MTL - Strange Life of a Cat-Chapter 30 There are always 2 "doctoral roads" in universities

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Due to the introduction of several turtle professors in the Academy of Biomedical Sciences, and the reason for expansion of enrollment, some resources were redistributed in the Academy, including the teacher's office.

Dao Jiao's original office was divided into three young lecturer's offices. In the courtyard, Dao Jiao was assigned an independent office, but the office area was smaller than the original one, less than ten square meters.

At the beginning of the courtyard, I was afraid that Associate Professor Jiao had a complaint, but I did not expect that Associate Professor Jiao expressed understanding and moved things to the office the next day. For this reason, the good impression of Associate Professor Jiao, the leader of the academy, rose to a new level.

Of course, the reason why Associate Professor Jiao moved so easily is definitely not to understand the urgency of the senior staff in the academy. Zheng Tan can also think of some reasons. Now that the school has decided to make such a distribution, as a faculty member, it must be acceptable, and it is still the losses that go on arguing, not to mention a small associate professor like Dao Jiao.

But not only did Jiao agree to move the office, it did not look like reluctance, the main reason was also the location of the new office. The new office window faces south, so you can enjoy the sun well in winter, and the most important point is that it is located on a corner of the second floor. There is a large sycamore tree beside the road below the floor, and the branches of the sycamore tree extend to the window. Side, convenient for Zheng Tan to jump out of the window every time he came to find Dao Jiao.

So many times, Zheng Tan was tired and bored, so he ran to the Shengke Building to jump directly from the branches of the Indus tree to the window sill of Jiao's office. Under normal circumstances, Dao Jiao will not lock the window unless he leaves the window at night. So when Zheng Tan jumped to the window sill, he could easily open the screens and windows with his claws. The windows are flat-pull. As long as they are not locked, they can be easily opened.

There is also a small chair next to the computer chair in Dao Jiao's office. Usually, when Jiao Yuan is away, Zheng Tan lie on it and sleeps.

That same day, Zheng Tan accompanied Jiao Yuan who had had a nap at home. After they went to school, they ran to the Shengke Building and rolled directly into the father's office from the window to sleep. At this time, the sun just happened to shine on the chair. Lie down on a small chair to sleep in the sun, and no one will bother.

Xu Yijue slept until five o'clock, Zheng Tan looked at the wall clock and stretched out. Dao Jiao is probably not going home for dinner today. Recently, students have been asked to help bring food.

Now Dao Jiao has three students, one is Yi Xin, a graduate student under Dao Jiao, and the other two are students who are doing undergraduate thesis with Dao Jiao. Dao Jiao has been eating with them recently. The four are often busy in the middle of the night .

Although Boss Jiao stated before that that he would have to collect a few more graduate students in the year, he still chose people in accordance with his previous criteria when choosing. Some of the teachers in the school have several students from Baoyan who have entered the laboratory and started to follow up the project. Dao Jiao still only has a true direct student like Yi Xin.

The good seedlings who are about to graduate will either go abroad, or they will be accepted by a few big cows in the hospital. The rest that are slightly better will be divided up by some rich teachers who have more projects on hand. Yes, Mr. Jiao didn't like any of them. He wanted to wait for the national postgraduate exam and then look at the students who applied for the exam.

In addition to being busy with project research, Dad Jiao also pays attention to Yuan Zhiyi's company.

Yuan Zhiyi's company name is "Tianyuan Biology", "Tian" is taken from a word in Professor Yuan's name, and "Yuan" is a homonym of "Yuan".

When Zheng Tan heard Dad Jiao and Yuan Zhiyi chatting, he said that a special R & D department might be established in the future, but now the company has limited talents, and many excellent people are not willing to go to a small company that has just been established. Dad and Yuan Zhiyi have a long way to go.

Associate Professor Jiao Jiao now buys some experimental instruments and supplies from the company. He can buy more experimental necessities with less money. Yuan Zhiyi also supports this project. Professor Jiao Dasheng has great usefulness.

Associate Professor Jiao Jiao will also recommend the company to some teachers who want to save project funds. He did not explicitly say that he has a share in the company. Instead, he seemed to mention it casually when the teachers chat together. These teachers have a lot of topics in their hands. The funds approved above are hundreds of thousands of millions. They also want to make a fortune from these grants. Associate Professor Jiao Jiao and Yuan Zhiyi, who buy equipment and appliances, understand that. They don't say much.

I waited for another ten minutes. When the hour hand reached six, Zheng Tan jumped out of the window, pulled the window together, and went home for dinner. After dinner, continue to hang out. During this time, A Huang was more strictly controlled, but the sheriff and the fat were still the same, and they followed Zheng Tan for a few days before returning late.

Because of the cold weather, except for some students who are attending classes and self-study, many places are empty at night, and this is a good thing for cats, at least no one disturbs them while playing.

Occasionally, I will meet young lovers who do certain things in a remote corner. At that time, Zheng Tan will hide from the side to watch and miss her original self. I would like to make appointments when I first entered university. The girl went to a remote part of the school to play, and it was fresh and exciting.

Whenever encountering such a thing, Zheng Tan couldn't help thinking, why did he not pay attention to whether there were any cats peeping around when he was doing something? Maybe even if I saw a cat Zheng Tan at the beginning, it wouldn't matter.

Zheng Tan took the sergeant and fat to the wood where he usually climbed trees. During this time, they all played here. There were also cats from other places. There were cats raised by logistics staff, and there were also off-campus. After all, this cat is already on the edge of Chuhua University, and it is very close to the side door. Many cats outside the school often come here to play.

