MTL - Song in the Peach Blossoms-Chapter 64

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Xie Huai looked out of the window of the black hole and couldn't help but whisper: "This rain is so low, the Qingjiang water has to rise too much. Is this the same in the late spring?"

The man stood up and looked at the night outside. "It is a heavy rain that has not happened for ten years. There are already three embankments in the southwest. The emperor has sent officers and soldiers to go to the embankment."

"I see that the light is not enough to reinforce the river embankment." Xie Huaiyu said.

The man stared at her for a moment and said, "What do you think?"

Xie Huai smiled, "I am a doctor, can you have any deep views? Just after every flood disaster, there is always a plague. Lime, all kinds of medicines, have to get ready early. I have studied the medicines in the past few years. There are some studies on the plague, and it may be useful."

"Alright." The man nodded. "I hope that those levees can be saved. I hope that there will be no displacement of people this year."

Xie Huai's keenly heard the exhaustion in his words, and his heart followed.

That tone is really familiar.

In the late night's handsome camp, on the long case of the solitary lamp, someone always looked at her with bloodshot eyes and smiled softly. All the worries and exhaustions of concern are all hidden deep, just to keep her from worrying. It will only emerge from the bottom of my heart when I am tired.

"Adult," Xie Huaiqi said softly, "The night is very deep, you still go back to rest."

The man returned from his meditation, and his worries and exhaustion were swept away, and he recovered his rigid and restrained look.

He looked at the woman who always stood far away from her. Her delicate face was written with purely good intentions. Although her posture was very strange with him, she always felt very natural and familiar.

Yu Wenyi walked out of the library, and the guards outside the room immediately greeted him. The close-up **** often hurriedly put a scorpion of a fire-skinned man on his shoulder and then propped up the umbrella.

The rain fell on the umbrella. Chang Xi said with concern: "Hurry up and go back. It’s not good to catch cold."

Yu Wenyi took two steps and suddenly stood still and turned back.

The lights on the upstairs are still on, but they are very weak, like they are going to be extinguished by this rain at any time.

He suddenly took the purple jade bamboo umbrella and handed it to a small eunuch. "When the female doctor comes out, give her the umbrella and don't teach her to go back. It is said to be prepared in the concierge."

The little **** squatted. I often like to scream, I don’t know how to be good when I am empty.

Yu Wenyi waited for him to speak, turned and took the guard to take the rain and strode away.

The rain is getting bigger and bigger. However, in four or five days, there were news of several dykes in the south. Yu Wenyi urgently summoned the meeting of the Ministry of Industry and, after repeated discretion, decided to destroy a dam to protect the downstream farmland. More than 30,000 local residents have been evacuated, and most of them have been evacuated to neighboring counties and cities. At a critical juncture, only the interests of a few people are sacrificed to preserve the overall situation.

The internal medical supervisor also received a notice, and quickly prepared the manpower and medicinal materials to prepare for the relief of the disaster area. In the case of disaster relief, the workload is large, the risk factor is high, and the subsidies are not many. If there is no great public servant, there are not many people who are willing to do it. Therefore, the internal medicine supervisors are all lower-level doctors, and the doctors of the three levels of blue, blue and brown have chosen most of them. Our little Xie doctor was lucky enough to be selected.

Because there have been plagues spreading locally and time is tight, Xie Huaiqi received the task in the morning and got the next day.

It happened that Wu Thirteen came to the door and saw the chicken flying in the house, just like being robbed. The reluctant one is wrapping the processed herbs in oil paper, and Xie Huaizhen is busy stuffing the clothes into the box.

Wu XIII is very confused. "Are you going to escape?"

"Almost." Xie Huai smacked sweat, "I will follow the team to the south to smash the disaster tomorrow. My mother, only a few days before going north, I ran back. I knew that I would stay in Qingyang and leave the road."

Wu XIII automatically ignored the swearing words, "Would you like to go to the disaster?" His face hangs down immediately. "You are a woman!"

