MTL - So I Am A Demon Descendent!-Chapter 92 Demon

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Huang Yicong was horrified and couldn't speak. His childhood nightmare enveloped him again after many years. Li Xianyu can understand the fear of his roommate, just as he secretly turned over his sister's underwear in the closet, and was caught by Bingzi on the spot. Li Xianyu, who was still in elementary school at that time, had no lower fear than Huang Yicong.

The companion died on the third night, and the body was found in the early morning of the fourth day. The internal organs were almost eaten. In the rural house that year, there was almost no sound insulation concept, but the parents in the next room did not hear anything.

The incident was weird everywhere, and it seemed to be listed as one of Chongming's weird deaths.

Huang Yicong, who knew part of the truth, did not disclose it to anyone. He buried the truth with fear in his heart, and worked hard to study, trying to suppress the weirdness through the magnificent three views constructed by the core values ​​of socialism. Who would have thought that after ten years, that thing had found him.

Li Xianyu returned his finger to Huang Yicong, but the latter shrank back with an electric shock, shook his head pale, and refused to live or die.

He had to keep the finger temporarily, play it again, and look at the finger again. If everything arises from it, it must be a good treasure, at least not as ordinary as it seems on the surface.

Li Xianyu opened the ancient demon chat software, and detailed the appearance of the water monkey and the story of Huang Yicong in the group.

Vulcan: "Oh, since I have a strong description, I should know this kind of thing."

The first person to reply to him turned out to be Vulcan, who was very old.

Li Bai: "I look so aggressive, what kind of monster is this? Only a textual description? Salted fish, you need to draw a simple picture book without a computer."

Walking pile driver: "... I don't know anything about that kind of thing, I can't make up for it."

Li Bai: "It's better to hang the southeast branch than useless things."

Walking pile driver: "@ 李白, do you want to fight poetry with me?"

Li Bai: "Farewell."

Just then, Vulcan sent a [stunned] expression: "Kappa, it's Kappa, I remember."

Walking pile driver: "What is Kappa, fierce?"

Vulcan: "Kappa is a relatively docile alien blood, mainly distributed in China ’s Yellow River, the Yangtze River, and the coastal areas of Japan. Kappa was still very common when I was young. Kappa is a prototype of the water monkey that is popular among the people. Twenty years after the founding of the People ’s Republic of China, I do n’t know what ’s going on. The blood community has spread the saying that eating kappa can be beauty and aphrodisiac. In just ten years, the Kappa in our country has become extinct. It happened years ago. "

The **** is exactly like Kato Taka: "The younger generation has said that they have never seen anything like Kappa."

Li Bai: "+1"

Thunder War Girl: "Really, is it true, can Kappa really beautify her? [色 眯眯]"

Walking pile driver: "Can it really tonify the kidneys?"

The system prompts: The walking pile driver has withdrawn a message.

Walking pile driver: "Zhan Ji, don't bring crooked topics, @ 火神 , 河 童 凶凶 不 害。"

Vulcan: "Kappas are docile, omnivores, and often drown children who swim alone into the water and drown, but that's because of their playful habit, not deliberate killing. Usually they don't eat people, but when you In my friend's story, it even crawled ashore and ate someone ... if I guessed right, the Kappa should be domestic, not wild. "

God of Food: "Vulcan means that after the extinction of wild kappa, it has been shamefully turned to farming? I can't wait. [Drooling expression]"

Vulcan: "No, in fact, this is not good news. Wild Kappa is docile, and domestication is not the same. No one will raise these things for appetite, but if they are raised, there must be a purpose. I I heard that some families in the island nation are breeding Kappa and cultivating them as gods. "

King Kong: "Isn't the **** of style manipulating the grieving spirit."

[Administrator of the Archives Department] Murphy: "King Kong, you really have to read more. Do you know about the island country only for adults?"

King Kong: "In fact, I don't know any women in the island when they put on clothes."

Walking pile driver: "+1"

Vulcan: "Sacred gods use spells to control grieving spirits, and some use living creatures as carriers. Kappa is a common type of **** in island nations."

