MTL - Strange Life of a Cat-Chapter 284 You are sick

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Qin Tao ran out every time he quarreled with his family. The last time he was kicked to Chuhua City, this time it was Qin Tao who ran by himself. For this reason, his parents broke several mobile phones.

Qin Tao now has a new card in Chuhua to avoid being held accountable. As for coming to Chuhua City, one is to see Ermao ’s girlfriend, and the other is to come and take a break. In Qin Tao ’s own words, I ’m upset. Come and chat with my brother. It didn't even pass him by. Relatives have got along well, but also meet each other and meet each other. In order to save trouble, Qin Tao simply disappeared.

When I saw Zheng Tan, Qin Tao was very happy. When he went upstairs, he called Shang Zheng Tan to eat together. When he came, he bought a lot of food and brought it.

Now the study room in Ermao's room has been cleared out, and a single bed was put in. Qin Tao squeezed his eyes at Ermao when he saw it: lying in the bed, the young couple still sleep in separate rooms!

Er Mao pointed his **** at him, "for Hei Mi."

"It's strange to believe you."

"Would you like me to keep you? I'll let Black Rice make it for you."

"No, Lao Tzu has a house in Chuhua City, and he is accompanied at night. There are so many goblins who want to accompany me."

Qin Tao didn't want to talk about things at home. Er Mao asked him what trouble he had, and Qin Tao didn't want to mention it, so Er Mao just said the pleasure of going out for a while to adjust the atmosphere.

Zheng Tan was idle and bored to watch Black Rice playing with toys. After the black rice became blessed, it became mellow a lot. If the belly was left on the previous Black Rice, it would definitely be suspected of having a cat cub again. Speaking of pussy. Some time ago, when Er Mao took the black rice to the pet center for regular inspections, some people advised him to sterilize the black rice. As a result, Er Mao was not dry, and it was a matter of two cats. Since I do n’t want to sterilize the black rice, Er Mao hit his idea on peanut candy, but unfortunately, he not only failed to get peanut candy to cut jj, but was also scratched a claw, so the contradiction between this person and a cat escalated. They do n’t deal with each other.


The sound of the lighter being dropped on the ground scared Hei Mi from the sofa. Run to the room and hide next to Gong Qin, and then watch the people in the living room vigilantly.

Zheng Tan looked at it.

The lighter on the ground was Qin Tao. This guy just wanted to smoke, but the lighter hit several times and couldn't hit it. Fell in anger. But the quality of the lighter is good. I did not see any parts when I fell so hard. Presumably, it is because the oil is out.

However, even if he could not fight without oil, Qin Tao would not be so angry that he would throw a lighter. Looking at the surprised look on Er Mao's face, obviously he did not expect Qin Tao to have such a reaction.

Does this guy have mania?

The first time I saw the "beast" brother Zheng Tan at the first sight, he felt that this guy was not right. He could feel that the aura around him was not so comfortable.

The impression of the "beast" brother Zheng Tan has always been unworkable, but at least it will not be manic, just like when Zheng Tan first met the "beast" brother, because the "beast" brother had the best tracking skills, He was pitted with bird feces, but he didn't see his anger, and when he went to the Normal University, the "beast" brother was stung like a pig's head, and he didn't become manic.

Some people are like volcanic eruption when they are angry, and they appear calm, while others look calm when they are angry. Zheng Tan remembered that when the "beast" brother was tricked by someone to leave and drove away in a messy car, he was calm on the face. This kind of person is not very smart, but he knows convergence, unlike It's the kind of person who is too impulsive.

Therefore, at first glance, he was very surprised to see that the "beast" brother was furious because his hands were pinched.

Does this guy's menopause come early or do they always have so many days each month?

Er Mao and Qin Tao grew up together, and they knew each other well, but he never knew that Qin Tao was furious because of something bigger. Because of their backgrounds, people like them know how to converge, especially in the presence of elders. After all, their future is closely related to the impression of elders on them. Moreover, the higher you go, the more you need to know how to converge and disguise.

Er Mao waved his hand to Gong Qin, signaled that she didn't need to worry, and then said to Qin Tao: "I said, beast, are you stingy?"

Qin Tao scratched his head irritably, "It's okay, I'm not feeling very well recently." I probably thought I wasn't doing well. I turned to look at Gong Qin who was appeasing black rice in the room and made a laugh: "No Sorry, I didn't control my emotions. "

"Are you all right?" Er Mao asked.

"It's all right."

Seeing Qin Tao really did n’t want to say, Er Mao did n’t ask anymore. Although I do n’t pay much attention to Qin Tao now, according to the previous understanding, it should be that Qin Tao ’s family ’s things have affected the mood. If the depression is too long, the mood will be so unstable . There are many people in Qin Tao's family who don't like him, especially Qin Tao's uncle who seems useless to many people.

"If you don't want to say it, the brothers will take you to relax in the evening." Er Mao looked at Zheng Tan again, "Hei Tan, go out and play together at night.

Zheng Tan is studying the toy mouse of Black Rice, and the hairy mouse has been rolling sloppily since the last clockwork. Seeing Zheng Tan's hands itch, I can't wait to slap it out, or slap it at the cervical spine. It's rare that Black Rice can have so much fun. Hearing Er Mao's words, Zheng Tan glanced over there and went out to play at night. Bacheng went to Triumph.

