MTL - Spoiled-Chapter 14

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He glanced sideways, at the moment, there was a curtain of sky light, but now it was like a dark cloud, covered with gloomy black, and there was a sound of "rustle" in the wind, like a sandstorm coming.

The atmosphere was too weird. Han Yun secretly murmured that the master should not be a monster. When he was emperor, he heard rumors that the master was a monster, a monster that changed to attract the honor of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. Essence of.

That's why his father and brother died so quickly.

Han Yun called again: "Ai Qing?"

"Being there."

Hearing the sound, Han Yun felt relieved a lot, and a sad heart surged up. All day long today, he was thinking about the National Teacher, and finally someone could speak.

"I miss you so much," Han Yun beckoned. "Come, come here, sit down."

The house is pitifully small and the sofa is small. It is a relatively spacious single lazy sofa. Although Han Yun feels shabby, it is very comfortable to sit on and will be sleepy after a while.

Han Yun couldn't see it, he could only feel the little lazy sofa under his buttocks, and suddenly he crowded up alone.

Han Yun had to move around to give him a place. The two crowded together, and Han Yun immediately felt wrong.

Is the National Teacher ...

Isn't he wearing clothes ... Han Yun felt that he was burned by his temperature.

He stood upset: "Ai Qing, you can sit in my bed."

Fu Yuan noticed his reaction like a rabbit, with a smile on his voice: "No problem."

Han Yun: ...

How could it be unharmed! Very disturbing! !!

Although he had been hugged by the teacher on the carriage, and he had encountered it, but at the time, he was forced to do so. The Korean Games almost forgot about it, and it was as if nothing had happened.

He has always trusted in the National Teacher, and when he was twelve years old, he became a teacher. Fu Yuan is his teacher, like a father, and a friend.

After the horse-drawn carriage incident, Fu Yuan has always kept the difference between monarchs and ministers, but sometimes the two of them talked at night in the Imperial Study Room to discuss state affairs. Han Yun often couldn't talk for a long time, fell asleep, and slept with his head crooked.

Waking up all in bed.

The maid said, "It was Lord Fu returned from the embrace of the emperor."

Han Yun couldn't help moving it aside again, but there was nowhere else to move. Forget it, he had to stand up and go to the bed to sit down, so he didn't squeeze the sofa with people!

But when he was alone, he was tripped by an unknown object. Han Yun felt bad at first, and sure enough, he fell on a solid body.

Han Yun was very embarrassed and immediately wanted to get up, but Fu Yuan's arm hugged him tightly. Han Yun was held in his arms and couldn't move at all, almost crying, "You let go!"

Angrily, the emperor's claim came back.

Unmoved by Fu Yuan, he rubbed gently on top of his head: "Your Majesty is suffering."

As soon as Han Yun heard it, the whole person didn't move. He had never suffered from such a childhood, except to go to Zongmiao to worship his ancestors when he was young. He had to catch a seven-day journey and bumped on the carriage for seven days, and the whole person was abolished.

Even so, he still lived in his clothes to stretch out his hands to open his mouth. He didn't have to worry about anything, and someone had to take care of everything.

Life at that time, even if the sky was falling, there were countless people to support him in the crumbling sky.

I woke up here after drinking a glass of poisonous wine. Modern life is more convenient and more interesting. He is dazzled by the freshness.

But Han Yun still feels homesick. He likes to be emperor.

After all, he was only seventeen when he crashed and was a half-old child.

Han Yun's grievances broke out at a stretch.

He threw himself in Fuyuan's arms and cried in depression, but in the end he was a little embarrassed and didn't dare to speak. He just grabbed Fuyuan and whispered while whispering, "I woke up here after my death, alone I'm so lonely, I'm sad to see someone eat something ... "

What this means is that when he had no body, when the ghost was miserable, miserable enough that even if he had a person, he had so much suffering on his body, he didn't want to die, and didn't want to continue to wander aimlessly.

"I don't know anything. The house car has nothing ..." When I went to the hotel with the cute girl, there was no car to take people home. He complained about all the trivial things, not good to eat, not good, nothing good, laundry and housework, all embarrassed him.

Han Yun's tears fell down, maybe because of the dark surroundings, he ignored the image and cried terribly.

Fu Yuan Ye could see things, and wiped his tears gently with his fingers: "Your Majesty, the minister is rich."

Han Yun also wiped his tears and blew his nose and said, "Mystery, if the money of the dead cannot be spent here, everyone will receive Renminbi, Alipay, and no money."

"It's not a coin," Fu Yuan didn't explain. "What do you want? I'll buy it for you."

