MTL - So I Am A Demon Descendent!-Chapter 95 new task

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Li Xianyu woke up in the morning and received a call from Huang Yicong. The other party asked him where he had gone early in the morning. Li Xianyu only said that he went out to do business.

Huang Yicong's voice revealed weakness and exhaustion, the sequelae of mental shock last night, but his tone was obviously lighter. Li Xianyu pretended to ask if he heard strange sounds last night, Huang Yicong said no, and slept until dawn It's okay except for a headache.

Li Xianyu said, I stayed up until three o'clock in the morning last night, and nothing happened, and then I fell asleep. Water monkeys or something is obviously your illusion.

Huang Yicong smiled awkwardly, and said, "I don't know if it is an illusion. I wake up in the morning and feel that the bedroom is a little different."

The fighting marks in the bedroom were treated slightly by Li Xianyu, and the blood-stained books were thrown away by him, but some scratches and damage on the bed frame, tables and chairs could not be treated. But ordinary people like Huang Yicong, even if they can detect these small changes, can't think of a reason.

So Li Xianyu did not explain, but said that he was sensitive.

After washing, hungry, he went straight to the revolving restaurant. Yesterday's battle was frightening, but using two pieces of magical equipment in succession was extremely exhausting. In fact, he already had a hungry stomachache before going to bed. Did not go to the restaurant for supper.

At this moment, it was the meal. Many people ate breakfast. Li Xianyu glanced around and saw a few colleagues who were familiar with each other, Thunder Fighter Ji, the girl killer, and two face-to-face female colleagues sitting at a table. Li Bai, walking with a cane, wearing a sick suit and sitting with Kato Takumi, in the outermost corner, King Kong was alone and away from all female colleagues.

He also saw Victoria and Ryder, who was wrapped in gauze around her arms and chest, and could already walk out of bed.

With breakfast, Li Xianyu squeezed to the table of the girl killer and Thunder War Girl.

"Men don't eat eggs in the morning." The young girl killer took the fried eggs from Li Xianyu's plate with chopsticks, put them on the plate of Thunder War Girl, and took a glance at her breakfast with satisfaction: "Qi, soy milk fritter eggs, it's a woman Well exclusive breakfast. "

Li Xianyu: "..."

Like you, Demon King.

Thunder Zhanji and her two female colleagues faced each other aggressively. She shredded the poached eggs with a knife and fork and distributed them to the two female colleagues, asking, "Is it because the eggs are beautiful?"

"It is breast enhancement." Li Xianyu mouth cheap.

After that, the feet under the table were severely kicked by Thunder Fighter Ji, and he heard the sound of his calf fracture.

"I seem to hear a fracture." A female colleague said.

"No, you heard it wrong." Thunder Fighter Ji drank his eggs.

The fracture was nothing. His leg was broken. He had no need to find an orthopedist. Li Xianyu silently received bones for himself and repaired his leg injury.

In just a few minutes, Li Xianyu witnessed the horrible passive talent of the teenage killer. Any female colleague who came over for breakfast or left after finishing the meal must greet the teenage killer and throw him a sweet smile. .

In the virtual world, Thunder Warlord and Li Xianyu said that the talents of the girl killer are mental abilities such as mental hints and confusing minds.

After the conclusion of Li Xianyu, it was concluded that this is a smart subtraction method that combats dimension reduction.

The killer's ability is divided into active and passive. Active is the subtraction of intelligence. Passive is similar to adding a charm aura to yourself.

In the virtual world, the girl killer has shown a few hands, but the response of the npc is not enough as a reference. Until now, Li Xianyu did not believe what the Thunder Fighter Ji said, and was deeply envious of envy, hate, scum.

No wonder this guy will be wanted because of the lover who fell asleep.

The thunderous warrior had enough food and drink, took out her phone and brushed for a while, with a bitter expression: "Hey, it's repayment day. Alipay, you are already a mature software. Mom can't help you forever, you Should you learn to pay it yourself? "

"Hmm ..." Li Xianyu turned his head and sprayed a sip of soy milk, "Zhan Ji, you lack money?"

Does the Thunder Fighter have such skins?

