MTL - Strange Life of a Cat-Chapter 21 Human **** is divided into 5 types

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Today, Jiao Jiao's complexion is a little better, she has more blood, and she looks more energetic.

Alas, after knowing what happened in the eastern courtyard last night, if it wasn't for Jiao Dad's prevention, Jiao Ma would have dragged his wound back. Even if Aunt Ling didn't tell them here, things happened a lot in the eastern courtyard last night. The hospital was surrounded by school staff and family members, and everyone would know when talking.

Jiao Yuan and Gu Youzi did not talk much after answering several questions from Jiao Ma. The most talked about was Qu Xiangyang, who vividly described what happened last night.

"Since the previous theft, people on the first and second floors have been protected, and some residents have added door locks. As for the people on the fourth and fifth floors, they originally felt safer, but now it seems that those People just understand this kind of psychology of people. The more you feel that it is safer to live in high places, the more they start working with the residents who live in high floors. The cause of this time, I heard it seems that they saw biomedical The honor list hanged in the hospital knows that Jiao Ge has applied for more than one million National Natural Science Funds this year and happens to know something has happened on your side. Only two children in the family will target your home. "

"We can't use all the funds we have applied for ourselves, those are used for project research topics!" Jiao Ma said, not very good tone.

"But those people don't think that the majority of the people who have made money by applying for the foundation have become rich." Qu Xiangyang shrugged his shoulders, suddenly thinking of something, and said with great enthusiasm: "I heard that overnight investigation, several veteran qualified in the compound In the case, I really found some results. The theft cases more than a month ago said that nothing was found. In fact, some people blocked it, but this time it was impossible to stop. The mastermind was living in Building A. Alone, his family has something to do with him. He is the vice-principal, the one who controls admissions and employment. "

Xun Qu Xiangyang likes to talk about the gossip of those big men. He is not afraid that people will wear small shoes for him. He may not fight for his father. Besides, he has already graduated.

"Everyone gives me a little bit of face, but this time we can't bear it. Several people in the courtyard have applied for millions of funds, and they are all on the quarterly honor list of each hospital, because of this. No one will be happy if they are stared at. Last night, an old man called the vice principal directly. I guess they will come to the hospital after they have resolved the matter on the hospital side. You are guilty. "

叹 Zheng Tan squatted on the bedding beside Jiao's bed, listening quietly as they spoke. The bedding was brought by Dao Jiao from home. It was much more comfortable than the hospital, and it was pleasing to the eye. When Jiao Yuan came, Jiao Ma had just finished changing the medicine, so no nurse would come over for the time being.

Listening to Qu Xiangyang's words, Zheng Tan thought for a while, but also, it does n’t matter, it does n’t matter, how to get the access control of each building of the family building, even the access control of the west family area. After this incident, I do n’t know What measures will the school take to prevent similar things from happening again. Even if you change the access control, Zheng Tan only needs to let Dao Jiao get another access card, so Zheng Tan is not worried.

"Hey Brother Jiao, I heard that the thief was tortured by your cat before entering the door. The thief thought that there was someone in the family. He even ran away with his friends, but he didn't care about him, but it was estimated that he ran too fast. When I turned, I bumped into the concrete edge of the flower bed, and I was so full of blood that I was bitten by Uncle Yan's bull head terrier, and a piece of meat was torn from his leg. You are famous, haven't you seen ... "

After listening to Qu Xiangyang's narration, Dao Jiao's father squinted on the mattress and squinted at Zheng Zheng. It's a good thing to know how to hide, and to downplay yourself, there is no need to go out.

A few people talked and laughed, the atmosphere was not heavy yesterday, and Jiao Mom was not so anxious when she first heard about it.

Xun Qu Xiangyang said that in the past few days, he had taken care of the two Jiao children and was rejected by Dao Jiao.

After Qu Xiangyang left, Jiao Ma asked why he refused Qu Xiangyang to help take care of the child.

"I'm going to find Wei Ling, so you and I can rest assured, Xiao Qu and that kid's energy are all focused on the game. It is estimated that he will play the game with Jiao Yuan."

叹 Zheng Tan nodded secretly, it was really possible, and the guy played a game and was indifferent to everything around him, so he might as well rely on himself to take the child!

In contrast, Wei Ling can really make people feel relieved. Anyway, as long as he stays at home for a while, he can go anywhere during the day, so Wei Ling should have time. However, what happened to Wei Ling's investigation? It's been this long, but the case has not yet been solved.

Zheng Zheng was pondering the investigation of Wei Ling's side, and the door of this compartment rang.

Jiao Yuan and Gu Youzi hurriedly packed Zheng Tan into his schoolbag, and then sat back in small chairs, pretending that nothing had happened, but they were too serious. Jiao Ma smiled and shook her head.

The person who came here was Xiao Zhuo. She also came to visit after hearing about the events over the compound.

Dad Jiao quickly let out the reclining chair and let Xiao Zhuo sit down. Because of the relationship between his cat and Xiao Zhuo, these days, when he went to the physics school to borrow the instrument, Buddha ’s attitude was always good. Even without a smile, it ’s not like With a cold face as before.

