MTL - Stone Gambler (Orc)-Chapter 64 non vegetarian

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Vincent looked at the purple eyes lying quietly in the hands of the Little orc man, and the smile in his eyes suddenly turned into astonishment and amazement. This piece of emerald is deep purple in its entire body, without any excessive color. In the white palm, there is a faint light, which turns the entire white palm into a beautiful purple. Vincent took the purple eyes over and examined them carefully. He saw that this piece of jadeite was delicate in texture, bright in luster, and as pure as glass. He looked up at Bai Zishi for a long time: "This is...a peerless purple jadeite with purple eyes!" There are also about three kilograms! Absolute first-class emerald!

Bai Zishi nodded.

"Did you bet up?" Vincent asked again.

"Yeah." Bai Zishi continued to nod.

Vincent smiled, his black eyes curved into dazzling arcs, and his joy was as pure as a child's. He looked at Bai Zishi seriously and focused: "Bai Zishi, please give me this piece of emerald."

Bai Zishi didn't understand why Vincent suddenly asked so solemnly: "This is for you."

"Then, under the witness of the law, I, Vincent Keren Garcia, promise that the sub-orc man Bai Zishi will be a pair for the rest of his life, and the white heads will never be separated. Guard him, love him, and give him happiness and peace. , are you willing to accept my promise?" Vincent held Bai Zishi's hands in his palms, resting his forehead on Bai Zishi's forehead, looking at each other with warmth and sincerity.

Bai Zishi was stunned by this look in his eyes, he remembered! It's a marriage proposal from an orc! Ask the orc for the emerald and promise to take care of him and love him!

"You..." Bai Zishi seemed to have a thousand words stuck in his heart, he wanted to say something but didn't know which one to say first, he obviously said that he might not live long! Obviously...obviously...

"You know don't regret it?!" Bai Zishi, who was about to refuse, met Vincent's firm eyes that he couldn't refuse, but he asked such a question.

Vincent knew what Bai Zishi wanted to ask, he shook his head: "I said earlier, even if we work hard, we still can't win the fate, so what if I accompany you to the end?"

This sentence made Bai Zishi grit his teeth: "If you regret it halfway, don't expect me to quit sadly, I will pester you! I will definitely!"

A smile flashed in the orc's black eyes, and he only said four words: "I wish for it."

"Okay, I promise you!" As soon as the last word was finished, Bai Zishi was pulled into his arms vigorously by Vincent, his chin was lifted, his lips were tightly plugged, and he was sucked and bitten fiercely Then, Bai Zishi whimpered, the pitiful voice seemed to irritate Vincent, the orc took Bai Zishi's waist and retreated all the way to the wall, then turned over and pressed the sub-orc man against the wall, leaning over wantonly kiss.

The little orc man couldn't help whimpering from such a thirsty kiss, Vincent's plundering was so intense that he could hardly even breathe, the rough tongue was raging in his cavity, every inch and every corner I even kissed him so hard that everywhere he went was hot. Bai Zishi felt like a rough boat on the sea in a storm. He couldn't help himself and could only follow Vincent. The desire he created was ups and downs, and the knuckles of the hand holding the opponent's clothes were already turning white.

The orc held Bai Zishi's waist with one hand, and the other hand was no longer satisfied with simple contact. He grabbed Bai Zishi's upturned buttocks and kneaded wantonly, vigorously, and at the same time brought himself closer to the little orc man .

Bai Zishi's eyes widened, he held Vincent's chest with both hands and began to push him, Vincent didn't pay attention to such light itching force, he held Bai Zishi's wrists with one hand, and clasped them. On the top of his head, enjoying his helpless moans, more wanton kisses and caresses. The other hand has reached into Bai Zishi's underpants, feeling the soft buttocks and the excellent feel.

Vincent's breathing gradually became heavier, and the strength in his hands became stronger and stronger, even starting to part the gap between Bai Zishi's two buttocks secretly touching, and the hot lips slipped from Bai Zishi's lips to his. Nibbling at the slender neck.

"Oh... no way!" Bai Zishi fully comprehended Vincent's intentions and his desires, his stick was firmly pressed against his lower abdomen, recalling that the sub-orc man of the opponent's size began to push back desperately , "Vincent! Vincent! I... I'm underage!"

"Damn it!" The orc paused obviously, then cursed fiercely, and then kissed the other party's lips fiercely, Bai Zishi didn't dare to move at all, he could feel that the orc was desperately suppressing his desire, He didn't want to irritate Vincent at all.

