MTL - So I Am A Demon Descendent!-Chapter 81 Chinese Level 8

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羡 Li Xianyu was born in a common well-off family. His adoptive father was a mixed child when he was young. He had no literary accomplishment, so he did n’t think his children needed any literary accomplishment. Sister Bingzhangzi and Li Xianyu have not even registered for the art interest class until their birth.

When I was in elementary school, the teacher changed the way to induce parents to agree to report the interest class to their children. Parents of other families said bitterly: Teacher wow, this interest class is too expensive, we can't afford it.

Li Xianyu's parents: learn how to draw a fart, and then add, subtract, multiply, and divide. There are brackets. He did n’t even figure this out, and he still learns to draw ..... Is your school crazy? What kind of interest class?

My uncle's adoptive father is so stingy, anal.

So Li Xianyu has never touched the piano since he was young, and he is particularly jealous of his peers who can play the piano.

除了 Except for the staff, everyone has finished breakfast at this point. There are no other diners. Although the location was not suitable, the illusion was very quiet. Victoria played the song without any hesitation, and suddenly realized that someone was behind him.

I looked back and found that it was the Chinese descent who injured his brother, an authentic newcomer.

Victoria showed a smile: "Can you play well?"

The dark blue sea seemed to be alive.

羡 Li Xianyu applauded: "Monkey Sai Lei, Monkey Sai Lei."

Victoria tilted her head: "Silly monkey?"

Her Chinese pronunciation is not standard.

"A dialect, very powerful."

Victoria didn't eat breakfast either. The country side of the country got used to getting up in the morning to exercise first, then eating, and after entering the revolving restaurant, she saw no one around, she played the piano first.

羡 Li Xianyu asked for soy milk fritters Xiaolongbao and sat alone in the corner. Unexpectedly, Victoria brought her breakfast. Bacon, coffee, toast, potato cakes, fried eggs, standard American breakfast.

This Mi Guo Niu's personality seems to be very cheerful and generous, although she grew up in Shanghai, but has little experience in dealing with foreign devils. Li Xianyu did n’t know whether it was her personal character or Mi Education. Instead, she changed to China. The beauty is just one side. After a few conversations, she is definitely not so enthusiastic.

"Is your brother's injury better?" Li Xianyu found a topic.

"It's better ..." Victoria pursed her lips. "We can communicate in Chinese. Your English pronunciation makes me uncomfortable."

"Okay ...." Cai Da's undergraduates felt like they were being ridiculed.

Victoria smiled brightly on her face: "The Chinese teacher said that I was very talented in language. I have only studied Chinese for two years, but I have no problem in oral communication. I came to China to test the learning results."

"Your brother is better." Li Xianyu asked again.

"No," Victoria looked sad. "Crab Crab cared, he often said," Shit, my head is moving, my chest is moving, my body is moving. " "He rarely gets so badly hurt."


羡 Li Xianyu guessed that it should be painful. He remained calm and did not deliberately point out Victoria's typo, which was impolite.

那个 "That, that ..." Li Xianyu said, "Although my injury has recovered, but my body is old, I have no money to buy nutritional products."

After I finished speaking, he had a "you understand" expression.

Victoria beckoned to call the waiter, added Li Xianyu a glass of milk, "eat more nutritious."

Li Xianyu: (╯ ° Д °) ╯︵┻━┻

Who wants to drink milk and money, I want money.

Are you pretending not to understand?

He said he would pay me 200,000 US dollars. All three months have passed. Why hasn't he moved?

"I don't seem to see your companion ha." Li Xianyu is a decent Chinese prostitute, and would not talk too explicit, so he changed the subject.

他们 "They went to Myanmar to catch a group of drug dealers. Ryder and I were going to go too, but he was injured and I stayed to take care of him." Victoria said.

"Drug dealer? Blood ..... superpower?"

"Well, 咚咚 are all bad people."

"Sorry, I'm getting in your way. But the drug dealers in Myanmar ... Why do you want to arrest them?" Li Xianyuxin said, your rice guys have reached out long enough, Myanmar drug dealers Has a Mao relationship with you.

