MTL - Spellcasting is a Permanent Addition and My Skills Are All Forbidden Spells-Chapter 87 The Wanfa Spire is upgraded! Tired of living the same old thing? overtake

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 Chapter 87 The Tower of Ten Thousand Laws is upgraded! Tired of living the same old thing? Overwhelming feedback!

 Looking at the golden light, the demon **** was trembling with rage.

The meaning of this golden light was clear to him.

 This means that a **** once came to this settlement and left a breath!

From this point of view, the reason for the failure of his arrival is obvious.

 The usual incarnations of gods are composed of only one divine particle.

 Such an incarnation cannot come to a place where the aura of a **** exists.

 Each divine aura requires one more divine particle.

 This settlement No. 1024 is like this.

 Among them, there is a trace of divine aura remaining!

 In this way, it is equivalent to wasting the previous few hours.

 He still needs to produce another divine particle and wait for the acceptance of the divine pillar to be completed.

 It would be fine if it were just like this.

  After all, he borrowed the divine pillars, so it is difficult to examine them in detail.

  What makes the Demon God angry is that this divine aura clearly belongs to the God of Destruction!

"Destruction, old man, you are tired of living..."

The demon **** gritted his teeth, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

However, after a while, he calmed down his emotions and concentrated on thinking.

“No wonder you only accepted ten divine particles from turns out you have been here before.”

After thinking for a moment, the Demon God suddenly understood.

 Previously, when he mentioned Settlement No. 1024, the God of Destruction paused.

Although it was subtle, it did not escape his eyes.

 Looking at it now, it makes sense.

Although he didn't know that there was a divine aura in settlement No. 1024.

  But what is certain is that there is no faith in this settlement!

 Otherwise, he would have discovered it immediately during the natural selection competition.

 That is to say…

 The God of Destruction has come to this settlement before, but did not gain any faith!

Thinking of this, the Demon God's expression softened a lot.

 “Haha...that’s all you can do.”

 The Demon God sneered.

 The God of Destruction clearly suffered a loss by doing this, and he did not want to see him go too smoothly.

However, it can only be a waste of his time.

 A few more hours of waiting would not do him any harm, let alone stop him from taking action.

Now, his top priority is to get back the exile scroll!

 The Demon God raised his eyes and looked towards the sky.

High in the sky, a black-red light lit up and came through the sky.

The light immersed into the demon god's light and shadow, and his body suddenly became much more solid.

 The demon **** nodded slightly.

 Now, his incarnation has two divine particles.

On the other side, the divine pillar sensed the new divine particles, buzzed, re-projected the map, and began to accept it again.

The demon **** stood among the clouds and watched this scene coldly.


at the same time.

  In the secret realm of Soul Capture, Lu Cheng explored westward.

 The direction in which the dementors appear is exactly opposite to that of the ghosts.

 Have experience exploring the Ghost Base Camp.

This time, Lu Cheng was even more familiar with the road.

Going in the direction where the monster appears, it's not too difficult to find the Dementor's lair.

 It’s just that this secret realm is very vast and it will take some time to travel.

 Lu Cheng walked quickly.

 In a blink of an eye, another three hours passed.

  【Ding, you have reached level 22, gained all attributes +3, and free attribute points +25! 】

The system prompts.

 Suddenly, an upgraded white light flashed over Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng felt very comfortable bathing in the brilliance.

He kept killing monsters on both sides along the way, and actually gained another level.

 This is thanks to these dementors.

 In the past few hours, the number of ghosts has remained constant, but the number of dementors has continued to increase.

 From the initial number of more than 100 per wave, to now, each wave has stabilized at more than 300.

Each wave of Dementors can provide him with a lot of experience.

Moreover, with these little monsters guiding him, he was already very close to the Dementor's lair.

 You can find it in half an hour at most.

Moreover...his gains are more than that.

 Three hours ago, the Ten Thousand Laws Spire was only over 900 points away from being upgraded.

By now, it must be almost done!

 Lu Cheng's mind turned and he started to check.

 At first glance, it was indeed what he thought.

The upgrade progress of the Spire of Ten Thousand Laws has reached 9973/10000.

Lu Cheng turned off the panel.

 The 27-point progress difference is only a matter of ten minutes.

 Then, continue to explore.

