MTL - So I Am A Demon Descendent!-Chapter 45 Ecstasy

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There was a heavy rain in the afternoon. The clear sky was suddenly overcast, and the green wind was shaking the green trees of the community frantically, and then the heavy rain splashed and poured down, accompanied by the murky thunder, the whole world was blurred in the rain curtain.

Two hours later, the wind stopped and the rain stopped, and there was a bit of coolness in the hot summer.

Grandma Yun grandma thought that today is a day suitable for outdoor activities. Just to test the physical fitness of her great-grandson, she changed her short pajamas shorts to thighs to sports pants, and went with her great-grandson and Sanwu together.

The three men ran a circle around the community, and then kept running along the road, running all the time ...

Twenty-five kilometers later, Li Xianyu was panting, his voice was soft, and his legs were soft and sinking: "Ya Butterfly, Ya Butterfly, slow down and wait for me ..."

Since a big-breasted grandma has lived in the house, his health is getting worse and worse, sometimes when he looks at his mobile phone, it will be ghosted.

Grandma Yun and three faceless expressions ran forward. When Li Xianyu saw them ignored them, she stopped and walked. Grandma frowned, turned back, and threatened him with a pouting breath.

羡 Li Xianyu suddenly lost color, gritted his teeth, stepped forward to follow.

After ten kilometers, more than exhaustion, the bloodless Li Xianyu squatted on the roadside green belt and almost spit out his bile.

"It's useless, just a few moves won't work." Grandma looked at her great-grandson with a distaste.

"You don't squeeze me, what would I do?" Li Xianyu responded out of breath.

His physical strength can not be said to be good, but it is the most energetic age, ten kilometers of road can still handle it, but these days the bones are too weak.

"Tell you not to practice well, and tell you not to exercise well." Grandma scolded.

"It's too late for me to practice qi now, even if I am a desolate ancient body, I can't stop you as a juicer." Li Xianyu said, "Don't my ancestors have been squeezed out to death?"

This sentence seemed to touch grandma and grandma against her scales. She raised her feet in anger and slammed Li Xianyu's buttocks: "Believe it or not, you will kill your unworthy offspring."

Sanwu watched blankly all the way.

Grandma Yun said that it would be good if the child did not fight well, and it would be too much to kill him.

As long as she doesn't die, she doesn't care.

羡 Li Xianyu's mouth is so prestigious. He can only move his mouth, but he can't beat his grandmother. His age is not as high as her, and he can only rely on his mouth to maintain his face.

"Let's take it slowly." Li Xianyu stood up leaning on his waist. "It's too late, and I can't become a master in just a few days. No exaggerated author can write such a plot."

The way of gnawing the kidneys is more than loss but not enough. It is true that nothing is better than reality.

This sentence tells us that kidney deficiency is the correct way for men to open.

The practice of qi and energy is not an overnight effort. For the sake of this, only when he wakes up can he get rid of his current state of weakness.

They found a park. It was just after the rain and there were not many people. Grandma and grandma decided to teach their great-grandson how to defend themselves. But the effect was not ideal. Li Xianyu, a kidney deficiency boy who can break his old waist by leaning on his toes, can obviously pass the age of martial arts. He must learn several simple moves, stiff posture, weak punches, and sometimes Will pull up the arm.

"It really doesn't work. I haven't laid a solid foundation since I was young. Now everything is late and I can only wait for you to wake up." Grandma frowned.

After awakening, the sleeping consciousness in the body revived, and every cell would be reborn, just like in the martial arts novels.

"I feel like I might as well go to the yoga studio to open a monthly card, and then come to learn martial arts with your grandma." Li Xianyu shook his arm and said.

"Yoga ....." Grandma stunned 愣 "Tianzhu's ancient yoga practice? That's not what you want to learn."

"Ancient Yoga?" Li Xianyu asked.

"A secret method for Tianzhu to practice physical fitness."