"There is a law here, you can't steal it, you can't steal it, otherwise you will be arrested in the police station. I heard that it is more terrible than knocking the door."

"Move first, it's too small here."

Han Yun also said, "It's so expensive to buy a house in the capital. I have to work hard to make money for a long time ..." There was a hint of confusion on his face, his cheeks rolled on the chest of the teacher, and his tears were sighed. "Maybe I want to earn Gone next life. "

It seemed like he was sentenced to life imprisonment, and his once carefree life changed completely.

However, in his heart, he felt that although he was poor, he was better than the National Teacher. Fu Yuan was only able to walk in the darkness like a nocturnal creature, and he had no clothes to wear. Seeing people, in comparison, I am really a happy baby.

He couldn't help asking: "Mystery, why can't you see the light?"

"Can't you not turn on the light because you don't have any clothes? I have a large one in my closet and I can borrow it from you."

"No." He didn't explain.

Han Yun said a while and said nothing. He burst into tears, complained, and seemed to slow down. He also felt that he had lost his body in such a hug, so he fumbled to his feet and stood up like a blind man: "You help me go to bed before going I've got a piece of clothing in my closet. By the way, are you hungry or not, can you eat, I'll give you a takeaway ... "

He used to let the little emperor who was spoiled, only know to instruct, but now also learn to consider him.

Fu Yuan put his palm on his back and touched it.

Han Yun sighed: "Well, do you always have to be like this?"

Fu Yuan helped him to the bed: "Your Majesty will soon see the minister."

Han Yun wondered if he was practicing any evil skills, but it was also difficult to ask: "You turn on a lamp first, I'll take a bath."

The moment the light appeared, the teacher disappeared, and Han Yun heard the sound of "rustle" again. It seemed that Fu Yuan disappeared, not only dissipated like smoke, but also rolled up mad sand.


Han Yun bowed his head, and his pet dog was at his feet, barking at him.

He didn't notice that when he was talking to Fu Yuan, the dog didn't bark.

Han Yun fed the dog, and soon after bathing, he threw his clothes into the washing machine, and threw his underwear into the basin. Perhaps because of all the grievances, he was very comfortable and able to talk to the teacher. Then he was very happy. He put the towel on his wet hair, and then turned off the lamp and sat on the bed, telling him to come out.

Fu Yuan sat by the bed, and the two spoke for a while. Han Yun said, "Do you know a cell phone, this thing is too convenient. Can you use a cell phone? If I can, I'll buy one for you tomorrow ..." He recalled the balance in his card, and it seemed ... there were only 2,000 yuan.

"If you can use it, then you can text me and call me during the day." He is still afraid of being alone, so no matter what the teacher is, Han Yun will grab him by heart.

After talking for a long time, Han Yun gradually became sleepy. He was still holding Fu Yuan's palm, and before he came to sleep, he whispered to him, "Xuan Zhuan, won't you go at night?"

"Well, don't go."

"That ..." Han Yun had pity on him, but there was only this bed in the house, what could he do?

He gritted his teeth: "Then you come up to sleep, I sleep on the left, you sleep on the right, and draw a line in the middle. However, you go to the bath first and then go to bed. I sleep very peacefully. Don't cross the border, don't hug I."

In fact, he really needs to hug, but the teacher is a man. If he is a woman ... Han Yun is very happy. He has never seen a second person as beautiful as a teacher.

He slowly said, "When I make money, I will buy a car, then a big house, and I will prepare a room for you ..."

Fu Yuan wanted to tell him that he had a lot of real estate, but Han Yun had no sound and fell asleep.

When Fu Yuan traveled around the world sixty or seventy years ago, he saved a lot of money. In the time of the aura of thin aura, he saved many people during the war in order to restore mana and earn merits. Later, some of these people became Generals and some became Yuanxun, all of whom repaid him. However, since his appearance has not changed, he has to design his own natural death.

But those properties are still his.

Although I can't meet anyone for the time being, I can still change the place for Han Yun and pay pocket money.

In the morning, Han Yun opened the curtains and saw that the clothes thrown into the washing machine at night, and the **** left in the basin were all drying on the small balcony.

Han Yun was convinced that he hadn't opened the curtains last night, and he hadn't dried the clothes.

Is it Fu Yuan?

He thoughtfully, poured the dog food in the dog bowl, went downstairs for breakfast, and then took a taxi to the company.

Zhou Ran is a model that the company only signed this year. It didn't take long for me to come to the company, so Han Yun knew that he was now in a training classroom. There was music in the classroom, and the company's show director was guiding them. Han Yun went straight in and caught Zhou Ran out.