Anyway, idle at night is also idle, it doesn't matter to play.

Gong Qin didn't follow this time, playing with black rice at home, letting the two men talk about it.

After Jiao's dinner, Er Mao came upstairs to find Zheng Tan. I heard Jiao Ma said nothing to the Triumph. This kind of thing is not strange.

As a result, the grandfathers walked to the "Triumph", and did not drive, not too far anyway, and they will definitely drink at that time, it will not be good to drive.

I heard that Zheng Tan also has an exclusive private room in the "Triumph". Qin Tao said that he would go to Zheng Tan today to experience the fun of the cat room.

However, Qin Tao's good mood was gone when he arrived at Hengwu Square.

"Who am I talking about? It turned out to be a cousin." A well-dressed "young talent" approached a beautiful woman.

The relationship between Qin Tao's cousin and Qin Tao has not been very good. It's often time to ridicule each other. Today, I brought a girl student from a nearby university to buy something here. I didn't expect to meet Qin Tao, and immediately blurted out the yin and yang.

If this was the previous Qin Tao, it is estimated that he would still laugh back and ridicule, but now Qin Tao's mood is not right, and his face with a little smile immediately gloomed.

Seeing Qin Tao like this, the "young talent" still didn't plan to let go, "I said, cousin. I can't hang around in the Pearl City. Why run here again? Oh, by the way, forget you During the period of introspection, you are advised to go to the hospital to see your brain. Mental illness is not a minor illness. Do n’t become a neurosis. By then, grandpa will go to Heshou for a lot of people. Do n’t stink like you did when you were at Uncle. Shame is small, don't let everyone humiliate along with it! "

"What are you talking about! Don't you look for death!"

Er Mao knew. Qin Tao's cousin's IQ is there. He may not be able to play other people with his heart and eyes, but his mouth is suffocating, but this kind of talent is better to deal with, unlike those who hide everything deep. Therefore, this kind of person does not need to go to the truth, it is just the effort on the lip, just scolding it back, why bother to do it, it will be weak, in that case, it will give some people an excuse to criticize Qin Tao.

"Why, am I wrong? I don't want to admit it when you are ugly? Your brain is broken? The condition has deepened? Today's medicine was taken on time?" Cousin Qin Tao added a sloppy comment, but see Qin Tao His expression was not right, and he was still worried that the other party's neuropathy was attached again. There was still a look of disdain on his face, and then he lifted his chin and cuddled the beauties to leave. Who knew what was under his feet and didn't know what to step on, slipped, and fell down facing the ground.

Qin Tao's cousin is not short or thin. When he fell, the beauty in his arms wanted to pull him. Unfortunately, his physical and physical abilities were limited, coupled with the high heels of nearly ten centimeters. Too strong, the two fell to the ground together, quite embarrassed, and some people around saw him. The adults were okay. The children didn't know what offends them and laughed out loud.

Qin Tao, who was originally pulled by Er Mao like a fire-breathing dragon, was so irritable that he could not rush out of the dry shelf directly. When his anger disappeared, he laughed, and his face was distorted.

Zheng Tan was an outsider beside him. In fact, he just saw a child running with a box of glass marbles. One of the boxes was closed without a cover. The glass beads rolled under Zheng Tan's feet. Zheng Tan I just dialed gently at the feet of Qin Tao's cousin, just to try it. The results showed that Zheng Tan had good luck, or that Qin Tao's cousin had bad luck and had a stroke. He had pity on the girl in his arms and was implicated by Qin Tao. He was wearing a miniskirt.

Compared to the result of Zhuo Maokit, the cousin Qin Tao was lucky. Even if the fall was a little abrasion, it was not a problem, unlike Zhang Dong who was hurt by Zhuo Maotong's bones at the beginning.

After the two got up and left, Qin Tao was still squatting there with tears in her eyes.

Seeing Qin Tao like this, Zheng Tan's beard shook. This man really looks like a neurosis. Didn't he see the kid next to him like he pulled away from Godzilla?

Looking at the guy who was squatting on his back and was out of breath, Ermao was worried.

"Animals, you are quite wrong." Er Mao said seriously.

"What's wrong ~ ~ I just looked at that guy and wanted to laugh, that guy was unkind. If it wasn't for my grandfather's birthday and I didn't want to cause trouble, I would have made him a pig."

"But you almost started." Er Mao looked at Qin Tao. "Dude, are you stunned? Forget it, this is not a place to talk about anything, let's go to Triumph."

This time, Er Mao really planned to have a good chat with Qin Tao.

Pushing the tangled Qin Tao toward "Triumph", Er Mao gave Zheng Tan a thumbs up. Obviously, Zheng Mao's small movements were all seen by Er Mao.

Looking at the back of Qin Tao walking in front, Zheng Tan thought to himself, shouldn't this guy really have mental problems? It used to be normal to see this guy before. Although it was a little bit dumb and a bit silly, it didn't change so much. I didn't hear Er Mao say that something happened to Qin Tao to stimulate him. Is it really long-term stress? The personality has been seriously deformed, causing the irritable look now?

Another poor guy who was crippled by life. (To be continued ...)

ps: Just one chapter, everyone goes to bed early, and I sleep early.