"Oh, this is the case. Last month, this group of drug dealers secretly traded in the rice country. They were found by the law enforcers of our association. The law enforcer was alone at the time and encountered the transaction. They gave love, they were loveless, their love was broken. "Victoria sadly said," The young life is loved by them. "

羡 Li Xianyu took a sigh of coolness. Are these drug dealers beasts?

Victoria said, "This time, the vice chairman will take revenge and use B's words to return B's body."

She said, as if she had given her another way?

羡 Li Xianyu suddenly felt that he was not proficient in Chinese.

羡 Li Xianyu trembled, "Your vice president, want to love back?"

Victoria wondered why Li Xianyu was so embarrassed. She shook her head and said, "Our actions should not be called love, but uphold the law and uphold justice."

羡 Li Xianyu suddenly understood, what a special God loves, obviously it is good or bad, your vocabulary numb my scalp.

Victoria is a talkative girl, born of a blood family, and unlike the ancient aristocrats of the Sunshine Empire, she is full of inherent pride and self-esteem. Hot conversations with newcomers like Li Xianyu can also be hot, but chatting and chatting, this Chinese newcomer suddenly stopped talking to her.

Victoria is confused.

羡 Li Xianyu just feels that it is too tiring to chat with this girl, obviously Chinese is his mother tongue. Why chat with this rice girl, but there is an illusion of being a rookie and an expert in talking.

Every word of Da Neng seems to have a profound meaning. Novices have to bite the word to wake up.

羡 Li Xianyu brushed blood while eating breakfast.

The group is particularly lively today, and many diving colleagues keep a high-density chat.

"Who is still in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, hurry back to the company 揍 Long Aotian."

"Halo, you have n’t finished? It's been half an hour."

"Originally we were going to die for half a death, but suddenly found that Long Aotian couldn't even die."

"Yeah, yeah, he was fighting and he was resurrected with blood. Although I don't know why, everyone is very happy, because then we can love him well."

"Oh my God, you let Jean, the equipment room is filled, I'm not crowded yet."

羡 Li Xianyu waxed Long Aotian in his heart, and suddenly realized that the thunder and lightning king drew his blood, afraid that it was not for Long Aotian's thinking?

If you do n’t inject salted fish blood ~ ~, it ’s just a matter of a meal. After the injection of salted fish blood, it was not a meal, it was **** battle until dawn.

Older gingers are more spicy.

Victoria left-handed fork and right-handed knife, carefully cut fried eggs, "I heard that your company's Long Aotian woke up?"

羡 Li Xianyu looked up at her: "How do you know."

"I just heard what the restaurant staff said." Victoria said, "I really woke up."

She was surprised in tone and look.

羡 Li Xianyu's heart moved: "You know Long Aotian?"

Victoria heard the words, smiled, and the blue sea was rippling and beautiful, "I whispered to you, that Long Aotian of Baoze is very famous in our Superman Association, and you have become a laughingstock. Do you know? Ze has risen too quickly, and a little bit of things have been amplified internationally, causing ridicule. Moreover, Bao Ze made a voice internationally the year before, saying that to open a new era of VR, the attention is very high. As a result, I heard that the staff Long Aotian lost control this year. , And also trapped many superpowers involved. Well, in your Chinese words, the boat of friendship has flipped. "

羡 Li Xianyu is a little awkward.

"The Superpower Daily has opened a special section for this purpose, nothing more than the ridicule of some bystanders, but the latter analysis is very interesting, saying that unless there is a breakthrough in your country ’s Buddhist leader or Baoze ’s swordman, you cannot VR development is destined to be a project with no end. "Victoria whispered:" Who can wake up Long Aotian? It must be an amazing person, Li, is your big boss here? "

期待 The look of anticipation and nervousness flashed in her eyes.

羡 Li Xianyu thought about it and asked, "Do you think that only our boss who lives in the lines can solve this problem?"

Victoria nodded, a proper tone: "Who else can he be."