The guide knew him and frowned, "Hey! What are you doing, I'm in class!"

Han Yun was aggressive and expressionless: "Resolve some personal matters."

He and Zhou Ran are about the same height, and their body size is not much different. It is reasonable to say that Zhou Ran could not be easily captured by him, but Zhou Ran is particularly "weak".

Han Yun was full of energy in the morning and caught him in the empty conference hall next to him.

"Did you show the needles on the grass that day?"

"Well, no, it's not me ..."

Zhou Ran is a small guy who looks tall and strong. She is actually a mother-in-law. She wears makeup and rubs her **** every day. When she sees a spider, she jumps in shock and hugs the male model next to her.

Everyone was unwilling to be eaten by him.

In the new model training camp, he was the one to be excluded.

"It's you, who else can you not be?" Han Yun knew it wasn't him, but Zhou Ran must have seen something. He lifted up Zhou Ran's collar, threw him to the ground, then pulled the blinds up and put the lights in the room. Also closed.

"You ... what are you doing?"

"What do you say I do? If you don't say it, I won't know if your mother doesn't know you believe it or not?" Han Yun thought he wasn't such a rude person, and he thought of turning off the lights. I can understand what I mean, and the black light blindly helps myself.

But it wasn't dark, maybe the Master was not there.

Zhou Ran saw death as if returning home, and closed his eyes: "You fight, I don't know anything."

Han Yun snorted, pinching his chin, forcing him to open his mouth, and holding out the prepared spider model with the other hand, his expression was clear: "I put this in your mouth, and you said it would crawl in Your throat? "

The spider model is the original owner's collection, which seems to be the periphery of a movie, and the furry is quite realistic.

Zhou Ran rolled her eyes in fright, watching the spider getting closer to herself, and said in panic: "I said! I said! It was Luo Yusen ..."

South Korean movement stopped.

He was a little at a loss: "Who is this and what did he do to me?"

"You ... put this away first."

Han Yun: "You make it clear first, I don't know this person."

Zhou Ran said desperately: "He is the old man of the company. That day, you grabbed his finale ... And Luo Yusen likes grandson."

In the entire model company, half of Xiaoling likes Sun Wenyan, unlike those who need to work hard. Sun Wenyan is a super rich second generation, and he sends it to him continuously without using any resources.

Han Yun remembered it, but the name and face were a bit different.

Zhou Ran was frightened by the spider and cried out: "He is also participating in the" T Typhoon Clouds "competition, please be careful ..." The day he saw Luo Yusen secretly buried something in the grass, but did not see clearly, Luo Yusen found him and threatened him: "You better keep your mouth closed, otherwise, be careful in wearing shoes and clothes in the future, who knows what will happen ..."

He is timid and likes brain supplements. He looks at his shoes all day and checks his clothes like nervousness, for fear of needles.

The agent, Chi Dong, found something wrong, and when he asked him, he stopped asking for help.

When Han Yun asked for the answer, he took the spider back into his pocket. He grew up in a cannibal palace, and even if he hadn't done it, he saw a lot.

Learn everything.

He reopened the curtains, comforting him: "Relax, I'll pack him up and let him hurt again!"

Zhou Ran cried even more, and her makeup was spent: "Woohoo Han, I'm sorry, you are so good."

He opened his arms and seemed to want to hold Han Yun.

Han Yun's goosebumps almost got up and ran away quickly. He found a business hall near the company, bought a new card, charged more than 2,000 phone bills, and sent a new selfie phone.

He was completely penniless now, but the thought of Han Yun felt that the money was well spent when he thought that he could also talk and text with Fu Yuan during the day.

The teacher was like a ray of light in his dim life.

He returned home, turned off the lights and pulled the curtains for the first time, and the dark clouds covered the sun. This time, the Korean Games clearly felt the mad sand and wind.

Han Yun gave him the new phone with the box together: "You have no time to learn, there are instructions in it, it is very simple. There is only one contact person in it, it is me."

"Thank Your Majesty for your reward." During the day, he did not follow Han Yun, but instead took care of his own affairs. He was inconvenient to meet people, and some things were troublesome, especially his new identity.

But soon, he was able to let Han Yun leave Snail House.

Han Yunchang sighed and took the palm of his hand: "Xuan Zhuan, don't call me that, as soon as you call it, I will feel more and more bitter." After he said it, he thought of a very important thing His expression became serious, "Yes, Lord Fu, did you secretly wash my underwear at night?"