Sure enough, within ten minutes, a system prompt rang in his ears. 【Ding, the miraculous building you master: the Tower of Ten Thousand Laws has been upgraded to level 1! 】

  【The feedback upper limit is increased, and the stored excess feedback begins to be released! 】

  【After the feedback is released, you gain +3 skill points and +38 free attribute points! 】

 Listening to the system prompts, Lu Cheng clenched his fist slightly.

 The upgrade of Ten Thousand Magic Spires gave him 3 more skill points!

Moreover, this is just the feedback that previously exceeded the upper limit, which is released with the upgrade of the spire.

 After the spire is upgraded, there will be additional skill slots!

 Immediately, Lu Cheng's mind turned and he started to check.


  【Minaret of Ten Thousand Laws】

 【Current level 1, upgrade progress: 1/100,000】

  【Remaining number of recordable skills: 3】

  【Total number of students: 10001】

 【Total feedback received: 9 skill points, 98 free attribute points】

 【Single skill feedback upper limit: 4 skill points, 40 free attribute points】


 Looking across, Lu Cheng's eyes were filled with joy.

 After the upgrade, the Minaret of All Laws has three more burning slots.

 Furthermore, more importantly, the feedback limit has been doubled!

“If all six skills reach the upper limit, there will be 24 skill points…”

Lu Cheng's heart was filled with excitement.

The Miracle Building is too powerful. If you master the Spire of Ten Thousand Laws, its skill points can be several times more than normal!

 You have to reach level 70 under normal circumstances to have so many skill points.

 But now, he is only over level 20!


Lu Cheng took a long breath and calmed down.

 Then, look forward.

 In front of him was a huge cave, from which strong winds blew from time to time.

This is the lair of the Dementors.


Lu Cheng made a thought and activated the blinding shadow.

 Wait until the body is completely transparent, then explore into the cave.

As soon as he entered the cave, he saw an extremely huge Dementor!


  【Soul-obsessing Monster】

 【Level 30, Bronze BOSS】

 【HP: 3.27 million/3.27 million】

 【Characteristics: Leader of the secret realm, extremely powerful, swallowing souls】

  【Skills: Extremely fast hatching, trampling the ground, soul-stirring roar】

 【Special status: in a state of rapid hatching (7/8), weak】


 Lu Cheng cast his eyes.

  True Sight is activated to detect the attributes of the BOSS in the secret realm.

 This soul-stirring monster is level 30, which can be considered as barely reaching the threshold of the second level.

 Scanning the special status column, Lu Cheng suddenly understood.

 It turns out that this is how the dementors in this secret realm came from.

 No wonder the waves of dementors are increasing in number.

 This is the characteristic of the skill of rapid hatching, and there will be more in each wave.

 It’s just…

Lu Cheng felt a little sorry.

Now, only the last wave of the BOSS’s rapid hatching is left.

  In other words, after this wave, no new Dementors will be hatched.

Maintaining a blinding shadow state, Lu Cheng lurked in the corner and waited silently.

 Ten minutes later.


The soul-stirring monster suddenly opened its eyes wide and let out bursts of roars.

 As he roared, strong winds blew in the cave!

Soon, the Dementor lowered its head and spit out a giant egg.

The egg fell to the ground and exploded into blood.

Every drop of blood that falls to the ground quickly turns into a Dementor!

 At a rough glance, the number is nearly four hundred!

at the same time.

 In the corner, Lu Cheng waved his staff.

 Turn on the Embrace of Source Energy, and then directly cast Meteor Fire Rain!

 “Bang bang bang bang bang bang!”

The fire stone was wrapped with source energy and smashed out, instantly hitting the soul-stirring source monster! -






 Super high damage figures appeared one after another, and in just a few seconds, the soul-destroying monster's health bar was cleared to zero!

  【Ding, you killed the Bronze-level BOSS: the soul-stirring source monster, gained +570,000 experience points, and the source energy limit +10.5! 】

  【You have killed a Bronze BOSS of the same level or above by yourself, and you will get +90 free attribute points! 】

  【You have gained 30 reputation points! 】

 Listening to the system prompts, Lu Cheng smiled.

 With the blessing of the Embrace of Source Energy, even the second-level BOSS can be killed instantly!

 (End of this chapter)