MTL - Steel, Guns and the Industrial Party Across the World-Chapter 522 Magic attack

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【Steel, guns and the industrial party across the world】【】

Accompanied by a loud explosion, the scorching air suddenly spread out from the midair, and the hot air descended on the soldiers in the rear half of the Skitarii phalanx in the form of a shock wave visible to the naked eye.

A group of soldiers directly below the explosion seemed to have been slapped by a huge hand, and they all fell to the ground, either with their chests or their backs.

"Ah! It hurts!"


"O merciful Father!"

The screams were endless. Among the fallen people, some struggled on the ground, some could only squirm slightly, and some supported themselves to stand up again, but they only felt buzzing in their ears and headaches. Dazed, the whole world in front of my eyes is spinning.

"It's hot!"

"Hiss~ hiss~!"

Many of these people who suffered the impact of the heat flow showed burn marks on their bodies.

Although few people seemed to have died, it had already had a terrible impact on the entire formation of the Skitarii.

The huge momentum shocked everyone on the battlefield, whether it was the injured catastrophe or the revived Yin Dun army. For a few seconds, both sides fell into silence, except for those who were struggling on the ground. People who cry out for pain.

The commander-in-chief of Yin Dun's army, Grand Duke Ott Cabrell, who personally fought in battle, at this time his armored stomach and helmet were covered with traces of swords and swords, although the best armored stomach in the entire army was He withstood the damage from the sharp weapon and did not suffer any bleeding wounds on his body, but no matter how sophisticated a stomach was, it could not completely resist the attack of the blunt weapon.

The Grand Duke only feels pain all over his body now, and many parts of his body must have been black and purple. Every time he swings the big sword in his hand, he screams in pain, but in the eyes of others, it is the roar of a soldier, full of momentum The soldiers of Yin Dun were excited by it, but the soldiers of the cathars were terrified.

The Grand Duke Cabre, who was struggling to fight, also heard a huge explosion. Knowing the caster's plan, he knew that it was their group magic that had been launched. Grand Duke Cabre, who was in the crowd, couldn't see clearly the tragedy behind the cathar's phalanx, but he could hear voices of pain and fear coming from that direction.

It looks good!

Grand Duke Yin Dun couldn't help looking at the rear of his own army. On a higher ground that was closer to them, more than a dozen people in red robes were standing there neatly. It was a group of casters. When the spell was launched, they all maintained the same posture, with their hands half-raised in the air, as if they were statues, motionless.

Grand Duke Cabre's wife, Grand Duchess Helen, and his wife's teacher, Ms. Mariana, were among this group of spellcasters.

Helen's breathing was a little short, her face was flushed, her chest heaved violently, as if she had gone through a strenuous exercise, beads of sweat dripped down the hair sticking to her cheeks.

Among the dozen or so spellcasters, except for Ms. Mariana, everyone else was just like Helen, and those male spellcasters gasped heavily regardless of their demeanor.

Helen withdrew her raised hands, took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat off her face.

"Teacher, we... succeeded?"

"Apparently, yes."

Some fiery red-haired Ms. Marianne looked at the cathar phalanx in the distance, carefully observing the effect of the spell.

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【Steel, guns and the industrial party across the world】【】

Her condition is much better than other caster companions, except for her slightly red face, her condition is the same as usual.

"Master Chi Yan, congratulations."

A male spellcaster congratulates her with a monastic title.

"You have finally improved this spell to the point where it can be used in actual combat."

Ms. Chiyan Marianne smiled slightly, "It's just usable, we still need to continue to improve it. The number of casters, casting distance, casting time, target accuracy, power, coverage... There should be room for optimization of these elements .”

The male spell caster bowed to Mariana, "You are so diligent about the perfect state as always."

Mariana responded: "Only in this way can magic continue to progress."

She looked at Helen, with a gratified expression on her face, and said, "Helen, you performed well, but after practicing a few times, you can cooperate so well."

Grand Princess Helen, who was praised by the teacher, laughed happily, as if she had returned to her childhood when she was still receiving magic guidance.

But Helen's face soon revealed a nervous expression. She looked at her husband who was still leading Yin Dun's soldiers to kill the enemy on the battlefield, her eyes were full of worry, "Teacher, when will Nathan and Sita launch support?" , the skitarii cavalry seem to have retreated."

Mariana gently stroked Helen's back, "It must have taken a lot of effort to defeat the cavalry, and only with adequate rest can they perform at their best. Don't worry, this time should be almost here, and they will be here soon Support your husband."

With the teacher's assurance, Helen was relieved a lot.

Mariana shouted loudly to everyone: "Everyone hurry up and recover, and try to give them another chance before the Collins are completely defeated."

"What happened?"

The Skitarii commanders, including Fedotov and Harper, were dumbfounded, looking in shock at the explosion that just happened above the heads of their soldiers.

Harper couldn't close his open mouth for a long time. He tremblingly raised his right hand and pointed his fingers at a small group of people behind the Yintons. the instigator.

"It must be them! General can feel that those people lined up neatly must be wizards from Inton's side."

"It must be their evil magic that is hurting our warriors."

Fedotov looked in the direction Harper was pointing at, and he felt the weirdness in an instant. The people there didn't use flags to give orders, and they didn't make any other movements. They just stood there stiffly, halfway. He raised his arms, as if performing some ritual.

Harper might be right in feeling that Indon's wizards were casting spells.


Fedotov broke the whip in his hand fiercely. If his cavalry was still there, he could immediately send out to go around and take the incarnations of those devils.

It is not known what evil magic they will perform next. Oh no, that moment just now was already very scary.

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【Steel, guns and the industrial party across the world】【】

Under the magic attack just now, the formation of the Skitarii became chaotic in an instant. The officers who were supervising the battle in the formation struggled and shouted loudly before reorganizing the soldiers.

Fortunately, the Skitarii had a greater advantage over Yin Dun's side in terms of strength, and the soldiers in the front rows were not affected by the explosion, otherwise a counterattack from the Yin Dun people would have collapsed them on the spot.

"The chain devil! The chain devil!"

Harper suddenly yelled in horror and pointed at a team approaching in the distance.

The real defeat of the cathars had finally begun.
