MTL - Start with Batman-Chapter 316 Defense down

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The head of the legion was really surprised.

He had tried the power of a shield-wielding human before, and he felt that he knew it well. Although this human being is also strong, his quality is not the same as that of ordinary Cantel fighters, so he didn't pay much attention to it at the beginning, and even regarded the US team as a weakness for breakthrough.

Even when Captain America stepped on Iron Man to lift into the air and fell halfway down, he felt this way, so he stabbed contemptuously, and the stabbing succeeded directly pierced his whole body and killed him on the spot.

But he never expected that at this moment of lightning and flint, a hammer flew into his hand from nowhere. The US team's high-altitude pounce made the first half of the move unremarkable. He didn't care at all, but in the second half of the move, his strength suddenly increased. come.

The legion commander almost thought it was an illusion for a moment.

He never dreamed that there would be someone in the world who could suddenly transform from a mortal to a mighty powerhouse in the blink of an eye.

Captain America can lift Thor's Hammer. In the early years, it was only a comic book setting. Whether it is applicable in the movie has been a source of debate for many years. However, with the conclusion of Avengers 4, the US team's highlight battle against Thanos, no one in the MCU doubted it. up.

So when he just unlocked Brother Hammer, Chu Cheng thought that if Commissar Luo was used to team up with Brother Hammer, it might trigger a special buff.

Sure enough, Brother Hammer's 10,000-person Meow Meow Hammer can also obey the US team's dispatch in the team state, and it has become a shared artifact for two people.

Whoever can lift this hammer will gain the power of Thor. This is the magic that Odin put on the hammer, which makes the hammer not only a simple weapon, but also strengthens the physique of the chosen one, and gives Asgard magical enhancement.

The power of this spell can even make Jane Foster, who is suffering from cancer and even unable to stay and walk, become invincible and invulnerable. Captain America is on.

Of course, "obtaining the power of Thor" is fine as long as the user is holding the hammer, and it is not necessary to hold the hammer in his hand. Otherwise, it would be too funny to throw the hammer and immediately lose all power.

Therefore, when the US team and Thor form a group, as long as the two are recognized at the same time, the hammer can temporarily open a public hotspot for the two of them, and they can use the traffic together...

With one hammer down, the thunder's impact instantly shattered the energy inspired by the general commander, and the physical impact of a hammer fell directly along the tip of the long thorn, breaking the general commander's entire right arm in the middle.

Under the strange force, the legion leader slid back a long way, like a tram wrapped in thunder, knocking over a large area of ​​Cantel soldiers.

With the support of several soldiers beside him, the legion commander got up swayingly, his heart was really shocked to the extreme.

One is that he was shocked by the thunder contained in this hammer, and the other is that he was puzzled by what the enemy said about Super God.

Of course he quickly thought of the hammer.

Could it be some kind of god-given power?

To be able to soar to such a level just by holding this hammer, what kind of great master must be responsible for this?

At this time, the US team has flown again. He swung the hammer across the air, and the majestic and terrifying thunder power was aroused, and the Kantel fighters around the commander were knocked over by electricity from a distance of several meters.

The head of the legion was terrified, his right arm was broken, so he had to grit his teeth and use his left hand as a claw to attack.

When Thor controls the hammer, he mostly uses it straight and straight. That's because he has infinite supernatural power since he was a child, and all the techniques he learned are in this way, in order to maximize his supernatural power.

But the American team is different. He masters traditional fighting and fighting. Even if he has gained supernatural power for many years, his fighting style and habits cannot be easily changed.

Instead of confronting people head-on, he cleverly slid sideways with a butterfly step to avoid the opponent's claws, followed by the lightning-like thrust of Thor's Hammer in his right hand, the angle was tricky and he was caught off guard, and the hammer dragged the lightning and hit the legion commander's face .

This butterfly step is the high-end footwork of boxing, mainly based on smooth sliding steps, accompanied by unexpected jabs and assaults during movement. This set of footwork is said to have been created by boxing champion Ali, named after his description in his autobiography of "moving like a butterfly, attacking like a bee".

The American team slid sideways with butterfly footwork, replaced punches with hammers, and slammed with jabs, and it was a hit. Thor's Hammer was thrown forward to the face of the Legion Commander, causing the Legion Commander's face to deform exaggeratedly, his head deflected in the direction of the impact of the hammer, and his whole body also flew out horizontally under the tremendous force contained in the hammer.

U.S. team refused to let go, and threw both hands continuously, throwing the flying shield and the flying hammer one after the other.

Zhenjin Flying Shield was originally his best stunt in this life. With the blessing of Thunder God's power, the throwing power is not at the same level as before. With the blessing of his divine power, the shield is definitely no less than a magical weapon that cuts iron like mud. If a human body of flesh and blood is touched, it will definitely be cut in half on the spot.

Needless to say, Thor's Hammer itself is a throwing artifact, and it also has its own guidance and automatic acceleration when thrown. The legion commander has already learned how powerful this thing is, and being bombarded by this thing is no joke.

