MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 467 missing user data

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  The trinary legion, or the Gaux family, this group of virus legions with spider and shark logos inlaid on their bodies, wiped out the "rich women's love **** machine" as soon as they came out.

  Since 'Can androids see electric sheep', another philosophical question has emerged.

   That is, can electronic viruses kill electronic viruses?

   The answer is yes.

These 'family viruses' have a symbiotic characteristic, which can fuse the virus codes into one and turn it into a virus field, and in this field, no matter what kind of virus it is, it will be 'crawled' clean .

   This is not the ability of electronic viruses, but the ability of 'search engines'.

  The sound of the gunfire gradually subsided, the body parts were scattered everywhere, and the bodies of beautiful boys were everywhere. This is simply **** for young women.

  Gaux, with more and more tattoos, stepped over a half corpse, and the corpse's face suddenly opened its eyes, revealing a flattering smile:

   "Sister, long time no see."

  The eldest sister was very angry, and even spit at the other party.

  Gao Gong licked it, the saliva of a beautiful girl, strawberry flavored.

   "Sister Gaokes, I came to see you specially."

   "I didn't expect to see you for so many days, big sister, your temperament is getting more and more domineering."

   "It's very handsome, I like it."

  As Gaux passed by, smiling faces appeared on the corpse, fully proving that Mr. G is invincible in this aspect of shamelessness.

  A giant nearly ten meters tall squatted down, stretched out his thick fingers, poked Gao Gong's face, and said gloatingly:

   "Boss G, we meet again."

  Looking at the face covered by the black code liquid, and the dangerous aura unique to the advanced virus, the senior engineer said in surprise: "Big black man, how did you evolve so fast?"

   "That's natural, 'Alyssa' replaced the basic code for me, and now I am not only a 'bug', but also the strongest 'destructive program virus'."

In order to prove his own strength, the thick fist of the **** water tank slammed into the ground. The next moment, the surrounding corpses of the 'binding machine' suddenly overflowed and swelled up, and then exploded, shooting out rolling gibberish, like one by one. Exploded mines.

   "A lot of system resources are being squeezed, yes, boy!"

As a part of the 'corpse', Gao Gong can clearly feel that the opponent's move is unstoppable by ordinary servers, but after throwing a skill, he finds that the opponent has reached level '49', which is comparable to the 'binding machine' Only one level short.

This kind of upgrade speed, even Gao Gong, the "traveler", is ashamed. Of course, Gao Gong can be 100% sure, without the big data monster "Alyssa" to give the opponent experience, the opponent is absolutely impossible It went up so fast.


  The reason why someone Gao knew the location of the No. 0 database was because he asked this 'Cyber ​​Dude'.

   And 'Du Niang' also revealed a piece of news to him, that is, Gaokes is practicing in retreat in the virus vault.

   This was somewhat beyond Gao Gong's expectations.

  Gao Yuanyuan and Gao Kesi are different personalities of the same person, one is in reality and the other is on the Internet.

  Especially when Gao Yuanyuan became a 'virtual life', in theory, as long as she wanted to, she could combine the two personalities into one.

   But for some reason, she didn't.

   Part of this may be because Gao Yuanyuan has other ideas, and another part of the reason may fall on 'Alyssa'.

  The senior engineer looked at the other party for a while, then thoughtfully said: "The basic code on your body is a bit advanced."

From the eyes of Mr. G, it is natural to see that the other party is now a shotgun for a cannon, and the code level on his body is the standard third-level. Although it is not as good as the 'starry sky cloud code', it is also the top code level on this planet. Even ' Flame codes' are all short of one. level

   More importantly, Gao Gong felt a bit of the breath of the mother city from the other party.

   "Triple Legion, 0, 1, 2, Deep Web, Cybertron, Fortress."

  Big Hei didn't expect that the other party could see the essence of his group of people at a glance, so he quickly typed a haha, and changed the subject, "The eldest sister is very angry, you should find a way to deal with the other party."

  The ternary code is undoubtedly related to the mother city. With Alisa's authority as a 'cyber engine', it is also the easiest to get some secrets.

  The opponent is cultivating a backhand against the mother city!

  Gao Gong is very sure of his own ideas.

On the other side, Gaokes, who has become more powerful, is killing on the battlefield. Every time he kills a "bundle machine", a tattoo on her body will light up. As Alisa's favorite daughter, The authority she has is even stronger. At this moment, she is using the power of the 'search engine' to absorb the virus characteristics of the 'bundling machine'.

  The battle ended quickly, and the last ten "rich women's love love binding machines" were subdued by other viruses, and they all pressed up and knelt on the ground.