“Thank you!” Xie Huaiyan said with a black face. “I know my gender very well, don’t need your reminder!”

Wu XIII called: "What does a woman run there?"

"Go to help!" Xie Huai stunned him. "Otherwise, do you think I am going south? Vacation?"

Wu XIII suddenly did not know what nerves had been sent, rushed over and pulled off the things in her hand, and threw them aside, and looked sullen. "I am going to talk to my brother! How can I let you go to that place!" ”

Xie Huaiqi was about to get angry. He listened to him and immediately looked at him with a look of disappointment. He was very excited to ask: "Does your brother grow tall, temperament is outstanding, people are very handsome, that is, facial expressions are a little missing, not screaming?"

Wu XIII listened to her description and froze. "Have you seen him?"

Xie Huaiqi nodded. "I have seen it in Qingyang. It is the anointing that he has dealt with." She painted like a feather. "But your brother is really good! That looks, that temperament, 800 meters away. I know that it is an elite! I said that you are also bad luck, they are all born to the same aunt, how can they be so different..."

If you throw it out, you will not hear back for a long while. Looking back, where is the shadow of Wu XIII?

Enter and say: "Wu Big Brother ran away like the wind."

Xie Huaiqi grabbed his head, which is not the right one?

Uncomfortably asked: "Sister, is the plague terrible?"

Xie Huaiqi is funny, "The dead man, what do you say?"

"The words of Big Brother Wu make sense. Why go to such a dangerous place?"

While Xie Huaiqi was busy, he said: "Everyone has his social responsibility in this world. The responsibility of the doctor is to save the wounded and the injured. The responsibility of the military is to protect the country. The responsibility of the grown-up is to create value and raise the offspring, and you Young man, your responsibility now is to study hard and build the motherland in the future."

Sneer, "I know that you have so many ready-made cases that you can do research for you, and you will not even have a life!"

Xie Huaiqi was a little bit at the center, a little embarrassed, and said, "I am not a Frankenstein. Of course, saving people is the most important thing!"

The sneer was not over, and finally Xie Huaiqi was angry and gave him a slap in the head.

Wu XIII did not go back, Xie Huaizhen packed up the good things, and wrote a letter to Wen Daxia, please take care of him during this time. Master Wu is unreliable.

So tossing into the night, finally lying down.

It was raining outside, and it was estimated that the emperor and the people affected by the disaster in Jiangnan could not sleep well. The incident of opium is not over yet, and this is another flood. The world is so big, communication is so underdeveloped, and productivity is still a big room for waiting for improvement. To be an emperor and to be a responsible emperor is really a bitter.

Xie Huaiyu turned over and could not sleep. The night comes wind and rain, Whispering Colour. I was afraid that the peach blossoms of the neighboring family when I lived in Qingyang would have been thanked.

The same night, I don’t know what Xiao Yu is doing at the moment?

The handsome man in the dream is laughing at himself, a gentle embrace, and a steady heartbeat. Xiaohua, Xiaohua shouted, a soft kiss fell on his face and lips. The hug is getting tighter and the breath is getting hotter and hotter, she leans softly in his arms...

Xie Huai opened his eyes and his face was hot.

Yeah! How did you dream about this?

She broke into the quilt and sighed.

Another year is the spring.

The next day is still a sinister day, Xie Huaizhen hates this kind of half-dead rainy day, his mood is not good, he is irritated, and it is very difficult to look up early in the morning.

In the compound of the internal medical supervision, all the doctors who want to go far and the family members who come to see him off. Xie Huai's family is.

Half of the young boy is not willing to leave her, and half is the yearning for the upcoming free life. Two contradictory emotions are undoubtedly on the face.

Xie Huaiyu screwed his fat face. "Listen to the kid, give me a good time when I am away, don't seduce other sisters, Wu XIII will take you out to play. You must resolutely refuse, write the Xie's herb that I wrote. Go back to Chapter 5 and come back to test you!"

"Know it! Tap it!" screaming at the face.

