal? Looks like some difficulties, and the effect is definitely not good.

After finding that the window could not be broken, Fang Mengmeng decided to change her strategy. After looking around with a mini flashlight, she placed her eyes on the louvered vents on the wall. However, this vent seemed to be too small. The two of them Even if the vent is broken, it may not be squeezed in, and it is not known where the vent can lead.

After all, they are just two children. Although they are very scared and can't think of a good way for a while, they are much better than other children who can only cry.

Chu Laiya followed Fang Mengmeng and smashed the vent with a thing, while shouting "help", but people outside the room may not be able to hear their cry. The sound insulation effect is good at first, plus, now outside the room The world famous songs are playing, the sound is not loud, but it can just cover the slight scream from the room.

Over there ~ ~ Hou Junyi, who ran downstairs, wanted to go out and ask someone to rescue the other two companions, but after he went down, he found that neither the window nor the door could be opened, and all the huge floor-to-ceiling windows Closed tightly, it becomes blurred and isolates indoor and outdoor.

Hou Junyi ran to the living room again, hoping to find something there that could help, but he was too scared and ran anxiously. There was a chop from the gate to the living room, and a puppet fell. Then, looking back, he found that Xiao Xiao, who was holding a golf club, was less than three meters away.

The pupils shrink and the smart brain is blank.

Xiaozi Xiao stepped forward two more steps to catch the kid who caused him trouble, but at this moment, he suddenly felt that someone behind him grabbed his clothes and threw it sideways.

It was so sudden that Gongzi Xiao had no idea who else could be behind him. All his attention was on Hou Junyi on the ground and the dog next to him, without any precautions behind him.


The boy slammed into the wall next to him, and his head also hit the wall. When he wanted to look back to see who it was, Yu Guang only glanced at the shadow of black, and the next moment, another strong attack on the waist between. (To be continued ...)