MTL - Spiritual Recovery: Gamification of Reality-Chapter 96 Bu Yuan Dan? Zhu Jidan! (seeking first order, 6/10)

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  Chapter 96 Bu Yuan Pill? Zhu Jidan! (Seeking first order, 610)

   The words just fell.


  After a crisp sound, Xu Bai only felt his eyes blur, and then, he saw an indicator arrow that only he could see, pointing to the Ruyi Infinite Furnace in his hand.

at the same time.

  The system's prompt sound came out.

"Ding! 』

  『It is detected that the player is doing alchemy for the first time. 』

  『The beginner’s guide mode begins. 』

  『Please follow the system guidelines to complete the first alchemy. 』

  『This guidance is the final guidance and will not appear again after that. 』

  『System message: “You are no longer a novice, it’s time to be self-reliant.”』』

  Xu Bai nodded with a serious expression.

   "Okay, definitely next time!"


   I don't know if it was Xu Bai's illusion, but he felt that after he finished speaking, the system interface seemed to flicker.

  But soon, the system interface returned to normal.

Xu Bai blinked his eyes, looked at the upper right corner where the countdown began to appear after the prompt box disappeared, quickly regained his senses, followed the system's guidance, first moved away the tables, chairs and benches in the living room, cleared out a suitable space, and moved Ruyi The infinite furnace was placed on the floor.

  After the Ruyi Infinity Furnace fell to the ground, and after obtaining Xu Bai's permission, it almost took a breath, and it expanded from the original small size to the current size of a normal alchemy furnace.

   Then Xu Bai looked up and saw the pop-up interface of Ruyi Wuliang Furnace.

   There are a wide variety of elixirs.

  However, because of the system guidance, Xu Bai had no way to scroll down to see how many pills there were, so he could only choose "Buyuan Pill" ranked first on the interface by default.

   Next second.

  The number of medicinal materials needed to refine the Buyuan Pill replaced the main alchemy page and appeared in Xu Bai's eyes.

  Xu Bai followed the instructions, turned around and threw all the medicinal materials placed on the side of the coffee table through the opening on the Ruyi Infinity Furnace, and threw them in all at once.

  With the introduction of medicinal materials, the interface of consumables required for refining Buyuan Pill also quickly changed from red at first glance to green one by one.

   Only one Dragon Heart Grass is missing.

  Xu Bai opened the wooden box containing the Dragon Heart Grass, took out the Dragon Heart Grass in the wooden box, and then threw it into the Ruyi Infinite Furnace as well.

   Almost as soon as he threw it in, the moment the interface turned green, the mouth of the Ruyi Infinite Furnace closed instantly, and then it switched to another interface.

  『Refining Buyuan Pill』

  『Simple mode success rate: "100% (basic +50%, skill +20%, pill furnace +30%』

  『Estimated income: "One medicine with nine layers of medicine", "Two medicines with eight floors of medicine"』

  『Medium mode success rate: "80% (basic +30%, skill +20%, pill furnace +30%』

  『Estimated income: "One drug with ten layers of effect", "One drug with nine layers of effect", "One drug with eight layers of effect"』

  『Failure income: "One drug with six layers of efficacy"』

  『Success rate in difficult mode: "50% (basic +10%, skills +20%, pill furnace +30%』

  『Estimated income: "Three medicines with ten layers of efficacy"』

  『Failure income: "None"』

"please choose. 』

  Xu Bai looked at the interface that popped up, and raised his eyebrows.

  Why is there no ten-layer drug effect in the simple mode?

  The system did not reply.

  Xu Bai rubbed his chin, looking at the three choices in front of him.

  He definitely wanted the ten-layered pill of nourishing Yuan, and he would definitely not consider anything else.

  If there is no choice of ten floors, then forget it. Now that there is one, why not choose ten floors?

   As for the success rate?


  The corners of Xu Bai's mouth raised slightly, and then, without hesitation, he chose the difficult mode with a 50% chance of success.

"Ding! 』

  『The player is currently choosing a difficult mode, and there is a 50% probability that the refining will fail. 』

"confirm cancellation! 』

  『Remarks: "Gambling only has zero and countless times. You can win countless times, but the casino only needs to win you once. Refuse to gamble, refuse to take drugs, start from me!"』

   "That's it, misery!"

  Xu Bai was unmoved, and directly pressed the confirmation button of the difficult mode, and then the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "Dear Miss System, you don't want me to fail the guiding mission, do you?"

  He suddenly remembered something about getting the system when he was a child.

  That was when he was very young, at the stage where he thought the system was possessed by some kind of ghost.

  At that time, the system also had a guidance task, which was to guide Xu Bai to familiarize himself with the various interfaces of the system.

  Xu Bai remembered that once, the system asked him to open a dart given in the props bar, and try to attack the big yellow chicken locked in a cage in the vegetable market.

  He did.


  Xu Bai lost his mind.

   Just when Xu Bai was about to pick up the darts, the backpack opened automatically. Then, Xu Bai was surprised to find that there was a dart lying quietly inside.