"Who doesn't lack money," Thunder Warchi said badly: "Each month's salary is 100,000. If there is a task, the bonus must be tens of thousands, but still not more than 200,000. I buy a bag. Imported cosmetics, clothes, the basic cost of each month is more than 200,000. "

What kind of day has it taken to spend 200,000 a month ..... Isn't it nice to eat sand (river crab) county together?

"By the way, salty fish, you're about to pay." Thunder Zhan Ji eyes brightened: "Lend me 100,000 yuan."

"My salary is only 50,000."

"But you have a lot of points."

"Can't afford to borrow ..."

"Stingy." Thunder War Ji shook his lips.

"You ask others to borrow it, the girl killer is richer than me." Li Xianyu threw the hot potato to the slack goods around him.

Lang goods shook his head: "Day after day, there is a shortage of gold every day. I am also Moonlight, let alone Zhan Ji, a guy who is overwhelmed by credit cards, flowers, loans, and online loans every month. I It ’s not for life or death. Instead, it ’s you. In the past few days, you have spent little money with the company, and it does n’t look like an overwhelming person. A salary of 50,000 yuan is a huge sum for a college student. You can borrow it. of."

Thunder Warlord looked at him with glittering eyes.

"Can't afford to borrow." Li Xianyu shook his head.

Although I did n’t spend much money, my grandmother was a bottomless pinhole.

Zu professional defeat grandma.

"Li Xianyu!" The cry of the exotic accent came from behind.

Li Xianyu turned around and saw Ryder walking over step by step in plaster wearing a sick suit. This guy looks like he has to cultivate for ten days and a half months. For reasons of confidentiality, the Thunder King did not ask Li Xianyu to donate blood.

It is also very troublesome to spread the essence of Tang Seng's meat. Although he has long been the fragrant puppet of all parties in the blood community.

"Dare you dare to play one more time." The elder brother Guo Mi who has a full sense of three senses, stares at Li Xianyu with blue eyes like the sea.

"Hat?" Li Xianyu gave a blank expression and asked, "areyousure?"

"I will fight with you again at the Daoist Association's seminar." Ryder single supported the table and looked down at Li Xianyu.

Li Xianyu looked away and saw Victoria not far away grinning at himself, pointing at his brother, his hands folded, and quietly making a request gesture.

Li Xianyu withdrew his gaze and stared directly at Ryder's aggressive eyes. "Okay, the length of the Dao Conference is short. Although you white people have a natural advantage, I will not lose."

Ryde left with ambition.

A female colleague at the same table said, "Li Xianyu, you promised him now?"

Another female colleague said, "Yeah, yeah, Ledma has lost his forefoot. He must be ready next time. He is better than you in all aspects."

"Which is better," Thunder Fighter turned her head and stabbed both of them: "It's as if you know the basics of Li Xianyu. With this weak chicken help, give me a month to tune Li Xianyu and hit ten minutes Each. "

"We just talk about things."

"Zhan Ji, what's your fire, what's your business ..."

Two female colleagues muttered quietly.

On the Dao Conference ...

Li Xianyu said in his heart, I was prepared to save money without any counsel.

After eating, Li Xianyu exercised in the gym as usual. His training schedule changed almost every day. King Kong looked at him with a leather whip and waited for an opportunity to smoke Li Xianyu.

Out of the gym, he dragged his exhausted body to the training room to find the Thunder Fighter.

The Thunder Fighter Ji has no mission recently, and smashing Li Xianyu every day has become one of the few pleasures in her practice days.

"Zhan Ji, I want to sleep for half an hour first," said Li Xianyu.

Now that the relationship between the two is very familiar, Li Xianyu took a trip to the ground and gasped, "King Kong and the Eight Lambs, tossing me every day."

"That way you can grow."

"Well ~ ~ let me sleep for half an hour, my body is a bit… .."

Thunder War Ji smiled: "Would you like me to borrow my thighs?"

She slapped her tight round thighs.

"Zhan Ji is the best." Li Xianyu crawled over, happily resting his head on thigh of Thunder Zhan Ji.

Thunder Fighter Ji slapped it over.


Li Xianyu's neck seems broken ...


Two people's mobile phones rang at the same time, and the information passed into the mobile phones.

"If there is a task, the prince will let me go to his office." Thunder Zhanji said.

"I also received it." Li Xianyu rubbed his neck and sat up.
