MTL - Space Speed Xing Hen-Chapter 184 Eye of different space storms (on)

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Chapter 184—The Eyes of Different Space Storms (Part 1)

The red energy of the body and the vortex produced intense friction. The ability of the sky mark is now up to ninety-five. In this vortex, the body cannot be controlled. As the vortex rotates quickly, it bites with the mouth. The hilt of the demon sword, the left and right hands alternately send energy to the vortex, reduce its rotation speed, and gradually rush toward the depth of the vortex by using the gap generated in an instant. The energy of the demon is rapidly consumed under the tremendous pressure generated by the vortex, and the sky marks clenched his teeth. With his unremitting efforts, he finally approached the center of the vortex.

The space of different space compression energy can be said to be one of the ultimate bodies of the alien space storm. It can only be produced in the destruction of the entire galaxy. The luck of the sky mark is really bad. It has encountered it, huge compression energy, most The main source is the energy produced by the glacial galaxies when the sun explodes. How large is the energy of a solar explosion? Coupled with the chain reaction of the planetary explosion, the energy is divided into two, which form a huge energy storm in the positive space and the different space. The energy storm in the positive space is presented in the form of a face, so it prevents the Galaxy Alliance from chasing the glacial family's god-level fleet. The energy storm in the different space is just the opposite, formed by the compressed energy. This is a dead field. Even if the cultivation of the elders of the bright age is in this field of death, it will definitely last for a minute. Although it is not as terrible as the black hole, it can really smash everything, including energy. Can the sky mark survive? It depends on whether his choice is effective. The enormous energy of the space vortex is different from that of a tornado. However, everything in the universe has the same principle.

The whole body suddenly became light, and the red body energy was suddenly released due to the loss of the surrounding pressure, and it was compressed back after touching the energy of the vortex. The day marks a big mouth and gasps, but the eyes are full of happiness. His choice is correct. In the center of this vortex, there is actually a vacuum zone, and the pressure is much smaller than the outside. However, in order to come here, he also paid 70% of the total energy. If the vortex is a little bigger, perhaps, before he reaches the center point, he is completely finished.

While the day marks are grateful for their own success, they carefully move along the movement of the vortex to prevent them from entering the periphery of the vortex again. Fortunately, except for this vacuum point, the huge compression energy that rotates around the vortex is like a wall. It is never an easy task for him to go out now. The energy of the entire vortex is obviously much larger than that of the sky mark. In this field of compression energy, it is like a fish swimming, and it is not affected by the surrounding compression energy. After all, they are integrated.

The so-called pressure in the vacuum zone is relatively small. Compared with the ordinary heterospace area, the pressure here is at least five to ten times. The sky marks a gasp while pondering what to do next, and the life is temporarily saved. Even if there is no demon change, in the current pressure, he can survive for a while, but, to his current ability, the most important thing is energy. Although the pressure is small, the energy consumption is still there. Once there is no continued energy support, there will be no change in the final outcome, or death.

Helpless shook his head, the sky marks the heart of the dark, he still has to fight! This time, what is to be spelled is whether there are energy molecules in the vortex that can be absorbed. The natural world of man and man can let him absorb any energy into his own use, but once the energy absorbed is too large to be converted, his energy will not only grow, but will be swallowed up. Helpless sigh, fight, can't fight? If you don't fight, you will die. At the very least, there is still a line of life. When I think of it, the sky marks carefully put the mental power out and feel the energy of the different space around.

The vacuum is the vacuum, and the sky marks a dark sigh. The vacuum in this vortex, except for the pressure, does not even have a single point of energy molecules, apparently in the surrounding vortex. Is it straight to absorb the energy of the vortex? That is simply to find death, not to mention that only 30% of the current ability, the best state, it is still impossible to absorb such a huge amount of energy. The fluidity of the vortex is too strong. If it exceeds the rotation of the speed of light, as long as it tries to absorb it, it will inevitably lead to the energy of the whole vortex. What are you waiting for? Even the seemingly calm compression energy outside is impossible to absorb, let alone the vortex.

When the sky was in vain, his vortex suddenly collided with another vortex. The direction of the two vortices was the same. Without the collision of energy, the two vortices merged into one, making the original three meters high. The vortex with a diameter of almost three meters has nearly doubled, and even the vacuum zone in the central part has been enlarged, which has made the sky mark more active. The most valuable thing is that at the moment of the fusion of the two vortices, some different spatial energy appeared in the vacuum zone. After the vortex fusion, these energies were quickly sucked back by the vortex. Although the sky mark reacts extremely fast, the energy he can capture is only a tiny part.

The compression energy of different space is indeed extraordinary. Although it only **** two or three kittens, but with this little energy absorbed, after the transformation, the demon that keeps the sky marks continues to persist.

Come again, another vortex! Once again, the same opportunity, more energy, perhaps my ability to return to the best state may not be. God may be ignoring the sky marks. Under his constant prayer, a few minutes later, another vortex floated over. This vortex is smaller than the vortex where the sky mark is, and its direction of rotation and the sky mark are The vortex is just the opposite.

The sky mark stared at the vortex that was about to collide and was fully prepared. This time it is no longer so calm. When the two vortices collided, the violent shock made the sky mark almost unable to stabilize his body. He was surprised to see that the two vortices were strangling each other, and the surrounding space compression energy continued in the process of their strangulation. Entangled in it, the two vortices are constantly expanding, the vacuum zone is not calm, the pressure is increased, and the splashing energy constantly impacts the shield of the sky mark. The sky marks are not shocked and rejoicing. Carefully absorb some of the seemingly tiny energy. He does not dare to be greedy. When the energy is enough to help him recover his ability, he stops absorption. While resisting the energy of splashing, he quickly digests and absorbs. The energy that is inhaled by yourself.