"Depart!" The leader of the team shouted.

Xie Huai sighed with a sigh of relief, and he was relieved if he didn't feel relieved. She patted the shoulder and jumped into the carriage.

The carriage team slowly drove out of the door of the internal medical supervision. The little figure was very inconspicuous in a group of people who were off the line, and was quickly covered by crowds.

In one voice, Xie Huaizhen felt that her eyes were a little hot.

Suddenly, I got out of the crowd and ran towards the carriage.

"Sister!" the child shouted, "Sister! This is for you!"

Xie Huai was busy rushing out and stuffing her with a cold thing. It is a green jade.

This thing has been seen. When I lost my mother and cried every night, I always held it in my hand.

"No! This is too expensive!" Xie Huaiyu rushed back to the fortress.

"Sister, you are holding!" but very determined. "You keep it for me, wait for me to come back!"

Xie Huaiqi squeezed the jade in his hand, stuck it in his heart, and smiled softly.

stop. The figure standing alone in the middle of the road is getting smaller and smaller. Xie Huaiqi waved his hand and finally put down the curtain.

The convoy was on the side of the crowd and drove out of the city gate.

The rain was much denser than before, and it washed away the crowds on the street. Standing on the top of the Yunzhao Restaurant in the capital, overlooking the bottom, I saw that countless floors are immersed in the rain and rain. It is a deserted silence.

The team has gone far and the market is as usual.

"Is it still tempered?" The tall and straight Tsing Yi man's words are kind.

The man who was questioned held his hand and licked his mouth. The ordinary face was full of dissatisfaction. "You know her identity and sent her there. What happened, that is an international dispute."

Yu Wenyi sighed, "International Dispute? Is this word followed by her?"

Wu XIII turned his eyes. "If you really want to guard her, you should keep her in captivity. What are you doing now?"

Yu Wenyi's finger habitually tapped the railing, his eyes crossed the heavy buildings, and it seemed to drift far and far through the wind and rain.

"That is, it is too much to humiliate her."

Wu Xie heard this sentence and instead breathed a sigh of relief.

He turned his head and looked at the direction of the team. The brows tightened and finally jumped up. The hand held a railing and the figure flew out like a swallow. Several ups and downs had already jumped from the high cloud to the ground. A loud whistle, a healthy horse came out of the alley. He turned over and slammed the man on the floor and waved his head to follow the team.

Yu Wenyi shook his head helplessly, but in his eyes, he had a little envious color.

"Two doctors, go here."

Daxie took the oil lamp and led the way ahead.

Although it didn't rain, the weather was very hot and humid. The air is filled with the smell of plant corruption. The garden in the night under the silence of the insects can not hear, very surprised.

In the disaster area where the plague spread, just in the rural area not far west of Yuancheng, a piece of land was circled, and the water source downstream was cut off and guarded by the local army. Xie Huaiyu has been working in it for half a month.

Fortunately, although the plague spreads widely, it is not serious. It is a gastrointestinal disease that can be cured in time. So for more than half a month, the condition was clearly controlled, and death was not serious.

Xie Huaiyu ended the day's work, just ate two meals, and the team's Zhang Dafu came over to find her. It is said that there are people in the city for two consecutive days, and Dr. Zhang is worried that the disease has spread to the city. Xie Huaiqi was his most capable man and told her to go all the way with her.

The garden is not big, a total of more than 8,000 households, because the Tianjiang River originating from Ziyun Mountain flows through the area, the wood is always transported here by water and then transferred to the mainland, so the residents in the city are doing timber business. Because of this, the houses in the city are also wooden buildings. In the face of such lascivious days, the wood is damp and mildewed, and the taste can be unsatisfactory.

Daxu led two doctors to the inner court and said with anxiety: "My father-in-law had some unsatisfactory days before yesterday. I couldn’t get out of bed yesterday. I asked the doctor in the city to say that it was a suffocating suffocation, but the medicine was not eaten. Ok. It’s burnt even today.”

