MTL - Spending the Villain’s Money to Extend My Life-Chapter 109

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Gu Shishi himself also rushed to the last bus of the double twelve.

Many big-name skin care products, clothes, and even the paintings she wants have pre-sale activities in advance, and there are many discounts.

She is happy to study with Huo Chuchu, which is the most cost-effective, which can be stocked.

Originally, this is not what the rich woman should do.

Everything is at home.

Even if she doesn't, she just needs to speak, and Lin Biao will be ready.

Even the daily necessities of the face cream are customized or even stocked.

But Gu Shishi thinks she wants to enjoy her shopping.

She is also a person who sells paintings and has a small vault.

How can I not buy and buy it!

If you don’t spend money yourself, how can you make the money go quickly? ?

Therefore, she not only participates herself, but also finds a bunch of girlfriends to participate... But Ling Xiaomei is a little different from her current shopping ability, and Qin’s sisters are busy on duty in the hospital, writing journal articles to head baldness, only Huo It’s free and you can!

So the two people exchanged shopping links every day, almost a year or two of the mask down!

Even Huo Chuchu, this really expensive giant, I used to be too lazy to pay attention to what double eleven, double twelve, this time was dragged down the water, and felt fun!

Yes, fun, the fun that was originally experienced in the giants!

Huo Chuchu knows, it turns out that Tian. Cats cover the building, boost the praise, take the small red envelope subsidy, discount the day and night orders, double the gifts... so interesting and exciting!

Huo Chuchu also lacks friends, lacks the experience of ordinary life, and comes from the ordinary family who is born and raised by Gu Shishi, hit it off!

The two are happy.

The double twelve is not over yet, and it is already conceiving what to buy next year at 618.

For the whole week, Huo Shishen, who was neglected at night, said that he could not understand.

Woman's fun.

Shopping pleasure.

The stimulation of staying up late.

He is really hard to understand.

But from a businessman's point of view, he once again determined that the women's market is really a big piece of cake to be tapped.

There is not much money, more money, and people are stupid.

I bought a bunch of useless items and I don’t know where it’s worthwhile.

The mask expired and can only be thrown away and given away. He has already foreseen the results.

But... my wife is happy.

"Is money enough?"

Mr. Huo observed the week and finally only got this sentence.

It is simply a model among men.

Gu Shishi focused on the key, "Well, nothing, I have paid in installments with Chu Chu."

Mr. Huo must suspect that he has got it wrong.

"In the afternoon, let the Secretary give you a card. What was the credit card I gave you last time?"

Gu Shishi shook his hand. "No, I still have money. Does Zhangjia don't give me a card? Instalment payment, there are discounts in Hualien."


Horsie blinked.

His wife actually went to the point of installment payment.

However, she is still enjoying it.

He licks his lips and hangs.


Can't manage it.

She is happy.

"What about it? She also caught up with those promotions?"

Horscher suddenly felt that there was a deviation in his previous theory of teaching.

Excessive oppression will only lead to excess release after freedom.

It is not as good as blocking.


Master Gu raised his eyes from the screen of the mobile phone.

“It’s a good deal, paying in installments, and earning at least one month’s bank interest.”

Huo Shen took a deep breath.

After Gu Shishi finished speaking, he saw his expression and could not help but spit out his tongue.

"Experience life."

"You can't realize this kind of fun."

Hossie nodded.

I have never done it.

But the little girl likes to do things, he does not intend to intervene, just need to assist them.

"Go to bed early tonight."

He is only dissatisfied with staying up late.


Gu Shishi’s sweeping ground is almost the same.

That night, she returned to the state of the obedient little wife, washing herself up early, lying in bed and waiting for someone...

Since the second day, Mr. Huo, who is satisfied, has no longer asked about the double twelve.


At the same time, the sales data of Huajian is constantly displayed in the background of Liu Zhichao and others.

For new cards, the promotion period is only one month.

Market share, inherently insufficient.

Liu Zhichao gave himself a double sales of twelve: one million. That is, about 5,000 products are sold.

From the moment the booking channel opens, he stares at the data report every day.

Liu Zhichao is panic!

He and all the employees in this factory, from research and development to production to testing ... to front-end sales marketing ... nearly three or four hundred people, has been abandoned once!

Because the product operation failed, it was abandoned by the former boss and packaged for sale.

If this new product and new brand fail again, what is his fate? What is the fate of the rest of the factory?

If you are sold again, can you still find a new boss to accept? Or is it declared bankrupt?