Excitement flashed in Gaokes' eyes, he picked up a submachine gun, and shot at the opponent at close range. The rapid gunfire was accompanied by data fragments flying around, and the flames were endless. When killing the eighth 'binding machine', The virus couldn't bear it any longer, and shouted:

   "If you kill me, someone will be buried with me."

"Really?" On a dead body, 'Senior Engineer' opened his eyes, smiled slightly, and said, "Did you realize that there was a bug in your code layer when the machine was stuck just now?" .”

   "Oh, even if it's an electronic virus, when the bug doesn't interfere with the operation, you won't realize that something went wrong. By the way, the bug on your body is called 'missing user data'."

  Seeing the other party's eyes widen suddenly, Gao Gong showed a sarcastic smile.

   "Now, do you know what's missing?"

Following Gao Gong's words, more and more data streams began to converge among the broken limbs, and a data doll began to be pieced together. These user data that 'disappeared' during the virus war were none other than Gao. human body.

   And when the facial features of the 'Rich Woman's Ai'ai Prototype Machine' were fully restored, Gao Gong thrust his hands into the other's forehead without saying a word.

   Weird screams rang out from the opponent's mouth, ears, and eyes.

   With the level of micro-manipulation of senior engineers and veteran drivers, a targeted 'anti-virus program' has been created as early as when entering the other party's body.

  If it is in a normal state, a level 50 virus cannot be killed even with an 'antivirus program', after all, the level difference lies here.

   But it's different now, the virus 'Bundling Machine', now there is only a trace of blood left.

   Sure enough, almost at the same time as Gao Gong started, the system's notification sounded.

  [You killed the binding machine virus 'Binder', experience +500,000, hacker reputation +4000, specialization points +10, random + three second-order hacker blueprints]

  Hack drawings? It's still second-order, which is really rare.

  Gao Gong complained mentally, but he didn't stop. Soon, the dead 'binding machine virus' didn't dissipate, but turned into a blackish 'crystal ball'.

  A virus of this level, under the operation of a top hacker, will have terrible effects.

   After finishing his work, Gao Gong turned around and showed a super dog-licking smile.

   "The eldest sister~~The little one is here~~~"


   On the other side, Tick, who operates the hardware of 'Mr. G', has not been idle. With the help of the powerful hardware, he resisted the anti-virus guard of 'Digital Space' and reached the bottom of the crustal engine.

At this time, the "body" that has been digitized has also shown its terrifying power, the structure-sickle dance, the structure-the moon, the structure-the dance of the fingers, the structure-Mobius ring... The big killer of carbon-based species, after completing the digital transformation, also becomes the big killer of digital life.

  The numbers danced wildly, sometimes turning into whirling sickles, sometimes retracting into the inside of the spine, and then forming a sharp, endless ring, strangling and smashing the surrounding 10*10 meter digital guards.

   The Tick that manipulates this body has an inexplicable feeling of 'the top soldier king returns to the city, and one person singles out a hundred gangsters'.

   It’s just that the pop-up windows that pop up from time to time are a bit annoying.

  ‘How many unscrupulous and dangerous websites this guy has browsed, how can there be so many broken pop-up windows! '

   Tick couldn't help complaining. Basically, every few minutes of her operation, a pop-up window would pop up on the visual signal, either 'Freedom on the Other Shore Casino' or 'Random Online Friendship', and an 'Advertisement for Reproductive Transformation' popped up every now and then.

   This made her quite suspicious that this Mr. G is an old sp, a deeply hidden old sp.

   Fortunately, under the interference of pop-up advertisements all the way, she finally reached the end, located in the deepest part of the second layer of digital space, the crustal engine, and also the most important digital center for thousands of miles.

   With a bang, half of the metal gate twisted and half disintegrated into the original green numbers.

   Tick took a deep breath, and she finally arrived at her destination.


   At this time, in the No. 0 database, the remains of the battlefield have been completely eaten by passing worms.

  The 'big guys' who are still here, while regretting the brazen actions of the 'Gaux family', winked at each other, carefully bypassed the 'colorless fire', and walked out of the virus vault.

  No. 0 virus database is not only a breeding place for Gu, but also a cage.

   Now, these well-known viruses in cyberspace, with the skills they have cultivated here, are about to come out of the cage again.

   At this time, on the sealed ‘volcano’, at the weakest part of the seal, where the senior engineer just extracted the ‘mist of high-level civilization’, faint flames burned through the tulle and penetrated out.

  It floated to the previous battlefield, and under the influence of the fire, a large amount of discarded data was attracted.

   Soon, a prototype of a rich woman's love was revealed, with visible scum on the bones, shriveled skin, protruding cheekbones, and old eyesight.

   This is a "Rich Woman Loves Love Prototype", the kind that is 50 years older.