MTL - Story of Yanxi Palace-Chapter 131 swag

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Wei Yingluo brought the white jade jug to his mouth and poured a sip into the spout. As Hongli frowned, his body suddenly twisted, and his voice was charming again: "The emperor, the concubine treats you wholeheartedly, but you see Get on that coquette and leave the concubine aside. The concubine can't think of it for a while, so she will deliberately target her! Even if the concubine is not good, it is because you love you!"

   That look, that one is a pie, and that the tone and movement of the complaint are exactly the same as Xiao Jia's!

  Hong Li was stunned, Wei Yingluo suddenly lost his hip flask, and there was no previous pretentiousness in his manners. He slowly walked to the vase, and he picked a orchid in his hand. Don’t sniff in front of him.

  ......It looks like a pure concubine.

"Mr. Ling and Fucha have known each other for a long time, but they just stumbled across them and said a few words." She looked gentle, and even her voice became three-points similar to the other party. "Even if you have personal feelings, they are all past Now, Ling Ping has entered the palace, and the past has become a haunt. The emperor, the concubine believed that Ling Peng was by no means the kind of woman who was out of the wall and didn't know how to be shameful."

   "Wei Yingluo..." Hongli looked at her in shock and doubt, "What the **** are you doing?"

Wei Yingluo inserted the flower back into the bottle, and then returned to Hongli. With her step by step, she gradually changed from pure concubine to successor. Respectfully and respectfully, said: "Please The emperor was assured that as the lord of the sixth house, the palace would strictly investigate the people behind the rumors and make the innocent one innocent."

  Hongli couldn't help pulling her over, staring at her for a long time, half doubt and half suspicion in her eyes.

   "Soon after you entered the palace, you were familiar with them one by one." He said slowly, "Listening to what you just said, as if I heard what they said in person."

   He suspected that Wei Yingluo had bought the palace people in other palaces, and even bought the palace people around him.

   But when I think about it carefully, I find it impossible.

If Wei Yingluo really had such hands and eyes, then he couldn’t even see her in the imperial garden, the private meeting of Fu Heng, I was afraid that someone would give her a report early to let her avoid her, and there wouldn’t be so many things after that. .

   Seeing Wei Yingluo smugly, he sat down on his lap and tilted his head and said to him, "It's not a big deal, after all, women know women best."

   The enemy knows the enemy best-Hongli made up for the latter sentence in her heart, and the face was extremely calm: "You know how to talk about you behind them, and dare to meet Fucha Fu Heng in the garden?"


  Wei Yingluo was refreshed and knew that the flesh tonight was coming.

  His calmness is nothing but apparent calmness. If he can really face this matter calmly, he will not avoid it for so many days.

   Even Wei Yingluo couldn't take the initiative to mention this matter. At the same time, the thorn in his heart was going to be deeper. Only with every possible means, let him take the initiative to raise a chance to resolve it.

"I'm going or not, what's the difference?" Wei Yingluo shrugged and replied indifferently. "If I turn around and leave, then they have to say it again, oh, that Lingbing, when I saw Fucha The adult turned around and left, what a guilty conscience!"

  Hongli laughed.

If she really didn't care, she wouldn't show up in Jiangnan City, she wouldn't put on the clothes, she wouldn't speak authentic Wu Nong soft words, and he said to him: "Do you want to drink this guest? Sang Luo, Xinfeng, chrysanthemum, bamboo leaf green, and daughter red, which one do guests want?"

"Emperor, rumors confuse people, three people become tigers." Sure enough, she quickly converged on her body and looked at him seriously. "Concubine hopes that you can give me a little more trust while petting me. Otherwise , Even if I'm iron, I'm going to be slagged by their saliva!"

  Hongli has actually been half out of breath.

  After all, compared with her meeting with Fu Heng in private, he was more angry that she didn't care about herself.

Now when she sees that she cares about herself like this, she feels contented, just like a tiger with a hanging eye rubbing her chin, her eyes narrowed, and her finger lifted her chin with a finger. , Always come to poke me..."

Wei Yingluo also laughed. The previous jug rested on the low table beside them. She took the jug again and shook it at him. Wu Nong whispered softly and smiled, "Then Guests, do you drink this jug of wine?"

   "What wine?" Hongli smiled and asked, "Sang Luo, Xinfeng, chrysanthemum, bamboo leaf green, or daughter red?"

   "No, the name of this wine... called Ying Luo." Wei Ying Luo took a sip into the spout and kissed it.

   blindly named the wine named Luo Luo, along her lips, crossed into his throat, moistened his heart.

   Furong tent warm, night till dawn.

  The news of Wei Yingluo's regaining the sacred favor spread all over the palace, and the most annoying among them was the pure concubine.

   "Not only did the Emperor later borrow flowers to offer Buddha, but now Wei Yingluo also borrowed my Dongfeng!" Pure Concubine bit her fingernails, and apparently already knew that Wei Yingluo dressed up as a maiden and attracted Hongli to the past.

   "The maiden is angry, and it is imperative to make a donation first." Jade Pot exhorted.

"Yes, the waiter in Israel is only for a while, and fame is the long-term thing." Chun Guifei looked at Liu Ge who was asleep not far away, and her eyes were soft. Good reputation, only after a picture..."

   Although the matter of donating property was subsequently proposed, Jiangnan City was the first of the pure concubines. She quickly took over the errand and worked hard for three months, and finally achieved results. The snow covered the capital today, and an oiled paper umbrella was placed on the noble head, looking down from the top, like colorful blooming flowers.