She pushed the door open, the room was dimly lit, and a girl was **** the sink from the basin to the old man on the bed.

Xie Huaizhen heard something moving in the dark corner, and suddenly a black shadow came out to escape the door.

I smiled awkwardly. "It’s a mouse. There are more mice in the wooden house."

Dr. Zhang asked: "I heard that several people have been sick in the city recently?"

"Yeah." Da Yu said sadly. "The two old people in Ma's family and Lao Wang's family are sick. Ma's daughter-in-law has heard that she is sick today."

"Is it the same disease?"

"Almost. It's all hot and mad. Doctor, don't you hear that the plague outside the city is already getting better? Is it going to the city?"

Xie Huai smiled and comforted her: "Don't worry, you can't get outside the plague. I think you may be the other cause."

Dr. Zhang has been sitting at the bed and began to check the elderly.

"Old man, can you hear me? Where are you uncomfortable?"

The old man did not retain a little bit of wisdom, and if he was mad, he groaned: "Pain..."

"Pain? Where is it hurt?"

Instead of saying: "The father-in-law just said that he felt pain everywhere."

Zhang Dafu untied the clothes of the old man, and Xie Huaiqi held the oil lamp to get close. When she saw the things in the old man, the hand could not help but shake, and the oil almost splashed out.

The lymph nodes near the neck of the old man are all swollen like copper coins, red and swollen, and the skin is covered with blood spots.

"This..." Zhang Dafu saw a lot of knowledge, and there were counts in his heart, and his hands began to tremble. He immediately stood up, rolled up his sleeves, and untied the old man's lower body clothes. I saw that the lymph in the groin was swollen and ulcerated, and the sight was terrible.

Xie Huaiqi immediately asked Daxie: "Is this the same for people who are sick?"

Da Yu panicked: "I heard that it seems to be. But this disease... We have never seen it."

Zhang Dafu covered the quilt for the old man and looked at Xie Huai's eyes. Xie Huaiqi nodded. Zhang Dafu was pale, his forehead was sweating and he nodded.

Xie Huaiqi himself is also a cold sweat, thinking, this is really big.

Zhang Dafu pulled her to the side and asked, "What do you think?"

Xie Huaiqi decisively said: "The whole city is martial, burning! Burning can be burned! Isolation! As for the patient, I think about it."

"What can I do?" Zhang Dafu was cold and sweaty. What other methods can the plague in this world besides isolation and death?

"It’s useless to do it now." After Xie Huai’s nervousness, he quickly calmed down. "First, I will inform Chen Duyu quickly and ask him to take troops to block this area. The water source is to be blocked, and the people in the lower reaches must be notified. Second, inform the government, report to the court, appease the people and cooperate with our work. Third, choose half of the doctors, I will give them emergency training to tell them what to do. This disease is transmitted through diet and fleas."

Zhang Dafu also calmed down. "You are right. I am going to the government. You go back to the convenor."

Lao Zhang hurried away, and Xie Huaizhen took the big man and said, "Who is your family who has been in contact with the uncle?"

Daxie has been scared to go half a life, screaming and saying: "Only me and my girl. My man went to the outer city to do business last month."

"Good!" Xie Huai's eyes were extremely serious. "Da, you quickly put on your body, the cover of the bed, you can burn it, you can cook it with boiling water. The rats in the house are all burned! If there is camphor Such anthelmintic drugs are all found out. Many of these diseases are transmitted through fleas, and you know what to do!"

The big leg is weak, "This is... have we already got it?"

"Don't worry, don't panic." Xie Huaiqi hardened her scalp and comforted her. "It won't be so easy to catch, just take a snapshot and do what I said!"

Gao Chengshou of Yuancheng is in his early thirties this year and is a young man in the administrative cadres. The good young people are courageous, motivated and efficient. After listening to Xie Huai's report, the tall people looked at the righteousness of the world, and immediately commanded their men to start their actions. Immediately count the patients, divide the isolation area, mobilize the city to eliminate rats, and engage in cleanliness.

