MTL - Spiritual Recovery: Gamification of Reality-Chapter 74 The night when the aura was revived (Please follow up!!!)

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  Chapter 74 The night when the spirit revived (please read it!!)

   Fifty years ago.

   To be precise, on December 20th, 3025, Federation, a major event happened.

   It was this major event that directly led to the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security.

   On that day, an explosion occurred at the Quantum Collision Experiment Center on the outskirts of the Federal District.

  The next day, the Bundesrat held an emergency meeting and passed the draft, and then at the beginning of the second year, passed a resolution to establish the Department of Homeland Security.

   Everyone agrees that it was the explosion at the Quantum Collision Experiment Center that led to the emergence of the Department of Homeland Security.

   But such a statement is right and wrong!

   "Do you know why the explosion of the Quantum Collision Center led to the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security?"

"I know I know."

Before Xu Bai could speak, Su Meng held up her little hand, like a good student, and said, "The explosion at the Quantum Collision Experiment Center was identified as a terrorist attack. In order to avoid such a disaster from happening again , and that’s where Homeland Security comes in.”

   Anya looked at Su Meng, a good student, and nodded: "Yes, but this is not all."

   Terrorist attacks are terrorist attacks.


The explosion at the Quantum Collision Experiment Center was indeed a terrorist attack. However, unlike everyone’s imagination, that terrorist attack did not come from within the Federation, or even from the world where the Federation is located. from another world.

   And that world is called Great Wilderness!

  Xu Bai heard about this for the first time. He frowned and looked at Anya: "You mean, there were people from the Great Wilderness in our world fifty years ago?"

   Anya shook her head: "No, it should be said that fifty years ago, we discovered the great wilderness, and then, it led to all the things that happened."

  We found the Great Wilderness?

  Xu Bai raised his eyebrows.

   Anya smiled and continued without explaining too much.

  In the scientific community of the Federation, there has always been a saying that the universe is huge and strange, and there may be many worlds they don't know about, including parallel worlds.

   This is not some crazy idea of ​​scientists. If parallel worlds really exist, then he may save them billions of years in the future.

  According to Federation scientists, after a few hundred years, the universe will freeze their Federation planet into a lifeless dead star due to the big contraction.

  So, if they find a parallel world, then, in the future, they can open a channel and transfer the humans on the Federation planet to that parallel world.

   Then the problem comes.

  Where is the parallel world?

  In other words, what should they do to find a parallel world.

  The Quantum Collision Experiment Center of the Federation was established for this purpose.

  Finding parallel worlds is the first and only thing to do after the establishment of the Quantum Collision Experiment Center.

  Fifty years ago, that is the day of the explosion.

In the Quantum Collision Experiment Center, all the experimenters are excitedly preparing for this experiment. Everyone is full of confidence. This time, they will definitely be able to prove the existence of the parallel world, and even directly open the door to the parallel world. Gateway to the world.

  After the experiment started, everything was proceeding according to their ideas.

  From the collision, to another collision, to finally capturing the signal, and even to the moment when the quantum space channel was successfully opened, everything went smoothly beyond imagination.

   is very...

how to say?

   is very moist.


   is very silky.

   All in all, it's all perfect.

  They found the signal, captured the signal, and successfully opened the channel to the quantum space. Everything seemed to happen naturally.


  In all stories that seem to go well, there is a turning point of "but", and this time the story is no exception.

  After the quantum collision opened the portal to the parallel world, they successfully saw everything in the parallel world, and saw the creatures that existed in that world for the first time.

  At the time they didn't know what they were seeing.

   And now, they know.

   Great Wild Monster Beast!

   This is a terrifying creature that appeared in the eyes of everyone after the quantum space channel back then.

   Just as all the experimenters watched this scene and began to cheer, the wild monsters who also saw them also saw them.

   The cheers lasted less than three seconds. Amidst the roar of the wild monsters, the cheers turned into screams. The monsters from the wild world came to the federation world through the world channel.

  These wild monsters are like wolves entering a flock of sheep. Just a meeting, the Quantum Collision Experiment Center has become a living slaughterhouse.

   "That was the first time the Federation had contact with the creatures of the Great Wilderness."

   "As a result, you all know."

   "Three missiles bombed the Quantum Collision Center and completely razed the Quantum Collision Center to the ground."

   "Including the quantum space channel that is too late to close."

   "Afterwards, the Federation held an emergency meeting, unified the caliber, and defined this accident as a terrorist attack by hostile forces."


  An Ya paused at this point and shook her head: "The story has just begun."

  Because it was razed to the ground before closing the channel, the quantum space channel overflowed rapidly under the energy of the explosion, covering the entire planet in almost an instant.

  At the same time, in the air on the side of the quantum collision center, an element was detected that did not exist before, but did exist, and also diffused at an extremely fast speed over time.

   And this element...

   Anya looked at Xu Bai, and said in a deep voice, "It's called aura."

  Xu Bai raised his eyebrows.


   "Yes, Reiki!"

   "In simple and easy-to-understand words, it is the aura that once existed with the Federation, but suddenly disappeared for some reason, and now appears again!"

   "An element that can make a person's life level jump!"

"at the same time!"

   "With the emergence of aura, the existence that existed in history before but was considered false has once again stepped out of the temporary and came into our sight."

   On the tenth day after the quantum experiment center exploded.

  On that day, some people living on federal land felt the aura first!

  That night, there was a Taoist leader, who adjusted his breath into the gods, felt the spirit of the sky, transformed the aura into liquid, and forged the foundation of the Tao.

  That night, there was a monk sitting in meditation, with a pure mind and few desires, the mind generated wisdom by itself, and saw through the essence.

  That night, among the 100,000 mountains, there was also a demon, whose blood was awakened, the essence was restrained, the demon core was condensed, and people spoke out.

  That night, there was also a martial artist, standing in the courtyard, like a whale swallowing, all the orifices and acupoints were fully opened, the meridians entered the sea, and they entered the state of unblocking the meridians overnight.

  The era of spiritual revival!



  (end of this chapter)