MTL - Strange Life of a Cat-Chapter 301 photo

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Before Tom came here, an assistant came over here with some "technological products" of new technology, but there was an accident in the middle, which caused a small number of "experimental products" to disappear. The accident was accidental. This conclusion was obtained by Tommer after investigation, but some people also caught the gap and walked away with some experimental items. Tommer did not want these experimental items to bring unexpected changes to his plan.

Compared with the box that Tommer just took out, those experimental products have some shortcomings. If they are tested by professionals with professional equipment, they can also detect the differences from natural diamonds. However, Zheng Tan could not discern the simple detection methods according to the newspaper. Knowing this, Zheng Tan had a lot of balance in his heart. It wasn't because he was incapable. It was because these things were really difficult to distinguish. Of course, if the final product is the same as the diamond from the natural mine, as Thom said, it is not a fake, it is also a real diamond, but the price is only one-third of the natural mineral diamond. One.

Anyway, Thomme meant that the experimental items were not worth much to him. He didn't take that money seriously. What he cared about was whether there was any other conspiracy behind it that would make his business plan change.

"Thieves don't open the locks like ordinary thieves," Tommer said. Because of this, he will come to the old man for help when he can't find the target temporarily. After all, there are people who have some technical skills at hand, and most of them should have a little understanding.

The old man nodded after listening to Tang Mo's words, "two days." It means that Tang Mo will be contacted within two days.

"Okay. Then trouble Uncle Kun."

It seems that Tang Mo is here to accompany the old man for a meal. Zheng Tan saw that Xiao Jiu was not there, and he didn't want to stay here. Both of them didn't talk about diamonds. Most of the time, Tang Mo was here. Speaking of the experience and career development of these years, Zheng Tan stayed and could not hear much useful things to him, and simply left.

After returning to Chuhua University, Zheng Tan didn't run around, just lifted the foot ban, still have to show a little more, so went straight to Jiao Dad's office to sleep. Waiting until noon to go home for dinner.

The next day. Zheng Tan ran to the grove near the campus and looked again. Unlike the last time, although this time it looked like there was no change there and no one stepped on the grass, Zheng Tan smelled a strange smell in the bushes. . Someone should have been here last night. At least two people. One was one of the two that Zheng Tan had met that day. Another smell is strange, Zheng Tan should never have seen it.

Carefully distinguishing the scent left between the grass, people who came last night did not go to the tree hole where Zheng Tan had put his mobile phone before. I didn't walk past, and after seeing here, I made a circle around the bush, and then ran out.

Zheng Tan stayed in the woods for a while, raised his feet and ran to the old Wafang District. Now the weather is good and the sun is good. When Zheng Tan came to the Old Wafang District, he saw cats lying on the old buildings. Snoring on the roof of the tile house. After seeing Zheng Tan, the cats were also lazy. They looked at Zheng Tan more lazily, squinting their eyes, licking their paws, licking their hair, and doing their jobs.

Zheng Tan turned into the tiled room where the cats were hiding from an angle that the cats could not see. He didn't want the cats to see themselves through the window. The cat's curiosity was too strong. Zheng Tan couldn't guarantee that the cats would It won't suddenly rise up and dig in to make troubles like Zheng Tan's.

The room was the same as when Zheng Tan came yesterday, opened the drawer and looked at the bag. Most of these were the missing diamonds that Tang Mo was looking for.

What are you doing with so many diamonds in your spare time? Even if these diamonds are a bit flawed, they are attractive enough for ordinary people.

Zheng Tan didn't plan to take these things out to Tang Mo or the blind old man now. He wasn't sure if he would do that, he would let himself plant them, so he would do nothing first.

Hiding something good, Zheng Tan came out of the tile house. He thought that the two people who stole the diamonds might be the two they saw that night. However, the way they treated the diamonds did not seem to be particularly concerned. Do they think those diamonds are fake when they steal them?

Shaking his head, Zheng Tan stopped thinking about those. Let Tom and the others rush, what is he going to do?

After coming out of the room, Zheng Tan turned over the roof of the tile house, jumped from one roof to another, stretched out, and ran and jumped happily. One cat thought that Zheng Tan was playing with them, and was licking his hair. After seeing Zheng Tan parkour, he followed.


Photo sounds.

Zheng Tan jumped onto a two-story tiled roof. The two-story building here was only a little shorter than the three floors of the new building. Zheng Tan didn't notice anyone just now and didn't care much when running. Now when I hear the sound of camera taking pictures, I find that a person is standing here.

The man looked like a graduate student on campus, holding a SLR camera and patted the cat on the old tile house. When Zheng Tan stopped to look at the past, he happened to be holding a camera and took a few shots at Zheng Tan.