There are too many cats, and the fight is natural. The sheriff has played a lot of games anyway. As for the fat, he is still the same. No one provokes it, and he doesn't bother to care about other cats.

叹 Zheng sighed once, due to a female cat.

叹 Zheng Tan swears that he has no interest in that female cat. Zheng Tan still thinks of himself as a person in his heart. He can't get excited about a cat, so he might as well go to a remote corner of the school to see those live spring palaces. The female cat just got together, which made Zheng Tan hostile.

As a result, Zheng Tan had a fight with the cat who came from outside the school. In fact, it was not a fight. Zheng Tan slapped the cat, and the cat rolled away. I didn't control my strength well, I used a little more force.

So when I saw that cat, I retreated when I saw Zheng Tan again. The cat slapped by Zheng Tan did not come to the woods for a long time afterwards. To provoke Zheng Tan.

In the night woods, in addition to the gusts and falling of leaves caused by gusts of wind, there is also the sound of a cat moving in the woods.

Tortoise cats can express their feelings either directly or by tweaking. Unfortunately, two cats that get along well lick each other's hair, licking and licking may bite. If they bite and bite, their fan claws kick and kick, and they will stay tired and tired after they are beaten.

Therefore, Zheng Tan often saw two cats chasing after flying in the grass, and heard the scream of a cat being bitten. Then, unfortunately, the two cats licked their hairs again.

In the grass under the cypress trees, cats are running around, and they hear meows from time to time. Zheng Tan ignored them.

叹 Zheng Tan likes such a night, not to be disturbed, under the cover of the night, even if he behaves in a terrible way, he will not be found, so that he can run unscrupulously.

The cats are walking in the grass, while Zheng Tan is walking in the trees, from one tree to another, like a monkey. In the moonlight, you can only glimpse the dark shadows. Here.

Night, black cat.

Zheng Tan speeded up his steps. This sense of security and self-satisfaction when looking at everything made Zheng Tan reluctant to stop and run along the branches. Pedal jump on another tree.

Facing the evening wind, sometimes I encountered those falling leaves, rushed away the leaves, and continued to move forward, as if I had broken a heavy obstacle, and my heart seemed to be suddenly open, which made Zheng Tan excited and inexplicable.

When Zheng Tan stopped and walked back, she found that the cats had been thrown away a little distance, but the sheriff and Fatty would definitely come here for a while, and several other cats would come later.

Standing on a tree branch, Zheng Tan panted, breathing the cool evening wind, and the coolness stimulated the nerves, so that the emotion just calmed down.

Raised his arm and took down the fallen leaves and stepped under the claws. After grinding the claws, the leaves were cut into small pieces. A gust of wind blew, and the leaves that were torn into small pieces were scattered.

叹 Zheng Tan scratched the two leaves and hadn't heard the sheriff and the big fat. They complained about how they hadn't come.

Suddenly, Zheng Tan's ears moved and she looked in the front direction.

There was the sound of dragging and other sounds over there. It seemed that someone was covering her mouth and could only make a sound from the nasal cavity, struggling to make the surrounding bushes make a rapid and short beep.

I listened to the voice. It was a woman who was covering her mouth. In addition to her, Zheng Tan also heard a low male voice. I didn't know what was said, and the voice went deeper into the woods.

叹 Zheng sighed lightly, jumped carefully to another tree, covered by the sound of the leaves blowing in the wind, and moved over there.

Soon, Zheng Tan understood what was happening. In fact, even without seeing it in person, Zheng Tan can guess.

Each university has one or two "Doctor's Ways".

This is not a good word, in fact, the word is full of irony.

In many universities, especially those with relatively large areas, there are one or two remote places away from the center of the school, and some bad things will happen at intervals, the most typical of which is strong X or the like. Event.

对于 For those victims, the school will give different levels of compensation according to the severity of the situation. For example, the university's tuition fees for graduate studies, etc., over time, the high incidence of such accidents has been named "Doctor Road" or some other name by students.

Because Zheng Tan often bends in this area, I also hear chats by students or school staff who pass by here to rest ~ ~ A lot of gossip about this kind of incident.

Chuhua University has also done many things in this area before. Because of its remote location, many of them are semi-abandoned old houses. The history is too long to make the original plan not applicable to the present. The road turns too much, except for some necessary Outside of construction vehicles, private cars are reluctant to go here.

The street lights around here are often smashed. After being repaired, they are smashed again within a week. I do n’t know who smashed it. The school radio installation here will also be destroyed. No one will be caught and no evidence will be found. It simply doesn't matter, just let some class teachers or counselors tell the students euphemistically not to go to those remote places at night. This area is one of the areas where the defendant was told to pay attention. This is why, until now, Zheng Tan rarely saw female students in the woods here.

Perhaps, this is also the reason why the school pushed the old houses around to build new houses to make it popular, to make the surrounding area lively and reduce the probability of such events?

Zheng Tan was thinking about the gossip he had heard before, and approached the place where the incident happened. At the same time, Zheng Tan heard the pit father cats coming here.


Thank you for the battle of the dragon, birdcheng, Binks' fine wine, Ophemus, breeze dunk, lotus dynamic, Molang Xiuge, elegant as the wind, Zhao Sicong, Mo Yannian, Le Zixiao for the reward! Thanks to Shiran (3), Yu Ruowenxiang, super love pseudo-mother evaluation votes! Thank you also for your recommendation tickets ~~ As for the renewal ticket, I am afraid I can't win it recently. Next week, it may be possible = v =, I hope everyone understands OTZ.