"Oh, that's different from what I said. Yoga is now the same as Tai Chi. The former is reduced to aerobics and the latter is reduced to aerobics." Li Xianyu said, "When it comes to yoga, I suddenly thought of a joke: Yes My buddy, I fell in love with the yoga teacher, and in order to pursue her, I set up an annual card to be mixed into the yoga studio. After a few months, the buddy suddenly wanted to open, saying: girlfriend or something, it is no longer necessary. "

After finishing speaking, I found that Sanwu and Grandma were expressionless, and did not get his essence at all.

It was a joke to talk about a dirty face with an unconscious face, an old sister-in-law who was 150 years ago.

"When practicing waist, I suddenly thought of one thing." Sanwu said seriously.

羡 Li Xianyu and his grandmother turned their heads together: "What's the matter."

Twenty-three said: "The big boss has a very powerful set of qi-mind training methods, specializing in waist training, called" The Times Are Calling. "

"The times are calling? It ’s not reliable to listen to the name, okay, it ’s not as good as my" 勥 昆 勥 "capsule." Li Xianyu was skeptical.

"The big boss said it was amazing." San Wudao.

羡 Li Xianyu thought for a while, and felt that since it was the mind of Baoze's boss, maybe it wasn't really anything, so he asked, "How do I get it?"

Twenty-three shook his head: "I don't know, the big boss's unique approach is not passed on."

羡 Li Xianyu disappointed: "It's the same as not saying."

If a set of qi and heart training methods can handle the ancestral kidney loss of the Li family, the ancestors will not die young.

"I just don't know when I can wake up." Li Xianyu sighed.

There is no fixed posture for the awakening of the descent, some people are awakened when the old man is pushing a cart, some are awakened when the golden boy is holding a bottle, some are awakened when they are a horse, and the posture is various.

I took two pits to eat Pizza Hut in the evening, and when I got home, I lay directly on the bed to stand dead. A huge sense of tiredness swept through, accompanied by thigh muscle aches.

Strange, he heard the sound of the computer shutting down, the chair sliding, then the light footsteps left the living room, and finally the door closed.

Grandma Grandma went back to the room to sleep.

He was too tired to sleep well. He was lying on the sofa groggy, feeling himself floating in the void, half awake and half-conscious.

What a mess, I did n’t take capsules today.

After half asleep and half awake, he remembered that he had not taken his medicine on time tonight, and his heart was anxious.

I don't take medicine for a meal ~ ~ It's all in vain for three days.

羡 Li Xianyu can't do without capsules, just like addicts can't do without poison.

Uh ...

"Li Xianyu, Li Xianyu, Li Xianyu ..."

似乎 Someone seems to be calling his name in the dark.

Dream or illusion?

"No, someone is calling me." Li Xianyu wondered.

"Li Xianyu ....."

声音 That voice seemed to be anxious, and the speed of his speech was getting faster and faster, and he seemed to want to find him.

I'm so familiar ... Sister's voice?

After the thought spread, he felt himself sitting on the sofa, walking barefoot, stepping out of the living room.

How could sister's voice be here.

Li Xianyu was puzzled.

His voice seemed strangely magical, drawing him to follow it.


In the dark, the sound of the door lock popping open.

The anti-theft door is open, and the night sky is dark red. This kind of dual-use commercial and residential house can see the sky and distant scenery from the door. The hallway was made of iron fences, and people who were afraid of heights were afraid to approach the outer edge of the hallway.

The lights in the corridor were dim, and Li Xianyu saw the end of the long corridor quietly, and there was a quiet shadow standing on it. Just looking at the outline of a figure knew that she was a beautiful woman.

Sister Hui?

羡 Li Xianyu stumbled over.

It was late at night, and no one was present in the dim corridor. There was a monitor in the direction of the elevator directly facing the corridor. If there is a property to look at the monitoring on the 18th floor, you will find that the entire corridor is only Li Xianyu. At a mechanical pace, slowly walked to the other end of the corridor.

每 Every resident he passed, the lamp on his head would go out, and the whole hallway was filled with a horrifying atmosphere.