At this time, it was only one hour in the dark, and many people were preparing to go to bed, but they were alarmed by the violent knocking on the door. At the same time, the local garrison has received news from Zhang Dafu, leading the soldiers to surround the city gate. The letter difference scores the road to the central and nearby areas to inform the epidemic.

There are more than a dozen medical staff who volunteered to enter the city. Not many, in fact, it is enough. This disease is placed under the current medical level. Most of them rely on the sky, and the majority depends on people.

Xie Huaizhen announced the discipline to them. First of all, people who go in can't come out until the end of the epidemic, and now regret it is still too late. Then to prevent yourself from getting sick, how to protect yourself. The third is about treatment and how to care for the patient. In a word, this is a matter of life and death, and it is necessary to have a spirit of sacrifice to do it.

As a result, more than a dozen people did not withdraw, and a dozen patients who had been under Dr. Xie’s doctors heard that they had asked to join in the help. Xie Huaiqi did not dare to make a joke with people, only brought trained medical personnel, and packed up the medicine and luggage that night and entered the city.

The gate of the city was closed.

It was the night of the third half, but the residents of the entire Yuancheng did not fall asleep. I thought that the plague that had gone far was coming back, and it was even more horrible and horrible.

Just as the entire Yuancheng City was playing with rats and rats, Xie Huaizhen moved her family into a pharmacy in the Yuancheng Medical Bureau, then tied the apron, rolled up her sleeves and lit the fire.

She took out a half-old purse from her arms, in addition to the jade that gave her, the jade that Song Zijing gave her, and a jade that symbolizes the highest status of women in Qi.

She smiled softly, put the jade on her lips and kissed her.


At noon on the third day of the incident, Yu Wenyi used lunch, leaning against the collapse, and turned over the folk poetry of the new tribute.

The poor and sour literati mourn, long and tiring, and feel the spring and autumn, and the words are not resentful. The whole book is sticky and squeaky, like a half-dry paste. From the country to the heavy military, Yu Wenyi also hates to see those literati without disease. I don’t know which newcomer is sensible this time, and I have offered such a strange thing.

He irritatedly dropped the book, closed his eyes and raised his spirit, but his heart was quickly calculating.

The rainy season has finally passed, and the flood peaks have passed. The dams of the Baobao have been saved, and the corrupt officials who have cut their heads have also lost their heads. Xia Wei has already flown on the branch and her voice is calling for summer. An emperor can only relax a little at this moment and take a break.

The doctors who sent the internal medical supervisors to the disaster relief are almost ready to come back?

Suddenly there was a sudden footstep outside, and I often heard the sound of a slight nervous voice.

"Are you sleeping?"

Yu Wenyi had already collapsed when he heard the footsteps.

Chang Xi came in and handed an urgent report.

Yu Wenyi was dismantled, and his slightly confused expression quickly turned into shock.

The urgent report was crumpled by him. Chang Xi took a light stroke. When he was from Yu Wenyi or the Prince, he waited for him. The number of times he was out of control was very pitiful.

Yu Wenyi quickly released his hand and threw the urgent report on the ground. His face was covered with a layer of frost.

"Calling the right phase, the medical supervisor, the deputy medical supervisor and Lin Shangshu immediately came to see you!" He thought about it and added, "The secret guard who sent this letter came in."

Chang Xi is all over, trotting out.

Yu Wenyi took a deep breath and calmed down. Then he picked up the urgent report and flattened it with paperweight.

The hidden guard came out behind the curtain: "Listen to your majesty."

Yu Wenyi asked: "Where did Wu Wangren go?"

"In Zhangzhou, there are still three days from Yuanzhou. It is estimated that I will know soon."

"Tell me the order, stop him, and never let him marry Yuancheng. He will stun him when he wants to resist!"


Yu Wenyi’s fingers tapped on the edge of the table and hesitated for a moment before asking: “Xie Dafu is in the city?”


The movement on his hand suddenly stopped -