[Administrator of Archives Department] Murphy: "I just went to check the information. In 2007, Chongming did have such an unknown creature cannibalism. The deceased was a child. At that time, he was only 10 years old. All his internal organs were eaten. He was fine, but there was no painful expression on his face, but he was very peaceful. The police judged that it was made by an unknown creature and put the case in the weird incident file. "

"At that time, the law enforcer was the Dao Buddha Association. A monk at Jingxin Temple in Shanghai was investigating the case. He immediately determined that the unknown creature was a Kappa. He stayed in Chongming for two days and then entered the sea along the river for a week. No Find the trace of Kappa. It should be passing by here accidentally and committing crimes with passion. In the end, nothing is left. "

The **** is exactly like that of Kato Taka: "Now it seems clearly that this is not the so-called passionate killing. After many years, Kappa has appeared again. What does it stare at the friend of the salted fish? And Kappa in our country has been extinct. The story in the story Kappa is more like a god, does it mean that this matter is related to the islanders. "

Thunder Fighting Ji: "@walking pile driver, in the story, Kappa gave the child something. That thing is still there, can you take a picture in the group."

Li Xianyu's gaze fell on the jade pull finger, and suddenly his heart moved. This thing, it is estimated that it is a magic weapon. It might even be a good thing over the island.

Every magic instrument will change as long as you input the spiritual power. Thinking of this, Li Xianyu quietly inputs a trace of spiritual power into the finger, and the finger does not change.

Isn't it a magic weapon?

The finger is obviously an item worn by someone. If it is not a magic weapon, it may be a token or something.

Li Xianyu imagined that someone once wore it and used it as a token to order the world .... Oh no, order the island nation to take control of 10,000 people. Spooky, he put his fingers on his thumb.


The moment I put on the ring, there was a thunderous sound in my mind, followed by a sudden dizziness. It's a bit like squatting for too long, and the dizziness that comes when you suddenly get up.

The five senses and six senses seem to be far away from him. Li Xianyu feels that his soul is drawn out of the body and sinks into the boundless darkness.

But in the next moment, a ray of light was torn open in front of him.

"Brother, brother, you're lazy again."

Huang Yan's crisp voice sounded in his ears.

Li Xianyu opened his eyes in the sunny afternoon and looked around. He found himself in a strange environment. His head was covered with a hundred-year-old pine, a huge stone, and a young and handsome priest lying on the stone. Shengsheng stood a girl in a blue robe with an ebony beak between her hair.

He stood on the stone, beside the young priest. Looking up, the mountains and rivers are clear, and the movement is vigorous. The courtyards of blue brick and tile are hidden in the shadows of trees, the sun is shining, and the birds are crying.

"Sister, life is short and dreams are big, don't make a handsome brother sleep." The young man turned over and said lazily.

"Brother, you do n’t even have to practice lazily. Today is the assembly day for all our true disciples to travel down the mountain. In half an hour, Master will be anxious to master brothers. In case he finds that you slip out to sleep lazily again, watch out. He interrupted your leg. "The girl complained with hands on her hips and swollen." In the past, the warlords under the hills fought, and Master let us avoid spiritual practice and not participate in it. Today, the Communist Party of China joins hands to fight against Japan, and the people of the four nations will become a city. It is time for our Taoist disciples to join the world to save the people. "

"A monk doesn't ask Fanchen, he lives in the mountains and forests, and he understands nature, and he can be too forgotten, and heaven and man are one." The young man remained indifferent. "Even Master is here, I say the same."

"So, that ..." The young girl stomped and said, "I'll tell Master about the Tibetan Spring Palace picture under your bed."

"Lent to Brother Yuanqing last month, let's report it."

"Oh, last year you peeked at Sister Taisu's bathing." Fragrant muscles were like snow, Luo Chang slowly resolved Chun Guangxie. The fragrant jade body is gentle, how much wind and moon. "Well, Sister Taisu must not know that Brother Wangchen is so extraordinary."

"Sister-in-law, life is short, how can you dream in a dream."

"Huh, it's late."

"Hey, Shimei comes back and gives me another chance."

The two chased, the figure and voice went away together.

Li Xianyu Muxu stood under the green pine, only to feel familiar with the word "forgetting dust", but he couldn't remember it for a while.

This strange memory goes back to his experience once, because he and his grandmother have become more spiritual and fleshly, so they see a little bit of the past. The picture in front is also in the grandmother's memory?

Warlord melee and the Kuomintang and Communist resistance against Japan should be the era of the Republic of China.

If it is the grandmother's memory ~ ~ Could this little priest be his ancestor?

But Li Xianyu was shocked quickly. First of all, he did not see his grandmother. Obviously, it would not be his grandmother's memory. Secondly, according to the timeline speculation, the descendants of the Li family in this life should be the highest one.

That's right, either on Japanese women or on Japanese women's roads.

How could that ancestor be so proficient, how could he be free to become a Taoist.

It's true, forgetting the dust.

All true, forgetting dust ...

The Republic of China ...

A flash of lightning struck Li Xianyu's mind: Yaodao forgets the dust! !!


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