When I saw Xiaozhuo, Zheng Tan didn't get stuck in the schoolbag, came out and jumped on the bed to squat on the soft mattress, which is much more comfortable than the schoolbag.

哟 "Yo, charcoal, sneaked in?"

Xiao Xiaozhuo was not too surprised that Zheng Tan was here, and even smiled and stretched his fingers to gently click Zheng Tan's head.

The topic revolved around Zheng Tan, and Xiao Zhuo and Jiao Ma had more words.

Ms. Jiao Jiao was relieved. If she didn't talk about her own charcoal, she wouldn't be able to say anything. Although they did n’t know the specifics of Xiaozhuo ’s situation, they were able to guess some things. It ’s a pity that she is one of the three trump cards under the “Faye” of the School of Physics. If Xiao Zhuo participates in the project, he can also have a tough hole card in the future. But this happened at this time, and Xiaozhuo also decided to leave this child, who was pregnant during the radiation experiment, and whose health was not guaranteed. Alas, young people now!

Wu Xiaozhuo didn't stay here too long, and after leaving a few words, he left in a loose coat.

"Xiaozhuo ... It's a shame!" Because Jiao Yuan was here, Jiao Mom couldn't make it too clear.

"Are there any babies in Aunt Zhuo?" Jiao Yuan asked.

"Um." Jiao Mom didn't want to say more. After speaking for a while, I was a bit tired, but I couldn't sleep.

Dao Jiao Jiao thought for a while, and said out of focus: "Speaking of baby, you definitely don't know something."

"what's up?"

Jiao Yuan and Gu Youzi both looked curiously at Dao Jiao, and Zheng Tan was no exception. However, Zheng Tan was ready to hear "I'll tell you".

"I'll tell you ..." Dad Jiao brought a draft paper and said, while drawing a few strokes on the draft paper.

Sure enough. Zheng Sigh yanked his ears.

Although it hurts to hear the words "I'll tell you", Zheng Tan is still very interested in the topic that Dao Jiao talks about.

After all these years together, Mom Jiao had already guessed what Dao Jiao was going to say, and shook her head with a smile. She just wanted to see the reaction of the two children later.

"Our human growth and development is not one step, but it has to go through many stages. Take the baby you just mentioned as an example. When a baby is in the mother's belly, it also needs to go through several stages of development. Like Jiao Yuan, a boy like you, at the beginning of the embryonic development, is actually similar to a girl. "

叹 Zheng Tan, Jiao Yuan: "!!!"

If you want to describe the expressions of Zheng Tan and Jiao Yuan now, it is like seeing someone eating shit.

Dao Jiao ignored their reactions and continued: "Although it started to be similar to girls, there were five gender transition junctions in the subsequent growth and development."

Dao Jiao drew a "Y" on the manuscript paper, "The sex-determining chromosome will send a signal at the appropriate time. After this signal determines the direction of growth and development, there will be a series of hormonal responses in the later stages, and at each stage In the process, the related hormones will send a signal of gender conversion, which will allow the embryo to change from female to male development. In the process of changing the five passes, any error in any of the passes will most likely cause the embryo development to turn to the female direction. ... "

Dao Jiao continued to explain, but at this time, the two children plus a cat had become dull.

A boy was told that you actually changed from a girl. What would he think?

It ’s not true, right? !!

"I'm a man! Man! Take it!" Jiao Yuan couldn't care less at this time, arguing that he almost took off his pants and digged the guy.

"Yes, you are a boy. No one knows this better than us. I just elaborated on this normal fact. This is actually a phase change, a normal change that people need to experience!" Dad Jiao seriously Said quietly.

Jiao Yuan still has constipation on his face ~ ~ In fact, Zheng Tan is not much better, but the expression of the cat's face is not as rich as that of a human face, and it is black. Others can only see the cat's face A little weird, and I wouldn't know that Zheng Tan's alpaca came back to his feet at this moment.

"Boys are boys, girls are girls! Either male or female, why is there such a thing?" Jiao Yuan was tangled, and sure enough, the change and evolution of living things is always a mysterious and **** topic.

"To correct, in fact, many research scholars now believe that gender is not just male and female, it has at least five types, namely: male, partial male, bisexual, female partial, female."

Zheng Zheng sighed: "..." The alpaca in his heart continued to gallop.

"So, sometimes gender identification, in a non-surgical situation, people with Y chromosomes do not necessarily look male. Although the probability of this situation is extremely small, it may be possible. You cannot deny that it is scientific Be strict. "

The words behind Jiao Dad made Zheng Tanzheng's tangled thoughts stagnate.

I suddenly thought of something ...


Thank you ●. 誮 咲 の _ ", xin / I will always miss you, Abbat, looking forward to the moon and the sky, the cat, the boy, Long Yimiao, into the Ruoye Creek, Beautiful, book friends 121108160422153, the lotus is moving, the night is cold Rainy days, Yuewu Hanjiang, Orpheus, lazyorange! Celebrate the birth of the first helm master in this book ~ Thank you for your support, click on the homepage ~~