The legion commander felt the turbulent wind pressure in mid-air, and the two artifacts were one behind the other, which was extremely thrilling. He tried his best, and the weird energy was stimulated from his body with difficulty, and he used that energy to act on himself, making his body, which was suspended in mid-air and had nowhere to rely on, barely turn over, avoiding the middle of the flying shield and the flying hammer just right. past.

In fact, after such a response, it can be seen that the commander of the legion is also quite powerful. In such a desperate situation, he can find room for survival from the gap between the two artifacts. Although the US team's second-stage attack is smooth and elegant, it has to be said that the dodge is also quite extreme.

However, it was of no use.

I saw two artifacts flying past him one by one, the shield was in front and the hammer was behind, but Thor's Hammer was faster, and the latter caught up to the shield halfway. As soon as the hammer hit the vibrating gold shield, it suddenly rebounded and hit the head of the legion commander from behind.

The shield also gained acceleration again after being hit by this blow, turned and slammed into the wall next to it, then bounced back to Captain America on the ground at a strange angle, and flew back to Captain America as if it had a guidance system installed. hands.

This set of combos is also the move that the US team used against Thanos after gaining the power of Thor in the Avengers 4 movie. At one point, it even suppressed Thanos so that it was difficult for the opponent to fight back for a while.

Although in the movie, Thanos managed to defuse the US team's follow-up killing move and regain the upper hand after finding out the way, but how can this legion leader compare with Thanos? He only thought that he had clearly dodged the opponent's two attacks, but then he took a sharp blow from a blind spot behind his head, and his mind went "buzzing" almost blank, and when the thunder was piercing through his body, he was still alive. I can't help but think-

—Who hit me just now?

Until he was shot down to the ground, he also figured out how he was hit this time.

The Cantel people next to him saw the scene clearly and thought it was unimaginable. First, the shield was released and then the hammer was released. It seemed to be two attacks, one in front and one in the back, but in fact, it was hidden to use the hammer to catch up with the shield and rebound to complete the third attack. Afterwards, the changes are really subtle...

...a p!

Is this an idea that normal people can think of?

Forget about the hammer, is the shield also equipped with navigation? Can it just bounce back into my hand after two consecutive hits like this?

The shield has become fine, right?

That is to say, the US team now has the blessing of Thor's divine power, and these two items in their hands are both artifacts. First of all, without this amazing arm strength, this hand combo will definitely be out of the question. If the shield is not strong enough, it will not work if it is shot through on the spot after taking Thor's hammer throw. out of this set.

The US team has completely mastered fighting skills, and has long since stopped sticking to fixed techniques and routines. After receiving the blessing of divine power, they can immediately master their own innovative moves. Even if they give the same divine power to others, they will never be able to exert this effect.

Captain America succeeded with a hammer, and the hammer flew back into his hand, and he almost didn't even look at it, and threw it violently from the side.

I saw Warhammer dragging a thunder dragon to kill a bunch of monsters in seconds, penetrating through the monsters and aiming straight at the envoy.

The envoy is using his defense to come and chase Brother Hammer, but Brother Hammer just missed him with a hammer, and the hammer flew into the hands of Captain America. Immediately, the divine envoy's eyes lit up, feeling that he saw an opportunity, he turned his head and waited for an opportunity to counterattack Brother Hammer, who had lent out his weapon temporarily.

All his attention was on Brother Hammer, who was clenched tightly, and he didn't pay attention to his side at all. He never expected that the **** hammer suddenly attacked from the side, hit his chest with a bang, and blasted him into the air.

The envoy was unexpected, and was blown into the sky with a muffled grunt. Iron Man next to him raised his arm, and a missile hit him in the air with a whoosh.

The envoy let out a miserable snort and was sent flying out of the heads of the group of mobs by the explosion of the missile, and just happened to land on the legion leader. The legion leader just wanted to get up after taking a hammer from the US team, but he didn't expect his teammates to smash his head and face, and the two of them collided into a ball immediately.

"It's almost time to wrap up."

Iron Man soared into the air, his figure suspended in the air, and the reactor on his chest began to Thor also flew up in the air, endless lightning gathered on Thor's Hammer in his hand, which was extremely dazzling.

"Say 'eggplant,'" Stark laughed.

The two below collided into a ball, but it was not good to see. But the legion commander recovered faster after being hit by the hammer first. When he came back to his senses, he realized that a catastrophe was imminent, and without thinking about it, he quickly grabbed the envoy beside him and blocked him.

The envoy was dizzy, but immediately woke up after being caught. In the next second, the single-beam pulse from the arc reactor and the thunderbolt have been mixed together and blasted down.

"What the **** are you..."

The envoy finally couldn't finish cursing.

At the end of his life, he performed this skillful stunt "Defense Descending" for the last time in his life.

Only this time, he changed from the one holding the shield to the shield.

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