  Xu Bai didn't quite understand it at the time.

  Thinking about it now, and having played a lot of games, Xu Bai, who has already seen a lot, already has another explanation for the guidance task.

  Guiding tasks, this thing is actually similar to plot killing.

  If it is said that the plot kill is the game that insists you die, then the guiding task must be successful in the game's system settings.

   If you don't succeed once, try again.

   until successful.

   This is the reason why Xu Bai fooled the system and gave him a guiding task of alchemy before alchemy.

   Just enter guide mode.


  Not to mention the 50% success rate, even if the success rate is only 1%, Xu Bai will press it without hesitation.

  The system crashed instantly.

  The corners of Xu Bai's mouth were raised, and he had no doubt that if the system was so smart, it would definitely be crazily talking trash at him at this moment.

   It took a while.

  The interface that seemed to be Kag immediately has finally changed.

"Ding! 』

  『Refining. 』

  『Estimated completion time: "600 minutes"』

  『Remarks: "During the refining period, please pay attention to the system prompts at all times and operate according to the system requirements. If you fail to operate within the specified time, the time will be automatically reset!!"』

  Xu Bai looked at the interface that popped up, looked at the words in the note, and for some reason, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.


  Dog system, you avenge yourself!

  Xu Bai was cursing, while looking at the 30-second operation steps that had been ejected, he immediately started to work in a hurry.


   Twelve hours have passed.

  The sky outside has once again broken free from the embrace of the dark goddess, and plunged into the arms of the sun girl.

  The big yellow chicken in Jiuchang Street had started to coo and coo three hours ago, welcoming the customers who came to buy him.

   And in the room.

  Xu Bai was pale, lying on the floor, unwilling to move.

  The Ruyi Infinity Furnace placed on the side has already been turned off, but there is still a residual temperature, warming Xu Bai's temperature.

  To keep Xu Bai from catching a cold from lying on the floor for too long.

  The expression in Xu Bai's eyes, who was lying on the floor, gradually returned to his senses. Then, he stretched out his right hand, and with a whooping sound, a bottle of Sanwu product little red medicine without any logo appeared in his hand.

Taking advantage of his drained body, Xu Bai reluctantly climbed up from the floor, leaning against the alchemy furnace that was still emitting residual heat, and with the same trembling left hand, he pulled away the little red medicine in the shape of a pop-top can on his right hand , then put it to his mouth, and drank it down.

  With the entry of the little red medicine, the nine-turn inner breath that had stopped spinning in the dantian seemed to be reactivated, like an old machine that had been shut down and restarted, and started to spin again.

  Xu Bai took out two more bottles of little red medicine, opened his bows left and right, opened them in unison, and poured them into his mouth.

  After three bottles of little red medicine, Xu Bai felt that he had come back to life.


  Xu Bai threw the can into the trash can beside him, then got up from the floor: "It's true that not everyone can refine this Yuanbu Pill."

  He finally understood why it was said that almost no one could refine Bu Yuan Pill.

   As far as the difficulty of refining is concerned, Xu Bai doesn't even want to experience it a second time.

  He has been busy from nine o'clock last night until eight o'clock the next day, almost without stopping, either following the system's prompts to input internal energy, or adding water and wood to it.


   Did not give the system a chance to reset the refining time.

Thinking so, Xu Bai stood on the spot, moved his limbs, stretched his body, then quickly walked to the side of the Ruyi Infinite Furnace, opened the top of the furnace, and took out three Three pills the size of pigeon pebbles exude a black gold color and have a strong medicinal fragrance.

  Such a big one?

  『Pillion: "Shiquanbuyuandan"』

  『Quality: "Red"』

  『Effect: "For those whose roots are damaged, the roots can be repaired"』

  『Special effect: "Ten complete supplements, ten realms build foundations!"』

  『Remarks: "He is in another world and has another name called Zhujidan!"』

  Building Foundation Pill?

This is it?

  Xu Bai looked at the name in the note, and opened his mouth uncontrollably.

  He has never seen Zhu Jidan, but he played games and was obsessed with novels, and among those novels, Zhu Jidan had the highest appearance rate.

  Some novels are even more exaggerated. A Foundation Establishment Pill can allow an ordinary person who has not been trained to directly upgrade to the Foundation Establishment Realm.


   Still the kind of perfect foundation building!


  Give this thing to Mengmeng, will there be any big problems?

   Xu Bai thought about it, and suddenly thought of this question.


  Su Meng.

  Xu Bai himself doesn't need to make up Yuandan, he only chooses to refine it to complete the task of the system.

   It’s just that he admitted that the main reason why he fooled the system into a guidance mode was because he didn’t want the refining to fail.

   After all, there seems to be only one dragon heart grass.

  If there is no guidance system, if he comes by himself, what if the thing is refined and destroyed, and where can he find the second Dragon Heart Grass.

  Secondly, another reason is Su Meng.


  (end of this chapter)