The sweetheart in his arms is so docile, he is weak when facing himself, his body is soft, with a refreshing smell, even the gentle breathing is a kind of temptation to him! Vincent desperately reminded himself that Bai was only 24 years old this year, and he will not be an adult for another six years!

"Damn it! Damn it!" He cursed again and again, and sadly found out that age and everything are all farts in front of his sweetheart's soft body! His breathing was unbearably heavy, and as he buried his head in Bai Zishi's neck, his scorching breath became rapid again.

Bai Zishi felt a little ominous, and he shouted repeatedly: "No! Vincent, I can't! You are too big! No! I'm underage!"

The orc closed his eyes in pain, but this kind of refusal sounds more like an invitation to him, reminding him that the person in his arms is so weak, and he can do whatever he wants, caress him wantonly, and even **** him cry! His hands lingered on the opponent's skin uncontrollably.

"Vincent? Karen? Garcia! I said no!" Bai Zishi's voice had changed due to fear and anger. The orc's hand paused, and then quickly turned him over and lay on the wall, at the same time took off Bai Zishi's pants, and separated his legs: "Bai, I won't go in, please, I won't go in, You help me... help me..."

The orc's voice was already hoarse, and Bai Zishi was forced to clamp his **** with his legs. Vincent moaned comfortably, and then quickly swung his waist...

Both of them were breathing heavily. Vincent pulled Bai Zishi up and made him lie on top of him, calming his breathing: "I'm sorry... Bai, I'm sorry... I couldn't help it... But, in the end, you also..."

The sub-orc raised his head from his chest, and glared at him awkwardly in anger: "Shut up!" Isn't it just... what's the matter! All men! This situation is normal!

A smile flashed in the orc's eyes, and he placed a kiss on the other's forehead: "Okay, I'll shut up."

"Hold me to take a shower." Bai Zishi ordered unceremoniously with his eyes closed for a rest. All his clothes were torn off by the barbarian during the intense 'exercise' just now, and the stickiness between his legs also made him feel uncomfortable. People feel very uncomfortable.

Vincent, who had just satisfied himself just now, naturally did not resist at all. After putting a pool of hot water, the orc came back and picked up Bai Zishi, put him in the bath, and then took off his clothes. However, just as he took off his shirt, he heard the Little orc man behind him asking, "What's going on?! You're injured!"

Oops! Forget that the wound cannot be exposed in front of Bai! Vincent's **** hand froze for a moment, then he took off his pants as if nothing had happened, turned his head and smiled and comforted him: "It's not a serious injury, it's nothing serious, after all, it's a shadow carving beast."

"Is it because you were injured that you didn't come back on time?" Bai Zishi asked with a dark face.

Vincent didn't say a word, but he didn't need to say anything. There was something Bai Zishi didn't understand. The suborc man opened his mouth, wanting to get angry at him, but in the end he found that he really didn't know what to say. The orc man's intention to worry about him was so obvious, how could he blame him?

Bai Zishi, who had been tempered by the orcs, waved his hand: "I know you are afraid of me worrying, but you are injured, whether it is serious or not, I can still know how you are when you come back. If you don't come back, I will only get worse. Worry!"

Vincent was silent for a while, sitting next to Bai Zishi, holding his hand: "I made you worry, I won't be like this in the future."

Bai Zishi didn't say a word, turned to his back, and reached out to touch the long scar that had scabbed over. This scar stretched from Vincent's left shoulder to the back of his waist. The scab was straight and even. It looked like it had been injured by something sharp, which was hideous and terrifying.

There was silence in the bathroom, and Vincent explained uncomfortably: "It's not very heavy, but it was scratched by the shadow carving beast with its tail feathers before it died. It's just a skin trauma. My physique is already very strong. In a few days, the scabs will fall off and there will be no scars left in the future."

Now that Vincent said so, Bai Zishi felt relieved. He had looked up and down the orc just now, and it was true that there was no other injury except this scar. The scab had scabbed in ten days. It's not too heavy, as Vincent said.

Bai Zishi let go of this matter, and turned to another matter: "Purple eyes, is it enough for you to advance to the seventh level?"

"Enough!" Vincent was relieved that Bai Zishi no longer asked about the injury. In fact, he was also knocked down from the sky by a shadow carved beast, and his internal organs were seriously injured. It cannot be known in vain. He smiled and said, "With purple eyes, my injury will heal faster!"