If the employee is laid off and layoffs, his general manager can't blame.

"Old Liu, go to have a drink tonight?"

R & D and old summer came to him.

Anyway, it is a sleepless night.

Liu Zhichao nodded, "Yes."

He wants to smoke!

I can't sleep at home.

On the first day of pre-sales, only 34 copies were sold.

For the next three consecutive days, only about 50 per day.

The sales of offline counters are also average. Because there are few places to spread, consumers have very little awareness of the brand, and everyone is very cautious about what is applied to the face.

"Hey, the boss is right, you should have a live broadcast. I watched the little boy last night, and the lipstick sold more than 5,000 in one night."

"This is the ability to bring goods."

Liu Zhichao really thinks about it.

It’s not about now!

The double 12 contract of the family has already been booked.

It can only be said that the times are different. They are still old-fashioned. The focus has always been wrongly placed offline, and online promotion has lagged behind.

"Just the first step, don't be embarrassed."

Old summer licked the mouth tea.

"Is the boss not painting the posters next year?"

Liu Zhichao’s face was strange.

Speaking of this, Gu boss is really positive.

She had a day, and it took a long time to finish the packaging of all the products. The result was still unfinished, and I started to paint the poster!

Even these days, she said that she would give a double-twelve purchase amount of TOP3 customers, and specially make a painting.

Skin care company, returning to customer painting, this is also wonderful in the industry.

However, he feels that this rebate is quite reliable.

Because the original picture drawn by the boss really made him miss his eyes, look at it for a while, still want to see it, and still want to see it... Although he can't say a word, he feels exquisite.

Get it is to earn!

"I have to ask, are the pictures of the rebate, are the boss ready? Let the propaganda department put it on the page earlier."

Liu Zhichao suddenly smoked.

Go to the factory door and turn back to the office.

Old summer also took off the smoke, "OK, I also test the new formula."


Gu Shishi did finish painting.

Most of the product packaging is a small work, she painted the positive three-faced face of the gift.

The emperor wiped his face.

Ladies' flower illustration.

Swordsman's chart.

Literati drunk map.

In addition, I also made a few fans and enjoyed myself. This time I also took it out as a head.

When she put down the sales price and commercial value of the painting, she felt the freedom and joy of the sea leaping in the pen.

The style of painting, the quaintness, exquisiteness and tradition before the change, added a little bit of fun and lively.

Liu Zhichao sent a message to ask, she happened to take the photo and prepared to send it to him.

"Prepared twelve gifts, some are paintings, some are fan-shaped, and glassware. You see, are sorted according to sales, or leave a few copies, choose the 10,000th order, or the 6666 consumers Category."


Liu Zhichao is busy.

But it wiped the sweat.

The 10,000th place?

With so many orders, he is estimated to laugh and can't sleep!


The boss is expected to be so high.

He is even more frowning.

The pre-sale results of these days are really not good!

However, Gu Shishi does not know his concerns, otherwise it is estimated to comfort him.

There are many people who do not participate in pre-sale activities.

Especially the people of the rich circle.

At least, Chen Kexin said that he would kneel down this time.

Simply put, 10,000 orders, even two or three million.

She not only gives the goods, but also gives pictures.

Um... It’s a good deal.

Gu Shishi is not worried.

Moreover, she feels that this toner is still ok.

Miss Fu Jia and her wife feel good, she is 300 yuan a bottle of 100ml is not expensive.

Everyone will buy some Xia Shifu according to the toner formula, the newly developed oil control facial cleanser and refreshing emulsion matching products, so that the sales performance is not too ugly.

Even if she can't do it for the time being, she will have confidence in the future.

Gu Shi is calm, not panic.

All that has been done is now the Buddha.

There is no regret in writing, and when it comes to the test results, the normal heart is good.

Liu’s manager’s mentality is not good, he has to practice.

Gu Shiwen comforted a few words. "There are 618 next year. If you are worried, you can do the first thing."

Liu Zhichao: "... OK!"

Transfer points of attention, too.

But Gu Shishi is still a reliable boss, can't bear to really make him anxious, the last one is empty.

In addition, she is also responsible for the investment of Daxie.

Therefore, she knocked sideways from some people without any psychological burden.

When I changed hands, I sent photos of my own gifts to Chen’s grandmother, Chen Kexin and others, as well as large groups of ink and wash.

[Double twelve works, everyone interested, can participate in the next event. 】

[Free gift. 】

Chen Kexin had heard about it, but he didn't see the sample. It hasn't had time to return the news.