"Queen Empress." Chun Qiu helped the empress and smiled. "In the past three months, all the donations from the palaces have been put in place. A lot of Fu Jin and Fate Women heard the news and generously released their bags. Miyashi put them in the Forbidden City first. One day, the participants were the ministers and the palace people. When the preparations were made outside the Shenwu gate, the palace city would move out and be open to the merchants. When the time came, all the money collected would be donated."

  The empress nodded with a smile.

Then he laughed: "The Queen Mother, the pure concubine came up with specific regulations early on, which can be implemented only after the emperor has read them. In the future, every month outside the Shenwu Gate, the market will be opened every four months, and the department store will be displayed. Go elsewhere and go directly out of the warehouse, and the proceeds can be used to subsidize the cost or donate all."

The pure concubine didn’t forget to please the empress, saying: "When the empress is interested, you can also go to Miyagi to take a look at the merchant's feelings. Of course, this is just a concubine's combination of Mingshi. One idea is that if the queen mother feels that something is wrong, the concubine immediately changes it."

  The queen mother patted her hand: "Pure concubine, these ideas are very good, I like it very much, you bothered."

  The pure concubine smiled: "Look, the Queen Mother, there is an antique booth in front of you, selling bronzes from Xuande, and the new enamel made by the Ministry of Internal Affairs this year. Let's take a look."

  The empress was originally smiling, but she froze when she saw the antique booth. Aunt Liu, who was next to him, stepped forward and said, "The Queen Mother, this is what the Shoukang Palace lost!"

She stepped forward to pick it up, and soon picked up a lot of things: "Look, this jade finger, this sapphire is as good as it is, and this flower saliva... aren't they all old objects from the former Shoukang Palace? All the forbidden cities have been searched, but they have disappeared. They are now missing in the palace market!"

   "Ah!" Mingyu suddenly squeezed out of the crowd and yelled, "Master, isn't this your lost embroidered jacket?"

  People were looking at the liveliness. After hearing her saying this, they also stepped forward. As a result, you, me, and I turned out a lot of lost things.

"What palace city is clearly a thief's den!" Xiao Jiapian whispered, she also found a stolen Dongzhu pendant on the stall, and naturally would not let go of such an opportunity to strike a rival, "We lost in the palace Everything is sold in the palace market, and the money is used to make up for the deficit in the palace. Oh, this abacus is really good!"

With such a black pot buckled on his head, the pure concubine sweat came out and knelt in front of the queen’s back: “The queen mother must have known that Miyagi opened it and deliberately mixed these jewels in it and took the opportunity to sell them. The concubine really didn’t know. !"

Xiao Jiabin rolled her eyes: "It's very light, the eunuchs in the palace are not clean, and there is a huge chain of interests behind them. How to transport them, how to avoid people's eyes and ears, how to sell stolen goods, and how to divide them in the end, all are all One by one, who knows whether the pure concubine has taken advantage of others and become a part of it!"

Pure chaise changed her face and quickly distinguished herself: "The queen mother, the concubine is really unaware of it. I never imagined that the underworld would dare to sell stolen goods through the palace market. The concubine must strictly investigate the source. "

   has a good deed, and now it has completely changed its taste. The empress dowager has a greasy taste and his expression is faint: "I'm tired, go back to the palace first."

Everyone sent the Empress to leave, and then walked to the side of the pure chaise and sighed: "Pure imperial concubine, you are too careless. The good-looking palace city has mixed in the stolen goods. The queen mother is aware of it and naturally knows that it has nothing to do with you. , But when things spread, everyone will say that you are selling money through the palace market. This reputation is really unpleasant. This palace hopes that you can check it out. What is going on!"

The errands that were finally taken over, spent so much effort, and even posted so much money, but unexpectedly in return for this result, the pure chaise was so bitter in her heart that she could only answer: "...Yes. "

   There is little icing on the cake, and there are many stones falling into the well. Such a good opportunity, how the concubines will let go, no matter whether they throw things in the palace, or whether they throw things in their palace, they come to identify.

Wei Yingluo has never been a good post, nor a master who can swallow her voice. She has also come together and pointed at the stall: "This, this, and this are all from the Yanxi Palace, I am not like Others are rich and rich, so poor, they still have to take these babies back!"

   The pure concubine's eyes are extremely cold. Someone is framing her and deliberately burying the stolen goods in the palace market to destroy her credit.

  Who did it, and the pure concubine most doubted it was Wei Yingluo!

   "Wei Yingluo!" The pure concubine with a grudge in his eyes tentatively said, "Hello skill!"

Wei Yingluo blinked and said: "What's the concubine said, the things belong to the original owner, why are you so angry? Is it true that as they said, the concubine sheltered the stolen eunuch? No, no, the concubine is Suzhou talented girl, money is so filthy, you naturally don’t have any part of it, others don’t believe you, I believe you!"

It sounded familiar to me, and when I thought about it carefully, it seemed to be the paragraph that the pure concubine had persuaded Hongli-"Ling Beng and Fucha masters used to know each other, but they happened to meet and said two sentences. Even if they are really private, It’s all a thing of the past. Now that Ling Ping has entered the palace, the past has become a haunt. The emperor and his concubines believe that Ling Peng is by no means the kind of woman who is out of the wall and doesn’t know how shameful.”

   Projection in the sand, like it or not.

  Pure concubine stared at her for a long time, and suddenly smiled: "Okay! Good! Come, help Lingbing to move all her things back, and no one is allowed to fall!"

   mighty, every piece of stolen goods returned to the original owner, and returned to Yanxi Palace.

  Playing with an embroidered ruffle, Wei Yingluo looked at the little **** kneeling in front of his eyes, and said with a smile: "Xiao Quanzi, you are doing well!"