MTL - Star Reborn: Into the Wild with Cubs Live Streaming-Chapter 400 weird toad spirit

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  Yin Xuehan's eyes widened, "Is this the Frog Prince?"

   "The Frog Prince?" The people in the studio began to ask, why did the anchor say the Frog Prince?

  Why is it so strange?

   "Anchor, what is the Frog Prince?"

Yin Xuehan noticed the question on the screen and replied directly, "The Frog Prince is a character in a fairy tale, so I won't talk about it here. I think someone should have told it." Although she has never told it, she has bought a fairy tale There are many people who read the book, and someone has definitely talked about it.

Yin Xuehan looked at everything on the screen, the frog jumped onto the table, it was wearing clothes, Yin Xuehan couldn't see it clearly, she directly zoomed in on the camera, but when she zoomed in, the corner of Yin Xuehan's mouth twitched, "I Wrong, it's not a frog, it's a toad!"

   "Is there a difference?" The quick-witted person in the live broadcast room immediately asked.

  Yin Xuehan said, "There is a difference!"

   Yin Xuehan said there is a difference here, and the people in the live broadcast room waited for her to explain. Yin Xuehan explained the difference between a frog and a toad.

   At this time, everyone looked at the toad on the screen, and suddenly felt that this thing was too ugly, but it was shocking that this thing could talk.

  Yin Xuehan looked at the thing on the screen, and kept observing there, trying to see if it was a cursed human, but she didn't find any human breath on this toad.

   It is either a cursed human being, or a toad spirit.

  However, this guy doesn't know what he has learned to control these humans. Yin Xuehan now roughly knows why this toad spirit is acting.

   This toad spirit raised human beings as livestock, because it wanted to absorb the energy of these people. It is estimated that at the beginning, he was going to raise people well, and then continuously absorbed the energy of these people.

But what it didn't expect was that these human beings didn't get sucked by it, and some of them died directly after only a few times, and the rest of them barely survived, but they still needed it to feed them. .

   And now its needs are getting bigger and bigger, these humans can no longer satisfy it, and it plans to catch another group of people.

   To be honest, this toad has seen people like Yin Xuehan before, and its target now is the people in the small tribe.

  Because it sensed the strong energy from Yin Xuehan and the others, and it also sensed that if it could absorb Yin Xuehan, a very energetic person, it might be able to live without water.

  The toad stopped these people, and then talked nonsense there, Yin Xuehan felt a little strange, what did the toad want to do?

  Yin Xuehan didn't understand, because it croaked for a while, but Yin Xuehan noticed that these people understood.

   Soon, this group of people climbed out of the water again, they went up the mountain, and then continued to sleep in the cave.

   But this time, they didn't sleep for too long, they woke up directly, then went down the mountain and got on the raft, rowing towards the mountain where Yin Xuehan and the others lived.

  Yin Xuehan thought for a while, these people just left, she looked to the bottom of the water, the toad's palace has not been taken back yet.

  Yin Xuehan directly threw a few formations into the water, and almost instantly, the water in the area where the toad was located was exhausted in an instant.

  Then Yin Xuehan landed directly in front of that toad. This toad spirit is still quite big, even as tall as half a human.

When the toad saw that Yin Xuehan had come to his door, it really didn't care about anything, and then wanted to jump on Yin Xuehan's body. How could Yin Xuehan give it a chance, and just waved his palm and knocked him away. How could Yin Xuehan let this toad spirit approach her.

  The toad spirit pounced again, and this time, Yin Xuehan swung it away again.

Just like that, Yin Xuehan slapped the toad flying ten times, and Yin Xuehan used a lot of strength. These ten times, he slapped the toad so hard that he lost all strength, and suddenly his belly turned up, lying on his back. In the underground of the palace hall, nothing moved.

  However, Yin Xuehan didn't feel that she had slapped it to death. She swung her sword and slashed at the toad spirit.

Yin Xuehan continued to strike with the sword, her speed was so fast that the sword left behind shadows. At the beginning, the toad spirit hid easily, but after a long time, it was not so easy to hide .

Soon, Yin Xuehan's sword cut off one of its legs, and the toad spirit screamed, Yin Xuehan continued to chop, this time the speed of the toad spirit was really much slower, and after a while, Yin Xuehan cut off one of its legs again. Legs, now that Toad Jing doesn't have two legs, he really can't even crawl.

  When Yin Xuehan was about to strike again, Haad Jing said, "Aren't you going to ask me something?"

  Yin Xuehan sneered, "In front of absolute strength, I think everyone else is a paper tiger!"

   "I am useful, I know a lot of spells, I know how to control humans and make them obedient." Toad is going to use this method to make a deal with Yin Xuehan.

   After all, it knows a lot of spells, as long as it survives this calamity, it can grow back its stumped limbs in the future.

  Yin Xuehan looked at the toad and said, "I'm too lazy to learn what you know, and I don't want to learn, so don't try to tempt me, just die obediently, don't waste your emotions and energy here."

  Yin Xuehan swung another sword directly, and this sword directly chopped off the head of Toad Jing.

  As soon as she beat Toad Jing to death, the group of people sent out by Toad Jing started to circle around in circles. Without Toad Jing, they seemed to have no target anymore.

  Yin Xuehan directly gave these people an instruction to draw them back again.

Yin Xuehan didn't wait long, and these people came back again. At this time, Yin Xuehan had restored everything on the water surface, and then took away the toad's palace. She planned to give this palace to other people, Xiao Small tribes don't need it, maybe it's okay to put it in the valley, but this palace is a toad's palace, Yin Xuehan doesn't like it a bit.

  However, for this palace, she intends to let Uncle Jiang take a look first. If they don’t need it, she will give it to those people in the new tribe, who lack everything.

  These people came back, and Yin Xuehan found that the heartbeat of these people seemed to be stronger, and most importantly, their eyes seemed to have a little light, but now she didn't know where to place these people.

  Yin Xuehan planted some fruit trees on the hillside, and let these people live on the hillside with peace of mind. She planted a lot of fruit trees for these people, enough for them to eat for a while.

   Moreover, Yin Xuehan also planted some wild vegetables, and by the way, gave birth to these wild vegetables. At least when these people find these wild vegetables, they can eat them for a while.