Mrs. Chen is moving first. "What? This link... Cocoa, download me an app, buy the most amount and send it? Hey, this emperor, take a toner in the morning! Haha!"

Chen Kexin, "...and the queen's facial cleanser."

"Well? This is also good-looking, hey, this lady is on the mirror decals - is the mask... and before the knights are on the horse, first apply sunscreen? This is too funny!"

Mrs. Chen’s wife suddenly laughed.

"This product is really made by the teacher? Coco, you give me the next order? And the prize..."

Chen Kexin suddenly scratched his head. "Good."

She is a set of her own, a set of grandmother, a set of mother.

Cousin, cousin, cousin, cousin... If you launch an order, can you get a TOP1?

"We get two accounts, cocoa, let your mom also place an order, can you make two prizes?"

Mrs. Chen took the presbyopia to see the rules of the event.

Chen Kexin: "!"

Still her grandmother, I have learned to brush the list!

The people of the Ink Association, at this time, also launched a stay against the paintings in this group.

One by one was shaken out of the water.

[Huang Chuan: @水墨大触, the ancestral coffin board of the ancestors could not cover...]

[Ray: It is very interesting. It explores the development possibilities of modern ink painting and how to integrate into the life of the whole people. Significant. 】

[Lao Shao: The Qing Dynasty did have a palace lady serving the Queen Mother, but it is also a testimony. What is the effect of this mask? I am going to choose a gift for my wife, which is quite interesting. 】

[Huang Chuan: I think this lady's flower picture is the most elegant and profound. @水墨大触, Have you ever worked on famous works before? 】

[Ben 8: This emperor hangs a picture, is the small friend sold? Can I only shop for a gift? Use painting to change painting, can you? 】

When Master Gu took time to look at the dialogue, it was also a bitter smile.

Just to give them appreciation of her recent masterpieces, this group of old gentlemen is not her target consumer group.

[Ink and wash big touch: Just ask the big guys to appreciate. I have been conscious of the recent paintings, which have never been more mellow. The vision, the close-up, and the characters have a sense of integration, and the characters are more vivid. 】

When everyone looked at it, they all laughed and laughed.

Can you live fresh?

Can apply mask, cleanser!

But she said this, the people in the group really turned from the content of the painting to the study of strokes.

A closer look, I found that her penpower has improved!

Character painting live.

The distant view, the close-up view, and the deliberate illusion and accumulation of the former, let them give birth to a kind of ‘that it was there’.

Really good work!

[Huang Chuan: Can this original painting be used for communication? 】

Of course not very good.

Gu Shishi wipes the sweat.

However, after Huang Chuan finished, he also found that he had raised an unrealistic problem.

Not to mention that this is another use.

Moreover, they exchanged with the Ink Association, a bunch of serious landscape paintings, flowers and birds characters... suddenly appeared an ancient man with facial cleanser... How is this judged?


Huang Chuan immediately withdrew the previous message.

Made a new one.

[@水墨大触, there is a calligraphy and painting exhibition in the city next week. Have you recently published new works? 】

Gu Shishi really didn't have it.

There are a lot of pens, but they all think about where to draw.

Can you borrow your last ‘With your wife’s outing map’? Only two weekends, with glass frames, will not be returned. 】

Gu Shishi squatted, and the words were not hit, and the voice was directly.

"Huang Huichang, isn't that painting left for you?"

Huang Chuan: "...not."

Everyone in the association: "...not really."

Gu Shishi knew that she had left her forefoot and bought the painting after her big foot.

Donate 50 million.

Gu Shishi was shocked and the pen in his hand fell.


This defeated man!

She had to talk to President Huang, she went to ask.

She really didn't know where the big man put the painting.

He bought it because this is her work?

Is he ready to collect all?


Good su~

Gu Shishi suddenly caught his heart.

After a second, she stretched out her other hand and grabbed the activity map of [Flower] to promote the painting.

Can not let the defeated Huo see.


The author has something to say: Just a more ORZ

Recently adjusted. This book receives the front branch, and then happy, and finished.


*Thanks to the little angel who gave me a bully ticket or irrigation nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: 昕1;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

Happy, I love Peng Xiaoyu 20 bottles; Bai Wu 10 bottles; 筱 、, kira4 bottles; strange road rain 3 bottles; summer memories 2 bottles; 玖, Guan Shanyue, love you 哟 YH1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!