In addition to Zheng Tan, the subject of the man also had other cats and some scenes of the cycle. After taking the picture, he sat on the edge of a flower bed in the old tile room area and took out a thin-looking laptop from the backpack behind him. . People who use this kind of thin and light notebook these days are really uncommon, and that notebook has no brand, Zheng Tan can't see which brand of computer.

Usually at this time there are no people in the old Wafang District. It is very quiet and nobody comes to bother.

Zheng Tan slaps away the cat who is playing and jumps on the roof of a tiled house behind him.

The man was looking at a set of photos taken by the camera. Many of the photos Zheng Zhen looked familiar with, and some of them took a while to match up. I always felt that the photos were more beautiful than the real thing, and a little bit more artistic.

The reason for the reflected light and angle of the laptop screen was not clear from the stand, so Zheng Tan went down from the roof, jumped to the flower bed, and looked at the picture inside the computer about one meter away from the person. Most of the photos taken in the old Wafang District are cats.

That person feels something. Looking sideways to the back, Zheng Zheng was surprised when he found that the cat in front didn't look scared, but instead stared at his computer screen, moved his fingers away from the laptop, and picked up the camera.

Zheng Tan realized his idea and raised his hand to cover it, but human hands could cover most of his face, but the cat's claw could not cover the cat's face.


Photo sounds.

Zheng Tan didn't want to be photographed here. Turn around and jump off the flower bed. Ran.

Another artist with snake disease. Zheng Tan thought. That person was probably a person from the school ’s art department or a person who loves shooting. When I walked to the International Academic Lecture Hall this morning, I saw a conference title on the art of photography displayed on the electronic display outside. This person is not a school Students from the art department may also come to the conference.

Zheng Tan didn't rest assured. Take a picture. Anyway, there are many people in school using mobile phones to photograph school cats. Moreover. Cats also do not have the so-called right of portrait. Current domestic laws only stipulate that citizens have the right to portrait, and do not protect the right of portraits of pets, cats, dogs and other animals.

When Zheng Tan pondered the portrait right of the cat and went home. Inside a restaurant about ten minutes drive from Chuhua University.

Tang Mo looked at the newly obtained investigation data, which was sent to him by Uncle Kun just now. The person who stole the goods had been found, but the experimental products were really lost.

The person who stole the thing was a recidivist. He was caught in a cleaning operation near last year. He just came out of the horn a while ago. He happened to have an accident, and then passed some diamonds, but he pried open the one containing the experimental product. When I found that there were too many diamonds in the box, the first feeling was fakes. How can there be so many real diamonds, but for people like them, they can also sell real money for fakes. At that time, there were people nearby. Rushed to the scene of the accident, the person did not have time to examine it carefully, and he was afraid of being found. The large box containing the "experimental products" would not be carried away, and the things were not genuine. Off.

The man's habit, he would hide the stolen things in a place, wait for the wind to pass, and then go back to find, so as not to be found. When the blind old man looked for it, the man was checking the recent gains with his nephew. The old man sent someone to pick up something from the past that stole the "experiment" and found that it was gone.

For this result, Thommer tends to believe. However, knowing that there was no other conspiracy behind it, he was also relieved. If you ca n’t find it, you do n’t have to look for it anymore. He still focuses on the current situation. Passing the folder in hand to the woman next to him, Tom turned to look at the door.

"I'm sorry to be late. I attended a meeting and was pulled again to talk." A young man with a backpack came over and sat down on a chair opposite Tom.

This person is exactly the guy who Zheng Tan has seen taking pictures.

"When did you and kelly return home?"

"It's been just two days since I returned home," Tang Mo replied.

The three were chatting. After eating, Tang Mo looked at the opposite person, "Yang Yi, what did you take today?" Looking at each other, it should be a lot of satisfactory photos ~ ~ Yang Yi took out his laptop and retrieved a set of photos. "Some cats were taken on the campus of Chuhua University. It looks like a photo scene I have seen before, and I took it smoothly."

"Really? Let me see."

Yang Yi passed the computer in his hand, and Tang Mo flipped through the set of photos above. There were some old photos taken today and some copied ones. There are also some old photographs scanned above. Looking at the photographed works of the last century, a few cats are moving above the brick building with a relaxed attitude. Today I shot the same kind of red brick building, with several cats lying on the roof squinting and licking their hair or snoozing comfortably.

Turning over, Tommer slaps his fingers. In a photo displayed on the screen, the black cat stands high, tilts his head slightly, and looks down at the camera. Camera and panic. It wasn't Thomdor thinking. He felt that if he was in the position of the camera, the cat would also glance at himself with a look of "you are a fart".

Turning the next one, Tom Mo looked at the photos of cats with paws that seemed to be hidden but not even a quarter of them, and the cat eyes with obvious impatience and unhappiness after raising the paw. , Hehe smiled, "Yang Yi, I didn't expect you to meet this guy." (To be continued ...)