The faint red light of the demon has gradually turned into prosperity, and one point of strength has recovered, rekindling the flame of hope of the sky mark.

After all, the vortex of the sky mark is bigger than the vortex that hits it. After nearly ten minutes of strangulation, the vortex that hits it completely disappears, and the vortex where the sky mark is located absorbs a lot of surroundings because of the battle with the other side. The energy has grown again and has reached a level of up to ten meters. With this opportunity, the ability of the sky mark has basically recovered completely. With strength, his heart is alive. This kind of different space energy vortex is not affected by the surrounding compression energy. If you can push it forward according to your own wishes, can you leave this ghost place? But how do you push it now? The vortex has become bigger than before, and with his current ability, I am afraid that it is impossible to rush out. All that can be relied upon is the super attack ability of the Demon Sword and Spar. However, if a sword is thrown out, it may destroy the vortex, which may weaken the vortex, but it cannot make it leave in the direction that he expects.

Since there is no life crisis for a while, the sky mark is gradually falling into meditation. The vortex he is in is occasionally colliding with some vortices, but there is no case of strangling or fusion, but it is slipping open at this touch. In several occasions, the Tianzi smashing machine absorbed a lot of energy, which not only maintained the change of the demon, but also increased its own ability.

Thinking about an hour, the sky mark thinks of itself, what can I do for myself now? Finally, his gaze fell on the undeserved devil's boots on his feet. Yes! The Demon Shield can generate a powerful defense, and the Devil's Helmet can make your body defy against physical attacks, and the Demon Sword can generate a powerful attack. So, what about the Devil Boots? In addition to the overall ability of the four devil's items, it should have some special effects. What should be worn on the feet should be acceleration, but what is the use of the demon that accelerates the head of the prehistoric spirit to be the higher intelligent creature? The speed of light is too simple for him, so if the Devil's Boots have accelerated characteristics, then it must not be in the positive space.

Thinking of this, Tianzheng lost the ability of the demon to the feet, the black light spread from the devil's boots to the surrounding, a golden pattern appeared, the sky marks suddenly and clearly felt, under the magic boots, there seems to be an energy Being eager to move, like a rocket jet, can eject huge amounts of energy at any time. Acceleration, the real acceleration is in a different space. If you are free from the current vortex, can it speed up with yourself? The black mist condensed under the feet, and the bursts of constant continually came, and the eyes of the sky showed a chill of light, try it. If it is not successful, then find another vortex. The next time, when you encounter the vortex, you don’t need to fight hard. The characteristics of the magic boots can naturally push you into the center of the vortex at a faster speed. Small and much. Thinking of this, the sky marks both eyes become red, the demon red, the demon becomes all the ability to the limit, both hands hold the demon sword and raise the head.

"Devil - God - 斩 -." What is the demon **** after the ninety-fifth level recompressed? It was a blood line, a red line of blood, and the originally swirling energy vortex suddenly stopped. At the moment when the demon sword was thrown out, the red light of the blade became a faint blue, which gathered the sky mark. All the abilities, this sword has almost the ability to open up the world.

The stillness of the energy vortex made the sky mark a little surprised. Looking at the still vortex, I couldn't help but frown. Just when he didn't know what it meant, a violent explosion occurred. The whole vortex detonated like a bomb, and there was no roaring loud noise, but The shock caused by it caused the surrounding space to compress the energy field violently. In an instant, the energy in the field was blown out of a space of 100 meters in diameter. What is even more bizarre is that the sky mark that has been in the center of the energy vortex is not affected by the explosive force. When the explosion occurs, he reacts and quickly absorbs the small space compression energy generated in part of the explosion, and the idea turns to the foot. The wings play a role in the vacuum, and suddenly a shot, coupled with the red light that the Devil's Boots instantly spray backwards, is like a projectile that spans a distance of 100 meters and is directly loaded into the vortex of the different space energy. Before the collision, the demon **** appeared again. Due to full attack, he opened a kilometer-long ramp. In an instant, he had already crossed the kilometer.

The space compression energy once again wraps the body of the sky mark, and the speed of the super-light speed that he originally achieved suddenly drops. However, this time, the viscous heterogeneous space compression energy did not completely stop him. With the energy ejected from the growth of the Devil's Boots, his body was quickly moved forward, and the speed of light was not good, but it barely reached. Close to the level of sub-light speed.

This discovery made the sky mark overjoyed. He knew that he had succeeded. The space of compression energy in different space could not be infinite. The central part of the energy vortex of the galaxy was only the center. It always had a certain area. With its current speed, Flying for a while, it is bound to rush out of this horrible field.

While continuing to use the forward momentum to fly forward, while absorbing the different space compression energy that has just been swallowed into the body, although only a small part of the energy generated by the explosion is absorbed, the energy density in this field is too large, only This is enough to support him to continue flying for some time. Devil's boots are really good things. The sky marks are probably estimated. If you use the characteristics of the devil's boots to accelerate, plus your own ability, you can almost reach the moving speed that the naked body can't see. Space, it will not cost too much of its own ability. In the future, different space and positive space will be no different to itself. Of course, the premise is that you should not encounter such a field of compression energy.